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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1054730 No.1054730 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, what's your take on racism ?
Does it hold, scientifically ?

For me, it seems logical to assume that different populations mostly breeding between themselves must result in different average intelligences.
But I'm not really sure about this.

>> No.1054745


wtf are they doing?

>> No.1054750

Niggers = / = Black people.

>> No.1054751


>> No.1054756

It's human nature.

>> No.1054766

Racism is irrelevant. Even if the race has an average IQ that is lower, if an individual has an IQ of 140 he should be treated as such, not treated as if his 140 IQ is lower than a white person's 140 IQ. It's pointless to treat an individual based on the average of other people with similar skin tone.

>> No.1054865
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>> No.1056261

Scientifically, there is no such thing as "race".

>> No.1056380

all humans have decended from one disticnt species. all races are common in species. therefore differences in mankind are negligible.

>> No.1056394

We are we going straight from racism to intelligence? Even if blacks are less intelligent... that does not justify racism.

>> No.1056400


*Why are we

>> No.1056412
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>We are we
Nigger coon spotted.

>> No.1056415


I judge people based on their intelligence, not their appearance. If your smart and black, i'l like you better than a dumb asian/white person.

Not my fault blacks tend to dumb. I think it may have to do more with culture and less to do with genetics though

>> No.1056425

>using genetics to discuss sociology


>> No.1056432

Racism is the beleif that another race is insuperior to your race.

That niggers are dumb is technically racism

>> No.1056445

>>1054766 if an individual has an IQ of 140 he should be treated as such, not treated as if his 140 IQ is lower than a white person's 140 IQ

This. That said I have encountered few black people of even above average intelligence. There are almost no black people I respect, but those I do have respect for I find inspiring.

>> No.1056465

>>1056415 I think it may have to do more with culture and less to do with genetics though

I can not pretend to guess if genetics has any effect at all, but there can be no doubt that black culture is devastating to learning.

>> No.1056485
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>> No.1056490

there are different types of intelligences based on ones environment

put a scientist in the fucking african heartland and see how long he/she survives. put a tribesman into a calculus class and see how they perform
i feel that intelligence is the concept as time, a man created way to establish the way one processes and reacts to their environment

>> No.1056502
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What the fuck is happening in OP's picture. I just dont understand whats going on there.

>> No.1056503


I don't understand why IQ is the gold standard for intelligence. IMO, there's a lot that it doesn't measure, and I think drive/work ethic is way more important than intelligence IRL.

This is coming from a 145 IQ person for the record.

>> No.1056504

I've always wondered what is the description of OP's pic? Is it some ritual or what?

>> No.1056513

what about resistance to particular diseases?
any takers?

>> No.1056528

isolate the genes that cause said immunitys, inject them into everyone. Kill the niggers

>> No.1056540

y should be discriminate over intelligence....

retards are human too

>> No.1056553

>>1056380 no race
>>1056261 same species

All dogs are the same species, breeds are ~ races.

Saying this means nothing is wrong. Despite being the same species, we are not an even distribution of alleles, there are major clumps within populations and we've chosen to name those clumps as "race".

While this doesn't preclude mixing, it's moronic to say that just because we can mix freely that we have... we haven't. And it's moronic to say that just because interbreeding is possible that it's not productive to look at differences apparent from clustering.

A chihuahua will never run as fast as a greyhound, chow are clearly stupid and border collies are brilliant.

Identifying such traits MATTERS. If you try using a Maltese to herd your sheep you'll go broke, and if you try carrying a Mastiff in your designer purse you'll quickly tire.

Saying "we're all the same" only stands in the way of progress and suppresses new discoveries about our past and our genetic makeup.

>> No.1056560
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You wouldn't give a retard a gun. yeah man. Your right. Fuck Discrimination.

>> No.1056568

>If your smart

Hurr Durr. You're stupid.

>> No.1056584

Racism: The belief that one's penis size is inversely proportional to his intelligence

>> No.1056603


No one said IQ was the only measure. But as long as we're talking stupid niggers, the entire history of Sub Saharan Africa doesn't speak well to them having other forms of intelligence in abundance.

Work ethic? Drive?

The entire place hasn't produced a single achievement that's benefited mankind in the last 1,000 years. They could hardly build a 2 story building for themselves prior to colonization.

>> No.1056617


Empirical evidence supports this. Also asses. Cultures where women have junk in the trunk correlate well with men who have long dongs.

>> No.1056666

My views on race:

Blacks are clearly less intelligent than whites and asians.

Latinas are hot.

The English are gay.

>> No.1056690

agree, also nice get

>> No.1056700

>implying women aren't racist

>> No.1056727

>benefited mankind in the last 1,000 years

Hey! Black people enslaved by Whites create one of the more prolific form of music in the 20th century... blues.
Is Blues "as benefit-able as" I-Pad-for-fags?

>> No.1056741

There's a difference between your observations and racism. Racialism makes sense. Racism is stupid.

>> No.1056851

>Maybe the most striking numbers are with regard to income-ethnicity trade-offs, as shown in Table 5.6. For equal success with a white woman, an African-American man needs to earn $154,000 more than a white man. Hispanic men need an additional $77,000, and Asian men need an additional $247,000 in annual income. In contrast to men, women mostly cannot compensate for their ethnicity with a higher income." (page 29)

>> No.1057005


In this episode of Bill Nye's "The Eyes of Nye", Bill talks about how the notion of race in our species, Homo sapiens sapiens, is completely wrong and outdated. He and his colleagues in the scientific community show us how we are all of the same race, and that the notion of different races/sub-species in humans today is 100% scientifically incorrect.

>> No.1058180


If you liberal fags are all up about NO SUCH THING AS RACE, then why should we give niggers preference to get into schools?

>> No.1058197

Race is not scientifically valid.

Race is socially constructed.

This social construction is harmful and real.

>> No.1058198

99.9% the same is not 100%.

It's all in the .1%

Niggers don't have Neanderthal DNA, nor certain brain developments that Asians and Whites have.

>> No.1058231


No neanderthal niggers. But Pasty White boy and Azn neanderthals.

>> No.1058340

Niggers breed niggers
Crackers breed crackers

Race is real folks. There isn't some magical division, it's simply a lumping of alleles into categories that are apparent enough for us to give them different names.

Saying there isn't race is fucking stupid. As if race does exist if we're 98% alike but not if we're 99.9% .... the line is arbitrary and even at 99.9% you can SEE the difference.

>> No.1058358
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This is real.

>> No.1058394

/sci/ - Science & Racism

>> No.1058399


Fuck .1%... the Bill Nye video lady said "93% of the variations are found in all populations" ... meaning 7% is not.

7% is a lot more than .1%.

70 times as much.

It doesn't bother me that niggers and chinks both have kidneys and both have tongues and process hydrocarbons, etc.

There's a LOT of difference that is real, genetic, and important.

Just like in fucking dogs. Breed is real. Race is real. Neither are defined by exclusivity nor the inability to fucking mate.

They are simply ARBITRARY names for SUBJECTIVE measures of objective qualities.

If we want to give a name to a half breed, then suddenly it becomes a pure bred. A labradoodle can be seen as a mixbreed or we can declare it its own breed.

Same with people. Naming is arbitrary and ad hoc.

But it's still real. We do have differences. And there are plenty of correlations to performance in all sorts of different measures.

Hello Asians in sports? WHAT!?

>> No.1058402
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Liberals arguing against race are equivalent to creationists arguing against evolution.

Except the creationists are consistent and don't constantly have ideological conflicts.

>> No.1058410

There was totally a study in the last 10 years where the researcher found that European and Asian brains contained an evolutionary feature that African brains did not have.

Caused a minor shit storm. Anyone have the study?

>> No.1058418

In during The Bell Curve, Eugenics, and Social Darwinism

Also, reported on so many levels.
This board needs a mod.

>> No.1058430
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y so butthurt?

>> No.1058445

Because /sci/ has potential. And shit like this is pernicious

>> No.1058455
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>> No.1058457


This is SCIENCE, not politically correct denialism for WARM FUZZIES!

>> No.1058461
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Says who?

Your butthurt self?

Butthurt over the fact that niggers are less intelligent, prone to violence and just generally repulsive?

Butthurt over this being talked about?

>> No.1058467

Me and most of academia.

>> No.1058469
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>> No.1058472

>implying psychometrics, a subfield of psychology, is scientifically valid and sound

>> No.1058482

140 IQ girl

>> No.1058488


>> No.1058491


If you don't know what The Bell Curve is or why it's wrong, you need to not comment here.

>> No.1058497
File: 6 KB, 213x219, 1274628809492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You came here from /new/ for this?
You really have no life, how sad it must be.
I'm sure you're doing the race proud.

>> No.1058516

> academia

Same academia who say "there are no niggers, but let stupid niggers in anyway, just cuz... hellz yeah affirmative action!"

Academia who says "don't discriminate on non-existant RACE! but don't mind us why we discriminate heavily on race."

>> No.1058563

that's just sad, even for /sci/.
serious question: are you 12?

>> No.1058573
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Well the thing is, I don't happen to care what you or any of the other delusional liberals think is destructive(I consider it the opposite, I consider racism a fundamental requirement of a functioning society).

The belief in "racial equality" is one of the biggest fallacies of the last 50 years which can only be overshadowed by the belief that "race does not exist".


I was on /sci/ and /g/ long before /new/.

>> No.1058597


It's not sad at all. Post is basically saying that libtard academics are actively opposed to the anti-Egalitarian truth that race exists, and that there is a performance gap in intelligence that people get but hurt over.

No one seems to care about the reverse athletic performance gap.

Also, post is saying that libtard academics who put forth RACISM in the form of racial preferences are saying RACISM CURES RACISM. And RACE DOES NOT EXIST, but RACISM DOES!

Your thinking is as stupid as an atheist using the Pope as his purveyor of truth.

>> No.1058626
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>> No.1058646

ok, so.... you really are 12?
just had to be sure.

>> No.1058676


AGEIST ... you fucking biggot.

>> No.1058683


Chloe, put down that baby, you have to help JACK!

>> No.1058700

You sir could use some leasons those "libtards" at university teach.

Who the fuck thinks race doesn't exist?

"performance gap in intelligence" lol you don't perform intelligence
Also, learn causal analysis before you talk about the whole "black are less smart beacuse they are black". You really sound ignorant. Lastly, try reading some studies and books on the issue. Pat Hill-Collins comes to mind.

>> No.1058704

age is extremely strongly correlated with knowledge and educational credetials.

>> No.1058706

are you gonna tell your mom about it?
"mommy, mommy, there's someone on the internet who spotted that i'm 12 years of age and now states my argument would be invalid as a result of it!!!! MOMMY, IT'S NOT FAIR"

>> No.1058710

Wait, wait, wait...


>> No.1058725


take a good look and tell us about it anon

>> No.1058739

old pic
it's like mangled bodies, the first few times you stop and stare, but after that you shrug and move on, after that you don't really even notice

>> No.1058750

>educational credetials.

Hurr Durr.

Age is NOT correlated with IQ. Being brainwashed does not imply greater intelligence.

>> No.1058768
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>Who the fuck thinks race doesn't exist?



You can set parameters and quantify intelligence as you define it.

This has been done and blacks score lowest.

Ultimately though I really couldn't care less about black intellect, I don't want them in White countries(or any nonwhites for that matter).

>> No.1058770

i never said intelligence. And IQ is only one measure of intelligence. Never confuse your operational defintion with your conceptual definition.

>> No.1058779

"Liberals"... really? Most academics are liberals... yet most wouldn't say race doesn't exist.

>> No.1058782

you have to ask "why do blacks score lower". Then do causal analysis.

>> No.1058791

>>Except the creationists are consistent and don't constantly have ideological conflicts.

Sure they don't

>> No.1058816

lol, i came here for a relevant and intelligent scientific debate and i see there are trolls here just as on /b/.
racism imo is how the pwople in power control the masses. by having us divided upon lines like race it makes it easier to control us and police us. the same is in jail where wardens and guards permit racial groups to flouish. this makes the races police them selves and also makes it easier for the guards to control tehm, because 100 people is easier to deal with than 1000 united people.if we all stopped being racist and worked together for a unified goal and stopped letting people who claim to be raical leaders control what we think and how we act the world would be a million times better.

>> No.1058822


Niggers have never scored above room temperature on ANY test of intelligence. Just because IQ isn't all encompassing doesn't mean that Niggers have some ace in the hole in the brains department.

>> No.1058826

Someone likes Marx I see. :)

>> No.1058828


Except the niggers under perform, then get in a nigger group and demand to steal shit from whitey.

>> No.1058829

>you have to ask "why do blacks score lower". Then do causal analysis.

"causal analysis"

>> No.1058844

I was the poster of >>1058782
My point was that if you do causal analysis, you will find that it's not because of race.

>> No.1058847
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Genetics and I will stand by this till the end of time.

My hypothesis will not be disproven as blacks will not significantly improve - they may raise themselves some through genetic theft but their performance will never parallel Asians or Whites.

>> No.1058853


I don't find rich, talented, smart niggers to be a problem. They're welcome to swim in my pool. It's the poor, unskilled, stupid niggers who scare me and want to steal my shit.

So, it's really not about ME getting together and being one with niggers, it's about niggers showing the fuck up and rising to the occasion.

>> No.1058857

So you are saying that all blacks have similar genetics? Moreover, that race itself is genetic?

Guess again. There is more genetic diversity among Africans than among non-Africans. Race is not a genetic things beyond the expression and production of melenin.

>> No.1058859

You do not understand social forces.

>> No.1058860

>Ultimately though I really couldn't care less about black intellect, I don't want them in White countries(or any nonwhites for that matter).
Finally, some honesty, see how easy this was?
No more "but it IS scientific, I know this black dude and he listens to linkin park and is a total retard!!!".


>> No.1058862
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>> No.1058883


What, that blacks want my shit are prone to either steal it with violence or by supporting socialist re-distributive politicians who will take it for them by means of taxation, preferential treatment, and fucked up laws?

>> No.1058888


>> No.1058899
File: 52 KB, 533x773, nordic_ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a lot of fallacies in your post, the most obvious being the notion that the summation of ones genetic code is more important then specific segments.

Race is genetic, it is defined by genetic groupings which resulted from isolated reproduction and environmental pressure.

One other thing, I do believe there is more then a difference in skin color between this man and the average subsahran nigger.


I have never said otherwise.

>> No.1058902

You, sir, have no idea what you are talking about. If you have nothing of value to say, then we are done.

PS, I dislike doing this, but
>implying more blacks voted for Obama than whites

>> No.1058906

>defined by genetic groupings which resulted from isolated reproduction and environmental pressure
Africa as a whole does not fit that definition. Yet you will find that Americans do not distinguish between African groups. There is one race: blacks. In that sense, race is not genetic.

>> No.1058912

Believe whatever you want to believe, but remember that you are not white.

>> No.1058919

This guy continues to post nazi pictures (the girl in the first picture has an 88 on her t-shirt for example) and is appearently from germany (SkriptKiddie, last picture has german caption).

why would anyone bother to talk to him?

>> No.1058926

Because he killed the jews.

>> No.1058930

The sociologist fag who's trying to argue with these misguided people here.

I am not arguing so much with him as I am the 12 year old.

>> No.1058940


It's not just color of skin fool. It's morphology as well. Ever seen an albino nigger? Um yeah.

>> No.1058947
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Actually it does but anyway of course we don't make a distinction between various nigger groups and why would we? We don't care.


see image

>> No.1058954


As a percent, fuck yeah they did. Lock step niggers voting for the nigger.

There are more asian rag heads than arab muslims... doesn't make islam an Asian religion. There are simply tons of fucking Asians.


>> No.1058959

morphology is not consistant throughout Africa. Point being that in the US, we identify mostly by skin color. Not lip size. Not jaw length.

And what would morphology have to do with intelligence, income level, or other things correlated with race?

>> No.1058963


Black on white crime far surpasses the difference in their numbers. Niggers DO want to steal my shit.

And TRUTH... a mexican and a nigger did steal my bike.

>> No.1058968

It's only a matter of time before they wind up in porn.

>> No.1058970

is it because they are black in inherently bad? If you think so, then you are an overt racist and nothing I can logic with you will change your mind.

They vote in similar percentages for any democrat. Try again. And what's this rant about arabs and islam?

>> No.1058972
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>skin color

No, that's really not how it works.

>> No.1058977

they seem to be abnormal in morphology compared to other blacks...

>> No.1058986


Who said morphology had to be consistent?

And who said that there is an even representation of niggers outside of africa?

18th, 19th, and 20th century origins of expat blacks to Europe and America are from a select few regions of the continent.

And since when did diversity mean superiority?

There's a lot more diversity in non-border collies than in border collies, but border collies are still superior athletes and more intelligent than all the other dog breeds.

Niggers have a bunch of diverse SHIT in their genes. Because they couldn't fucking figure out how to leave Africa.

Founder effect limits diversity outside of Africa.

Plus, the stay at home Africans didn't evolve higher brain power nor did they fuck the Neanderthals. So not all of the base DNA found in the great caucasian and asian navigators who fled the shit hole of Africa were present in the base African DNA.

>> No.1058999

96 percent of black voters supported Obama
82 percent of black voters supported Bill Clinton

LIAR. Blacks are racist pigs.

>> No.1059005

Niggers have a bunch of diverse SHIT in their genes. Because they couldn't fucking figure out how to leave Africa. [citation needed]

>nor did they fuck the Neanderthals
If that theory is still around in 5 years I'll give it more weight. And yes, I am aware of the recently published study.

So what we need is the following study:
Find a pool of Americans who appear white, but are "genetically" more African (yes, they exist... quite a few). Test them against a group of blacks who are genetically more African and a group of whites who are less genetically African. Compare.

My prediction: the "white africans" will have the same levels of IQ, income, etc as "non-african whites"

>> No.1059011

find me the stats for whites and democratic votes. Probably a drop with Obama

>> No.1059038

That study people keep referencing about Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis interbreeding is way too young.

And sure, it works out being the most parsimonious solution to the genes, but it doesn't mean it couldn't have happened in other ways. As an interesting note, both H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis have red hair, but as a result of entirely different genes.


>> No.1059044

>both H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis have red hair, but as a result of entirely different genes.


>> No.1059048

Okay, I'll give this 5 more minutes. Then it's bed for this sociology fag

>> No.1059058


The IQ gene could be as simple as one allele. Blacks like Thomas Sowell are fucking brilliant. But many blacks in the USA are mixed race. Very few are purely African.

>> No.1059060


Didn't science fags say that red hair was supposed to go extinct like ASAP. Stupid science fags.

>> No.1059063


>psychoanalyzing the OP in a pathetic yet fruitless attempt to seem superior.

>> No.1059067

I was thinking more in terms of percentage of heritage.

If it were a simple allele I'd like to think we'd have found it.

Okay, I'm out. Arguing with racists is like arguing with theists. You are not going to change their mind.

>> No.1059070

Whites, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jews, it's all good.

Niggers are not like the rest of us. There is something fucking wrong with them.

I want to know honestly why 7000 years ago when semites created civilization. In the past 7000 years subsaharan niggers are the only ones who never mastered civilization.

People like the Aztec and Maya were isolated more than any other race yet they had an advanced civilization.

Subsaharan Africans were never that isolated and made contact with the civilized White/Arab world first before even the Asians.

>, the Egyptian historian Al-Abshibi (1388-1446) wrote: "It is said that when the [black] slave is sated, he fornicates, when he is hungry, he steals."

>Al-Dimashqi (Ibn al-Nafis), the Arab polymath, also described the inhabitants of Sudan and the Zanj coast, among others, as being of "dim" intelligence and that: "...the moral characteristics found in their mentality are close to the instinctive characteristics found naturally in animals."

>Al-Jahiz also stated in his Kitab al-Bukhala ("Avarice and the Avaricious") that: "We know that the Zanj (blacks) are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of their actions."

Ancient Roman and Chinese trading along the silkroad never wanted black slaves because they referred to them as "inferior, weaker, inferior work ethnic, less intelligent, extremely not aesthetically pleasing, slower, low stamina, ect."

>> No.1059074

"I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men that have lived here must learn and know; that these individuals are a sub-race; they have neither the intellectual, mental or emotional abilities to equate or share in any of the functions of our civilization.

I have given my life to try and bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status; white, the superior, and they the inferior, for whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equal, they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all his work; and so for any existing relationship or for any benefit to this people let white men from anywhere in the world who would come to help Africa remember that you must continually retain the status; you the master, and they inferior, like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals, never accept them as your social equals; or they will devour you; they will destroy you."
-Albert Schweitzer

>> No.1059076

Sociology and Psychoanalyzing are discrete sets.

And I did not psychoanalyize... I did point-counterpoint.

>> No.1059079

Didn't some Jew from national geographic prove niggers were basically subhumans and genetically inferior? Enjoy your no Neanderthal, niggers.

>> No.1059084

Most Liberals don't support affirmative action - at least in Europe.
Lol amerikka

>> No.1059087

casual ordering issues again

mmm racism

>> No.1059093

sure he did... also see >>1059038

>> No.1059101


Fucking the Neanderthals doesn't prove anything yet regarding intelligence or much else.

What it DOES demonstrate is that your claim of "Africans are more diverse than non-Africans" isn't universally true all over the genome.

It's true from SOME sequences. Not for others. In the case of sequences related to the Neanderthal study, the scientists found that the closer you got to Africa, the LESS diverse those specific markers became.

So, we learn something we could have figured out in an arm chair. That a large african gene pool and a smaller exodus pool means that for extant genes that are ancient, people closer to Africa would be expected to show greater diversity in alleles for those genes.

For possible mutations that started outside of Africa, either in the Middle East or even Europe, possibly in a related breedable pool like Neanderthal, we would expect there to be more diversity in those injected new genes the closer you are to the site of injection... i.e. middle east, europe... and less as you go back toward the earlier migration.

Given that people were fluid and possibly left and came back to Africa, etc. we see what we'd expect to see.

But again, diversity per se doesn't equate to anything. The Africans aren't unimpressive because they are homogeneous. They're unimpressive because they fail culturally, historically, and contemporaneously across multiple measures.

Music, dance, and athletics don't compensate enough for the dry spell otherwise.

>> No.1059105

Racism is basically hating anyone who is of a particular group.

Liberals don't see the irony that they hate basically everyone who disagrees with them?

Then all the liberals who spout tolerant bullshit to not judge people based on shit like religion and then bash on Christianity then all this atheist garbage?

Why do liberals fail so fucking hard to see their own hypocrisy and actually get so asspained when someone calls them a racist? Are nonracists somehow BETTER than other people? Because I have a long long long list that says you're wrong. Even the most famous niggers they defend openly feel more "connected" and "proud" and would openly chose and defend their own kind over others but when whites do it, it's just wrong. What the fuck is wrong with your libfaggots? Kill yourselves, you're worthless trash.

>> No.1059108


>ad hominem

You are doing it again. Back on topic or shut up!

>> No.1059110

niggers are subhuman, everyone else is cool.

>> No.1059122

Ad hominem means I am attacking you. I wasn't. I was correcting you.

strawman argument. Also implying conservatives don't do the same.

>> No.1059147

Why doesn't the ACLU stand up for the rights of a private business to discriminate?

Particularly the one clause in the Civil Rights amendment that Rand Paul, et al bring up as going too far.

>> No.1059152

This post is bathing in irony.

>> No.1059569
File: 185 KB, 1142x834, TenArguments-wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

No it isn't.

What you screenshotted was posted 2 MONTHS AGO and was ONLY UP FOR 6 DAYS before someone justifiably erased it as garbage.

<--- The initial posting, and subsequent erasure are compared here

>> No.1059650

>Liberals don't see the irony that they hate basically everyone who disagrees with them?

This statement is a good gem hidden amongst your post.

I'm a social liberal through and through. However, i started out a pacifist and very tolerant. But as the years go on i'm becoming steadily more politically active, less tolerant (of biggots, idiots, etc) and a more violent person.

As it better enables me to change the world around me, i think it's a change for the better.