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10545465 No.10545465 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK is wrong with the Chinese?


>> No.10545469

pick one

>> No.10545486 [DELETED] 

Nothing new, spaniards did the same in america centuries ago

>> No.10545491

good for them, chinese eventually will be capable of creating the technology to make a chinese give birth to a super intelligent white children.

I hope the best for them.

>> No.10545499

Eh, nothing great has ever come out of people who weren't considered 'bad' by many.

>> No.10545504

>rise of the Planet of Apes: China edition.

>> No.10545506
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Good on them, westerners are cringe being all 'ethical' with science even when they're stupidly destroying themselves. Morons.

>> No.10545527

I don’t see what’s unethical about making slightly more intelligent monkeys.

>> No.10545529

Yeah Hitler had some good ideas. Kill your self.

>> No.10545535

von Braun was unethical and got workers abused, eugenics isn't terrible either. The nazis just larp cringed their pants. Stop being cringe.

>> No.10545549

There are so many racist comments i could do provided this article...

>> No.10545566

wrong board retard

>> No.10545570

>What the FUCK is wrong with the Chinese?

They're not bound by a bunch of rainbow haired twats and overweight bible thumpers somehow unifying to scream DON'T DO THAT DON'T DO THAT HEY DON'T DO THAT! to any fucking form of scientific advancement.

>> No.10545603

Yes Hitler was one of the greatest humans ever to live according to my moral system.

Ethics is a spook.

>> No.10545606

Yeah how lucky the Chinese are that there’s no one to oppose evil there.

Eugenics is terrible. Stop being cringe.

>> No.10545642

Eugenics is ultimately a good it's more evil to let genetic illness and diseases to exist than to remove them

>> No.10545761

They are preparing to war against western civilization, and they want cheap cannon fodder. That means cloning and genetic engineering. It is like backup plan in case they lose AI race.

>> No.10545788

While unethical, german doctors during ww2 kind of created medicine for high altitude flights, anesthetic. Those very brutal and unethical experiments probably will save way more people than they killed. I think they already have saved more than they killed during experiments. We would probably get to same level in those medical procedures, but delayed by decades. That stuff is used daily for every surgery, imagine having now anesthetic technology from 1950s, how many surgeries would fall?

So will you kill 1000 of people to potentially save millions?

>> No.10545790

I support this. Should be interesting and lead to interesting things.

>> No.10545801
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Catgirls soon.

>> No.10545808


>> No.10545810
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>The chinese are going to start employing literal monkeys to mine africas resources because the natives are too incompetent

>> No.10545847

Nothing wrong, FUCK bioethics.

>> No.10545866
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Nothing wrong with GMO food.

>> No.10545884
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>The chinese are going to start employing literal monkeys to mine africas resources because the natives can't see the difference between actual monkeys and them

>> No.10546010

Lol yeah let’s murder children too

>> No.10546014

Would you imprison, and then kill the people you love and watch them suffer in constant torture if it meant the research gathered could save some random people 100 years in the future?

>> No.10546023

Abortion is pretty common all over the world.

>> No.10546325

Children shouldn't get human rights until they prove they're smarter than pigs.

>> No.10546335

I don't love anyone

>> No.10546374

Communist China is the new Nazi Germany.
1) supremacist ideology
2) concentration camps with millions
3) unethical medical experiments (including harvesting organs from still conscious people)
4) military buildup

>> No.10546389

The west may claim intelligent is only "culture" and that's the west's choice. Its not science. Chinese are advancing genetic science.

>> No.10546394

Then I hope you find people you truly love some day Anon.

>> No.10546400

Every animal should have rights.

>> No.10546402

It's ethics, just not yours. Stay put in the stone age, kiddo, China is moving on.

>> No.10546611

>unethical medical experiments (including harvesting organs from still conscious people)
I highly doubt this one

>> No.10546664

we could afford to have ethics when the other people who shared the oligopoly on the world also shared our values. it was a way of giving up a bit of progress in exchange for fitting in. That time is past.

>> No.10546679

>I highly doubt this one
It's pretty much beyond dispute.




>> No.10546700

i loathe china and the chinese people. they are the only people i am actively racist towards. they're like a completely different species

>> No.10546835

>Eugenics is terrible.

I hope you are trolling.

>> No.10546842

OMG I love China now

>> No.10546851

Except niggers

>> No.10546863
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>> No.10546880

>/sci/ defending chinksects
ooo me torture animal for weeks make meat taste better

>> No.10546891

Nothing, this is fucking great!

>> No.10546952
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neat i could always go for some animal genetics inserted into my body/brain. where do i sign up?

>> No.10546953

Literally both political wings approve of eugenics, they just differ on method.
You've been left behind by the dialog, grandpa

>> No.10546965

>Eugenics is terrible. Stop being cringe.
Eugenics is what forged civilization from wilderness.

>> No.10546972

Based chinaman
Chinese are super cool they get the nigga pass (I'm black)

>> No.10546978
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>> No.10546980

That's what natural selection is for. Don't need you to decide who has the best traits.

>> No.10546982

im more for crispr cas9 genetical metamorphosis then outdated selective breeding. with this tech you would think cross breeding for new exotic genetics would be the way they would go.

>> No.10546988
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what the hell is that thing? lol.

>> No.10546992


Chinese Scientists: By harnessing AI and genetics, we can master life itself and rewrite the rules of our entire existence, giving humanity the power of Gods.

The West is so pathetic. Doubling down constantly on the anti-scientific slave ideology of "equality" between perfection and failure.

>> No.10547005

Ethics also includes honesty, which China has also demonstrated a lack of. Everyone saying ethics impedes science is a retard. You're falling for grifters who appeal to your sense of moral superiority.

>> No.10547012

Yes all white scientists are cucks. That is a totally reasonable argument. Why is it China has to steal all their technology from us?

>> No.10547019

commies were bigger cucks.

>> No.10547048

>Chinese Scientists: By harnessing AI and genetics, we can master life itself and rewrite the rules of our entire existence, giving humanity the power of Gods.
well thanks the gods someone over there got it. our american government is run by idiots. lemme out of this crazy zoo.

>> No.10547068

>Chinese Scientists: By harnessing AI and genetics, we can master life itself and rewrite the rules of our entire existence, giving humanity the power of Gods.

kek, more like, Chinese scientists:
>hey Josef Mengele, hold my beer!

>> No.10547094

>2) concentration camps with millions
>Putting m*dslimes in camps is somehow bad

Fuck off, there's a reason why they don't get truck of peace and theater bombings. Chinks know how to deal with sandnigger menace.

>> No.10547129

>Why is it China has to steal all their technology from us?

It is only 40 years since China began to modernize, compared to 200 years for the West. However, since the Chinese have higher average IQ and are not cucks, the future belongs to them.

>> No.10547211


>> No.10547220


>> No.10547231

>stone age
You know Western ethics is highly unusual and took centuries of development, right? It's the most unnatural and 'advanced'.

>> No.10547233

How can you put ethics over evolution. We will literally make this planet uninhabitable before we have any chance leaving at this rate. People have no perspective.

>> No.10547406


>> No.10547452

based chink doing sci the right way

>> No.10547453

Based chinks.

>> No.10547480
File: 35 KB, 830x547, CHINA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good!!! communist china doing the work the feminized-blacked west doesn't dare to do anymore. I hope the west dies soon

>> No.10547523

Ethics is a leftist meme.

>> No.10547526

How soon before Jewish people start encouraging diversity for China?

>> No.10547607


>> No.10547663
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This is the true power of communism.
Comrade Xi will usher in the age of the monkey and free the workers from their chains.

>> No.10547685

They're already out-Jewing everyone. The Chinese are the Jews of the east and there are 1.3 billion of them.

>> No.10547726

I only trust Japanese scientists.

Japan has more Nobel STEM Prizes than China

>> No.10547861

>Xi will free the workers
>t. downing in utter delusion

>> No.10547924

Can we make niggers smater using the same technique?

>> No.10547928

Western governments will do a 180 on nature vs nurture over night, they will pretty much have to stay competitive. Then the eugenics wars will begin.


>> No.10547935


Humans are natural, eugenics is therefore natural.

>> No.10547956

Granting monkeys the genes of the human race is the most ethical thing we could do. It s the greatest reward: the human conscience.

>> No.10547959

I don't understand, how can changing genes make them smarter? I thought intelligence was chiefly determined by socioeconomic status.

>> No.10548124
File: 31 KB, 670x503, 2D2E8649-42FD-44EA-8DCC-DEE940D96843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying conscience isn’t the greatest curse one can bestow

>> No.10548540

Based chinks

>> No.10548580

tfw only china now have the balls to actually advance medsci

>> No.10548616

t. Caesar

>> No.10548622
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>What the FUCK is wrong with the Chinese?

Well one can wonder but I'm pretty sure in the future it will having something to do with being:
>.25 onions (tradition)
>.25 gorilla (bigger dicks)
>.25 octopus (camo/brain limbs/hentai)
>.10 ant or bee (probably will be class based)
>.10 spider (silk)
>.05 robot
>100 jew

>> No.10548650

You doubt china is doing "X" because it's heinous? Not a good bet. Chinese prisons are pretty much just junkyards for people to harvest organs from.

>> No.10548814

the genes gave them lighter skins so the researchers subconsciously started treating them better

>> No.10549164

Humanity no longer has enough selective pressure to ensure this and so the only option left is to recreate or make our own selective pressures i.e eugenics

>> No.10549166


>> No.10549185

You act as if the U.S. is doing questionable things either.


They made a 3d printed skull for rat so they can see brain neurology live in action.

>> No.10549221

Do they at least make efficient use of all the organs or do they do shitty things like harvest only duplicate organs?

>> No.10549569

>can do this
>still can't fix genetically small penis

In the unlikely event that a woman carries my seed, and said seed is a male, I want to have it's DNA modified so it has a big 6 inch, thicc dick. Why my mother ever decided to fuck my micro dick dad is beyond me.

>> No.10549586

The Chinese are the scientists we deserve, but not the scientists we need right now.

>> No.10549587

Spooks are a spook.

>> No.10551203

Based chinks

>> No.10552567

You gotta admit though. We are all fucking curious what would happen.

>> No.10552572


4chan is actually only one board. Retard.

>> No.10552615

>these results surprised absolutely nobody
>was generally seen as a complete waste of time
>and now we have even more retarded humans

>> No.10552620
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based. fuck cowards and fuck niggers.

>> No.10552698

it hardly seems like a waste of time since it helps uncover which genes play a role in intelligence

>> No.10552892

finally, scientists who aren't pussies
you can't do any good science without experimenting, i'm glad real experimentation is being done again

>> No.10552903

Because it's the most sensible thing to do? Why create technology that already exists, that's a waste of effort.

>> No.10552969

>Do the ends justify the means?

A dangerous statement, but in this case yes.

>Is it moral to deny technological progress that could have unforeseen consequences on the future of humanity?

Perhaps we give our genetically modified übermensch brethren super-cancer and for some reason its infectious and wipes out all mammals.

With so many possibilities, so many choices, we can only hope we make the correct ones.

>> No.10553061

Asians have a lower rate of genius production due to a lack of mutant production

>> No.10553132

Good for them theyre the only ones accomplishing anything these days.

The West does nothing but hold humanity back.

>> No.10553141

monkeys may be smarter, but we have bigger penises

>> No.10553467

>insert intelligence genes into monkey brain
>monkey intelligence goes up
>"We had NO IDEA those were intelligence genes before!"
At a certain point the process devalues itself.
But then, how arbitrary are monkey IQ tests if human ones are publicly decried as meaningless?

>> No.10553476

Bayer wouldn't even exist

>> No.10553488

>how lucky the Chinese are that there’s no one to oppose Science there.

>> No.10553499

found the newfag

>> No.10553501

>avoiding the word filter
Found the real newfag

>> No.10553507 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, Battotai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the country that ties dogs and cats to trees and skins them alive because they don't want to ruin the pelts by mercy killing them beforehand.

This is the country that puts bears in small concrete rooms without feeding them or giving them any sort of stimuli until they puke up bile so they can use said bile as an aphrodisiac.

The Chinese either don't understand ethics, or make it their duty to violate all of them.

Imperial Japan literally did nothing wrong when it came to these fucking vermin. The West was wrong to condemn Japan's actions.

>> No.10553563

They were genes that were suspected of being linked to intelligence and now they have been confirmed to have an affect on monkey's its confirmation of something and absolutely of key importance.
>But then, how arbitrary are monkey IQ tests if human ones are publicly decried as meaningless?
IQ tests definitely have meaning as they're the greatest tool we have to measure intelligence and when we're inserting genes that are associate with intelligence it is the best way to measure any changes that these genes bring in the specimens.

>> No.10555442

The west is still the leader in science.

>> No.10555774

Why can't we just Meme a project into existence that demands genetic cognitive enhancement, freely available as a good/service in our economy? I, for one, welcome any science that increases human intelligence, and think it is not only morally acceptable, but a moral imperative for all of humanity. How dare any scientist withhold humanity's genetic potential.

>> No.10555789

China has a communist government. They can do anything they want.

>> No.10555813
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>> No.10556232

What stuns me is that after all this western governments including the US continue to insist on appeasing China instead of purging them from the face of the earth while we still have the chance.
Did they learn nothing from the last war?

>> No.10556253

The only thing wrong here is that China is doing shit like this and instead of following suit were importing massive numbers of GIBSMEDATS & MUHAMMADS so that they ethnically replace whites, giving the world to China basically.

>> No.10556264

Lmao i bet you love kikes and niggers too

>> No.10556809

Yes human life is worth a lot less than you'd think

>> No.10558186

This is about much bigger things than meat, pea brain.

>> No.10558209

wut? i didn't understand this am I a newfag?

>> No.10558215

you haven't spent enough time around Indians

>> No.10558230

Natural selection is hardly a thing anymore, that's the problem, you negative IQ faggot.

>> No.10558259

Indians are gross at worst. Chinese are evil at worst.