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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10542885 No.10542885 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10542905

9^e = 392.554602272...

>> No.10542912

stupid thread
I have a better question
how to improve my eyesight? I'm almost completely blind
glasses don't help and I can't afford laser op

>> No.10542949

You need to build muscle, the healthier diet from it will help your eyes.

>> No.10542959

9^e = 9 * 9 * 9^(2-e)

>> No.10542968

Have a healthy diet, one that facilitates good eyesight. Other than that, have smarter viewing habits.

>> No.10542986


>> No.10543007

wwhat is healthy diet?

>> No.10543021

I came here to post this

>> No.10543039

Is it a known meme or how would you have writte down that wrong statement in particular?

>> No.10543042 [DELETED] 


>> No.10543048



>> No.10543055

Exponentiation can't be defined by recursive multiplication on non integers. How can you all be so sure that 9^e is even a number?

>> No.10543066

Is it an operator?

>> No.10543069

what do you mean by that?

>> No.10543070

[math]9^e=e^{e ~ ln9}[/math], where [math]e^x[/math] is defined as the solution to the differential equation [math]Df(x)=f(x)[/math] and [math]f(0)=1[/math], and [math] ln(x) = \int_1^x \frac{dt}{t}[/math].

>> No.10543076

>he doesn't know what an operator is

>> No.10543079

you can't be sure that a real solution to the differential equation is guaranteed.

>> No.10543084

Sure can, Picard-Lindelof.

>> No.10543086
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>> No.10543088

is what an operator?

>> No.10543097

>requires completeness on the reals
The theorem is irrelevant.

>> No.10543098

> 9^e = 9^(4-e)
Someone needs to go back and review his exponent rules

>> No.10543100
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>> No.10543105

What's wrong with the Dedeking cut construction?

>> No.10543119

Nothing. What's wrong is the theorem was discovered before Dedekind. You got lucky, you fucks.

>> No.10543126
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Dark spirit status: banished.
Clean the thread up, jannie.

>> No.10543796

just find a taylor expansion for 9^x and plug in e. great way to define exponentiation over the reals

>> No.10543802

you can define exponentiation for the rationals trivially and then just cauchy sequence that shit to the reals

>> No.10543921

>where [math]e^x[/math] is defined as the solution to the differential equation
holy shit kill yourself faggot.
[math]e^x[/math] is defined as [math]lim_{n \to \infty} (1 + \frac{x}{n})^{\frac{1}{n}}[/math]

>> No.10543927

based math shaman

cauchy sequences construction is superior to Dedecuck cuts any day of the week except Sunday

>> No.10543934

>then just cauchy sequence that shit
/sci/ now officially works as an anonymous image board.

>> No.10543960


>> No.10543976
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>> No.10544040
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>he didn't do early transcendentals

>> No.10544227
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>> No.10544232

>what are equivalent definitions

>> No.10544255 [DELETED] 

[math] \displaystyle
lim_{n \to \infty} \left ( 1 + \dfrac{x}{n} \right )^{\frac{1}{n}}

>> No.10544261

[math] \displaystyle
\lim_{n \to \infty} \left ( 1 + \dfrac{x}{n} \right )^{\frac{1}{n}}

>> No.10544276
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>tfw the morning class was full so had to do late transcendentals instead

>> No.10544278

two statements being equivalent doesn't change the fact that one is the definition and the other isn't
drop out and never look back. you're useless

>> No.10544840

You dense motherfucker. Let me rephrase the question. Does it happen to be an operator?

>> No.10544863

Is this a forklift meme?

>> No.10544971

is this the brainlet math helpthread

someone halp me find local max/min for x^4e^-x

>> No.10545060

Knuth defines real exponents as far I can tell (TAOCP 1, p. 22), is there anything wrong with applying his fairly simple definition here?

>> No.10545203

Take first and second derivatives, find their roots.

>> No.10545578

>does it happen?
>is it an operator?
What is it?

>> No.10545605

an operator

>> No.10545629

But what is 9^(a+bi)

>> No.10545646
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>mistaking the title of a freshman-year textbook for the name of an actual subject

>> No.10546002

(9^a) * (9^b)^i

>> No.10546007 [DELETED] 

Because exponent is defined as the differentiable function that satisfies f(x)=f’(x) for any real x and f(0)=1.

>> No.10546028

>What is 9^(1/2)?

>> No.10546038

Function is non negative and zero at x=0, this is the first minimum

>> No.10546045

It's defined as a limit. Now go read a book instead of asking to be spoonfed.