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10538162 No.10538162 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that if you believe that the summation of all natural numbers equals - 1/12 you're fucking retarded

>> No.10538164

>natural numbers
it's complex numbers, so no problemo

>> No.10541195

it is though

>> No.10541203

math is retarded

>> No.10541274

Reminder that if the sum of all natural numbers being -1/12 isn't instantly intuitive to you you're basically braindead

>> No.10541374

It literally doesn't because the proof of this requires breaking with the widely accepted definitions of addition.

>> No.10541417

>it's a "some perma phd failure picks some cherrypicked
border definition and implements it in some basic equation to fuck it up and be le ebin joker"

And they wonder why people hate mathematicians

>> No.10543087


>> No.10543219

define summation

>> No.10543640
File: 692 KB, 2448x3264, o8urujzb53b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that zeta(-1) is -1/12, but people assume the zeta function is equvilent to the infinite sum on all numbers.

>> No.10543647

Say a little more?

>> No.10543653

Prove it's not retard, I watched a video from numberphile on this subject so I know a thing or two about this.

>> No.10543676

Give this man a PhD.

>> No.10543677

>the widely accepted definitions of addition.
no one cares about your "widely accepted" definition, you use a bad definition

give a reason against it then
and not "the partial sums diverge"
the partial sums are just from your arbitrary definition

>> No.10543687
File: 8 KB, 252x200, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1+2+3+4+5... = -1/12
>-1/12 = 0.833333333
>therefore 1+2+3+4+5... = -0.83333333
>sum of all natural positive number (up to infinity) is a FINITE negative number

To add salt to injury, the absolutely retarded explanation to this is
>xD uhh let's manipulate some other infinite additions
>would be undefined right? NOPE XD
>since ummm if you stop at one point you would get zero and on the next one you would get 1 LETS ROUND IT UP!
>1-1+1-1+1-1 = 0.5

Such a load of bullshit.

>> No.10543697

>since ummm if you stop at one point you would get zero and on the next one you would get 1 LETS ROUND IT UP!
thats not the explanation at all

>> No.10543702

Let's hear it then.

>> No.10543711

oh cool it's this thread again
now i get to read the wikipedia article on ramanjuan summation again

>> No.10543714

Based and number p(h)illed

>> No.10543780

The series of the n first terms of any series is
a + b
a + b + c
a + b + c + d

right? this is just the partial sums
now doesnt it make perfect sense for
a + 1/2 b
a + b + 1/2 c
a + b + c + 1/2 d
a + b + c + d + 1/2 e
to equal the exact same thing?

we're accelerating the convergence
and with the second collection, the partial sums are always exactly 1/2 with 1-1+1-...
so the limit trivially exists at 1/2

and also
\space \space \space G = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 +1 -1+... \\
-G = \space \space - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1+... \\
-G = \space \space -1 + G \\
\space \space \space \displaystyle G = \frac{1}{2}

>> No.10543810

You're talking about partial sums on an infinite series.

Down to the most barebone explanation possible, the sum of all natural numbers is either undefined or infinite, because there's no way to calculate a finite answer out of an infinite calculation.

As for 1-1+1-1 etc. it's the same thing, you can arbitrarily "end" your calculation and get 0 or 1, but if you really mean it when you say "the sum never ends" then you can't give it a finite answer.

>> No.10543825

I stopped math in grade 11 and never took anything in university and even I know that a divergent series sums to infinity

>> No.10543826
File: 4 KB, 478x492, t3ZpD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if you really mean it when you say "the sum never ends" then you can't give it a finite answer.
totally unsubstantiated

>> No.10543827

You can't alter the order of addition with complex numbers

>> No.10543833

where did the order of addition change

>> No.10543838

Thats because G will equal 0 or 1 in the end, so you're simply manipulating it towards your point without account for both parts. Youre effectively averaging it

>> No.10543842

In not adding the first 1 of G with the first -1 of G. You have to keep it in order

>> No.10543852

>in the end

>without account for both parts.
the series approach the same value thing, how am i not accounting for everything?

>Youre effectively averaging it
im accelerating the convergence
it just so happens that accelerating convergence with an alternating series looks like weighted averages

they werent added together

>> No.10543922

NHAE praise ababou

>> No.10543938

Math isn't real retards.

>> No.10543970

You can't define something that is infinite with a finite value, Wojack. Meditate on it.

>> No.10544041

neat meta physics, but do you have any math at all?

>> No.10544146
File: 37 KB, 566x438, 1537026942536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me lol irl senpai

>> No.10544160

I don't, because there'a no math needed.
Your averaging bullshit is the real metaphysics here.

>> No.10544188

cope for retards, huh?

>> No.10544241
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>> No.10544347

you have yet to write any actual math

>> No.10544677

0.999...= 1
it sure the hell isn't >1

>> No.10544748

it doesn't
1+2+3+4+... = -1/12 now add 5
1+2+3+4+...+5= 59/12 and continue doing so by adding 6, 7 and all other natural numbers

>> No.10545705

>if i dont write the terms, they arent actually there
1+2+3+4+5+... +5 isnt equal to

>> No.10546702


>> No.10546774

>[math] 0.999... \ngtr 1 [/math] is bait

>> No.10549060

It doesn't equal 1, infinitely close to something doesn't mean you're there. It means the opposite: that you're NOT there.

>> No.10549181

when 2 numbers are equal, if you subtract them you get 0
so whats 1 - .99...
keep in mind that "infinitely close to 0" doesnt exist, then 1/.00000... would be infinity, and we know infinity isnt a number

>> No.10549209

define "equals"

>> No.10549227

>we know infinity isnt a number
"We" need category theory and clearer terms.

>> No.10549232
File: 804 KB, 500x281, lovely-blog-award-curse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligent shitposting. I wonder if there is some general rule along these lines that can be applied to the partial sums to give values to diverging series more-or-less consistent way?

>> No.10549253

Serious question: does infinity have a reciprocal?

>> No.10549287

Null o

>> No.10549291

1/3 = 0.33333333...
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3( 1/3 ) = 1
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3( 1/3 ) = 0.99999999...
0.999999... = 1

0.99999... x 2 = 1.99999...
0.99999... x 3 = 2.99999...
0.99999... x 55 = 54.99999...
So this doesn't even effect calculations. You just end up with a tail of 9s instead of the next whole number.

>> No.10549503

The technique I outlined there is called Cesaro summation, more specifically it's the First Cesaro sum

there are many more, Abel summation, Euler summation, Ramanujan summation is most well known, they generally fall under the name Abelian or Tauberian Theories
Hardy's book, Divergent Series is great
But yeah, the "consistent" ways are those done by good enough methods
ie the Regular methods and the linear methods

no, only (non zero) numbers have reciprocals and inf isnt a number
though you can say the limit of 1/x as x approaches inf is 0

>> No.10549549

>now doesnt it make perfect sense for
It really doesn't.

>> No.10549561

Yeah, the Numberphile video on it was really bad. I think that's where all the controversy comes from. That = sign is what really triggers me.

>> No.10549564

>infinitely close to something doesn't mean you're there
topkek, that's exactly what it means.
it's the finite ones that "don't get there"

>> No.10549723

then i have some bad news for you

>> No.10550493

If the sum of all natural numbers is -1/12 what is the sum of all integers?

>> No.10550555

probably 0

>> No.10550902

inf-inf, which is undefined

>> No.10550961

Define these meme words

>> No.10551112


>> No.10551162

if by intuitive you mean that even a retard would unconsciously infer the induction that if the sum is of all numbers positive, then whatever the answer is, its value must be at least as high as any one of the of the numbers summed, e.g. at least 1. If your answer doesn't fit this inference, then you should consider the possibility your answer is wrong, find a different answer, then and only then consider which one is more likely true, struggle with the apparent notion that all knowledge is necessarily just a scale of likelihoods, suffer an existential crisis, and kill yourself.

>> No.10551188
File: 39 KB, 2560x507, 920302_ra303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

induction only works for natural numbers, infinity is a natural you fucking idiot
>even a retard would unconsciously infer the induction that if the sum is of all numbers positive, then whatever the answer is, its value must be at least as high as any one of the of the numbers summed
and even a retard would say that if you only add rational numbers together you can only get a rational number, but thats not fucking true, maybe actually learn some math before you talk out of your ass on it
fuck yourself, you 3 iq condescending shit

>> No.10551247

yes, [eqn]\infty * 0 = 1[\eqn]

>> No.10551491
File: 19 KB, 220x286, 220px-Leonhard_Euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Sums your divergent series*

>> No.10551999

inf * 0 is undefined

>> No.10552154

its not a series! what are you doing its the cesaro summations and its a limit and if you assume the sequence its convergent then you can define the value of the sequence G with the cesaro summation, but you assumed conditionally that diverges

>> No.10552162

heh i meant *converges

>> No.10552175

do not mess with rigorous math please, you are making a lot of assumptions and you cant just judge them with logic

>> No.10552187

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.10552312

I imagine there is a man who is constantly +1-1+1-1...+1-1 in his life.
What is this man? Is he 0? No. Because he exists. He is half a man. 1/2.
+1+2+3..+4+5. This is every natural number. So everything that exists in our universe. What is the sum? A negative. Why? Because it is not ours, but God has given it to us. And we owe to him. Moreover the fact that it is a mere -1/12 means that it is but a infenticimal fraction of his actual power.
Makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.10552466

it's -1/8


>> No.10552469

Sorry, m8, but all I read was "induction only works with" and "you fucking idiot." You seem to be purposely misunderstanding what I mean by "induction," and purposely disobeying the principle of charity. Induction, in logic, merely means to infer from the general to the specific, which applies to inference from all types of numbers. I'm not even sure how you've implicitly defined it, but I assure you that your misunderstanding does not imply I am the one who's wrong, you goddamn fucking retard. People as stupid as you should and will be killed.

>> No.10552472

Are you still memeing about this?
You're like a year late.

>> No.10552494

your "proof" of "if you add n positive numbers, you get a positive" is where you use mathematical induction you uneducated twat
>if the sum is of all numbers positive, then whatever the answer is, its value must be at least as high as any one of the of the numbers summed, e.g. at least 1.
>If your answer doesn't fit this inference, then you should consider the possibility your answer is wrong
your "intuitive" proof of this is done through induction, which is not valid for an infinite sum

>but I assure you that your misunderstanding does not imply I am the one who's wrong, you goddamn fucking retard.
you are the one with the misunderstanding, "if you add infinite positive numbers, you get a positive" is not true, you have assumed it is

>People as stupid as you should and will be killed.
you are posting on a topic you know nothing about, there is nothing stupider than that

>> No.10552566

Reminder that if you don't understand that the equal sign there doesn't have its traditional meaning, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10552577

The most irritating thing about these troll posts like -1/12 and .999... isn't even the obviously pretending OP. It's retards like these
who have no understanding of what they're talking about but they memorized some facts so they're obviously much smarter than the people who haven't. You have equal understanding of it as the OP pretends to have, which is 0.

>> No.10552645


>> No.10552655

Fuck you stop breaking my brain