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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10537904 No.10537904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


You see, circumcision was invented to control males by denying them sexual pleasure, so instead of spending time fapping, they would spend time on other things. Plus, if you can't be happy with fucking, you become miserable and turn to religion for relief..

Well, after learning what society, dumb parents, etc did to me, I became very depressed that I can't experience sexual pleasure, nature's gift to humans. I started restoring by tugging penis skin several times a day. I started going crazy, i really want to experience pleasure, because i decided on an acid trip that pleasure is the point of life and you might as well kill yourself if you just grind without pleasure. well, i got so desperate for pleasure that I started learning to derive pleasure from MATH and CHEMISTRY! I'm delirious for pleasure, it turns me into a mad scientist. Undergrad organic chemistry lab is so fun, it's the one thing preventing me from committing suicide. Chemicals are so cool, reactions are so cool. I have an A+ in organic chemistry (average of 98) because of my pleasure from it. I plan to continue making A+ in all my subjects and going to masters and PhD in chemistry. I also started looking into amateur chemistry in my makerspace's communal chemistry lab.

Well, i hate to say it, i really hate to admit to it, but CIRCUMCISION FUCKING WORKED!!! The societal masters wanted circumcision to make you contribute to society since you spend less time jacking off, and also because it forces you to find other sources of pleasure besides fapping.

>> No.10537943
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>> No.10538015

Could this be the reason why the USA is such a powerhouse for scientific innovation?

>> No.10538035

I only read the first paragraph because I only give a third of a fuck but, humans have evolved themselves. Cooking food isn't natural and women cannot give birth on a raw food diet. Circumcised dicks are no different an integral part of are society. You could very well be right. We be banging rocks together and rolling in the mud if our ancestors didn't cut the d. Interesting.

>> No.10538045
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why are poltards so butthurt about being cut? it is literally more healthy for babies. i know you don't care about that since you want moms to meticulously clean babies' foreskins but come on. objectively it's not a big deal, and making a big deal about it is just incel-level

>> No.10538054 [DELETED] 

It's just another extremely lazy, incorrect and superficially effective way to cry about/blame Jews for something. If you pay attention every single thing about their world view is designed to shill about Judaism as much as possible.

>> No.10538064

>portnoy's complaint

>> No.10538067

of course that's what it's mean for.

And that's why the US and Europe are falling.

>> No.10538075

>having this image saved

hello extreme newfag

>> No.10538082

You don't need to mutilate yourself. Many of the big mathematicians were literal pussy slayers. Also, nothing guarantees you that you will strive to derive please in math or chem. You are most likely to seek pleasure doing immoral things like banking or undermining your host nation.

>> No.10538084

Full credit for coming up with a brand new cope for having a mutilated benis.

>> No.10538085

Moms dont have to clean under it because the foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty

The reason it's a big deal is because it deprives you of lots of sexual pleasure, and sexual pleasure is one of the best reasons to exist. At least if life isnt going well, you could always derive some happiness from the deliciousness of sliding a foreskin over your glans. It's the only free pleasure that isnt bad for you. The best tasting food is carby and unhealthy. Drugs are illegal.

Cutfags only existence is deprived of natures biggest gift to humans: cumming with sensitive skin

>> No.10538087

>Many of the big mathematicians were literal pussy slayers
they could have been bigger if women weren't holding them back

>> No.10538090

Okay, so the Jew's are into hardcore penis desensitization and only put up with their women because otherwise what is vagina?

>> No.10538104

>it is literally more healthy for babies
No, go look up the publicly available statistics
>want moms to meticulously clean babies' foreskins
Also no, the tissue is fused to the glans until puberty.
>objectively it's not a big deal
Why stop at the foreskin? Fingernails, ears, noses and teeth are all unnecessary as well and could be removed under the same justification of hygiene.

If that isnt good enough for you then you can move on to the moral issues, particularly vis a vis personal liberty and the justice system.

>> No.10538136

pipe down Chaim let the grown ups talk

>> No.10538142

its a blood letting matriarchal ritual to symbolize castration. the jews who came up with it are just that, a matriarchal cult

>> No.10538228

Because circumcision is a human right violation that is not discussed in the media. If you believe that abortion should be abolished or at least limited because the baby can not consent to it, then you must also be for the baby's right to keep his bodily integrity (aka his foreskin). Not only do babies go through incredible amounts of pain for what is a COSMETIC and unnecessary surgery, but they lose the function that the foreskin provides, aka moisture and protection.

you posting on a science board is disgusting. Maybe you should go back to /pol/

>> No.10538244

fuck off. you just admitted your posts are meant as trolls to pander to your imaginary chinese livestream. you have no business here

>> No.10538246
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>the foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty
Is that the case for most people? As far as I remember, my weiner has always had retractable foreskin.

>> No.10538257

The /sci/ cutfag cope.
Your argument is weak, just look at Europe and the far east like Japan. Male genital mutilation is not common in those areas and they produce great scientists, and still do. Note that this is not equivalent to producing great companies which the USA does. The USA imports tons of brainpower from abroad since they decided it was cheaper than educating their own people.

Your excessive pleasure argument also does not make sense, but I can theorize that this is due to your cutfag brain not being used to it. A brain can adapt however, but the cutfag brain might be too damaged from stress chemicals from the painful post birth dick mutilation experience.

>> No.10538271

Yes, that's the case for normal people. It is fucking retarded to try to force the foreskin to retract, it is supposed to happen naturally.

>> No.10538295

No I mean my foreskin has always been as retractable as it is now

>> No.10538300

I know, that's why I said normal people, you either are a freak or someone with really bad memory.

>> No.10538303


i am uncut, and in my best year in college, when i was actually focused on studying, i stained my mattress in the darkest brown i had ever seen, had never fapped that much until that year

and in that same year i also became fluent in english, i had never developed my intellectual skills that fast

>> No.10538316

>Heh am i fit in yet?
Fuck off, schizo who cry muh /pol/ everytime are as much as annoying as an actual /pol/tards.

>> No.10538326

>our ancestors
Are you a Jew or a Muslim? If you’re a White gentile, your ancestors didn’t circumcise for almost all of history. White Europeans don’t get circumcised.

>> No.10538331

Maybe my weewee is just cooler than your weewee

>> No.10538336


>> No.10538338
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Allah ka-Blam!

>> No.10538348
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>body part created by millions of years of natural selection that evolution would have eliminated long ago if it were harmful
>cutting it off is somehow more healthy

>> No.10538360
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>powerhouse for scientific innovation
Fuck off mutt. Uncircumcised Europeans produce more science per capita.

>> No.10538375

kek brazil is so useless

>> No.10538377

>your genes store fat when you eat a lot because fat is good for survival
>eating less is somehow more healthy

Sometimes psychology supercedes biology, bro

>> No.10538378

>tfw cutfag
>tfw still shit at studying and have anhedonia

>> No.10538381
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>You see, circumcision was invented to control males by denying them sexual pleasure, so instead of spending time fapping, they would spend time on other things. Plus, if you can't be happy with fucking, you become miserable and turn to religion for relief..
That's not why you fucking retard.

Circumcised men spend MORE time masturbating and are MORE likely to get addicted to porn because the time to climax is longer. The MIND being exposed to stimulus over and over again causes it to replay and the mind becomes hyper-sexual.

It might have served to prevent childhood masturbation but if masturbation and porn are socially acceptable as they are today, then circumcision is going to make the problem worse. In additional to the duration being longer, saitey is decreased, so they're more likely to do it again, and again.

A population of masturbators and sex fiends are easier to control than those who actually use their mind to think.

>> No.10538531
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>> No.10538553

What's that pillar thing, I've seen it uncensored and it looked like something out of a factory

>> No.10538567

nice point

>> No.10538624

But God needs foreskins. It's all he wants from you. Just your foreskin to add to his foreskin collection on the wall.

>> No.10538672

>You see, circumcision was invented to control males by denying them sexual pleasure
Im cut and have nut so hard I nearly lost conciousness. Get laid, virgin.

>> No.10538699

On a related note, when my gf is beating me off it can take over 30min, but when it finally works sometimes I lose hearing while I'm nutting cause it's so intense, it's like I go full retard. Is that just a consequence of it taking so long?

>> No.10538745 [DELETED] 
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fuck off

>> No.10540195

No it's just americans being retarded

>> No.10540668

Yeah and America has a population 32 times bigger. The concentration of Nobel price winners is lower per person but the total output is higher and powerhouse refers to total output not efficiency. Nigger

>> No.10541118

Is this why the middle east was a scientific innovator while Europe was in the dark ages? Clearly uncut Europeans were too happy fucking and cumming to bother exploring math

>> No.10541211

then why was math and science invented by the Greeks, who had an unhealthy obsession with the foreskin. Regarded it as the epitome of beauty and attributed near magical attributes to it. And considered cut foreigners barbarians?

>> No.10542083
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Umm, no. Actually having foreskin makes you fap less because it feels so good, you nut real fast. The same goes with cut dicks. You just put on some Lubriderm or some shit and it also feels so good you nut fast to.

Also, the dickhead is very sensitive and when you were a kid you probably jerked off more than an uncut kid because your exposed junk was always brushing up against your tighty whiteys making you wanna pump one out. The foreskin feels just like the rest of your dick skin, so uncut boys didn't fap as much.

Face it. You're a cutfag trying to justify that what happened to you was okay. We're told at an early age, never let adults touch you down there, yet that's the first thing an adult does, even worse, he takes part of your manhood away with him.

Circumcision is evil. Leonardo DiCaprio is uncut and he has slain more pussy than all of probably ever will.