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10536842 No.10536842 [Reply] [Original]

What do we do about the idiots who still believe in shit like vitalism? I recently got into an argument with someone who said that vitamin/mineral supplements "don't work" and that you need whole foods to be healthy, and tried to get him to explain why. I could see him struggling to avoid saying "energy" or "life force".

These people need to be gassed.

>> No.10536867

He’s not wrong. No amount of vitamins or supplements will do the same job as well organized meal and a healthy exercise routine.

>> No.10536873


>> No.10536923

Supplements are recommended mostly for people who have trouble gaining certain nutrients from food, or can't because of allergies/meme diets and aren't recommended as an alternative to a normal diet. That doesn't mean they don't work.

>> No.10536925
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Considering that most people have at least one deficiency, it's incredibly wrong.

>> No.10536932

A lot of old people don’t get enough B12. They should supplement.

Simply not true. If you consumed the same amount of nutrition you’d get from food from supplements and vitamins, it’d be no different.

>> No.10536946

Not just old people, most people have at least one deficiency, because most foods are incredibly low in nutrients. Part of it is low variety in diets, but also because crop rotation is barely a thing anymore. US dietary guidelines showing the nutrient contents of foods haven't been updated since the 60's, but they're far, far lower today. Most plant-based foods are basically just clumps of cellulose, water and sugar.

>> No.10537838

>people forgetting your gut flora makes vitamins as they eat your poop

>> No.10537855

If that was really the case, then why are vitamin deficiencies a thing?

>> No.10537863
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>If you consumed the same amount of nutrition you’d get from food from supplements and vitamins, it’d be no different
>This is what liberals actually believe

>> No.10537928

Because people eat like shit? I don't really eat a very varied diet but I make sure I get fortified stuff. Most breakfast cereals are fortified, as is instant oatmeal (which you can add flax and chia seed to), almond milk is pretty healthy, eggland's best are expensive but they've got good nutritional stats and omega-3s, and sunflower kernels are a tasty snack. once a week i eat a footlong from subway with pretty much every vegetable that isn't lettuce

and yes, i do supplement, but the only essential vitamin/mineral i have is magnesium (i have dissolving electrolyte tablets tho)

>> No.10537933

also your gut flora has to be healthy too. hell YOU have to be healthy. fasting every so often (from 12 hours to days on end) helps your body retain vitamins and nutrients for longer

>> No.10537978

Have you ever heard of scurvy?

Nobody even fucking knows what a "healthy gut flora" even is. The entire field of biology is barely understood. The entire idea of it basically seems to exist to sell probiotics, 99.9% of which die on contact with stomach acid.

>> No.10537998

look dude, i'm not gonna list EVERYTHING i eat, but of course i eat the occasional fruit. i'll even put mixed berries in my oatmeal. in fact, there /is/ vitamin C in my cheerios, cinnamon toast crunch, and quaker instant (although not much, i just checked)

you might have a point on the gut flora thing though, i hadn't really thought of that. still, your gut bacteria /do/ play a role against vitamin deficiency, and they use your poop to do so

>> No.10538014

Not what I meant. My point was that the vast majority of vitamins aren't made in the gut. Fruit or pill doesn't matter as long as you consume it, but stupid people are always biased in favor of the fruit because 'muh nature' but there's a massive overlap between that and people who don't bother to pay any actual attention to their nutrition, just assuming that if they eat "healthy" then their stomachs will just magically guide them to whatever they need.

Don't even get me started on vegetarian/vegan bullshit.

>> No.10538030

very true friendo. society is just fucked right now. we need to kill the brainwasher sometime soon or we're all dying in this bihh

>> No.10538049

>kill the brainwasher
How exactly do you plan on doing that? You don't. I know so many dumbasses who don't want to think things through at all, they're just mad things aren't going the way they want. Some openly want anarchy and misery, others are legitimately dumb enough to think that if we just burned modern civilization to the ground, whatever replaces it is guaranteed to be better because the idea that things can be worse never crosses their goddamn minds.

Stop. Think. Focus on trying to improve something you care about for yourself and others. Don't chimp out and try to ruin everything for everyone because it doesn't meet your expectations. And don't just bitch and moan and do nothing about it.

>> No.10538114

>vitamin/mineral supplements "don't work"
They are actually accidentally right, the clinical data regarding vitamin supplements is non existent, non reproducible, or generally flawed.

>> No.10538122

>Simply not true. If you consumed the same amount of nutrition you’d get from food from supplements and vitamins, it’d be no different.
Simply idiotic because the human body isnt a simple system it involves innumerable cascading and branching interactions, most of which we dont understand at all. Go find the peer reviewed research that properly supports this claim. You wont because it doesnt exist. Modern medicine, while incredibly useful, is nowhere near being a rigorous field of study.

>> No.10538289

i kno i shouldnt respond to your teacher complex BUT. you dont know shit motherfucker. all i can tell you is that i KNOW the brainwasher can be killed. and i might even know how to do it. but just remember that drastic problems call for drastic solutions

>> No.10541299

you're retarded
t. anemic meat eater