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File: 85 KB, 804x802, nrhj2rz4qu911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10536293 No.10536293 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>massive autistic nerd
>enroll in college for CS
>"at least in CS there are people interested in the same stuff as I am"
>study like a madman, do all my courses in minimum time
>graduate and enroll for a PhD
>work work work
>write and submit paper
>get accepted
>visit scientific conference for the first time
>"Alright anon... this is what you worked for. now is the time to shine and do some networking"
>go to welcome reception
>realize the years of hard work, studies and neglecting social skills have socially crippled me even further, now to a point that even at a STEM related event I'm too autistic to engage in conversation with strangers
>stuff some shrimps in my mouth and go back to room to work on next paper

How common do you think this is?

>> No.10536301

Shit that never happened for $600, please.

>> No.10536302

Very common but that doesn't mean you can just give up

>> No.10536318
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>Shit that never happened for $600

h-haha... yeah... g-gotcha!

(I'm actually in the hotel room right now)

>> No.10536322

Nice LARP fag

>> No.10536327

go out there and fuck some computer sloots

>> No.10536352
File: 339 KB, 907x1210, conferenceDinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm larping

anon delivers

>> No.10536358

Get in there anon. Have a couple beers to loosen up. Talk about your research

>> No.10536362

Im sorry

>> No.10536386

Holy shit just imagine standing next to one of those groups and they all simultaneously turn towards you with a "who the fuck is this guy" look.

>> No.10536387

>Talk about your research

Yeah that's probably part of the problem. I'm super conscious about how shit my work is. I have a hard time talking about it casually. Ironically I'm pretty alright at presenting it in front of an audience. I feel like a sleazy second-hand car dealer selling garbage to clueless customers and that's kinda funny - even though I'm the only one in on the joke (or maybe because of that).

Also I may have to repeat myself: I'm an autistic retard. Of course I'm not drinking.

It's okay. I just wish I could forgive myself like that.

>> No.10536389

Do you use Windows or macOS?

>> No.10536393

There's bound to be some other loner retards here and there. Strike up a conversation with them, they'll be friendly.

>> No.10536396

Sounds like impostor syndrome. Quit bitching to 4chan and do it.

>> No.10536403
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>> No.10536409

>I'm super conscious about how shit my work is.
you wouldn't have this problem if you did a good job in the first place. i know that getting started in research is always shitty--there's always a learning curve so you struggle at first to get the work done--but as long as you try to make sure your results are correct and hold yourself to good standards then you won't feel the way you do, granted you already have enough research to be able to present on it. if the research you're presenting on actually is shitty, then you did a bad job and you deserve to feel bad about it. straighten up and fly right

>> No.10536412
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You have to start drinking RIGHT NOW.

>> No.10536425

As some who had similar problems, unfortunately soft skills are even more important than technical skills in some situations. Now, maybe you won't turn this conference into a success, but when you get back to the university start to practice with everyone. Talk with your colleagues, with your neighbours, heck, even with a random old man at a bus stop.
It won't be pleasant and you won't become a social butterfly, but at least you will be able to interact normally with other people.
Moreover, if you had the determination to do a PhD then you should be able to work hard to improve this aspect of yourself. I repeat, I've been in your shoes and perhaps my situation was worse since I had to practice smiling in front of a mirror. I know that I'm a random stranger, but I believe in you.

>> No.10536463
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>There's bound to be some other loner retards

I saw one guy that gave me that exact vibe. I know this sounds like I'm looking for excuses but I have an even harder time speaking to people like that, because they resemble myself so much.
It's like looking into a mirror and I don't like that one bit. Sure that makes me kind of an asshole, probably, but what can I do?
The years of 4chan don't make it better either, because every awkward situation I'm in, is connected to this absurdist view on life, where it feels like you drop spaghetti from your pants. It makes me scream internally but also laugh hysterically.
It's like madness beyond any tangible form of social connectivity. I'm not sure if it makes any sense, but it is, as if you'd been in so many situations, where you'd wished to leave your body out of embarrassment, that you finally mentally did it.

You're just not there anymore. And everytime someone speaks to you, it's like you snap back to reality and suddenly, nervously have to defend yourself.

Boy oh boy if you had any idea how all of this came to be. That's a whole fucked up story-time in itself. I'm not gonna shift blame - of course I could have done a better job if I worked even harder - but let's say if supervision is so removed from a project, yet so hellbent on micromanagement, you are bound to produce something you're not satisfied with.

>> No.10536676

Neither. I use gentoo

>> No.10536678

do not fall for the liquid kike
hit /fit/
you dont need to get /fit/, just training semi regularly is enough
it will not cure your autism, but you will be able to fool everybody else and have the fake confidence to pretend you can socialise, which in effect lets you socialise.

>> No.10536710

That's why you're an autistic sperg.
Stop browsing /g/.

>> No.10536718

holy FUCK my palms are sweating now.

just get a plate of food and then walk up to the friendliest/closest group and just say "mind if i eavesdrop?" and just eat food and listen to their boring conversations and interject when you think of something to say

>> No.10536742

>it will not cure your autism, but you will be able to fool everybody else and have the fake confidence to pretend you can socialise, which in effect lets you socialise.

I already did that. Lost 50 pounds last year. Down to 176 at exact 6'4 and now I'm a slim lanky retard whose pants slip down whenever he takes a short step.

>> No.10536746
File: 329 KB, 831x799, 1553276561851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason to visit a Conference is for the Welcome Reception and for the Conference Dinner. You will learn and accept that wirh the years.

>> No.10536762
File: 164 KB, 585x585, n0dn7l21w3l11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fanatics on conferences who exclusively talk about their research i dont give a fuck about. Mostly indians or Chinese faggots. I am there for free holiday, paid by the university. If i am writing a conference abstract i am basically writing a holiday application. Deal with it.

>> No.10536778

Just try VRchat desu
Saved my social skills many times and now I know how to get into groups like a cool guy

>> No.10536811

keep your chin up op. at least you have your research. i have social anxiety and I'm a brainlet to boot.

>> No.10536818

same, i hate being a brainlet so much

>> No.10536888

Why didnt you hold your weight and just lift
keep at it anyway, hanging around, spotting and asking for spots, working in etc will help
alternatively join a local sports club but thats more commitment, in exchange you make contact more often and easier

>> No.10536898
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And now the guy in the next room is fucking some whore.

There is just a locked door between mine and that guy's room (was probably a single suite originally). I can pretty much hear EVERYTHING. That retard has been loud all week talking spanish on the phone or some shit and I'm too much of a pussy to speak up - so I SUPPOSE he doesn't even know I'm there since I'm super quiet all the time. And now that girl was moaning around.


(he didn't last for too long though)

>> No.10537350

Faggot a conference is the exact place to talk about autistic things with other autistic fags.
Have some drinks, that will help tons, drink til you start to feel a little funny and the talking will go alone.
Ask people about their presentations or posters, everyone is there to suck and get their dick sucked, they are also in the no fuck given mode since they already finished their work for that conference.

Go out now faggot.

>> No.10537362

LMAO, go drink at the hotel bar or something

>> No.10537373

sit in a corner and furrow your brows and tilt your head forward a little bit. put on a slightly pissed off face and look at everyone through your brows. it will make you appear mysterious and people will be inclined to want to talk to you. also do not talk unless spoken to.

>> No.10537376

unironically based

>> No.10537439

Just grab some food or something and do a subtle smile to the ones that look at you and the chance that they will talk to you first increases significantly

>> No.10537509
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>> No.10537555

You gotta get busy failing before you can start succeeding. You're probably not even that bad you're talking to other people here you're just unjustifiably self conscious and over analyzing shit. If you stop saying "Im an autistic retard" you will amazingly stop being an autistic retard. Chads do well socially because they don't think about shit they just do it and you will be better off if you just litterally got up went down there right now. I mean right now. If you need to count down from 5 then you'll feel immediately inclined to do it. Right now. Right now. NOW

>> No.10537573

You're autistic my guy

>> No.10537598

based trips

>> No.10537665

someone in computer science that would not use linux based OS, that would be funny

>> No.10537690

ya someone in CS using visual studios would be pretty weird am i right lol

>> No.10537706

The world is not for people who can't socialize.

You can do this OP. This is something that you MUST do and that is going to benefit you in many ways. Maybe you even make some likeminded friends. Not necessarily in this conference, but it can be a starting point.

>> No.10537744

Rule one of conferences. Always have a +1

>> No.10537748
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1549610355808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever this happens hit the wall, shout "KEEP IT QUIET!" and repeat until you make sure he heard you, often people get uncomfortable and very conscious about being heard and will either refrain or confront you, at which point you can make a friend/enemy. If it seems he can push your shit back inside just say that you have a real bad migraine and that you wanted to have some peace, not hear some faggot fucking a whore. For the most part this will result in a bitter agreement, but if it comes to it prepare to fight until the end.

Then again everything's probably already over by now, but good luck my man, hope you could get some networking done, or even some chit-chat

>> No.10537845

I think it would be a mistake to assume without evidence that socializing is harder for you than it is for others.

>> No.10537871
File: 38 KB, 567x374, 3D19B562-5C97-46DA-B001-4BEB43748819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes me scream internally but also laugh hysterically.
It's like madness beyond any tangible form of social connectivity.
Based fellow joker

>> No.10537881

>posts anime
>completely disconnected from reality
Yup checks out.

>> No.10537882

the most important part of conferences is not the talks.
it's all about the coffee breaks between the talks.

this also

btw, which conference is it?

>> No.10537895

>A cartoon means anything

>> No.10537962

One’s conduct is partially indicative of their character. Your conduct involves viewing cess for the sake of enjoyment.

>> No.10537975

is this in europe

no homo

>> No.10538175


>> No.10538199

desu, given the age of OP's posted memes, I can honestly believe that OP is posting from a secondary laptop or phone. Given the filename, I would argue a laptop. It's almost a given at this point that he's actually in a hotel room, pleading to spurgs on an Italian cheburek tutorial forum, looking for sympathy.

>> No.10538203

You got it all wrong.

(It's my main laptop.)

>> No.10538217 [DELETED] 

>>tfw there's a lvl 29 Paladin guarding the circle of faggots

>> No.10538259

just wondering cuz, I mean, I could suck your dick to calm, you down (STRONG no homo), just as a favor, one scientist to another

>> No.10538281

>asperger-level autist scientist nerd
>, but if it comes to it prepare to fight until the end.
kek, you are a really funny guy

>> No.10538282


>> No.10538287

And you're on 4chan(nel) instead of working, what's your excuse?

>> No.10538389

OP if you’re not gonna socialize down there at least tell us about your dumpster fire research

>> No.10538407

What do you wanna know?

>> No.10538487

fucking kek.
at least you have a phd you fucking autist.

here's my story to make you feel better
>be interested in computers and chemistry
>score shit in the SAT exams because of shit year
>my mom forces me into a geoengineering degree
>hate it
>study for 4 years
>drop out
>waste another 4 years
>now working minimum wage jobs in eastern europe

You will be fine even if you don't network.

>> No.10538660

Do I need 2 cars

>> No.10538921

>at least you have a phd you fucking autist.

I'm just a lowly PhD student
But yeah i probably shouldn't complain about that either.
I mean the food is pretty fine and it's also paid by the university. Not too shabby considering this is a five star hotel. Shit's expensive as fuck too and I will never book vacations at any venue like this. Not even if I had the cash. There isn't a single supermarket in like a 5 mile radius. I can't even buy some fuckin ice cream. The only restaurants around this place are just as expensive as the piece of shit bar down the lobby. The fucking greek salad cost 17.50 euro!

Anyway, tomorrow I'll hold my gay little presentation and then I'll retract back into my shell.

Only if you have wife and kids, otherwise it's a waste of money. Gotta pay that insurance after all.
I wouldn't know though. I'm not driving much so I don't have a car.

>> No.10538953

Good luck for the presentation in any case.

>> No.10539306

I'd be lying if I said I haven't used the term "clown world" more often lately.

Thanks, I was just visiting another bunch of presentations from the same track. Mostly meh... small room, no pressure. One guy was even asleep.

>> No.10540034


>> No.10540524

> gentoo
there's your problem. you are using a meme distro.
You should've just replied with "I use linux" instead of gentoo.
The fact that you chose to say "I use gentoo", to someone who is probably a layman and not a part of the /g/ circle, means 4chan is leaking into your real life and deteriorating your already massive autism.
Stop visiting /g/. Install a better distro. Hit the gym. Take a walk in the park. Try to be with other people even if you don't talk to them. Joining a social activity that does something together, without having to talk to each other is a good start. For example an athletic activity like yoga or martial arts.
Just my 2 cents on your problems because I've been there and I am trying to work them out like you.
I use arch btw.

>> No.10540601

you answered a memester
I (OP) use plain old win10.

The only linux thing i use is git and there is a mingw bash application for that.

>> No.10540644

Well is it worth doing a PhD in data mining and such (AI, machine learning etc.)? I am seriously considering it but dunno if worth it. I found it as a way to work on more interesting problems later. I hate web dev and other low tier programming jobs.

>> No.10540683

> win 10
install gentoo.

>> No.10540699

You need to recalibrate your time machine bro.

>> No.10540718

Booze has been making antisocial dorks sociable since the stone age.
Go get a gin and tonic or a scotch and soda.

>> No.10540793

You're confusing Software Engineering and CS there, buddy

>> No.10541022

>he didn't know
Your work is secondary, anon.
STEM does not escape networking at all