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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10535291 No.10535291 [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain me the connection between these two plz

>> No.10535321

they liked to make math symbols and syntax as annoying and confusing as possible

>> No.10535328

>Leibniz sum and newton sum
Never heard of those

>> No.10535339

fluxions and fluents, u dumdum

>> No.10535348
File: 77 KB, 680x935, 753[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 year old antiquated terminology
No thanks

>> No.10535360
File: 170 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Fatio look at this faggot, using the notation of a german robber

>> No.10536590

Leibniz defined the integral as a magical sum(S) that would sum an infinite amount of instances of f(x) from 0 to x and multiplying that sum by a proportionately infinitesimally small number dx. Riemann formally defined this as:
lim n -> infinity
sum from i to n
f( x/n * i ) * x/n

>> No.10537005

They were all representatives of the white male patriarchy, we should burn their books and stop using any of their accomplishments.

Also Leibniz and Newton developed early calculus (though kept bickering and accused each other of being hack frauds), Riemann (among others) gave it solid background with proofs 'n sheet.