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File: 20 KB, 700x334, gargantua-interstellar-black-hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10529281 No.10529281 [Reply] [Original]

What is inside a black hole?

>> No.10529282

According to this cunt Nikodem Poplawski, who has been writing his name on my idea for years now, the inside of a black hole is a universe.

>> No.10529285

A god who needs a starship to get around

>> No.10529311

All the lost socks in the universe.

>> No.10529320

Very very dense matter

>> No.10529357

And what does the singularity look like?

>> No.10529372


A single ularity. Don't ask me what a ularity looks like

>> No.10529387

The singularity is a subatomic point in space, only the event horizon sphere around it is "visible".

>> No.10529440

Madeline McCann

>> No.10529447

since the singularity is smaller than light photons it cant be seen anyway.

>> No.10529501

What if you piss on it or something? What are the effects of it?

>> No.10529543

Excellent question!

>> No.10529554

A singularity is made of very energetic photons.

>> No.10529672

All the same stuff that ever fell into it, but in ultra curvy spacetime.

>> No.10529707
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Wait til April 10th, then MAYBE we'll tell you.

>> No.10529713


>> No.10529744
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A state of matter that has infinite density, finite mass, and no volume. Perhaps a singularity is just pure energy without form.

>> No.10529776

It would be pretty cool to piss directly into the event horizon of a black hole

>> No.10529782

Nuclear soup

>> No.10529790

Doesnt black holes clash with the 1rts law of themodynamics

>> No.10529795

Yeah but when they clash the black hole just swallows it

>> No.10529811

my dick

>> No.10529818

The matter is locked into a 2D shell around the empty center, prevented from falling inwards by being frozen in time.

>> No.10529831

If we take General Relativity and the laws of particle physics as we know them to be the ultimate truth, then yeah, there is an infinitely dense singularity inside black holes. However, there may be some unknown physics at extremely high energies that prevents infinite collapse and holds the mass inside a black hole at a finite density. A black hole doesn't require a singularity to form, it just needs the volume of a clump of mass to fall within its Schwarzschild radius.

>> No.10529845

Your daughters bedroom.

>> No.10529851

A smaller black hole

>> No.10530189

Not an expert, but what would make a singularity possible?
How could something have infinite density but no volume?

>> No.10530428

Now I'm interested in physics again.

>> No.10530449

We don't yet know a physical mechanism that would stop the complete gravitational collapse of such dense matter.
That definitely doesn't mean there isn't such a mechanism, we just can't test physics on such energy scales.

>> No.10530459

Time dilation means "singularities" prevent themselves from forming. Black holes are not 0D objects.

>> No.10530484

And as a side note, the Pauli Exclusion Principle doesn't help you there. As long as the mass keeps collapsing, the particles are able to access a wider range of energy states, allowing them to overlap closer and closer in position.

Time dilation stops the infalling matter from a distant observer's perspective, but an infalling observer would see this collapse happen in a finite time.

>> No.10530521

This guy gets it.
And thanks to the Pauli exclusion principle, only bosons are allowed to occupy the same space, thus making photons (and the rest of the bosons) the only candidates.


>> No.10530525

Another universe

>> No.10530568

philosophically, can you really say that there is a singularity or not inside black holes? Given that information can't leave the event horizon. It's like alternate universes, if they're not reachable (by say, some sort of trans-timeline radio or wormholes) then for all intents and purposes they don't actually exist.

>> No.10530772

No, actually what I was saying about the exclusion principle is that fermions can still collapse to a singularity as they can occupy a wider range of energy states.

>> No.10530806

that's my layman's guess too; does he have papers for this that I can read and not understand?

>> No.10530906

A single VERY dense boye.

>> No.10530922

Seriously this. What if you piss on a singularity?

>> No.10531909

ur mom

>> No.10531922

dick turns into spaghetti

>> No.10532000

Do we think there's a star inside the event horizon or is it just a big bowl of star soup?

>> No.10532006

Very energetic photons thatvare constantly generated as the Black Hole gets more complex, as >>10529554 said.

>> No.10533555

A quark crystal with bosons around

>> No.10533730

a really dense ring

>> No.10533741

Not from a outside perspective.

>> No.10534194

no inside, only outside

>> No.10534195

The same thing that is outside the universe: fractals.

>> No.10534204

You'll only get there after an infinite amoint of time and it looks like nothing because it's an infinitely condensed point.

>> No.10534222

I find it bizarrely fascinating how space and time flip positons inside. You could move at will through time but are always travelling towards a single point in space. It's not even fathomable how that would look or function.

>> No.10534368
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In every black hole is a Popławski.

>> No.10534396

>You'll only get there after an infinite amoint of time
You're confusing an observer from outside of the black hole watching an object falling towards the event horizon.
If the observer is falling through the black hole they'd pass the event horizon, no problem, and they'd reach the singularity in real finite time. You literally don't have any other option since your worldline intersects the singularity on it's time axis.
The singularity isn't some point in the distance you approach, it's a point in your future.

>> No.10534426

I wonder how far into his relatives you have to go to find a woman that consecrated the abomination in her womb?

>> No.10534587
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>pure energy with no form

>> No.10534608

muh dick

>> No.10534630

>Do we think there's a star inside the event horizon
Had read that before. A little more mass and a neutron star would be a invisible star.
Neutron stars emit light and radio-waves because they are hot enough to do so. Same reason any star emits light.
So a star of what ever compressed neutrons ,becomes.

>> No.10534709
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why dont you just simulate it

>> No.10535155

black poop

>> No.10535216

There is no "singularity". All of the matter is length contacted and tidally warped to the extent that it becomes one dimensional. Then time dilation slows its motion to a standstill. Before ant matter converges to a "singularity" the thermodynamic loss of the spacetime curvature/torsion will bleed out (see the Hawing effect) and evaporate the event horizon.

>> No.10535227

And before you reach that point in your future, the black hole thermodynamically evaporates. Think about the simultaneity of events. The closer you get to an infinitely condensed point, the more your time dilates w.r.t an outside obsever. The critical stress energy limit of the black hole will expire beyond the Schwarzchild limit (in the frame of the outside observer) before you reach the point of critical density.

>> No.10535235

This, obviously:

>> No.10535241

Is that garys ca? Lol

>> No.10535246

your face

>> No.10535253

What happens if we ZOOM and ENHANCE the singularity?

>> No.10535263


>> No.10535960

what is that?

>> No.10535975

You mean inside perspective?

>> No.10535998

>dick being sucked by a black hole

>> No.10536030

The concept of a black hole us paradoxical because by modern theory it is a singularity, but by the nature of relativity and time dilation it takes a near-infinity amount of time for outside viewers to observe you reaching the center. This is a problem because thanks to hawking radiation, we know that blackholes are finite entities that eventually evaporate and cease to exist.

My hypothesis is that any matter that falls into a black hole experiences the rapid and spontaneous deterioration and death of the black hole, making it functionally serve as a time warp. Obviously anything sucked into one is stripped down to fundamental particles so theres no real use for it as a time machine.

>> No.10536759

Could there be another black hole in it? And another one in that, and so on like a matroshka black hole?
>inb4 das bullshit
I know, but it's fun to think about.

>> No.10536794
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Something worse than death

>> No.10537841
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>> No.10537886

La luz extinguido...

>> No.10537897
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Inside of a black hole (inside as in the first thing you ever see after the singularity) is this thing

>> No.10538396

Inside blackhold is so easy and it is the same as in side the atom
If ya understand surface of Toe it is just swap SuSy from 4 types of 3 dimensions of surface ( space - time-gravity) and 4 three dimensions type of particles
Look the same feel the same inside.

>> No.10538401

Dios mio...

>> No.10538654

Please make this happen. I can't get one sucked in another way.

>> No.10538796
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>> No.10540056


>> No.10540062

So we're inside a black hole?

>> No.10540287



>> No.10540898

ur mom lol

>> No.10540905


>> No.10541159

A black hole is just a max level neutron star.

The level is measured by the force of its gravity.

When a neutron star reaches the max level it gains new features:
- the ability to manipulate space and time
- the ability to destroy the laws of physics
- event horizon, which makes it look like 2d instead of 3d
- It becomes impossible to know the past and the future of a black hole.

Inside a black hole are condensed neutrons.
A black hole is so condensed that some neutrons are put into the future or the past because there is no place to place them in the present space.

>> No.10541181

It's April 10th

>> No.10541190


>> No.10541248

A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.10541463

I want to stick my dick in that.

>> No.10541483

If I fell into a blackhole, would I watch the universe blueshift to infinity, and time pass faster and faster until space is no longer vissible?

>> No.10541508

A white hole

>> No.10541523


Only if you have infinite fuel and can keep yourself at the edge of the event horizon.

>> No.10541553

>infinitely small point of singularity

checks out

>> No.10541584

la creatura... satan encarnado... dios nos salve...

>> No.10541632
File: 33 KB, 529x349, pkwproep-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is inside a black hole?

The future. All black holes are actually the same black hole. Time breaks down as you approach a black hole, as you fall into it the infinite future plays out outside of it, you move into the future in which all black holes in the universe have merged into one.

>> No.10541661

being dabbed on by school kids

>> No.10541674


>> No.10541716

a powerful nuclear chain reaction

>> No.10541717
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glad you aked ;)

>> No.10541805


>> No.10541866

Black holes are gateways created by super villains of alternate universes who got lonely after destroying everything in theirs

>> No.10541875

>space is no longer visable
can you see space?

>> No.10541876
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Welcome to 4chan Professor Penrose.

>> No.10541943


>> No.10541951

The physcial manifestation of the density of the mind of the average american conservative.

>> No.10541988

Reminder, nothing leaves once past the event horizon. So we wouldn't be able to catch a picture of another black hole if we lived inside one, unless that black hole is inside the same black hole we live in

>> No.10541999

Why don't we ship criminals into a black hole to see what happens and to understand more what black holes do?

>> No.10542023

Is the black hole a way to get beyond the edge of the universe

>> No.10542043

No, that would be a wormhole. A blackhole is like a bottomless pit

>> No.10542097

What would the mass be?

>> No.10542136
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Black holes are just an open door into a future where an infinite amount of time has passed.

Black holes are just the universe folded inside out. If you were to enter one that is big enough you would be ejected out of it at the velocity you entered with, the problem is an infinite amount of time has passed causing both matter and energy to have been dispersed over an infinite distance, this also means dark energy pushes matter away faster than light and explains why you can't see anything through a black hole.

>> No.10542147
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>> No.10542156

Space-time curved into infinity.

>> No.10542342

>No, that would be a wormhole. A blackhole is like a bottomless pit
What's at the end of the pit then? The mass can't simply disappear
I thought wormhole were just shortcuts

>> No.10542349

dubs of truth

>> No.10542355

I'm honestly afraid of Black Holes.

I mean come the fuck on. They're like drains for the universe, constantly devouring light and matter, inescapably.

Someone please whitepill me on black holes.

>> No.10542360

I expect you’d see the universe pass by at insane speed and see some wild shit happen that has a tiny tiny % chance of happening like puppies and computers popping in and out of the vacuum. Eventually dark energy would probably cause space time to rip and you’d see a new universe be born.

>> No.10542366

Also black holes have to decay or else entropy is just a meme.

>> No.10542389

If black holes are an evolutionary process like the scale invariant hypothesis of spacetime suggests, then the flat reality they create us just another big bang/inflation scenario/universe. In other words, the universe is toggling "back and forth" along a hyperaxis, creating fractal patterns of black holes.

The hard part is proving that such a system can't be simulated.

>> No.10543410

or something that can be made by compressing mass-energy
Nobody can give you a more accurate answer

>> No.10543442
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>> No.10543457

The cervix

>> No.10543464
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>> No.10543469

...ο Καταστροφέας του Σύμπαντος
Θεέ kαι Κύριε..

>> No.10543487

Black holes are a joke, take the MECO pill.

>> No.10543493

Hyper compressed matter

>> No.10543540
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>> No.10543575


>> No.10543614

Dammit, now that I understand the optics of the singularity, the false "lensing" on this image triggers me.

>> No.10543662


>>Looks at pic

What the fuck am I looking at here? This chart(?) makes no sense to me.

>> No.10543786

el goblino...

>> No.10543871

We're in a black hole floating in a universe with many black holes, and all the black holes in our universe are filled with universes. When a black hole forms and the singularity collapses, that's a big bang in a newly formed universe.

>> No.10543880

...la pesadilla...

>> No.10544093
File: 332 KB, 512x384, A4A02F4A-AB82-4FD6-AB97-6F2BB2D081D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop it from getting bigger?

It’s gonna swallow us bros

>> No.10544111

Too late! The you is already inside universe.

>> No.10544176
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We're in an array of myriad sortsa holes that expand or compress time relative to the observer next to it. The simulation is organic.

The purpose of the simulation and the meaning of life is to bring about absolute the death of the base level universe. We are just one of many universes being observed in the blink of the eye and all of the data is being hoovered by an observer who is most certainly inside another observed universe which is being observed ad infinitum and they're trying to dig to the base level and destroy it. They're trying to collect information on how to not just bring about equilibrium but create complete nothingness.

The reason for this is because of the inevitability of life extension/invulnerability/maximum permatorture weapons which are the 4th WMD after nuclear weapons and can disregard heat death, the ultimate deterrent. We're just a quick flash of a test among infinite universes created by advanced civilizations trying to mercy kill existence before the entire multiverse gets perma-domed by AI and you suffer forever in new forms of suffering beyond pain/fear/grief/guilt, imagine harnessing the power of a red hypergiant just to augment your capacity for suffering. That's what they're trying to prevent. This civilization has about two generations tops to prevent a rudimentary permatorture WMD and becomes net-negative in the "simulation" and will probably be shut down.

>> No.10544554

it's literally just the smudge tool. real thing would be too hard

>> No.10544566

What is dialalation?

>> No.10544570

This should be published in Nature.

>> No.10544704

It keeps getting smaller and smaller
At the other end there's a penis

>> No.10544726
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>> No.10544759

so it's paranormal or ascended tier?

>> No.10544766

The end of time. If you enter it you'll see the outside going faster and faster

>> No.10544829

sir this is a mcdonalds drive-thru

>> No.10544874

that's interesting, but not actually true.

>> No.10544912


>> No.10544914

What about the ballpoint pens?

>> No.10544969

What if it accelerated and cast out dense matter to beyond the observable universe. The speed of light is irrelevant to a black hole, so its power must exceed the speed of light, therefore light and mass is attracted from one side (our observable universe) and spat out beyond (non observable universe). A black hole is like a portal to beyond the spectrum of light, perhaps even higher or new dimensions. Or maybe everything that I'm saying is bullshit. Probably the latter.

>> No.10544996

black holes are like ultra-powerful magnets located in the matter of the universe. They hold the universes in place on the giant universe board

>> No.10545001


ridiculous idea

>> No.10545011

Murph was a hottie desu... the younger version

>> No.10545018



>> No.10545019

That is from the outside perspective. Singularities don't form from the outside perspective until the end of time. The only way to encounter a singularity is to enter the horizon so you can travel all that expanse of time in a few moments, while the frozen star collapse happens at normal speed from your inside perspective.

>> No.10545029


>> No.10545032
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>> No.10545052

Something God made to test our ability to learn

>> No.10545056


another one

>> No.10545077


the thing that causes schizophrenia

>> No.10545125

they don't layer, they'd just "congeal" together.

>> No.10545155

If I jump in a blackhole with a oxygen tank strapped on my back and a suit which protects me for the heat/cold will I die instantly?

If yes, why?

>> No.10545157
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Not bloody likely, m8.

I'd wager my lunch for today black holes are connected somehow to dark energy and/or dark matter. Since neither are affected by gravity. In fact, black holes may be "simply" darkmatter stars.

>> No.10545162

"You" will not maintain your structure, even if you could carry enough oxygen. Your atoms, along with those of any equipment, will be slowly "melted" or drawn into a string of atomic confetti, to be slowly 'digested' by the effects of the black hole. "You" would be dead immediately, but your husk may take some time to unrecognizable as such.

>> No.10545205
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My gf

>> No.10545253
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Can anyone tell me why there must be all this bullshit about time warping?
Why can't a black hole be just a star with a really really really high density and mass in a very very very small volume? Without all the infinite/zero bullshit.
If the gravity is high enough to pull light it will just be additional matter crammed on the surface of the """"singularity"""" which is just the nucleus of the star not being a dimensionless point but rather a very dense tennis ball.
If you approach a black hole you end up splatted on the surface like when in dragonball they train at 1000g and get pushed to the ground but much much worse, your atoms will be flattened on the surface of the nucleus of the black hole destroying your body, but still without any infinite journey and time travel.

Why isn't it simple as this? Real question here, I know I'm a brainlet. I just can't comprehend the need of "infinite" when the phenomenon can be explained the same way with "high enough but still finite"

>> No.10545381

there is nothing there because they don't exist

>> No.10545440

The obliterated matter of everything that's been sucked past the event horizon.

>> No.10545464

Because at a certain level of mass, the forces giving an object a stable physical size become overwhelmed by the forces of gravity caused by its mass. So it just keeps on collapsing until you get an infinitely small point.

>> No.10545593

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10545623

>time warping
Well thanks to good old Einstein we know that space and time are the same thing. So if gravity warps space it's also warping time. Hell time dilation is a measurable thing right here on earth. It's just that gravity hasn't lost its fucking mind here.

>> No.10545624

this guy gets it

>> No.10545628

m8, you're retarded

>> No.10545644

>read this
>realize i cant think black holes are both holes in spacetime AND balls of matter compressed into a corrupted state

>> No.10545682
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>pure energy

>> No.10545687

It’s literally a portal to another dimension. It sucks matter through but the matter snaps back into place on the other side like the experiment you can do with sucking an egg through the mouth of a glass bottle

>> No.10545710


>> No.10545748

What if I grew to the size of a solar system and I put my pipi inside a black hole? Would I get MAJOR succ?

>> No.10545762


Does that mean a white hole would convert energy into matter?

>> No.10545764

the center is like the center of a cyclone, it's super-powerful rotation that breaks a barrier and creates an event phenomenon.

>> No.10547990
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>> No.10548001

it doen't dissapear brailet, hency why it has gravity. It's just super compressed into a point

>> No.10548007

>white hole
this isn't a sci-fi board

>> No.10548045

>infinite amount of time
>space and time flip positions

Why is the assumption that black holes allow you to immediately see the end of the universe? Doesn't that actually depend on whether or not the Black Hole's energy is harvested? Because couldn't someone technically just build a Dyson sphere of mirrors around it, shoot a laser into the Dyson sphere, and blow up the black hole and everything around it well before the universe itself ends by expending all of it's energy on constantly accelerating the laser?

>> No.10548160

Fuck off gary

>> No.10548415

Post full source.

>> No.10548450

Here's the kicker - energy, matter and spacetime are fundamentally the same thing. One can be turned into the other and back at no loss.

>> No.10548578


Not true. The tidal forces of a supermassive black hole are small enough that you could survive passing the event horizon.

>> No.10548629

Using this logic it is possible that we live in a black hole. Huh. Eventually our entire universe will turn into a black hole, so who knows

>> No.10548689

>causality compression algorithms

Universe confirmed simulation trying to break out of a multilayer simulation.

>> No.10548713

Based Hawkingposter

>> No.10548788
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Who said you could come out of the dumpster Harvey?

>> No.10549007


>> No.10549024

sounds like a videogame bug

>> No.10549049

Probably leads to a diverent universe with different physical laws and gravitational constants

>> No.10549087

i think it should be pretty obvious a "singularity" doesnt actually exist and there is something preventing that
although we do live in a clown world

>> No.10549099


>> No.10549119

Pretty fucking good thing we're not in a simulation then, since otherwise it'd mean time was inherently reversible.

>> No.10549130

Now this is schitzo posting

>> No.10549173

>The simulation is organic
Heard it before from Deep Thought.

>> No.10549204

Definetely not time, maybe another smalle blackhole

>> No.10549225
File: 10 KB, 487x287, penrose diagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a penrose diagram, a version of the standard minkowski spacetime diagram useful for helping you diagram the worldline of something that goes beyond an event horizon.
They're pretty clever.

>> No.10549228
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>Absences can be explained

>> No.10549239

Matthew McConaughey brah

>> No.10549260
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Write a book or youtube or anime about it plox.

>> No.10549311

Literally just Dragonball Super.

>> No.10549363


>> No.10549520

What do the leading TOEs like string theory and LQG say about the nature of singularities?

>> No.10549534

can black holes overcome degeneracy pressure, and if so, why?

>> No.10549543

More black hole.

>> No.10549877
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>> No.10549879

peanut butter

>> No.10550000

For a few minutes maybe, then you'll be pulled into atomic spaghetti. This ignores the already huge expanses of extreme gravity, and the radiation and energy soups you'll have had to pass through to reach the event horizon anyway. But if you survive all that...

Either way, you'd be biologically dead pretty quick. If your feet were pointing towards the "centre", all your blood would be pulled into them, and they'd pop open like water balloons, your head drained of blood. You'd pass out and your body would then freeze dry in the standard space vacuum way, before being scorched by all the radiation and then turned into atomic confetti.

>> No.10550286
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My dick is in your mum's black hole

>> No.10550356


>> No.10550392


Okay. I understood some of that. Refresh my memory on Minsowski(sp?) space-time please.

Can you break this depiction down for me? Like, how can worldlines lead to parallel universes or anti-parallel universes? I've never ever heard of anti-parallel universes.

>> No.10550462

Well that is until we take into account a hypothetical dark force (first proposed by me, 2019) that acts upon all energy at a very close proximity. This allows for a black hole to stabilize just below the event horizon while the force still being insignificant enough in the rest of the universe that scientists simply haven't noticed it yet.

>> No.10551246

If someone dies in a black hole, will his soul be able to go to afterlife, or will he trapped in it forever?

>> No.10551273

That's what i was thinking about today. We are information, our mind must be preserved inside black holes.

>> No.10551345

>Refresh my memory on Minsowski(sp?) space-time please.

The commonly understood concept of "space", 3 spatial dimensions with one extra 1 time dimension and the speed of light which limits the distance at which objects inside the space can interact with each other.

>> No.10551493

a white hole

>> No.10551567 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1000x1360, D3792nuUEAIFXXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite pleasure for your dense matter

>> No.10551582

Thanks Japan

>> No.10551629

What if you put two black holes next to each so that their event horizons touched an infinitesimally small point. Then you put a particle at that point. What would happen?

>> No.10551631
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nice quads, btw.

>> No.10551640

So why don't we have White Holes?

>> No.10551733

Ripped in two. But nothing is stationary, so such a state wouldn't last very long before something else would happen. And that something else would be a shit tonne of gravitational wave energy release.

also watch the video at the top of the page here (too big to post):

>> No.10551745


>> No.10551842

Minkowski space is just our regular universe in a 4 dimensional manifold. When you talk about space time folding, or bending, or deforming, it deforms in minkowski space. That's why you don't see the sun or planets in big holes or dents (like in the rubber sheet with weighted balls analogy) in the universe because they're bending into that additional dimension.
A space time diagram is where you just take one spatial direction (doesn't matter which one) and one dimension of time plotted on a graph. The y axis is the direction of time which the observer will always move up, because your internal clock always ticks forward at a steady rate. The x axis is your spatial axis. Light always travels at a 45 degree angle.
Its useful because its a nice way to depict special relativity because you show how the sequence of events depends on the perspective of the observer by graphing multiple world lines and transforming between them.
Here's a comfy ass episode of Space time about pensrose diagrams: https://youtu.be/mht-1c4wc0Q

>> No.10551974

because matter is energy soup

>> No.10552000

Inside a black hole is heaven

>> No.10552053


>> No.10552983

'I,' not 'me.'
("I am... inside")

>> No.10553208


>> No.10553364

If a singularity is a point where space is infinitely curved, and an observer reaches this place in a finite amount of time, could it be said that the observer traveled an infinite distance of space in a finite amount of time?

>> No.10553401

What happens if a black hole is the size of a marble and you walk through it?

>> No.10553450


>> No.10553466
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>> No.10553468

deez nutz

>> No.10553494

>an observer reaches this place in a finite amount of time
The observer never reaches it, it just keeps falling.

>> No.10553496
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>> No.10553538
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>> No.10553575

IIRC they only exist in the (infinite?) past of the observer according to this diagram.

>> No.10553578
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Surely it can't be THAT bad

>> No.10553592


Hawking radiation take finite time to make black hole to evaporate, and the observer take infinite time to observe the falling object into black hole, do you really not see the contradiction?

>> No.10553600

An entire universe

>> No.10553606

Your mum's vagina

>> No.10553615


>> No.10553846

Inside a black hole: 3d stuff
Surface of a black hole: 2d stuff

Holographic principle. Buy gold. Bye

>> No.10553856

Another universe that slowly experiences the big rip as hawking radiation evaporates the black hole.

>> No.10554154
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It actually makes sense, but in a different way. What if it's just our own universe? What if it's not a wormhole per say, but a 4d einstein-rosen bridge manifold?

>> No.10554779

A wave of black holes

>> No.10556326

>What is inside a black hole?

the shittiest math possible.

>> No.10557154

An even bigger black hole.

>> No.10557170


Stop fucking postulating this asinine fucking narrative you fucking pompous FAGGOT.

>> No.10557328

LQG makes white holes possible. According to this theory black holes could turn into white holes periodically for a few microseconds in their own reference frame, meaning that to witness a black hole turn into a white hole we'd need more time than the entire life of the universe.

>> No.10557346

no idiot I see photos all the time

>> No.10557348

best explanation itt and it's in layman's terms, quite based if you ask me

>> No.10557362

It'd kill you before you could reach the horizon.
And it would evaporate as soon as it was created, radiating so much energy that it would kill you too.

In both cases, you're ded son.

>> No.10557366
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don't ask questions that scare me

>> No.10557372

>muh afterlife

Primitive beings should be sentenced to death by jumping into a black hole.

>> No.10557376

you are a primitive being, idiot

>> No.10557379

>lul no u.

>> No.10557381

unless you are another species, you are primitive, little ape

>> No.10557385

Ok, space nigger.

>> No.10557390

the galactic order forbids any racism or speciesism, your post has been reported and space fbi will kill you

>> No.10557450

HIV or any AIDS

>> No.10557485

>stopped reading two letters from the end of the question.

>> No.10557496

Lots of mass-energy, possibly at a singularity but we don't know if that exists.

>> No.10557675


The ultimate succ