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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 142 KB, 864x486, GobekliTepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10524724 No.10524724 [Reply] [Original]

What do you know about it?

Why is considered to be one of the most important structures ever revealed by archeologists?

Ian Hodder of Stanford University said, "Göbekli Tepe changes everything".It shows that the erection of monumental complexes was within the capacities of hunter-gatherers and not only of sedentary farming communities as had been previously assumed. As excavator Klaus Schmidt put it, "First came the temple, then the city."

>> No.10524731

sit down and shut up

>> No.10524747

>Find structure older than others discovered so far
>"guys this is the FIRST temple, EVER!"

>> No.10524752
File: 29 KB, 720x720, 1523051228656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clearly, aliens, and the "modern science" mafia is going around and taking down important Youtube videos that reveal the truth of ET intervention.

>> No.10526183

Definitely my favorite Tepe

>> No.10527816

but why on /sci/?

>> No.10527984

If you're going to type the letter 'I'm do it properly and leave of that fag script on top.

>> No.10528035

Maybe you're intentionally wrongly interpreting what you're reading. It's the oldest discovered so far but it certainly doesn't discount that there may be older ones out there. What's significant about this temple is the fact that it's older than any human settlement. In fact, a lot of evidence indicate with certainty that this is a temple made way before any human settlement existed. A lot of human material culture dated to around the same time as the temple indicate human societies that are heavily hunter-gatherer.

>> No.10528053

>the erection

>> No.10528112
File: 622 KB, 682x767, 1546550424544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erection of monumental complexes was within the capacities of hunter-gatherers and not only of sedentary farming communities
or maybe advanced civilizations predate your current estimates, you retarded mong. Suddenly what scientists have assumed for decades, that hunter gatherer societies hadn't the luxury time, the motive, or the logistical capabilities to take on multi-lifetime construction projects, goes out the window jsut because it would validate the theories of the people they spent years smearing as ancient-alien theorists.

>show me the trash durrr

I just watched this goddamn podcast

>> No.10528228

Or maybe it's not as simple as Hunter gather/farmer

>> No.10528267

It proves what geologists have been saying for decades. That stoneage man carved the Sphinx. Now the archaeologists can't complain that we need to show them the potsherds and texts of the people who carved the Sphinx. Gobekli Tepe proves they didn't need it.

>> No.10528655

If this structure existed in 10,000 BC there are definitely many older structures buried somewhere yet to be discovered. Cavemen didn't just wake up one day and decide to build a huge megalithic temple complex. The skills, knowledge and organization needed to build Gobekli Tepe would have been accumulated over many hundreds or even thousands of years.

>> No.10528939

Maybe Gobekli Tepe was built to commemorate the Nephilim? Perhaps they will even find the skeletal remains of the Nephilim if they dig down far enough.

>> No.10529028


This riddle is easy

>hey cluk'atuk, god is awesome, how should we worship him?
>lets just build a huge-ass fucking temple for him, to worship and shit
>man building this thing took a lot of effort, no way in hell we can abandon this thing so might as well make our huts right next to it.
>aww shit we can't follow the migrating herds anymore because we need to maintain our temple and fancy houses. If we scare them into an enclosure they can't migrate and we can eat them at our leisure.
>oh fuck the cattle are having babies, and the babies aren't afraid of us. if we take care of them we'll never have to hunt again
>oh fuck that means we actually have to feed them, our food expeditions barely even feed us. we can probably just feed them from the huge brush of grass near the temple, then just put the seeds in the same spot so they'll come back.
>oh fuck we have so many fucking extra seeds from the grass we grew, what the fuck do we do with it? Fuck, grind them into a powder, add some water and cook it, it's not half bad and it's basically free food
>wait, holy shit, if we can grow grass, can't we grow other shit too?

And thus religion led to agriculture.

>> No.10529091

I think you've solved the mystery. It's more logical for hunter-gatherers to first develop animal husbandry before agriculture.