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10522607 No.10522607 [Reply] [Original]

>be smartest kid in the class at young age
>coast along easily, never develop discipline required for success
>drop out of society after highschool
How often is this the case? It seems like the education system is destroying a lot of young prospects because of this bullshit.

>> No.10522612

Factor the internet into this equation.

>> No.10522621

maybe if you had parents you wouldn't have failed at life. Unironically why Asians are so successful academically compared to whites and blacks in the US

>> No.10522622

I was relieved to find this wasn't the case for me and I was just much less intelligent than I had been led to believe.

>> No.10522642

Basically describes me except I 'manned up' and went to university.

The problems I had was that the education system is SO FUCKING slow. The system basically says that everyone learns at the same speed, which is really demotivating when you can learn the whole syllabus in a week or two, but have to wait 4-5 months for the exams.

>> No.10522741

I saw this with my best friend. Really smart guy in high school aced the shit out of everything and then just lost it in college. Although he really wanted to be a musician, but even so. High school success does not always translate to college success.

>> No.10522781

Incredibly common, wasn't there a thread a few weeks ago where someone went into detail about this process and it leading to depression because smart kids were unable to slow themselves down meaning not listening and not concentrating because a habit for them.

>> No.10522782

The academic system is a shit fest, but if you're the top achiever in primary school it's largely your parents fault if you fail by high school.

>> No.10522869

This. I don't blame my parents because it's ultimately the individual's choice to fail, but I became extremely disenchanted and had no self discipline because of permissive parenting. Permissive parenting is a plague on modern youth and is the reason for the plague of pathetic millennials

>> No.10522874

This made me really fucking depressed in high school since all my time was forcefully stolen from me doing busy work. I intrinsically knew I was forced into stagnation, but eventually, like you, I manned up and realised the only way to achieve anything is to stoically weave through the bullshit.

>> No.10523109

stoicism. I like this thought, I'll give it a shot

>> No.10523296

>be me
>parents don't care about academics at all
>naturally intelligent (long division by 2nd grade) + musically inclined
>parents get divorced around 12 y/o
>parents more focused on themselves and hating each other to this day
>discover runescape
>able to play runescape constantly and parents don't care
>fall behind academically/skip school a lot through my teenage years
>surprised I even made it out of high school considering I had nothing but D's
>spent 5 years being a NEET/working and getting fired constantly
>start going to community college at 23
>25 y/o now finishing up organic chemistry/caught up academically and strangely enough people think I'm smart
>finally going to university in the fall

>tfw only start going to school to be a NEET because school is easy

>> No.10523301

I could have been a contenda

>> No.10523312

Glad you’re getting your life back in track

>> No.10523360

I think I know what thread you're talking about.

To summarize, this is how it works. Brain performance is mostly binary. You're either learning, or you're not. You can't try to dumb yourself so that you learn at the pace of slower kids. If you're smart and you want to adapt to the learning pace of the classroom, which is designed for average kids, what you end up doing is turning your brain on and off at intervals. When it comes to exams or deadlines, you leave everything for the last minute, and then you catch up with the rest.

Why would you want to adapt your pace to the rest of the classroom? Because it leads to better social integration and because you have no other choice. That pace is forced on you. Skipping grades is not a solution. Your place is not with older kids (that can lead to social problems), your place is with kids that are as smart as you.

Why leave everything for the last minute, why not get it done from the start? Because then you're forced to attend classes where you already know everything that the teacher is saying, and it feels even worse. Additionally, other kids will think you're a nerd.

Why is this bad? Because it develops bad habits and lack of self-discipline. You become a procrastinator because you can get away with it. You get used to everything being super easy and taking little time, so when something does not you try to avoid it.

Solutions: Sports, arts and other activities that don't get done faster by being smart as a way to teach self-discipline and persistence. Putting smart kids together with other smart kids with a curriculum designed for their pace.

>> No.10523374

it's complicated.

>> No.10523378

interesting thats me

>> No.10523401

holy shit the brainlet cope in this thread is pathetic

>> No.10523417

>have shitty parents(my father is almost 50 and stills cheats on my mother, alcoholic, and she's been a pretty neurotic woman too), always fighting ever since I have memory
>we are middle upper class thou and they have paid all my english, french and japanese classes
>I'm half-way through my economy degree at the best uni of my country
And neither of them have ever guided me through this, all by myself, sometimes it really depends on your personality

>> No.10523432
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>they paid for my education
>all me

>> No.10523444

Do you think that money can also magically make you smart to learn everything easily?

>> No.10523460

>i was always good at everything


>> No.10523461

If you don't start to learn, it doesn't matter, brainlet.

>> No.10523532

This. ‘Pushy parenting’ was a meme of the 80s and 90s and its had its consequences. That and follow your dreams do what you want bullshit of the time. Assuming all kids have dreams and want to do anything but play.

>> No.10523534

Me too!!!!

>> No.10523662

This. Real smart kids know they are smart and the system education isn't fitted for them. One thing is being able to understand things fast and another is have the drive to learn more, which is exactly what smart kids have. Smart kids will always want to satisfy their hunger for knowledge while the arrogant kids will complain how everything is easy having a mediocre understanding of something. This thread is just another "tfw smart but lazy" brainlet cope.

>> No.10523700

The sooner kids are educated by AI at home and congregate only to socialise the better for everyone.

I can see it being possible within the century. The thought that 25yo girls with no life experience outside of education have such an immense impact on childrens lives is horrifying.

>> No.10523703

I was like that (star in elementary, mediocre in HS), and I was on to fail college until I learned how to learn and repeat shit. Then I just fixed my shit in a year and did very well in specialization.
Now I feel sad and retarded because it was so fucking easy yet it took me so much to get it.

>> No.10524987

The education system is no longer structured to help the gifted extend their abilities, it instead panders to the lowest common denominator in the name of "equality.'

>> No.10524990

Retarded meme. My parents controlled my life and took decisions for me until I was 16 years old. Today, I can't decide if I can cross the street by myself.

>> No.10525039

drop out, pass GED. go to an online college that lets you take exams whenever you want like straighter line. make publications, apply for PhD and jobs

>> No.10525056

It's happening to me right now. I don't know how many times people told me about how I was one of the smartest people they've ever met and how they wanted so much to be like me, not to mention how many tutors and important people I met told me about how I'd be a great man in the future.
Unfortunately, my life went to shit really fast as a consequence of some bad habits and a few bad life decisions, and were am I now? 18, graduated from HS, but unemployed and didn't make it to college. My life is completely static at this point, and I'm not sure if it will get any better

>> No.10525294

I'm you but 19, you end up working IT after spending 6 months as a software developer, and you changed your mind and decided to go to college, you're headed this fall for a CS degree. Also you should've gotten into Metasploit earlier it's dope, just look up the guide from offensive security. Also be nice to Jenna, also you'll find out sex isn't as hype, just calm down and find joy in real life.

>> No.10525309

Relax, you're only 18.

Go to college next year. Do whatever it takes (retake exams, study, etc.). Make sure you get into a good degree. Do your research.

>> No.10525350

Apply again. At your age everything is foreboding and the idea of something taking several years seems like an eternity. It isn’t just take more exams and get back on the wagon.

Under no circumstances fall into self pity and buy /r9k/s shit. You’ve experienced a minor setback and one that’ll bring you alot of personal growth compared to breezing through.

>> No.10525379

well, still have time, BUT BE WISE NOW. I am 19 and fell the same than you. I could have eneded hs at 12 easily. All my fucking childhood was boredom not only intellectually in education, but also my shit parents never taught me to socialize and make friends, but they avoided me going out or being succesfull at school because "le you have to go to school to be a normal kid", completely contradictory to them avoiding me having friends.
Excuse my english, i an ill, not native speaker and i dont want capitalize and shit.

>> No.10525412
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I think this describes me perfectly, I never had to study in school and went I got to college my lack of discipline got to me. Man, if only I hadn't spent all that time on vidya there would already be a huge difference. Even in my supposedly elite high school, I never touched a book and was top of the class most of the time, I only got some bad grades in senior year when I'd sleep during most classes.
But I'm afraid of being dunning kruggered

>> No.10525413


>> No.10525415

I don't want to blame everything on them, but my parents did a shit job, I basically raised myself online. When they got home from work they simply told me to watch tv or play vidya. Then when they retired and wanted my companionship I didn't give a shit, I was addicted already

>> No.10525427
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IT COULD BE WORSE. I'll be 22 this year, I got into E.E. at 19 but dropped out, got into a prolonged existential crisis and just got back in college again. I'm starting from scratch and never had a job. It's so humiliating.

>> No.10525428

You are incredibly delusional and the only person coping is you.

>> No.10525436

I have the same problem, but in grad school.

>> No.10525449

A lot of people who have their lives ruined by various mental illnesses never realize it because of America's delusional obsession with bootstraps/personal accountability/meritocracy. Even something as simple as an anxiety disorder during formative years can ruin any chance you had to develop correctly if all of the adults in your life were too stupid to notice the problem. If you weren't one of the better looking guys growing up, it's very likely anxiety wreaked havoc on you. 99.9% of how a person's life develops is down to luck exclusively, but even if you're smart enough to recognize that on some level you're likely to suppress that knowledge and just end up believing there's something wrong with you in a way that's your "fault." One of the more disturbing things about growing up is realizing that nearly all adults are ignorant trash that should have been banned from being responsible for raising another person, whether in the role of a parent, or teacher, doctor, coach, etc.

>> No.10525453

It's the truth desu. How am I coping? I am not the one blaming others for not reaching my full potential or my bad life's decisions

>> No.10525458

All I can say to that is you fully deserve to have something horrible happen to you that is completely out of your control. You are a garbage human being and sooner or later you'll realize how wrong you are.

>> No.10525494

>Implying I've have been through horrible shit that was completely out of my control
I have been in that position but that didn't stop me to do things that I want, literally everyone has gone through that situation, you're not special. The difference is that some people knew how to react in those situations because they knew they are the ones can control how it affects them, and others just give up and prefer to blame them for their shitty life.

>> No.10525701

well.. at least i am at college doing industrial eng. (the popular meme engineering for normies in my country) although i still can switch to mech eng. But i am not decided of doing that shit and i actually migh enjoy economy more...

>> No.10525705

same. when i was a small child (5 to 8) i wass all day at the library, then computer arrived and basically was the thing i did the most in all my life since then.

>> No.10525708

>my bad life's decisions
>being a 8-16 year old living under the rule of parents

>> No.10525731
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lol how is it even possible to believe this? even the dumbest person should be able to look at extreme examples like childhood cancer or car accidents or poverty or physical deformity and extrapolate from them that luck is everything.

Just to be clear, you think the difference in the quality of life between the two people pictured is that the 70 IQ male model "figured out how to react" to life's adversities?

>> No.10526375
File: 67 KB, 960x778, childhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.10526413

Which is exactly what you wanted to do. If they’d cut the power to make you go do something productive you’d have kicked off no doubt. Sounds like they were too old and kind to handle having a little shit in their lives.

>> No.10526554

my parents literally let me sit behind my computer for 12 hours a day almost all the time. This was during the time I was developing most, so age 13-18. I believe it has influenced me very negatively.
Although, I was never comfortable in public anyway. I have some learning issues, and get overwhelmed quite quickly, so I'd usually hate most social events. Too much shit going on, never knew what to focus on.

>> No.10526571

>lack discipline
>blame school

>> No.10526716

Hate to be boomer defence force here but don’t forget that the prevailing notion at the time was that computers were complex and difficult to use future tech and little kids who could use them would grow up to be scientists and genius’. Your grandparents were probably still thinking in terms of Bletchley Park when they thought of computers. Mine still are and its 2019.

People mocked the old timers who saw computers as nothing but space invaders and told kids to go outside and thought they were gimping their childrens futures. Its not your parents fault if you’re becoming of the opinion that those old timers were right.

I think were most parents really went wrong was ‘This is very very expensive. Don’t mess about with it!’. When perhaps they should have been saying ‘Lets take this apart and see if we can get it working again before mom gets home!’. I can see that becoming more of a thing now with phones and tablets taking the pressure of needing your PC healthy and functioning. Kids are getting to mess about with them more and youtube teaches them more than even an IT professional parent ever could.

>> No.10526720

>smartest kid in class
>never develop discipline
>blames education system
>h-how often is this the case?

People that think they're smart are actually brainlets, no wonder you're a failure, kid.

>> No.10526747

>easily overwhelmed when exposed to too much stimuli
sounds like you might have mild autism there, m8

>> No.10526778

He deserves to have something horrible happen to him because he said the "smart but lazy" kids aren't actually smart? Why are you so angry?

>> No.10527027

Kek I thought this was /sci/ not /r9k/. and yes, for the many examples that you gave it's still important how you react to. Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many people that do activism with problems such as cancer, deformity, depression, etc... that also suffer from that problem? Because they are putting an example of how other people that suffer from the same thing should react about their problem. And about your pic related, there is an entire board which can help you to battle your "bad genetics"

>> No.10527102

>spend entire teenage shut in playing video-games
>make to 18 years old
>"why arent you in college yet? go get a job cause you're an adult now"

The absolute based boomer parenting technique. If I ever manage to not kill myself and have a family I'll be DEFINETELY applying this to my own children lmao.

>> No.10527233

My parents did the same thing. I totally could've played video games if that's what I chose to do, but instead I thought about my future, now I'm going to college with a scholarship and working a tech job. Stop blaming your parents for your bad choices.

>> No.10527283
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I'm like this, but the reasons for failing at life in my case are severe depression and schizoid personality disorder.

>> No.10527453
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>force kid to sit in a room staring at the wall for 1000 hours a year
>not the educational systems fault

>> No.10527492

Anyone who pushes the lie that people get what they earn in life deserves to lose everything.

>> No.10527513

Hopefully your future is a massive unpredictable disaster, fucking scum.

>> No.10527522

Aren't you now saying that they should get what they deserve, but only on your terms? Really activates my almonds

>> No.10527535

>People that think they're smart are actually brainlets

Wait, so if I don't think I"m smart, that means I"m actually smart! YAAYYYY!! Oh crap, now that I think I'm smart, that means I'm not actually smart! Oh wait, now that I think I'm not smart, I actually am smart! Oh wait, now that I think I am smart, i'm not actually smart! OH GOD, INFINITE LOOP, WHAT DO I DO???

>> No.10527543

Are getting mad at me for putting in a lot effort when i was lucky enough to be in an environment where I could? My point is anon was able to play video games all day, which means he did in fact have the time for something productive.

>> No.10527548

I would stereotypically be considered one of these "gifted kid burnout" types, but in college I was able to get my willpower back together and start making A's. what really happens is, your brain is sharp enough to absorb elementary-middle school material by osmosis, but you hit a wall when stuff gets advanced and u have to actually try. this isn't special, everyone is like this, no one actually studies in middle school

But the damage is done, because I went a bit crazy in high school and didn't work hard enough to get grades to get a scholarship, and it's much harder to find scholarships in college even with As now

>> No.10527570

All lucky people should have every ounce of their luck taken away.

>> No.10527656


>> No.10527676

smart people have discipline

>> No.10527755

Discipline and intelligence are totally separate traits. Discipline is actually more of a meaningless buzzword like "willpower." If you're a mindless drone that is motivated by the totally hollow existence of school > career > wife > reproduce > die then you'll always have "discipline" according to society, but you probably aren't smart.

>> No.10527899
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>literally tell parents I feel directionless and want some guidance
>oh anon just b urself and do what you want! :)

and then I became an asocial neet

>> No.10528161
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Love the boomer mentality ITT that a kid needs just choose on their own to put some time in studies instead of playing video-games all day. Let's also just give kids the choice to get fucked up on fentanyl if they want to bro, you can totally trust a 15 yo's decision making.

>> No.10528186

I love the brainlet comments in this thread like "you're entirely responsible for your current situation" or "don't blame your parents for not educating you". You're basically denying the value of education and environment in intellectual and personal growth.

Sure, there's the extreme /r9k/ case where some faggot tells you that every single problem in his life comes from an external cause. But there's a middle point between assuming no responsibility and thinking everything is your fault. You're not responsible for being born in Africa instead of being born in Europe or in the US. You're not responsible for being born in a low-class family instead of in a upper-class family that's given you access to the best education that you could get. You're not entirely responsible for having some parents that didn't educate you, or actively wronged you. Sure, you can try to jump said obstacles but you certainly don't have it as easy as some privileged kid born in Beverly Hills.

There's also the stupid assumption that "smart people are not lazy". People have different values. Reaching your full productive potential is not the uttermost goal for everyone, nor is the only meaning to life that exists. That is the typical American mentality that comes from its protestant roots: "live to work" instead of "work to live".

>> No.10528243
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>> No.10528305

Obsolutely this.
As most things in life, it is not black and white, because then you get the anon that wishes that every succesful person in the world would die in a car accident, and like the other anon going
>Well, I had broadly similar conditions to you and I am succesful teehee :)
So, the moral of the story is go to /sig/ on /fit/, and if that doesn't work, go to a therapist

>> No.10528335

Would PhD programs even accept graduates of online colleges though?

>> No.10528341
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Hey, a bingo

>> No.10528345

>Real smart kids know they are smart
According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, they don't

>> No.10528370

The smartest kids I remember in grade school were seriously disciplined and went on to ivies. When I say smartest, I don't mean top 20%. I mean the top 10 students out of the entire body, which in my school was <1%. The person you describe is above average and had potential but was never pushed because their potential was realistically limited in comparison to better prospects.

>> No.10528431

clearly there is a misconception of intelligence here. Yes pure IQ will degrade without discipline. But if you are not interested in discipling yourself that means you're a lazy fuck from the get go.

you chose to use the internet for salacious material and vidya? your fucking gay for stopping there, there is endless material that could have stimulated you properly but you want an excuse to pretend you are supposed to be smart.

>living with the insecurity of being stupid
>blaming everything else

>> No.10528470

Not neccesarily. Sometimes you can see who is the smart kid easily (good grades, the way they express themselves, their ideas, etc...) and smart kids are aware how different they are. What separates them from the dunning-krueger ones is that smart kids are insecure about their own intelligence, which allows them not be a conformist and always try to improve so they can reach their full potential, but deep down they know they are smart, also they know claiming they are smart isn't a smart move.

>> No.10528482


>it instead panders to the lowest common denominator in the name of "equality.'
Or it's attempting to give everyone the minimum base knowledge (to take the standardized tests). Take AP classes if you're gifted. Join a society in your preferred field.

>> No.10528641

That's because you're an idiot who thinks people who get good grades in school are smart.
> The person you describe is above average and had potential but was never pushed because their potential was realistically limited in comparison to better prospects.
One of the dumbest things I've ever seen written. It's like you made up a fantasy scenario and then just declared it's what happens.

>> No.10528649

lol I have this problem, only I actually got somewhere.

>coast along in highschool
>coast along in medical school
All highschool/med school marks were based off of an exam at the end of the year.

Consequently, I got very good at passing exams. Spend about a month doing questions. that's it.

now im a joyless adult, working as a doctor, about to fail surgical primary exams because I never once studied properly for anything. This one actually requires you to read several textbooks.

>> No.10528663

If you can provide a portfolio showing a stupidly high degree of achievement in a broad field. If you applied to a computer science thing after showing that not only have you learned just about everything they were going to teach you, but also used that knowledge to design complex work (let's say code) and hashed out all of the inconsistencies, design pitfalls, and redundancies, they'd have a hard time justifying rejecting you just because you didn't go through the regular channels.

Would you refuse to hire a person if they were supremely qualified, very experienced, and keen to progress, but just didn't follow the same career path as you? Incidentally, this is how a lot of computer dudes get hired for freelance work. Just show them evidence of your work, and they'll be like "Okay, let's negotiate some projects."

>> No.10528671

This sounds like it makes sense, but I imagine a lot of people would fall down at the "Actually do work" part of the equation.

Some people can learn the material, but just procrastinate because there's no sense of urgency, and then that habit turns them into a loafer, and when things get hard, they just give up rather than buckle down.

Setting goals and actually keeping track of your progress is how you'd get around this mark.

>> No.10528717
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very based and redpilled

>> No.10528727
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>> No.10528733

lol, imagine reading that personal accountability nonsense from the perspective of a person who was well and truly fucked over in life. there's no amount of hatred too high for people who preach that bullshit.

>> No.10528754

can relate, sadly

>> No.10528766

The degree of cope in this thread’s hilarious. I remember this one kid in high school who repeated the very same bromides, “I’m smart but lazy!” “School just tests your ability to regurgitate,” etc. He was a fat sperg who was infamous for giving a presentation on My Little Pony in English, attended focus classes (read: special ed), and boasted about getting a low 1000 on the SAT.
“Smart kids get bored in high school and become retards!” Fair enough, ignoring that all high schools - unless they’re backwater one room school houses - have AP classes and advanced tracks for smart kids, even shitty schools. Blaming boredom for failing freshman science and precalc, how rich.
“But muh parents, muh no opportunities, muh genes.” I’m a 5’7” KHV currently attending a top 20 school for bioinformatics, coming from a household run by a poor single mother who couldn’t be bothered to get even attend parent-teacher conferences.
Intelligence begets motivation

>> No.10528773


the american job/education system is aware that teenagers are immature, and so the system does provide second chances if you were an immature teenager

anyone can go to community college, and get a GPA high enough to transfer to a prestigious university and eventually grad school and PhD. high school grades do matter for scholarships but they don't determine the rest of your life (except avoiding student loan nightmares)

>> No.10528788

>I’m a 5’7” KHV currently attending a top 20 school for bioinformatics, coming from a household run by a poor single mother who couldn’t be bothered to get even attend parent-teacher conferences.
And you think the reason you're motivated toward a boring career in bioinformatics is because you're smart? It sounds like you're just an idiot who has the same cookie cutter career-driven dreams as every other moron on the planet. Work isn't motivating for smart people.

>> No.10528798

> It sounds like you're just an idiot who has the same cookie cutter career-driven dreams as every other moron on the planet. Work isn't motivating for smart people.
Ahh, I see. Seeking to leave my mark on a newer branch of science is futile when juxtaposed to playing video games all day. If only I were as enlightened as you, my neckbearded friend.

>> No.10528819

You are conflating industriousness with intelligence. I hate to sound like a Peterson acolyte, but see the distinction between openness and conscientiousness.

>> No.10528862
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Big agree

>> No.10528869

a shit wrong gif whoops

>> No.10528933

If that's your dream then that's great for you, but it doesn't mean you're smarter than people who despise school. Understand that sitting in classrooms and aspiring toward some bleak career life is a fate worse than death for smart people who are, say, creative. Productivity is no merit in a dull, streamlined society like the one we live in.

It's interesting that you mentioned your height which suggests you are aware that modern society mistreats you, and yet you are still interested in contributing to it. Smells somewhat like useful idiocy.

>> No.10528935

Almost me

>> No.10528943

Honestly, who gives a fuck how smart someone is? I am not impressed with intelligence.

I am impressed with the use of intelligence in the best possible ways to further society and specifically, human well being.

Being able to do boring work and discipline yourself to struggle through it is an admirable trait. Not all useful work is exciting.

>> No.10528949

>Being able to do boring work and discipline yourself to struggle through it is an admirable trait
No it isn't, fuck off.

>> No.10528971

no u

>> No.10529037

This is just a fantasy sorry. Going to a grad program at s good school pretty much requires perfect GPA, perfect SATs, recommendation from previous people you've worked with and publication in a high profile journal. If you somehow manage this all on your own, most people are just not gonna look at your application of you don't have a degree lol.

>> No.10529065

>perfect SATs
uh, grad schools don't look at SAT scores. i think you pulled this out of your ass

what if I didnt do too good in my freshman year of college, but got better grades after that b/c of maturity? my 1st semester of college i got a 3.05 gpa. 2nd semester i got a 3.7, bringing my cumulative up to 3.4. my study habits keep getting better, it looks like i could get a 4.0 or 3.9 this semester, so my cumulative gpa will keep getting higher. i hope they will look at my upward trend