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10521358 No.10521358 [Reply] [Original]

What are the evolutionary and biological functions of the female orgasm?

>> No.10521373

Making sex pleasurable and enjoyable so that we have more sex and procreate more.
I wonder why it isn't working for me

>> No.10521394

So they are more willing to do so.

>> No.10521407

I assume you've never had sex (not meant in a rude way).

When a woman orgasms during sex you actually notice it because her vagina suddenly gets extremely wet like she released tons of lube inside of her vagina.

We know that female liquid helps sperm slide into the womb better and increases the chance of the sperm reaching the egg significantly.

This most likely means that the female orgasm is a way of filtering out unwanted pregnancies. Women that have consensual sex with partners that make them aroused enough makes them orgasm which in turn enchances the chance she will get pregnant by his child.

Meanwhile (in a tribal society) a woman being fucked due to prostitution, coercion etc has a far lower chance of orgasming reducing the chance of her getting pregnant from the child of the guy.

Reason why orgasms feel good is because it encourages people to have sex but others have already replied that.

>> No.10521418

have sex

>> No.10521422

There is none its just a random reaction to the chemical reward system in the female brain.

>> No.10521438

This kind of evolutionary line of thinking can literally be applied to anything. I once has a conversation with a homo who explained in detail how the prostate had evolved for pleasure in the shortage of available women. My rebuttal was that it makes my shits feel less traumatizing. Also




>> No.10521451

>Meanwhile (in a tribal society) a woman being fucked due to prostitution, coercion etc has a far lower chance of orgasming reducing the chance of her getting pregnant from the child of the guy.

women have a higher chance of orgasm and pregnancy from rape than consensual sex though

>> No.10521462

i think rapists have probably evolved to circumvent this, maybe this caused the rapist gene to improve your sex skills so that your victims end up enjoying rape?

>> No.10521471

This is why OP is so bad in bed. His lineage has evolved an inability to pleasure women so they specifically dont orgasm, this was only the strongest of seed will make it to the womb.

>> No.10521476

>a woman being fucked due to [...] coercion etc has a far lower chance of orgasming

That's completely wrong, tho

>> No.10521490
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>Using reddit spacing unironically

I'm an oldfag mate. We used to type like this all the time on 4chan long before reddit was our boogeyman. In fact "reddit spacing" was originally a bait post but new people took it serious and genuinely think it comes from reddit.

>This kind of evolutionary line of thinking can literally be applied to anything. I once has a conversation with a homo who explained in detail how the prostate had evolved for pleasure in the shortage of available women.

You need to learn a bit of history. In almost every historic society little boys were fucked in the ass by old men, Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indian, Japanese, Han Chinese all did these acts to the point where it isn't ridiculous to assume it evolved that way to make anal sex more pleasurable for little boys because little boys that fucked more powerful men had a higher chance of reproducing with a women later in life due to having powerful connections.

Alternatively the prostate G-spot is just an artifact of the female G-spot in males just like nipples are still on the male body even though it doesn't serve a purpose.

>> No.10521496

Its a meme, you should be used to them since your and oldfag. Splitting up your post into paragraphs is fine but every fucking sentence makes it unreadable.

How does being arse fucked and liking it increase your chance of survival.

>> No.10521497

Still newfag sorry...

>> No.10521509

fucking kek

>> No.10521514
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The more an organism has developed its cognitive capabilities and its conscience/awareness of their self, the less their are guided by instincts/hormonal drive. This is a clear pattern that remains true all throughout the spectrum, from the so called "eusocial animals" that are virtually only driven by chemical/instinctual motivation, to humans where the instincts and hormones play a very small part, if at all, in motivational drive.

The reason for this proportionally inverse presence is not that clear, but it is likely due to the conditions in which cognitive abilities would be able to develop: if your behavior is dictated by instincts, there is little space for your thoughts to make the difference, so animals that did develop such abilities likely had a less strong instinctual base and/or progressively lost it.

The problem with the absence of instincts, however, is that the organism does not really have any reason to behave in a way that would maximize survivability for itself and the species. That is the reason why we are born with a set of fundamental pulsions, that provide us with pleasure (food, water, sex), rewarding us for actions that help humanity go forward, regardless of what our brains think of the matter.

tl;dr women feel pleasure during sex because they don't go into heat, the same way men feel pleasure because they don't go into rut.

As for why do we orgams, it is likely because of how conditioning works: if we felt always the same amount of pleasure, we would not be that incentivized to keep doing it, knowing that a higher reward is coming will keep us enganged longer (thus increasing the likelihood of fecundation). We also don't know precisely when we will orgasm, which gets us even more engaged in the act. It's the same principle behind the addictive nature of slot machines. At least that would be my theory.

>> No.10521517
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>it evolved that way to make anal sex more pleasurable for little boys because little boys that fucked more powerful men had a higher chance of reproducing with a women later in life due to having powerful connections.

I don't even...

>> No.10521521

Are you seriously implying that I took a screenshot of the very first post I ever made on 4chan? Nobody does that. It's just an indication of how we always spoke here.

>How does being arse fucked and liking it increase your chance of survival.
Like I said it was beneficial in these ancient societies to like being fucked in the ass as a little boy because refusal could lead to physical abuse including death. As well as entire bonds being formed between the boy and the man that usually transfers power and connections to the boy that accepted to be fucked meaning he would be more influential than peers that refuse to be fucked in the ass which in turn leads him to have more mistresses/concubines/wives and thus more offspring.

For example in Ancient Sparta every Spartan adult man fucked a little spartan boy in the ass which was a tradition. The spartan mentor and the boy disciple would have sex but once the boy reached puberty the boy would have sex with the wife of the spartan mentor to impregnate her since Spartans thought that young boys produced the strongest offspring.

Another example is Julius and Augustus Caesar. Julius was an adult and fucked Augustus in his ass as his lover. Once Julius was killed everything was left to Augustus and he named himself Caesar as well which most nobles agreed with because of their connection. He would have never became emperor if he didn't get fucked in the ass by that dude.

Sure nowadays it makes 0 sense but again EVERY ancient society with written records tell us of little boys being fucked in the ass like it was normal.

>> No.10521596

>Julius was an adult and fucked Augustus
This does explain alot.

But this was merely the noble class, are u implying that all fags are all descendant from aristocrats of old.

>> No.10521812

Homosexuals have on average higher IQ and are more educated than the general populace. It's not that outlandish to assume they are actually descendant from aristocrats of old.

>> No.10521871

For that, homosexuals would need to procreate first.

>> No.10521887

In most of history marriage between a man and woman was purely about procreation not love or sexual preference. Gay guys fucked women to have kids.

>> No.10521889

>evolutionary functions
To make procreation fun and possibly addicting to encourage more offspring

idk I didn't take biology in high school

>> No.10522223
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>powerful connections


>> No.10522344

>I assume you've never had sex (not meant in a rude way).

How would you even reach that conclusion?

>> No.10522353

Your post is the equivalent to which hole do i stick it in ? Their are three, the peepee hole the cummy hole and the anal banazaa. Now arrange them from smallest to largest and relative position.

>> No.10522618

It isn't. You sound like an incel trying too hard to sound like a ladies man

>> No.10522674

to make the pussy wet and easy to fuck
sperm can swim faster and make babies
grow some dick incels

>> No.10522714

That doesn’t even make sense. It’s obvious that women having sex causes them to reproduce, and that sex being pleasurable for them therefore increases their chances of passing on their genes. There’s no reason why prostates being sexually pleasurable would cause men to have higher evolutionary fitness.

>> No.10523495

I assumed it so that I had to explain the moisture effect during female climax. if you never had a woman cum on your dick you wouldn't know about her pussy suddenly getting 5x wetter in a single moment. This effect was important to the explanation of why females orgasm thus I assumed he didn't have sex or at the very least never had a woman orgasm on his dick.

>> No.10523528
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What the fuck. Evolution doesn't work like that man, fuck, I don't...
What the fuck.

>> No.10523576

The fuck you're talking about. lmao strong connections from getting fucked in the ass? You're retarded.

>> No.10523611

If you stop misbehaving, one day, you may find a powerful patron too.

>> No.10523620


>> No.10523635

Not quite right. An intense female orgasm ALWAYS causes her legs to go numb. This has the obvious effect of preventing her from running away. The most cum-causing big cocks will always be at the forefront of fertility because they impregnate in consensual AND non-consensual situations.

>> No.10523713

ur mom is just a random chemical reaction

>> No.10523748

There is not necessarily an "evolutionary" reason for everything
Sex feels good and that's it

>> No.10523872

Sexual selection is the biggest reason. >>10521407 is a result of this.

>> No.10523924


>> No.10523927 [DELETED] 

[math][/math] [math][/math]

>> No.10525404
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