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10520885 No.10520885 [Reply] [Original]

\text{Given a point }(a,b)\text{ with }0<b<a\text{, determine the minimum perimeter of a}
\text{triangle with one vertex at }(a,b)\text{, one on the }x\text{-axis, and one on the line }y=x\text{.}
\text{You may assume that a triangle of minimum perimeter exists.}

>> No.10520889

Previous Thread >>10518553

>> No.10520916

The triangle can be as small as you can fucken draw it.

>> No.10520920

It's perimeter, not area retard.

>> No.10520937

I meant you can make the sides infinitismally small you double retard.

>> No.10520952

Of course you can't do that. Are you really retarded?

>> No.10520965

Explain to me, if you fix a and b, how can you draw a triangle with infinitesimal small perimeter?
For a simple counter argument, pick (a,b) = (3,1), try to pick one point on y = x, and one point on y = 0 so that it has 1/inf perimeter.
Fucking retard doesn't know what he says.

>> No.10520989

Nice strawman you triple retard.
(a,b) = (1/∞,1/∞)
The point on y = x is at 1/∞ and at the x axis point y = 1/∞.

>> No.10521011

Thinly veiled homework thread of the day

>> No.10521330


isn't this just a convex optimization problem?

||(a,b) - (c,0)|| + ||(c,0) - (d,d)|| + ||(d,d) - (a,b)||

>> No.10521355 [DELETED] 


i think the solution turns out to be (a,0) and ((b-a)/2, (b-a)/2)

>> No.10521380

Any triangle constructed this way can be unfolded into 3 connected line segments: the line segment connecting (a,b) to the x=y line is mirrored across said line, the line segment connecting the x=y line to the x axis is unchanged, and the line segment connecting (a,b) to the x axis is mirrored across the x axis. So, these are 3 line segments connected in series from (b,a) to (a,-b). These connected line segments will produce cusps when the perimeter is not minimal, but will produce a straight line from (b,a) to (a,-b) when the perimeter is minimal (because a straight line is the shortest possible path between two points). So, the perimiter is sqrt(2)*(the distance from 0 to (a,b)).

>> No.10521382


pretty sure you can just solve it analytically for the two variables c and d, but i don't feel like working it all out.

>> No.10522212

Can't you just pick the points [math](\varepsilon_1, \varepsilon_1)[/math] and [math](\varepsilon_2, 0)[/math], where [math]0 < \varepsilon_1 \neq \varepsilon_2[/math]?

Then the triangle would have perimeter twice the distance from the origin to (a,b). Although this is under the erroneous assumption that such a triangle exists. But if we, as the problem states, make that assumption, this would be correct (I believe). I may have misunderstood the question however.

>> No.10522216

can we get the prismrivers on the next one, please?

>> No.10522222

This is pretty clever.

>> No.10522233

Nevermind, just realized this is dumb.

>> No.10522256

Solving it analytically is absolutely awful (I tried).

>> No.10522365


how? it a linear system with two equations and two unknowns, right?

>> No.10522392

Distance involves square roots.
Each partial derivative has two nasty terms.

>> No.10522551


doh. you're right. it should still be doable though.

>> No.10522774

Well you have one line that guaranteed goes from the x-axis to the line x=y, which is just a vertical line.
This line will be of length x, from (x, 0) to (x, x). There will be two other line segments of lengths sqrt((a - x)^2 + b^2) and of sqrt((a - x)^2 + (b - x)^2) going from the x-axis to (a, b) and from line x=y to (a, b) respectively. This gives us:
P = x + sqrt((a - x)^2 + b^2) + sqrt((a - x)^2 + (b - x)^2)
I'm not putting this in latex nor I am solving it any further for you, you lazy fuck

>> No.10522784

Nevermind, just realized that the line doesn't have to be vertical, disregard this

>> No.10522785

please respond

>> No.10522944

I made an interactive graph to visualize:

>> No.10523215

sqrt(1/2)(2 sqrt((b^2 (a^2 + b^2))/(a + b)^2) + sqrt(b^4/a^2 + a^2 + (2 b^3)/a - 2 a b + 2 b^2) + sqrt((a^6 + 3 a^4 b^2 - 4 a^3 b^3 + 3 a^2 b^4 + 4 a b^5 + b^6)/(a^2 (a + b)^2)))

>> No.10523240

the minimum triangle perimeter is "2b". The point (a,b) is under the line y=x(for obvious reasons) and, as you can make the triangle as small as you want, the point the x-axis you should choose to reduce the total area to 0 is x=a. Doing that, you have one vertical straight line connecting all three dots, making a triangle with an null area.