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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10510445 No.10510445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are girls so bad at math?

>> No.10510464

Because they don't care.
The mathematics required in college is not that difficult.
You need someone guiding you or mathematical maturity which you develop because of genuine interest and hard work.

>> No.10510483

Isnt this a guy

>> No.10510520
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>> No.10510530

my dick doesn't care

>> No.10510543

kek, is OP what the internet calls an incel?

>> No.10510563

the main reason

two bluepills

>> No.10510578

Why did you post a boy?

>> No.10510839
File: 121 KB, 520x588, arguing_with_holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork lol

>> No.10510877

It's not that they're bad at math. It's that they're bad at thinking.

>> No.10510887
File: 408 KB, 1043x627, women are retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because women don't need to be mathematically intelligent in order to reproduce.


>> No.10511011

Volume != mass retard

>> No.10511044

hey dum dum you can look that there is a difference in brain mass between gender and also volume correlate with mass

>> No.10511047

Because they're dumb. Why would they study Linear Algebra when they can just spend their time browsing on Instagram and Snapchat?

>> No.10511112
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Humans BTFO

>> No.10511114

Shut up imbecile and give me the sauce.

>> No.10511184
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>> No.10511212

cuz they're not part of the equation

>> No.10511220

Because they chase sex. And can have that every second of the day. Do they math, they win

>> No.10511252

Women are absolutely disgusting pieces of filth. They enjoy sucking dick and getting fucked.
Imagine this. A person who thinks sucking a dick is a good thing and being fucked and called a whore is enjoyable.
Because they are whores, God is punishing them by limiting their IQ.
If a good chaste woman existed, she could be good at math, but such a thing is a paradox.

>> No.10511253
File: 42 KB, 393x599, Noether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not really (pic related).

However, apart from Noether and few others, the vast majority of the greatest mathematicians were men and will typically be men because most people with the intellect and dedication to reach that level of mathematical ability tend to have autism/Asperger's or some kind of Savant condition.
The vast majority of people with autism/savant conditions are male ergo most of the greats will be men.

However, the median average man is not better at maths than the median average woman. If anything, girls tend to do better in school and college and STEM (however, that's more to do with attitude and work ethic desu).

>> No.10511258

lol the absolute state

>> No.10511344

>They're not really (pic related).
Talk about being mathematically illiterate.

>> No.10511479

this. If this was Instagram, it would have been "lol,you probably have a small penis"

>> No.10511485

also, if you are not feminist is because you don t get lads

>> No.10511490

>Noticing trends like the fact that men invented almost everything in the world should be forbidden!

>> No.10511494

>apart from Noether
You really have been drinking the koolaid, haven't you. Her great "finding" is tautological and I assure you that in real physics, we never use it.

>> No.10511497
File: 37 KB, 500x441, NaxaltFallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out my NAXALT fallacy!

>> No.10511552

>I assure you that in real physics, we never use it.
There are branches of mathematics that are never 'used' in physics; this does not mean that mathematicians are dumb.
My point was that Noether had great mathematical ability, not that she had discovered something useful.

>> No.10511558

>Her great "finding" is tautological
Holy shit. I think we have found the biggest pseud on /sci/. Noether's Theorem is not tautological. You have no idea what you're talking about. It's time to stop.

>> No.10511577

wouldn't that mean that if you had children with an intelligent woman, assumign your child get's most of her brain genes, a male child would be even smarter than her mother?
>smart mother genes=genius male child?

>> No.10511584

>He doesn't know about encephalisation.

>> No.10511605

Why am I so bad at everything?

>> No.10511625

no, genius parent = smart female child
male intelligence is more important for intelligence inheritance purposes, but regression to the mean usually rears it's head in extreme cases.

>> No.10511660

you're not understanding my argument, if you have a man and a woman of the same IQ, then the woman's brain is more efficient than the man's brain as it is achieving the same ammount of intelligence with less brain matter, therefore these two people of the same IQ had a male child and child inherited his mothers brain genes than he would have his mother's brains efficiciency with a bigger brain (as he is male), so he would have a higher IQ than his mother and consequently his father (since we supposed the mother and father thad the same IQ)

>> No.10511691


The intelligence of the mother is more important than the intelligence of the father in regards to the intelligence of the children. Of course, a genius level woman will not have intelligent children if the father is an idiot.

To be honest, genes associated with intelligence are probably regressive.

>> No.10511693

Not an argument.
Noether says for every symmetry, there is a conservation law. What is a symmetry? That some dimension of measurement is the same. What is a conservation law? That some dimension of measurement is the same.

Serious, we don't use this at all. It gets paid lip service to appease the femitards, but we don't actually use it. It's a tautology, and only brainlets pretend it is significant.

>> No.10511705

why do wahmen do that with their feet

>> No.10511727

One day you will appreciate one lucky whore... Take her dum-dum brain into your loving care and fuck her holes until she appreciates how much smarter you are than all women. God speed, sir anon.

>> No.10511751

I sincerely hope you know that is a MAN. Look hard and careful, sir. Jesus fuckin christ.

>> No.10511800


>> No.10511806
File: 79 KB, 1091x877, tfwnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a gf who will not ever be able to ascend your intellectual prowess yet will not deplete your physical and societal resources because of her de facto infidelity.

>> No.10511808

lmao at this retard

literally the brightest maths student i knew was a cute girl, she had a big forehead though, really smart girl,

she wasnt just smart as in knowledge, but she actually knew how to "think"

>> No.10511812
File: 42 KB, 600x532, 1553879473649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont fall for the wahmen meme sir

>> No.10511846

>dedication to reach that level of mathematical ability tend to have autism/Asperger's or some kind of Savant condition.
some bullshit you pulled out of your ass.

most men with very high IQ are men, period. you try to conceal this by bringing up some bullshit about autism?

>> No.10511858

I'm an atheist but I agree.

>> No.10511968


Intelligence is an evolutionary extravagance, bigger and more efficient brains require a lot of energy. A parasite is dumb as fuck, but can exploit and kill a more complex and intelligent being like a human to reproduce and perpetuate itself so long the host exists.
Intelligence is different than smarts, and both are way different than evolutionary fitness.

Women are definitely smarter than men, we are their golems - we are biologically programmed to be so. Men are definitely more intelligent than women. This don't prevent being exploited by them at every step of our existence. The species overall benefits from this dynamics.

Women are bad at math because they are not designed to be good at math. Biologically and socially there is no incentive and tons of risk for an individual girl to go the STEM way, she would just lose her reproductive years struggling in problems the average boy finds easy. It is the same as to require a cat to do your house shores or to demand a german to have a good sense of fashion, it is nearly impossible. There are outliers here and there but it is a null measure set overall.

>> No.10512007

>most men with very high IQ are men, period.
Guess some egg-headed men are women then?

>> No.10512064

You can either be a social butterfly of be good with abstractions.