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10503592 No.10503592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the age where you have the statistically highest chance of meeting a long lasting life partner? assuming you are above average IQ (To take out the people who peak in HS)

>> No.10503594

I hope it's above 25

>> No.10503607

How old are you anon? I would think it peaks around 25 desu

>> No.10503616

I'm a 25-year-old virgin

>> No.10503621

That sucks. Go to a martial arts course (karate or judo) and do your best. I knew my girlfriend there and i'm in a 7 years relationship now.
A lot of couples were formed in that course. I think the phisical contact and the trust relationship helps a lot.

>> No.10503625

How do I meet even remotely smart people there? Not trying to be mean but really...
Also I have a very thin frame

>> No.10503628

Also if you're a guy you'll only get to know other guys in this kind of activity, not girls.

>> No.10503631

Now we know why you are a virgin loser

The question always answers itself eventually

>> No.10503633

I was expecting this kind of answer. You have to admit people who train for this are usually not bright and very low class... as was said by several other anons in another thread

>> No.10503636

>I wasn’t expecting this kind of answer
oh so you’re saying you know why you will forever be a virgin? Then why were you hoping it’s above 25? It doesn’t matter when it is for you

>people who exercise for fun are stupid and low class
Not really anon you are just really fucking ignorant and pretentious

>> No.10503638

big b8 and that anon is falling for it

>> No.10503640

The martial arts thing was just an exaple, it worked for me. The point is: take a course that you like and meet people who share interests with you. Some of them will be female.
If you never try you will never know, don't have prejudices

>> No.10503647

>7 year relationship

Why do some people have such long relationships and not get married? By 7 years you both should know if you want to stay together forever or not. Do you just not want to change anything? What about kids?

>> No.10503657

We can stay together "forever" and have kids even without beeng married. I just don't see the point of it.

>> No.10503662

It forces you to work through your issues since divorce is more serious

>> No.10503667

r.i.p. Being inexperienced at that age you kinda have to go for scraps
Finding partners in a class is a boomer meme

It's very high effort for low reward

>> No.10503672

>age where you have the statistically highest chance of meeting a long lasting life partner?
99, I guess.

OP, what's the point of your question?
I married the first woman who ever said she loved me.
I was 48 a the time (6 years ago)
Now I'm back living in a friend's basement, luring the chans, doing shots of whiskey at 8 am..
Let's say the answer is 25.
If you're under 25, are you going to stop trying for a few years?
If over 25, is an hero on the table?
Fuck that shit.
Keep trying.
Every day.
Years ago, I visited my great aunt at the old folks home.
Pussy city.
Once you're over 80, almost everybody is a grill (and nobody's hearing is all t hat good).
They had trivia quiz afternoon, and they wheeled about 40 old people out there, about 80% female.
I hear a little-too-loud female voice saying "NO, I won't be your girlfriend".
The rejected dude looked about 90, was in a wheelchair with an IV in.
I minute later, I heard him say, "it's ok, I had a good life."

Not sure what the point is, but now I'm crying.
Fucking thanks, OP.

>> No.10503673

>Finding partners in a class is a boomer meme
It worked for me and I'm 24.
I was just giving advices based on my experience.

>> No.10503676

Benefits are
Tax reasons (from income tax to estate tax)
Combination of assets (also a down side)
Can’t be forced to testify against your spouse.
Right to make medical decisions in case your parent can no longer. A lettter of attorney can be challenged by close relatives if your wishes don’t match up.

Downside is if you break up it can be very expensive and you could lose assets.

Anyone have any others for either list?

>> No.10503680

Parent = spouse in the medical one. Typo.

>> No.10503684

Notice OP said statistically highest, If there's a 1% chance of winning the game and if I run the game 100 times and I have 99 losers, would the winner be reasonable to say that the game is easy to win?

>> No.10503735

>not get married
>not let the State dictate your relationship
get off your knees and stop licking those governmental boots, Anon

>> No.10503901

attorneys and economists calculate the price of humans lives, surely it's a smaller task to calculate the dollar amount of each of those benefits, which you could then weigh against half your assets (and crippling lifelong depression etc) and see which is greater. Has no one made this online calculator

>> No.10503946

If you're a 25 year old virgin you are, by definiton, not an average person and so you should place less stake in anything anyone tells you becuase it's all based on what is likely entirely average experience and data sets.

t. also 25 year old virgin

>> No.10504042

Note that being a 25 yo virgin you have to fuck women who have been fucked by dudes who are experienced and/or have bigger dicks as you get older this problem gets worse. You really need to talk to women and lose your virginity NOW before it's too late

>> No.10504056

>bigger dicks
how big are you anon? this is very important

>> No.10504060

Dick size doesn't matter, it only makes up for less experience in bed

>> No.10504084

The reward of going to a class is getting better at something. The gf aspect is not supposed to be the main goal.
Also, I don't know how old you are but once you are out of school (so ~ 25 onwards) it gets fucking hard to meet new people so, even with that as a goal, the class thing is not that bad an idea.

>> No.10504091

>the main goal.
>Also, I don't know how old you are but once you are out of school (so ~ 25 onwards) it gets fucking hard to meet new people so, even with that as a goal,
so there's no hope?

>> No.10504107

people usually meet their life partner in their early to mid 20s

>> No.10504112

Well yes there is but, as the meme says, you have to get out of your comfort zone.
I am taking music classes, do open mic nights in bars and that is how I meet new people (guys and girls). In my lab (pure math phd student), there are no women at all and I barely have social interactions with the people that are there. If I had to rely solely on that, I could spend weeks without physically speaking to anyone.

>> No.10504120

With the specific goal of meeting girls, I would say take some sort of art class (theater, singing, dancing etc.) or sport (yoga and running are obvious choices, but really anything will do)

>> No.10504136

i haven't really spoken to anyone in 13 years

>> No.10504151
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I met my current girlfriend at 19 (she was 18) we've been together for 6 years now and still love each other.

Most of my friends settled down in their early 20s as well.

Guys that didn't settle down usually had either 0 partners or lots of them and had a hard time holding a girl down since they usually only had relationships based around sex and not a personal bond/click to build your relation off of.

My girlfriend actually supported my university study and worked while she paid for rent and food and now that I'm almost finished we're going to swap with me going to work and her finishing her degree. I will always cherish her for supporting me like this and putting her own dreams on hold to make me progress.

I think this is the difference between a real relationship and just "two people that live together and fuck". A real relationship is a partnership. You complement each other and build towards a better shared future like equals.

I feel like I'm extremely lucky to have found someone that clicks so well with me. For example I'm a bit introverted and insecure while my girlfriend is more outspoken and a "go-getter" so when I feel a bit down to go outside she does the grocery shopping for me. While I do all the accounting, taxes and write letters for her work etc when needed.

If I look at my friends and her female friends I think the couples that tend to stay together the longest are the ones were they form a genuine partnership where both parties are equal. The ones tending to do worst is where the guy does everything and the girl stays at home or the "masculine home" It usually ends up with the girl either feeling neglected and seeking male attention elsewhere or the guy abusing the situation by cheating on her and just seeing her as a way to release sexual tension and not end up alone. Once you build your life on each other's contributions is when you actually reach a stable relationship.


>> No.10504153
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I absolutely don't believe in alpha/beta or the "only top 20% of men" stuff since I myself would probably be classified as a huge beta or possibly even "effeminate gay" since I am a very "homely" person that tries to avoid aggression and just try to be nice to everyone and make everyone feel happy and help everyone. I think the biggest factor in finding someone that fits well with you is by exposure, simple numbers game and by having social circles that include women.

While I am a very passive, shy and introverted person I still try to hang out with people usually because I feel bad for rejecting them this has led to me having a lot of female friends once you come into contact with a lot of women some of them will just fall in love with you. I rejected most of them since I didn't have any feelings back for them until I met my current girlfriend that went to the same university as me. I'm not attractive and I would rate me a 5/10 or even 4/10 being lanky and skinnyfat. The only thing going for me is that I tend to be a nice person and people usually like me for that, at least women tend to do.

What I recommend "incels" to do (I think it's a bad and rude term) is to have a bit of introspection. I feel like many of you guys are actually nice guys that are confused. You don't have to be macho, strong, rich, beautiful to get someone to love you. If anything I feel like you should just tell the truth to people around you about how you are insecure and (most likely) depressed. Try to be open to people while being respectful and realizing everyone deserves some respect and it doesn't cost a lot to be nice to them. If you do this you'll feel a lot more calm and in touch with your true feeling. This is what people mean with "just be yourself". If you'd be true to yourself and just admitted all your insecurities and everything I think you will eventually find some good person on your path as well.


>> No.10504180

Cope harder.
Post dick and gf.

>> No.10504182

> t. micropenis

>> No.10504188
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Relationships arent for everyone

>24 years old
>Never had a gf
>Never had a strong inclination for one
>Wouldn't even know what to do with one - I don't need emotional support or someone to talk to
>Completely, unironically content with virginity. Don't even really care about intercourse but have some niche fetishes she'd like find overbearing. Better satisfied with the imagination
>Don't want to have to factor somebody else into my plans and have this huge time and mental sink

I'm just worried I'm going to deeply depressed and lonely in my 40s or something and end up dying alone

>> No.10504194

This is a very open-ended question and results can be misleading.
Does it mean at what age are marriages more likely to last forever, or what was the average age of people who were married forever?
Because imo, the age where a marriage is guaranteed to last for life, is when you get married at your late 30s early 40s for the first time. Because at that point it is just a deal. This is your last chance and you will settle for anything and make huge compromises to remain married.
The second most likely age to remain married forever is before 20s. Because at that age it's likely it was your first love, and you don't wanna take any chances to ruin this.
But what is the average age of marriage of most people who ended up dying married?
I'll wager it's somewhere in the late 20s because of sheer volume. Because that is the age most people get married at. Of course results may vary depending on your country of origin and average marriage age.

>> No.10504199

I'm about 5 inches which is average. Dick size doesn't matter because you can make a girl cum from your fingers and tongue alone which are all smaller and thinner than your penis anyway.

>> No.10504217

Probably early 20s to be honest. The risk of divorce is pretty bad in women who have had 2 or more sexual partners so you realistically have to start young in order to find a woman you can shape into being a proper wife

t. Met his wife when she was 19

>> No.10504223


>> No.10504224


People enter long lasting relationships at around 25 to 30.

>> No.10504230

>Finding partners in a class is a Boomer meme

Well, it is better than in club. Fuck off virgin.

>> No.10504233

Thank you, anon. This is really encouraging

>> No.10504246

>you can make a girl cum from your fingers and tongue
Yes. But not even lesbians restrict themselves to it. A dick inside just feels better, unless you're damaged.

>> No.10504317

Good post
I think it's better for you to broaden your horizon because most people only start to feel lonely in their 30s and 40s.

>> No.10504326

Statistically, you will never meet someone who is compatible with you if you are on the higher end of the bell curve.

>> No.10504337
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age doesn't matter, just filter out the sluts bro

>> No.10504347

Some men are built to be Vietnam war infantrymen -- we aren't good at anything and we don't love anyone, living day after day just for the sake of it but wouldn't care if we die right now.

>> No.10504362

Wholesome post, you're a nice guy and deserve your life, and btw you're literally living my life. I'm just finishing my physics grad school and I'll swap with gf in the financial support department, since I'll be paid in my upcoming job and gf will finally have the opportunity to study herself. I agree with you on most of the points on how to find a partner as well.

>> No.10504366

Fuck you sound like me, especially with the fetish thing. You can't build muscle? Is your fetish exclusive? What the fuck am I supposed to do with a gf. Is wrestling ok? Though she would beat me since I can't build muscle and lose interest.

I don't care for my 40s, I made the mistake of studying sciences when no academic jobs are available anymore and I'm too autistic to consider anything else, I will kill myself well before I reach fucking 40

also it seems like relationshits are indeed egregious wastes of time and energy anyway
>inb4 le cope

>> No.10504388


Men are in their prime at 28-32 man don't worry about it you've got plenty of time. Women peak way earlier.

>> No.10504393


Just pay for a prostitute.

>> No.10504397
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>> No.10504430

>inb4 op reads this and makes another excuse why he shouldn't do this

>> No.10504432

Just don't let her start going out alone, she'll get swept up by some hot Chad and it will start her wondering if she threw it all away.

>> No.10504451

Totally wrong. I have met more potential partners through BJJ than any other adult activity I have been a part of. You get to know eachother in ways some married couples never achieve.

>> No.10504474

a girl isnt going to actually know your dicksize until shes already in bed with you, and even then most of the time she wont get a good look until its inside her.

either way it's already too late

you guys are virgins and brainlets

>> No.10504475

What's the average IQ of people you meet there? Are there any high IQ jewesses?
What if you can't build muscle?

>> No.10504489

>What's the average IQ of people you meet there? Are there any high IQ jewesses?
not that guy but im in my uni's jitsu club and, believe it or not, the people that take the time out of their busy school week to exercise like that are pretty bright overall. you dont get any fat dumb sluts, you get a moderate level of social intelligence, etc

>what if you cant build muscle
i know this is a meme but to be serious for a moment you will if you eat enough and go 2-3 times a week.

most of you guys dream of some NEET virgin 9/10 gf with perfect taste but thats a literal paradox

>> No.10504490

I don't have the numbers, but there are several proffesors from the local college, business owners and teachers, those are the majority, the minority are athletic types, though they are above average intelligence for athletes. Everybody is pretty independent minded. There is one Jewess that I know of. BJJ seems to attract intelligent independent types, at least in my area. The dumb dumbs who want to train a martial art go to muay thai and boxing. If you decide to start taking classes, be a student, if you are there just for pussy it will be noticed, being a good training partner will get you a lot further than a silver tongue.

>> No.10504495

I am a lanklet and I haven't really bulked up much in the 2.5 years I've been training, but I have gotten very toned and lean. I get positive comments on my physique, and look damn good in a mirror, if I may say so myself. If you tie in some moderate weight training, you will definitely gain mass.

>> No.10504508

Forgot to mention, expect to get manhandled by everyone for the first few months, and have fun!

>> No.10504512
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>tfw stuck in a relationship with a girl with crazy temperament and we don't share any interests at all
>there's this girl that is basically me but smarter, purer and isn't fucked in the head and she's so close to me yet so far
>can't break up to go after her because I would feel guilty about the crazy gf and there's no guarantee the perfect girl would give me a chance
Life's suffering, I was desperate and horny and lonely back then, I shouldn't have assumed such a great responsibility.

>> No.10504513

>i know this is a meme but to be serious for a moment you will if you eat enough and go 2-3 times a week.
>If you tie in some moderate weight training, you will definitely gain mass.

No this is not a meme, I'm the original can't build muscle anon and I've been lifting for years on SS, SL and 531 I just can't induce any kind of hypertrophy and recent research suggests this is the case for 25% of people. Some people just can't build muscle no matter what. This is 100% serious and not a meme

>> No.10504515

first quote was meant to be >>10504489

>Forgot to mention, expect to get manhandled by everyone for the first few months, and have fun!
I can't build muscle, it's not fun if I can't build muscle and have to get manhandled by women. People don't believe me when I tell them I literally can't build muscle, it just won't grow despite extremely intensive training

>> No.10504519

I've been there a couple times. The only strategy I found that worked was to break up and immediately stop responding to any form of communication from her. No pussy is worth being a lunatic's support human. You deserve better, even if you dont end up dating the other woman, it is better to be alone than with a crazy girl.

>> No.10504525

Look into "supplements". Times when i was able to put on an extra 15lbs or so required a fuckton more calorie intake. I plan to try again in a month or so with the help of mk 677 (taken before for recovery) and SARM's (never taken before).

>> No.10504530

>This is 100% serious and not a meme
what do you mean? your body isnt violating conservation of energy, if you eat food you will gain weight. if you eat a muffin and when you shit its a brown log, then your body processed it

eat more muffins

>> No.10504535

Yeah I gain fat only. Weight gain isn't necessarily an improvement.

>> No.10504538

I don't know if you've already done it, but post your exercises routine here, please. There has to be something you're doing wrong.

>> No.10504541

if you literally cant gain muscle (i mean you obviously have some muscle or your body wouldnt function), and i really doubt it, then that must be some sort of well documented medical condition. do you have the name of it?

>> No.10504542

I agree. If I was better at maintaining calorie intake I would have kept the weight I gained, but eating seems like a hassle a lot of time, especially eating healthy. It's a lot easier if I eat fast food at least once a day since it is so calorie dense, but the cost is feeling unhealthy (more inflamation, gi discomfort). Right now peanut butter is probably the main reason I am not losing weight.

>> No.10504548

When you gain mass, it is both muscle and fat. This corresponds with the "bulking" part of the cycle you see body builders refer to. You can then lose some weight that includes fat and some muscle, but you end up having a better muscle to fat ratio than you began with.

>> No.10504557

Can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure mid-twenties. Early twenties is doomed to fail.
Also a word of advice, if you find a good and loving woman with a very good, traditional family background, marry her. It'll improve your life having someone like that around. Don't ever settle for a thot.

>> No.10504560

>still replying to the can't build muscle guy
stop it.

>> No.10504562

It is documented here
If you scroll down you can see a comparison between a responder and a non-responder's muscle cells pre and post training.

I have tried many variations during the years, but the gist of it is simply squats, bench press and DL. Now I do mainly squats 3 times a week, bench press twice and DL twice a week, anywhere between 3-5 sets of 5-6 reps (and I am sweating and completely exhausted by the last rep). I add accessory stuff like lat pull down, curls, pull-ups, etc, but no matter the program or variation, I get the same result: none at all. I also can't follow the progressive overload scheme since I can't build muscle. I only get strength gains initially for the first few months then nothing. I can't add even 5 lbs to any of my lifts and I didn't even reach 1/2/3/4 plates yet. I look almost exactly the same (just a bit fatter) than when I started

Don't worry I've read time and again what bulking is. It works for bodybuilders who have the genetics to gain muscle. If you are like me you only gain pure fat and literally nothing else. Zero hypertrophy. My article show that this happens to 25% of people who squat three times a week for months

This works only for the right genetics. Most people have it (75%) but not me

>> No.10504574

It is possible to force hypertrophy with an HGH secretagogue like mk677 without raising your HGH to superhuman levels. It's worth a try if you are at your wit's end.

>> No.10504591

>Whether these subjects are truly nonresponders or actually delayed responders requires further study. The possibility certainly exists that this cohort would experience hypertrophy with additional weeks of training.
it seems more likely to me that some people have a harder time building muscle (i would certainly be included in this group) rather than the complete inability to build muscle.

is there more studies? like is there a name for this kind of person?

>> No.10504620

They're talking of additional weeks of training. I've had years, and I still couldn't build any muscles. This should be enough of a confirmation that some people *can't* build muscle at all.

The name is "non-responder to resistance training".

There are more studies

(look at graphs for muscle size)


>> No.10504634

It sounds a lot like "i suck at math, no matter how much I study, it just doesn't sink in". Maybe you should try changing your narrative you tell yourself. Maybe spend a few weeks focusing only on the exercises you enjoy the least, change your game up. Don't count yourself out until you are dead. I expect you to respond that you have already tried that, and if so, try a different strategy. If what you are doing isn't working, try something else.

>> No.10504646


>> No.10504651

That dude is probably a muslim.

>> No.10504668

Holy shit that bitch has a big personality.

>> No.10504679

>7 years relationship
>not married

>> No.10504684

It's like you guys want to be unhappy

Do you really think women don't enjoy sex with men whom don't have the biggest dick they've had?

>> No.10504691
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This is the truest post ITT

girls who havnt had their slut stage think it's fun especially to EASILY fuck hot men (who won't stick around) they learn they're being greedy and settle

This is why women friends are the devil and you should be friends with all her friends

>> No.10504692

>wanting used 28-32 yo women

Women literally age like milk, and at that age their list of demands from a partner makes it not even worth it.

>> No.10504698

Make her break up with you

>> No.10504700

>if you find a good and loving woman with a very good, traditional family background, marry her. It'll improve your life having someone like that around. Don't ever settle for a thot

>> No.10504703

>tfw 24 yo virgin

>> No.10504708

>without a college degree
So the retarded sluts who fucked for 2 years and failed out of school go on to be bad spouses later in life? And the homely dull-normals who met their "highschool sweetheart" at the grocery store job they still realize neither of them could ever do better? Color me surprised. Some of us got laid a fuckton in college, still graduated, and have never divorced.

>> No.10504719
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>Why do some people have such long relationships and not get married? By 7 years you both should know etc etc


>> No.10504733

>can't read

>> No.10504742
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nah it's true for every education level, but interestingly it peaks at 2 partners until 10+

basically, just find a virgin. easy peasy.

>> No.10504918

>implying iq is related to the age you're most probable to find a partner for a life long relationship
if you let your iq determine your life so hard i think the answer is 13 where many people are as stupid

>> No.10504986

>hey anon wanna sign a kike contract so if you even think of fucking up ill destroy your entire life, take away every single thing you own and fuck all your friends.?
Not op but yeah no thanks retard

>> No.10505009

what? He sounds like any other blackpilled incel. What makes you think he's muslim?

>> No.10505119

>what makes you think he's a muslim?
I'm not the guy you're asking this but how about him recommending to refuse your gf to go out alone?

>> No.10505282

That's incelese

>> No.10505296
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Makes you feel any better, I'm a 31 year-old virgin

>> No.10505301

Your best chance would be to ignore the prospect for a gf right now and focus on using your skills to make tons of money. If you're lucky this might attract a female....if not you still win because you will have tons of money.

>> No.10505313


So you're a skinny guy that thinks he's smarter than everyone. Pro-tip, you're not.

>> No.10505317


I don't know anyone that's fucked less than 10 people.

>> No.10505326

Total guess here but since humans tend to resort to assortative mating long term, I would guess that a statistical study would conclude there are probably two peaks, either 16-18 (highschool) or 18-22(college), and whichever distribution you'd tend to fall into is some function of socioeconomic status and major.
This would be totally unrelated to your ability to actually get laid though. You can be a single 30 year old boomer that slays tinder and bar pussy left and right for the rest of his days.

>> No.10505359

There's a better way to put this. If you have some skill that you're good at, and you can find a venue to do it in public where members of the desired sex will be present, that tends to work pretty well. If you do not have one of these skills, the next best thing is to pick one to develop in public where members of the desired sex will be present.

This can also apply to general interests - books (book clubs), pen & paper gaming, some bars/restaurants do "new episode" nights for shows like GoT and The Expanse, etc.

>> No.10505612

>yeah anon, i don't think it'll work out
>joke's on you, i'm not a virgin anymore
Very viable strategy for lasting relationship. Thanks, anon.
They do, but the preference is still there. Do you want to put time into someone who just settled for you?

>> No.10505635


50% of long lasting marriage is through childhood friends. So if you're not meeting your future wife by 7, you're fucked for life.

>> No.10505665

Probably in your mid twenties to early thirties for a guy. That's when most people marry in the first place.

>> No.10505674

I'm 6.5x5.5 and still virgin at 21, is it enough? Dick shaming is one of my biggest insecurities.

>> No.10505681


>> No.10505682

For men, that's not terribly rare.
I'm a 31 year old virgin.

>> No.10506224

Don't worry fren, just find some chubby bitch in need for attention.

>> No.10506234

comfy post

>> No.10506507

Enough not to be shamed out of bed.

>> No.10506518
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Take the pidgeon-pill anons

>> No.10507911

How is that even possible? You dont buy chips and a soda at the store once in a while?

>> No.10508978

>what is a pre-nup
Marriage is an important step not for you as a couple, but for your circle and community. You are publicly declaring your loyalty to one another.

>> No.10509029


I said men are in their prime at 28 I didn't say anything about wanting women who are 28-32 you stupid idiot

>> No.10509030

Stop thinking about what others can provide to your situation and start appreciating them for who they are

>> No.10509034

Best post

>> No.10509035

Just turn it into a kink and you'll be fine

>> No.10509047

>but interestingly it peaks at 2 partners until 10+
In the 80s 10 was less than 2. This makes me doubt the significance of these results, that dip after 2 is just inexplicable.

>> No.10509088


>> No.10509096

>me another 25 year old virgin
Meh, I'd rather kill myself than be a burden to my friends by airing out my insecurities and depression

>> No.10509169

Is she lactating?

>> No.10509173

What do you mean? I should have no standards? Going out with dumbfucks is encouraged? Isn't that fertile breeding grounds for complete degeneration? Did you not think of the children who'll have to deal with being low iq garbage until the end of their lives?

>> No.10509174

Hey, at least you watch chinese cartoons ;)

>> No.10509256
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>life partner
humans evolved from bonobos which are promiscuous. humans are not monogamous

>> No.10509323

>tfw 27
thanks for your lies bro they made me momentarily optimistic

>> No.10509335
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true spoken.
Bring the light Anon.

>> No.10509341

Appeal to nature

>> No.10509365

I'm not interested in promiscuity though.
I either want one partner or none at all.

Sex without a lasting committed relationship has zero appeal.

>> No.10509372

No they didn’t you fucking retard
please leave

>> No.10509382

Want a girl like that? Major in Finance. Even then, kiss faithfulness goodbye.

>> No.10509394


Humans didn't evolve from bonobos though. We have a common ancestor with chimps who bite the heads off of other males babies. Should humans start doing that aswell? Retard.

>> No.10509401


Just put yourself out there my dude. You're nearing a point in life which makes girls want to be with you. You're (hopefully) mature, with an income and your body is still functioning well. My dad is 8 years older than my mum and he met her when she was 20. Don't be pessimistic and don't overestimate the standards of girls.

>> No.10509433

who is this semen demon

>> No.10509636

No fuck off back to the Portland subreddit you polyfag.

>> No.10510219
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Who else here hate modern promiscuous woman and also think that will ruin everything in a relationship?

Also anime played a big role in my loneliness, i literally can't stand non femenine woman.

>> No.10510257

I hate tattoos and that crayon colored lipstick cunts wear now so I'm limited to dating foreign women.

>> No.10510425
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These replies made my sad about my hope's of ever finding a woman to love me anons
My lungs hurt i think I'm having an asthma attack

>> No.10510443

It's not really anime but the Asian cultural influence inherent in it. If you'd dated Asian women you'd be similarly ruined for Western promiscuous women, i assure you

>> No.10510487

humans evolved from promiscuous apes and thats a fact
why are human testicles and penis so large compared to monogamous apes who have one partner for life? promiscuous animals evolve large penis and large testicles. for example, the whale has a massive penis because the female blue whale lets everybody sex her and the longest penis wins. attend a college frat party and there are girls and guys that have sex multiple times with different partners in the same night. monogamous apes would never do such a thing

>> No.10511045
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Not too unusual.

>> No.10511091

Be reborn as Chad

>> No.10511323

Late 20s.

>> No.10511352

Ive been in this exact situation. My ex was an insane borderline maniac and we had nothing in common. She threatened to kill herself whenever I tried to leave. Finally I grew a pair and when she threatened suicide for the millionth time I called the cops on her and they put her in a mental asylum for a week. I then broke off all contact and moved to a different state. Now I'm dating a girl who is much saner, we actually have common interests and a good connection.

>> No.10511412

I'm coming up, lad, 22 yo virgin here, never have any kind of intimacy with any sort of female, not even a kiss or a hug