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10502060 No.10502060 [Reply] [Original]

Which are the most horrible diseases or handicaps a human being can suffer?

Obviously, stuff like Ebola, certain cancers Cancers, and similar and stuff is deadly and nasty, but at least it will kill you relatively quickly. But who are the people on this planet who truly suffer? Is depression or ME/CFS the things that bring down quality of life the most for the longest time, or is it something else? Which diseases or handicaps are most torturous?

>> No.10502165
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>But who are the people on this planet who truly suffer?
1. Thlids
2. C1 Tetraplegics

>> No.10502180

i would say alzheimers over almost anything. to slowly lose your sense of identity as your world just gets smaller and smaller is really frightening

of course, if i had the choice though i'd pick alzheimers over some rare disorder that makes my skin peel off and i have to constantly wear bandages over my entire bloody body and take massive doses of painkillers.

>> No.10502198
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>Which are the most horrible diseases or handicaps a human being can suffer?
Not being able to build MUSCLE

>> No.10502269

Probably one of those chronic pain problems.
I recall hearing that the worst pain is due to a nerve in the cheek getting wedged against a bone or something.

>> No.10502716

Nerve pain is a fucking cunt in general. I've broken many limbs but nothing came close to the nerve pain I got from snapping my ACL, kept me up all night multiple times and pain meds do nearly nothing. Even broken bones have the courtesy of only hurting when you move them in stupid ways or smack them into things and even then it doesn't hurt as much

Wish I had my medical dude weed at the time

>> No.10502769

Autism is pretty up there.

>> No.10502798

Random list

>Trigeminal neuralgia
>Cluster headaches
>burning mouth syndrome
>ton of pediatric syndromic sruff
>pemphigus vulgaris
>severe rheumatoid arthritis
>pulmonary fibrosis
>Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
>hansens disease
>severe mental illnesses (bipolar I, schizophrenia)

>> No.10502815

>Wish I had my medical dude weed at the time

bad idea. weed makes the pain worse because it solves none of the physical symptoms and adds paranoia about the pain ever going away to the mix. additionally the smoking aspect of it slows ligament and bone healing.

>> No.10503801

extreme anxiety

>> No.10503819
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I have chronic nerve pain in my dick from being circumcised at birth.

>> No.10503821
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being ugly and I don't mean average, just ugly
this is the most painful thing
don't ask me how I know

>> No.10503904

>>Crohn's disease
Isn't chrohns pretty manageable nowadays?

>> No.10503947

build ur brain 1st

>> No.10504071

As with all hereditary illnesses it's a question of severity

>> No.10504115
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Onions Boy Syndrome

>> No.10504129

Involuntary celibacy

>> No.10504135

ALS sounds pretty scary, or MS, Huntington's, any of the neurodegenerative diseases

>> No.10504243

I hear the worst is this awful syndrome where you start to hear your own muscle movements. It's super rare and not well understood so there's no cure. It's weird at first, hearing your eyes blink, or the sandpapery sound of them scraping against the lids as you look left and right. Your joints squeek and your muscles groan. But after awhile it's the most annoying thing ever. You can't do anything. It's like you're neighbors playing music all night, but in your head. You'll go mad equivalently trying to shut up the voices in your head.
Your brain does a great job of cancelling all this out, kinda like not seeing your nose all the time. But some people grow conscious about it again somehow.

All things considered tho, at least I'm not a nigger.

>> No.10504271

Cluster headaches without a doubt.

>> No.10504292 [DELETED] 

guy at my office died to AML. He kept blog over the 4 months when the cancer progressed and it did look worse than hell.

>> No.10505229

Cerebral palsy - having a mind that works, trapped in a body that won't cooperate, and everyone avoiding you.

>> No.10505239

Depends. Are you including things that we can treat well? Or are you only including diseases that medical science hasn't been able to control yet?

>> No.10505250
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Due to reckless Kundalini use I ended up with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia for about two months. Fucking FACE MIGRAINE. Always start shaking when I think about it.

>> No.10505275

Roko’s basilisk is going to have a field day with this thread.

>> No.10505916

anything involving chronic pain

>> No.10505930


>> No.10505966


I have had Crohn's since I was 13. It was fucking hell for the longest time, till I found the right medicine. Can't speak for others, but until you find a good medication (trial and error), you will be shitting your insides out everyday.

>> No.10505968

no such thing

>> No.10505994

Cluster headaches I think.

>> No.10506029

untreated syphilis

>> No.10506093

Epidermolysis bullosa (butterfly disease)
Severe immunocompromise (enough that you must live in a sterile environment

>> No.10506452

Mental illnesses spook me, I don't like the idea of your own mind betraying you.

>> No.10506524
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>> No.10506564
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How do you reckless kundalini?

>> No.10506575

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Not sure exactly how much pain this one causes, but it is definitely the most insane disease out there and it kills you slowly


>> No.10506673

I've got crohns and can confirm.
I was nearly finishing a medical degree at time of diagnosis. Tried to keep going but the reality is only 30% of people with it significantly respond to medication. I was starving to death and could barely move with exhaustion, i got arthritis and eye inflammation. Steroids helped me function day to day but ruin your bones, skin and hair.

Then due to scarring i started to get obstructions which would put me in hospital in extreme sickness and pain for days. This led to repeat surgeries, it became obvious i couldn't continue with medicine and so dropped out and have just been a wretched burden on my family and girlfriend for 4 years now.

I even used to be very /fit/, ran 5k three times a week, lifted 1/2.5/3/3.5 for 5 and boxed. Haven't stepped in a gym for 2 years now.

>> No.10506684

>Adult patients eventually have to decide on what position they wish to predominantly take for the rest of their lives.
Now this is some horror tier stuff.

>> No.10506725

Kidney stones hang around the limit of what you can even register as 'pain' before your body just goes into shock or what have you. They also won't kill you and you just get to patiently wait for the next time you randomly feel like you've got knives dug into your back and sides, you also feel totally fine otherwise and will never be able to get used to it or have coping mechanisms.

Fortunately most are caused by diet or old age so it's generally not a concern for most young and healthy people.

>> No.10506741

Have you tried tapeworms? https://www.healthline.com/health/crohns-disease/hook-worms

>> No.10506751

No. I've tried a few things but as the way with diseases with no real treatment it's open season for people peddling nonsense cures. Nothing really controls it, nothing makes it worse. It just keeps coming until i get on steroids, then i ride those as long as i can until the doctors say i have to stop. Then usually it gets terrible and i have a surgery, then steroids and rinse and repeat.

>> No.10506754

At least you can build muscle
I can't even reach 2 plates for 1 at the bench press with no condition other than inability to build muscle

>> No.10506766

Eat more. I spent years fucking around in the gym until I was 20 then just started pouring food down my neck until i was nearly sick every hour.

Also i can't build muscle at all now. My entire small intestine burns up with inflammation so despite eating more than i did when i was lifting and 90kg lean I don't break 72kg on a good day now. Even if i could the medication is catabolic.

>> No.10506771

I only get fat that way. I just can't induce hypertrophy. I can only gain weight that's not muscle. Eating more is a meme that only works for people with the right genetics

>> No.10506775

Maybe get your test levels checked, however 99% of people who say they can't build muscle can. They just eat nothing or sometimes do meme exercises. I would know as i was that guy for about 4 years until i became known as a big guy.

>> No.10506840

Dude. At least your Nepalese Yak Shaving forum bros are here for you

>> No.10506848

Anything involving anal pain. I had a fissure once and my god.. The horror.. I was at the point of wanting to go out and score heroin before it started getting better

>> No.10506859

Pussy. Try headaches so strong that you feel like your eyes are going to pop and your skull is going to explode, and there's nothing you can do to stop that excrutiating pain, it is there with you until your shitty brain figures "oh sry mate, thought i was in pain lol", which sometime takes hours (not that it matters, time loses meaning in that state).
In case you think why don't i just anhero, it's because during episodes the pain completely paralyzes you, you can do nothing but squirm infetal position like a worm. And after them i don't want to anhero anymore.

>> No.10506871


>> No.10507618

Ok then try slitting a big crack in your anus that spreads wide open every time you try to shit. Honestly, it's horrific, enough to make you want to starve yourself or procure opiates

>> No.10507624

Diabetes. Once people find out you have it they treat you like shit.

>> No.10507704

Stop being a fat fuck.

>> No.10507712

>Once people find out you have it they treat you like shit.
Like virginity :(

>> No.10507760

That japanese dude who was kept alive after his DNA has been destroyed by radiation.

>> No.10509403
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This man
His name was Ouchi, ironic, isn't it?

>> No.10509886
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Locked-In Syndrome sounds pretty horrible, only being able to move your eyes vertically.
Your brain is fully concious but you are essentially locked inside it.

>> No.10510045
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Unironically Scleroderma
>Skin slowly loses elasticity and shrinks over time
>You become progressively entombed in your body
>Can't even breathe as well due to skin across chest becoming tighter and less stretchy
>Your range of motion decreases ever so slowly by the week
>50% mortality rate, mostly due to lungs being unable to expand and fill properly due to lack of elasticity

>> No.10510060

at least you could watch TV

>> No.10510066

>T. Never smoked weed or did any real research on it.

>> No.10510070

what horror

>> No.10510073
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>> No.10510080

By reading anime. Anime, not manga.

>> No.10511532

This is not him. Ouchi didn't lose any limb and he would be kept bandaged to reduce fluid loss.
This is a prop from some gore move or something, but this definiy isn't Ouchi.

>> No.10511604

I found this as an after-image, but perhaps you're right.