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File: 224 KB, 808x548, gre.composite.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10500508 No.10500508 [Reply] [Original]

>Mean GRE Composite (combined verbal reasoning + quantitative reasoning + analytical writing scores, by percentile) scores by major. The GRE is the standardized test used to assess applicants to graduate school in most disciplines.

>philosophy students are the smartest
>physics below english and political science
>maths below arts, english and political science
>chemistry below history, arts, english and political science
>CS and EE on the bottom
not a surprise that in the Quantitative Reasoning alone Math is at the top

>> No.10500509

>writing scores
hmm I wonder what could be at fault here

>> No.10500516

*hides thread*

>> No.10500536

but cs makes money if you're not a brainlet, so it's a better investment, everything else can be revisited

>> No.10500540

>board of virgins cares about accumulating wealth
Who are you saving up for? The local orphanage? The government?

>> No.10500543

I'm trying to be financially independant. I'm sick of living with my parents. CS is neat too anyways.

>> No.10500578

verbal score is the only part of the test correlated with iq so yes.

>> No.10500621

So this is what it's like to be offended by statistics, you just prefer not to see it

>> No.10500644

>another thinly veiled iq thread

>> No.10501117


>> No.10501148

im studying electrical engineering and i gotta say this is pretty accurate if we were only considering stem majors but
>english, art history, anthropology, second education, japanese language majors, sociology/psychology, communications, health sciences, etc
tells me that this is either bullshit or the GRE is literally just essay writing skill 101. there is no way in fuck some big titty bitch studying health science has a better verbal/quantitative reasoning than engineers or cs majors

>> No.10501191

IQ is correlated with writing ability

>> No.10501199
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>> No.10501209

You're just missing how STEMs basically get a zero on the verbal parts.

>> No.10501271

my fries are cold, get me some more or im gonna speak to your manager

>> No.10501274

Not only on verbal reasoning, but also analytical writing.

>> No.10501275


>> No.10501281

>eats unhealthy food
checks out

>> No.10501288
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what was that anon?

>> No.10501289

GRE is a test for brainlets.

>apply for US grad school
>requested to take GRE test
>some other European who took the test before tells me it's "just a test to prove you're not retarded"
>don't prepare for GRE
>don't even know how the test is going to be like
>test has questions in an odd American format (weird ways to express probabilities and stuff)
>still get 160+/170 on both verbal and quantitative scores

>> No.10501345

are you saying that you are CS then? so did you not read my original post or are you retarded?

>> No.10501383

This, americans are absolute retards, unless you look at ivy league universities, the average american is a dumb 52% low iq mongrel

>> No.10501457

the gre math section is very basic, the verbal is more advanced. that's literally all it is.

>> No.10501465

>STEMlets are drooling retards who can't comprehend flowery language or idioms

>> No.10501669


Philosophy students are the archetypal lazy genius. They are inteliigent and it's idiotc of anyone here to say that's not the case. Many concepts in physics and Mathematics have their root in Philosophy and Philosophy students are required to understand these abstract conceptualisations. I would saythat Philosophy students are lazy because while they probably could learn and understand concepts in STEM fields, it would require them to learn a new language so to speak, which considering they can elucidate themselves well in enough in plain English, may appear to them to be uneccessary effort.

It may be that mathematicians and computer science students can communicate themselves better in their own languages of numbers and code than in English. This is the difference between the two fields.

The English grads I don't care about as they're irrelevant academically nowadays. They don't produce art that challenges they just go into Journalism and write opinion pieces.

>> No.10501682

>which considering they can elucidate themselves well in enough in plain English

>> No.10501692

>Philosophy students are the archetypal lazy genius.

>> No.10501698

Dude thats such a terrible way to think about it. Why do people forget about the population of America? Imagine an n of 300 million...that’s a pretty fleshed out and diverse bell curve of humanity’s IQ pal Hence, you’re obviously going to get 150 million retards

>> No.10501803

>tfw you elucidate yourself

>> No.10501809

Can confirm that prolonged exposure to programming ruins your writing capabilities. I get caught in the imperative or functional styles when writing reports or letters and come off as a bit.

>> No.10501816

Considering grad schools are increasingly not even interested in GRE scores (in STEM), who cares. I respect philosophy bros because I'm too lazy to write papers...let them have their GRE scores to flex on the brainlet humanities majors.

>> No.10501917

The verbal section is just as basic as the quantitative section. The fact that GRE is a test for grad school admission and not for undergrad admission is perplexing to me as a European. I don't even want to take a look at the SAT.


>> No.10502008

Honestly, the main reason humanities students end up earning more and managing STEM students is that they can write in the written language far better.

I think it is better to take STEM subjects as a Masters if you want to be really successful in life. An undergraduate in humanities teaches you how to communicate with humans and the masters will give you qualifications to work in STEM fields which when combined with your undergraduate field will fast track you into upper management and you'll be making a killing.

In general there is far too much snobbery in the STEM subjects and it's a self defeating issue. Just because you do a STEM degree doesn't mean you're smarter than someone doing a humanities subject. Just because you're doing a STEM degree doesn't mean you will automatically be handed success in life. Too many people get caught up with this illusion and find themselves graduating, finding themselves unemployed for an extended period and then retraining as an accountant or a teacher and being miserable for the rest of their lives because their STEM degree didn't get them a 6 figure salary in the Silicone Valley like they were told.

>> No.10502041

Why do you say grad schools are increasingly less interested in gre scores?
I was hoping I could supplement a perfect score for my lack of research and publications. Feels bad man

>> No.10502257

An arts degree where all you do is write grovel is correlated with writing ability

>> No.10502271


How do you write grovel?

>> No.10502275

I don't have an arts degree, can't help :^)

>> No.10502291

Have you actually looked at the Ivy Leagues? They aren't much better these days.

>> No.10502295

>The verbal section is just as basic as the quantitative section
That's not true, and this is coming from someone who did fine on the GRE. It's not hard, but it's significantly more difficult than the SAT. As I remember the vocabulary in particular was more advanced. The math section is not. So the writing and reading that humanities students in university do boosts scores.

>> No.10502314

yeah with affirmative action is must've gotten worse

>> No.10502316

CS became saturated with tards who go in it for the money or are looking for an excuse to not get off the computer

>> No.10502336

Please explain how did I get a 160+/170 score on a verbal reasoning test that I did not prepare for and that is not written in my native language if that test is not made for brainlets. And my experience is not anecdotical, I know other Europeans who got similar scores with little to no preparation. All of us STEM students.

My undergrad admission exams were harder than the GRE. Those included differential calculus on the math section.

>> No.10502341

Top schools are realizing GRE scores have no indication whether someone will be a good scientist. Same with GPA. Basically research is all the matters and having the baseline GPA requirement.

>> No.10502345

Guess I'm going to have to try to get in on some research. Fog is rolling in.

>> No.10502347
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>> No.10502350
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>tfw Philosophy and STEM double major

>> No.10502351

You're smarter than a huge base of retarded Americans, good for you mate.

>> No.10502355


Me again. I just looked what kind of math problems you get in the SAT.

I have no words. 18 year olds solving systems of two linear equations.

>> No.10502373

Glad to see atleast a few other anons have taken the GRE. The quant section is literally high school math. Even engineers are expected to ace it. Any (good) graduate program in STEM requires the math subject test.

The verbal is pretty easy too if you take the time to memorize a bunch of superfluous adjectives from the 19th century.

>> No.10502379

>Any (good) graduate program in STEM requires the math subject test.
Any tips for this? I'll be taking this at some point and am a little spooked.

>> No.10502383

>Any tips for this?

Next question.

>> No.10502386

Why even bother replying. Oy vey.

>> No.10502454

The SAT is fucked as long as it has to address America's complete lack of standardization in secondary education.

>> No.10503148

verbal: 76
quantitative: 226
analytical: 137
now do a total with appropriately weighted scores(or give me the spreadsheet link so I can do it)

>> No.10503234


Yup. And they all end up being web developers.

>> No.10503345

Nigga don't tell me what to do, I ain't OP

>> No.10503360

the math is a complete joke, there's a reason why a perfect score is only 94th percentile.
>The verbal is pretty easy too if you take the time to memorize a bunch of superfluous adjectives from the 19th century.
or if you've just read a lot (or just studied a little latin) you'll be able to eliminate and deduce the correct answer for the vocab words.
the harder part is the logical inference section and it's the reason why STEM brainlets get blown out then make excuses about how verbal doesn't matter or whatever

>> No.10503366

>composite score
Enjineres no good write well

>> No.10504196

Buy a book with review problems and work through them. It's not tough, just gotta refresh yourself on some concepts you likely haven't touched in a few years

>> No.10504227

Future hobo guaranteed.

>> No.10504821
File: 17 KB, 448x448, E6B1C661-44F0-4D59-BB61-D92150F9F7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS skyrockets to the same position as math and physics after you wipe away meme learning masters
>also wipes away “I want to advance in the industry” software developers who take 2-3 easy/applied classes
>only legitimate theorists and systems scientists are left
Imagine my surprise

>> No.10504883

It's like a bottom up score from more useful to less useful and more paying to less paying :D

>> No.10504913

>Average American is a dumb 52% low iq mongrel
What is 13%, yet causes nearly half of the crime in the states?

>> No.10505005

You’re fine man,
I applied to biochem programs with a 166/163/5 quant/read/write and 3.97 GPA with no publications and only 1 poster worth of research. didnt get into ann arbour or ucsd but got into asu, uofutah, and texas a&m (with a fellowship to the latter).
Don’t stress about it, study for the gre but tilting will only shoot your own foot.

Only one school i applied to didnt need it but you can still send it and im sure they’ll be moved by a good score.

>> No.10505023

I grew up speaking english although it’s my second language and did about that well without studying for the reading much. To be honest i think the tests just have a massive standard deviation because no one holds them accountable for producing a balanced test. Sometimes you get an easy test and sometimes a hard one. A hard test ensures americans fork over more money for additional tries. But the price ensures that not everyone retakes it and a you get a nice percentile curve.

>> No.10505044

As far as I know, scores are curved to compensate for hard exams (i.e. the performance of other people taking the same test affects your score).

>> No.10505088

I remember that about the ACT but how is that possible considering that your score is given immediately. Do they standardize to performance on your sections when they were given as ungraded sections?

>> No.10505090

Oops, was referring to

>> No.10505097

Hahaha EE here. Hahaha

>> No.10505103

who gives a fuck about GREs. americans are so dumb lol

>> No.10505309

IQ is correlated with dick size

>> No.10505312

Are we supposed to be impressed you scored in the 80th percentile?

>> No.10505322
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Post your score, your undergrad major, and you grad school major or fite me irl.

Undergrad: Urban """Studies""""
Grad: Transportation Planning/Engineering

I'm a complete brainlet who failed out of college three times and haven't gone past Calculus II. I put a good amount of time studying for the quantitative portion though.

>> No.10505327

GRE writing isn't really a good measurement of writing ability. Do we even know what the computer grades on?

>> No.10505350

What is Appalachia?

>> No.10505400

Graded by people not computer. Only writing/math are computer graded and score given immediately.

>> No.10505449


>> No.10505735


I was pointing out your incorrect usage of the word grovel you brainlet

>> No.10505745

No, the writing portion is graded by a computer and a human. You get the average of the scores unless they arbitrarily decide to use a second human.

>For the Analytical Writing section, each essay receives a score from at least one trained rater, using a six-point holistic scale. In holistic scoring, raters are trained to assign scores on the basis of the overall quality of an essay in response to the assigned task. The essay is then scored by e-rater®, a computerized program developed by ETS that is capable of identifying essay features related to writing proficiency. If the human and the e-rater scores closely agree, the average of the two scores is used as the final score. If they disagree, a second human score is obtained, and the final score is the average of the two human scores.

>> No.10505759

Science is a lot more consequential than philosophy, which only analyzes the world. Marx is the only philosopher to have a major impact on world history.

>> No.10505978

Basically afghanistan