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10486114 No.10486114 [Reply] [Original]

Please post your most dire predictions for how climate change will affect humanity in:


>> No.10487104 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 563x302, temps_two_studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demorats will use it to bring about socialist concentration camps.
In other news, earth continues its regular warming trajectory as we are still coming out of the last ice age.

>> No.10487117
File: 8 KB, 635x308, greenhouse_gas_sources.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10487119

Do you have any idea how old that data is?

>> No.10487124

450,000 years?

>> No.10487137

To my knowledge the Vostok numbers are from 1999 and the EPICA numbers are from 2004.
Your argument is missing the last fifteen years of climate data.

>> No.10487160

If you want to look up the most recent data, be my guest.
The assertion I'm making is that it's a fairly simple issue to solve and people need to not lose their heads about it to the point where their rash decisions might jeopardize individual liberties.
Like when some socialist horsefaced whore decides she wants to enact a massive government overhaul of the energy sector and tax us into oblivion, and every college kid is just head over heels for giving up our freedom, or what little we have left.

>> No.10487586

>In other news, earth continues its regular warming trajectory as we are still coming out of the last ice age.
LOL you can clearly see interglacial warming peaked 10000 years ago. We are now in the phase of the cycle where we should be slowly cooling for several tens of thousands of years. Instead, we are warming again, even more rapidly than interglacial warming. Your graph shows the exact opposite of what you claimed.

The vast majority of the greenhouse effect keeps the Earth from being a giant ice ball. It's the change in the greenhouse effect from its natural baseline that is the issue, not the total greenhouse effect.

Nice attempts at propaganda.

>> No.10487637

You say this as half the US is below freezing right now.
I'm not denying emissions are a problem, but it's not as drastic as the effects of the shifting magnetic poles are having.

>> No.10487664
File: 48 KB, 778x511, 2019-03-21 23_57_57-Chicago March Weather 2019 - AccuWeather Forecast for IL 60608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You say this as half the US is below freezing right now
A side effect of global warming is more extreme weather. Watch the US skip spring straight to heat waves this coming may.

>> No.10487804

You don't even know what the fuck is happening. You're literally playing right into their hands.
Let's just tax the shit out of the middle class to solve it, shall we?
Global warming is and always was a globalist farce and a shitty explanation for cyclic magnetic disturbance cycles.
Read the Adam and eve story by chan thomas and get back to me.
In the meantime, try to stop parroting the people who have been conning you for years

>> No.10487860 [DELETED] 

you ignorant fucking nog I am a republican I am 100% against the government and taxes the only reason I support trump is to stop the dems for a long as I can before they turn this country into a leftist shit hole on par with the UK

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been disastrous for mankind the only thing that will save us is a complete breakdown of industrial society. That means both the degeneracy of the left (faggots and nigger worship) and pollution destroying our planet. If we could create a stronger society we can avoid this and especially shut down the boarders before the hordes of central Americans come to escape their lands now in hospitable because of climate change (maybe maybe 100 years from now maybe 200) we can survive. It is hopeless to vote for the GOP but I still do even though they don't have my true interests at heart.

>> No.10487885 [DELETED] 

This has nothing to do with climate change being an absolute ruse.
Sorry you voted for a zionist

>> No.10487984 [DELETED] 

It is obvious that trump is a cuck to Israel. That is why the Muller report isn't out yet, because it wasn't Russian election interference, it was Zionist. You accused me of playing right in to their hands, whose hands are you talking about? The dems? Look at the dems party leader ship and they will pass taxes and they are not ready to tackle climate change if it is real. whether it is real or not pollution negatively impacts our heath. "Climate change" is caused by pollution. By supporting third world counties we are supporting pollution. Look at pollution world wide and who is causing the most. All of our politicians sold us out to corporatism. How many products sold in the US come from countries where they don't give a fuck about pollution? The left supports them through immigration and globalism (global economy dependent on cheap labor outside of western nations.) Do you vote in the US considering you brought up taxes?

>> No.10488018

>a side effect of global warming will be extreme freezing !

>> No.10488029

>a side effect of global warming will be extreme freezing
Look at the global average temp year over year and it still gets cold as fuck for 4 days out of the year. As it gets hotter around the equator where do you think these people that also have the higher birthrates will go

>> No.10488032

>Wants the breakdown of industrialism
You want the death of humanity, the only way forward is more industry, more energy, and more humans, as many as possible. You're a traitor to your own species.

>> No.10488035

>more humans
Won't world population level off somewhere?

>> No.10488269 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 640x640, C9A237F2-8566-4E36-8ED8-C0E254BD8E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all
not at all
not at all
not at all

>> No.10488304

By 2050 the world will be in a state of emergency.
Nobody fucking knows what will happen after that.

>> No.10488320

Is manmade climate change real? It sure does get pushed hard but the biggest polluters are exempt from the accords

>> No.10488326


>> No.10488342 [DELETED] 

are attack helicopter real

>> No.10488558

>it's another weather and climate are the same thing episode.

>> No.10488571

China is the #1 source of greenhouse gas emissions the US is #2. Though it's worth noting per capita the US emits far more than China.

>> No.10488578

Also worth noting that a huge portion of china's emissions are from producing goods for American consumers.

>> No.10488589

>The assertion I'm making is that it's a fairly simple issue to solve and people need to not lose their heads about it to the point where their rash decisions might jeopardize individual liberties.

More than that is jeopardized by reacting to the problem in the most panicked way possible.

The world economy and the quality of life of all the people who live here might well be damaged by massive climate change -- but they can also be damaged by panicky reactions that kill off energy sources before new ones are in play at adequate and economically viable levels.

The "Let's All Freeze to Death in the Darkfor The Earth" approach to addressing climate issues is fatally flawed on two counts. First, freezing to death in the dark is as bad as the consequences of doing nothing. But even if it was a preferable alternative to doing nothing, that wouldn't matter because people won't do it. Poor countries will not say "OK, we'll stay poor for the good of everybody." Rich countries will not say "OK, we'll become poor for the good of everybody else."

At some point, we'll have to get away from the "one extreme or the other" approach to addressing climate issues. We MAY get lucky and see more economical and adequately scalable sources of energy come online "just in time." Or we may not. Our best response to the current position is to try to accelerate R&D on such energy sources, to make them economically preferable as soon as possible, rather than insist that people intentionally accept a wrecked economy. The nice thing about that is, with R&D leading to sufficient energy being available without CO2 being released at a price that makes economic sense, switching over to that is still a good option for economic reasons, even if it turns out we didn't really need to worry about CO2 after all.

>> No.10488597

Also worth noting that the US is actually decreasing the amount of CO2 released.

>> No.10488605

And that's a good thing, the booming renewable industry in some states is actually making an impact. Though we're not quite decreasing we've been stable for the past few years. Emissions per capita are down though.

>> No.10488696

You seem to have posted a graph that purposely ignores the whole story. Here's a easy to follow video that even you should be able to understand. Should you want to check up on any facts sources are in the description.

>> No.10488701


>> No.10489044

I find it very hard to believe the U.S. pollutes more than Streetshitistan

>> No.10489322

>I find it very hard to use Google
Back to /pol/

>> No.10489342

Too few humans remaining to matter
No humans remaining
No humans remaining
No humans remaining


>> No.10489346

Climate Change is yet another "atheist/Scientism" end times prophecy, along with the sun exploding and the universe's "heat death".

But the religious sci-fi stories of the sun exploding and the heat death are too far away to care about, so they had to create a new religious prophecy that will affect us right now. Of course, this prophecy can be prevented, provided we all listen to the preachers prophetising, because it's complete bullshit.

The only way this prophecy can stay credible is by the world reducing carbon emissions to levels they preach in the time frame they demand, which will please the climate Gods, preventing the end times. Hallelujah, the preachers saved us!

But if we do nothing, and the end times still do not occur, then the prophecy was wrong, and the religion of Scientism will be exposed for what it is.

>> No.10489364

No major changes
No major changes
No major changes
No major changes. Remember to sage and hide meme alarmist threads like this.

>> No.10489994

>I'm not denying emissions are a problem, but it's not as drastic as the effects of the shifting magnetic poles are having.
Tell me about this.

>> No.10490012

>The sea level raising and the Gulf Stream stopping isn’t a major change

>> No.10490038

Just wondering, what do you believe in?

>> No.10491434

>Adam and eve story Thomas chan

>> No.10491462

>Just wondering, what do you believe in?
In regards to what?

>> No.10491497

I love how a denier will claim nothing is wrong but won't ever attempt to come up with solutions for issues attributed to climate change. Anyways
>2050 Maine will feel like Virginia, people move inland and beachfront properties are worthless, lobsters are gone
>2100 Large farmed areas are now deserts
>2150 Probably sweeping reform to reverse it artificially but if not every gets cancer and dies

>> No.10491641


>> No.10492778

>A side effect of global warming is more extreme weather.

There have been studies that show there has been no effect whatsoever on extreme weather events.

>> No.10492779

Also worth noting that AGW isn't real.

>> No.10492781

This actually already happened but Americans have no historical memory.

>> No.10493393

It's also worth noting you're retarded and unable to even come close to providing a rational argument 30 seconds of googling can't tear apart.

>> No.10493459
File: 35 KB, 1227x846, 180px_IGC_Chart_7437f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh graph problems

Oh, you are so full of shit.

>> No.10493618

Ah so you watched the simple easy to understand video and are now have a basic understanding of the carbon cycle. Any points you would like to refute? With proper citations of course.

>> No.10493899
File: 309 KB, 1000x1362, BBQ Pork Rind & Aerosol Cheese in a Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which citations would you like? The ones from scientists who have been discredited by big oil or the ones where scientists were paid by big oil to do the studies? I'm at a loss as to which ones I'd choose to read from and believe.

>> No.10494266

You could try evaluating a paper based on the data and strength of evidence. Instead of simply attacking the source.

>> No.10494381

Your issue is you base your opinions on 30 seconds of googling.

>> No.10494418
File: 139 KB, 553x700, fedad840307237bc64bda70b14dc44a958c8fdde1824a423497f90a81eba54fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New plants and oasis appearing across the deserts of the globe. Plants do not need to open their air holes as much and retain water more efficiently.

Tundra becomes fertile massive forests start growing in the arctic, many endangered species start to make a comeback.

Greenland ice cap starts receding exposing vast mineral wealth and hydro electric power which is exported globally via super conducting cables. The newly exposed land is surface mined followed by advanced reclamation leaving behind nature preserves.

The same starts happening with Antarctica. Most coastal aeries are now resemble the Netherlands humanity and nature have never been so abundant and prosperous.

>> No.10494957

Your issue is you base your opinions off of what you want to believe.

>> No.10494999

Most of the energy generated is by nuclear and other carbon-free sources.
After a short period of warming, glaciers start advancing again worldwide.
Farming becomes more and more difficult in former temperate regions due to low temperatures, leading to conflicts and economic crisis.
Dark age, most of the old nations have dissolved, and knowledge is dwindling as Scandinavia and Canada are slowly covered in mile-thick ice sheets. New land emerges as the sea level drops.
A large comet impacts near the south pole, instantly vaporizing several cubic kilometers of ice. Cataclysmic flooding and massive firestorms ignited by secondary impacts swipe away the last remnants of civilizations, and radically reshape the surface of the earth. The average temperature rises dramatically.
The few surviving humans are reduced to hunter-gatherers. Vast areas are contaminated by nuclear waste; essentially thwarting any attempt at rebuilding civilization.

>> No.10495719

Yes, I have my own hypotheses. This is how science works.

>> No.10495950

What evidence supports your hypothesis?

>> No.10496208
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, provemewrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2050
Peak oil raises price of oil, triggers worldwide depression. President Trump III urges calm, nothing to worry about.
> 2100
Oil and water scarcity effectively shuts down all global trade. Wal-mart closes from lack of cheap Chinese goods. The economy collapses. President Trump VI declares nothing to see. And martial law.

The Western World has broken into quarreling district-states. Population following the great post-oil famines hovers at around 2 billion.

Emperor Trump IX urges calm from his Fortress Trump Tower in the middle of Free Boulder.

Katniss Everdeen volunteers to substitute for her sister in the 50th Hunger Games. President Trump-Snow looks on.

>> No.10496374

intentionally misleading chart which totally misses the point and attacks a strawman

>> No.10496378

It has happened before.