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10485746 No.10485746 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like your prediction.

Will it be a single individual? A group? How will this decision be reached? What will the selection process likely be?

>> No.10485754


>> No.10485782

Paranormal phenomena concern the supernatural.
Please think before commenting.

>> No.10486018
File: 253 KB, 600x384, med_gradual_uploading2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably gonna be a Roundworm: https://newatlas.com/c-elegans-worm-neural-network/53296/, then its going to be a mouse -
https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2018/07/10.htm.. A monkey brain will be the next step, human mind simulation will occur after that ad will be tied with AI programming, this simulated human mind will not e based on a RL human but be its own entity.
A Moravec Mind Transfer will be possible in around 80 years when we get functional biological nanomachines.

>> No.10486659

I see the problem of human mortality following another route. I suspect it will be more drawn out and less distinct than moving consciousness from a brain into a computer.

I think older people will begin purchasing robotic and cybernetic implants and limbs as their body breaks down. Their brain will be supported by a basic computer system. Memories will be transferred onto digital format for patients of Alzheimers and dementia.

As their brain gradually fails, more and more brain functions will be taken up by a computer system. Eventually there will be no organic parts left. At that point their consciousness will have migrated into the digital realm.

>> No.10486666

what will a computer do if its a mouse?

>> No.10486813

Depends on the stimuli.

>> No.10486824

we find out that mind uploading is basically impossible after we scan some rich dude in destructively and he comes out as a mashed potato. Like he's not even a potato, just ends up twitching randomly. We then discover that neurons are carrying out molecular level analog computation and give up on mind uploading

>> No.10486832

But we already uploaded a worm's brain into a computer and we are now working at uploading a mouse brain into a computer.

>> No.10486857

And can this so called upload reproduce all behaviors of C.Elegans? Maybe it just superficially resembles what a worm does. And guess what anon? We recently discovered that neurons communicate with virus like particles, which completely changes our entire understanding of neurons:
Just take pictures of the synapses might not be enough now

>> No.10486876

Good. "Uploading" a conscience is a sin against nature as far as I'm concerned anyway.

>> No.10486894

This ARC gene only matter to the mammalian brain though (still a very interesting finding, thanks), the roundworm is one of the best researched life forms on earth and it indeed behaves exactly like the worm. The reseach allowed many insights on the neurological funtions of primitive lifeforms.

I think its naive to say that simualoting a mind is impossible and before going solipsistic with " superficially resembles what a worm does." I shouldremind you that the Roundworm is not a really complex lifeform and has no mind of its own. I think its possible to one day simualte the human brain, I don't think that there is something like a soul and there is nothing intrinsic special about bioogy to make digital minds impossible.

>> No.10486905

In my opinion it's possible to simulate a human brain, whether it can be done anywhere close to realtime and with practical computing resources is another issue. If we have to simulate down to individual atoms or molecules, mind uploading is impractical.

>> No.10486961

Well "uploading" does not exist, and there is no current science or technology that is close to making it exist. So

>> No.10487147

But we already did simulate a worm's brain and the Blue Brain Project is working at simulating a mouse brain.

>> No.10487157

I really enjoyed this movie. I don't know what it was so universally hated.

Ok, the ending scenes were pretty shit. But the first 50%-75% were good.

>> No.10487159

Is it actually a mouse? Or is it just a computer pretending to be a mouse?

>> No.10488005

Its the computer simulation of a mouse. The only way you could upload a mind would be via gradual neuron replacement or a mind outsourcing.

>> No.10489970

How can we predict when a certain technology will emerge? Is 80 years just a meaningless ballpark figure or is there a legitimate set of obstacles known to be in the way of nanomachines and it 'should' take that amount of time to overcome them?

>> No.10489976

How could you tell between the two?