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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10485671 No.10485671 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how to I make it so the energy that goes out of my fist when I punch someone pierces directly into their body so that I can attack their organs directly and kill them in one strike?
I asked this question a few days ago and anons told me you needed knives or bullets to do it, because they don't lose a lot of energy as they move through a persons body. but just shooting the guy isn't what I'm looking for.
Look at this guy attacking the board
He isn't just breaking a bunch of boards in the typical way. He is holding the board in the other hand rather that propping it up between two tables, and when he strikes them, the energy goes through only the last board breaks. It loses minimal energy as it travels through the first two boards and all the energy goes in the last board. So I don't see why you can't do this on a person, where it loses minimal energy moving through the fat and muscle but then most of the energy is directly moved into the organ (like a heart).
Here is another video of another guy using the internal energy
So how do I do this?
>"this isn't real it's fake they're making it up"
No, it clearly isn't and they clearly aren't. So I would like to learn how to do it, and how it is working scientifically. It's not violating any laws of physics, it's not impossible, and it doesn't require high amounts of strength or weight to be effective. It doesn't matter if you weigh 90 pounds, basically, because dropping a 90 pound weight directly on a persons heart will kill them no matter who they are or how tough and strong they are etc.

>> No.10485678
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>> No.10485686

No, desu I don't even see where the connection is between ponyfags and what I'm talking about

>> No.10485726

This, but attach a car battery to it.

>> No.10485761

There really should be some sort of an IQ requirement to post on this board

>> No.10485780

I'm a member of MENSA with an IQ of 136.
Stop with the ad homs and answer the question, or admit you're a brainlet

>> No.10485803
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They're working with prana. It can't be understood scientifically because it's working metaphysically.

To heavily simplify: You'd start off developing your mental discipline, then inward mental balance, then outward mental balance, then learn/teach yourself the body complexes. That's already a lot of prep, but the longest phase is then balancing your spirit complex and fields of force.

In application you'd form a shape from a shape out of vortexes, classically something pyramidal like the Queen's Chamber. You'd be bringing energy in through one hand so it can be polarized for release out the other. That's the basics. Once you understand the principals and personality of a shape you can use prana through it without actually forming the shape.

Not a toy. Using a shape with an echo chamber has the potential of amplifying prana to an exent which can affect space/time.

Pardon my inability to translate this from my native /x/ language. I wouldn't be surprised if this sounds like gibberish or religious nonsense to most of you.

>> No.10485828

This answer is not sufficient to me. They are not using anything metaphysical and nothing that they're doing violates any law of physics, it does not require metaphysical fields or energies to work. They're simply directing mechanical energy, kinetic energy, in a different way than most other martial artists.
I want to understand and learn how they have been able to control the flow of the energy like that, because that's all they're doing. You take the mass of your body, say 170 pounds like in my case, multiply it by the acceleration of gravity, 9.8m/s^2, and take the kinetic energy from that (in this case about 3700 joules of kinetic force) and throw it right into the organ, bypassing (most of) the muscles, fats, and bones so that the majority of the force is directly absorbed by the organ. Nothing theyre doing is magic, I'm just trying to understand how they've been able to control the way the energy is expressed out from the strike.

>> No.10485835

>and answer the question
might as well ask "why can't I fly? I know it can be done, so how do I learn it? Don't tell me it's fake because it just isn't fake"

You fucking retard in the very first video you posted, you're being sold a meme program to learn this "power". They're selling gullible fucks nothing, and you like many other retards eat it up. No, you're not part of mensa

>> No.10485852

Flying isn't possible for the human body, I'm not asking how to fly. I'm asking how to do something that is in no way impossible for the human body and in no way violates any law of physics.

>> No.10485856

I figured as much. Whether or not it's required and despite knowing the irrelevance, I assure you that's what they're using. It's an easier method than you're proposing, at least.

Good luck.

>> No.10485859

>controlling energy after it leaves your body doesn't violate any laws of physics
just buy their scam program and learn how to do it you moron, what are you waiting for? You'll be a GREAT FIGHTER WITH ULTIMATE POWER without having to lift a finger or see any effort, pretty cheap price for that. Ignore the fact that no professional fighter ever practices anything even close to this despite there being billions in the industry, they're all just retards. That group of boomers and their secret technique is legit, and you too can have that power with a cheap price. Just buy it and read how to do it

>> No.10485874

the absolute state.....

>> No.10485899

But professional fighters do use this type of stuff sometimes, although probably by accident. Bas Rutten did this in his fight against Jason Delucia when he ruptured his liver, for example. Jack Dempsey basically did similar stuff against multiple opponents.
It doesn't seem like they're controlling the energy when it leaves nor do they even need to do that. it seems like they are changing the way the energy moves out of the body when they strike. If the energy moves into and through the object in a cone as opposed to radiates out like a sphere or something, then it wouldn't lose much energy from the surrounding tissues before it entered the organ. 3700 joules of kinetic energy moving like a dart or spear will pierce the body and organs much more effectively than 3700 joules of energy moving through the receiving body as a wave, even though it's the same amount of energy. So how do I learn how to do that? I don't want to buy the course.

>> No.10485982

You don't understand even the basics of physics, start from there. No, you will never learn this, no matter what bullshit /x/ feeds you

>> No.10486019

What law of physics is violated?

>> No.10486096

This is how martial artists control their energy:

Speed and direction of arm movement

Material properties of contact surface (hand/arm position, material properties of target area, hardened bone structure in arm and hand from damage and healing during training)

Follow-through after contact

Anything else is a scam. No amount of autistic screeching, or body movements that don't help build up speed or stabilize follow-through, will make your strike do anything different. There is no 'controlling the energy after it leaves your body,' only how it leaves your body and how much.

>> No.10486100


>> No.10486105

this, and please please let this be /thread

>> No.10486173

1. Train to be able to punch on the level of amateur boxers at least
2. Punch your unprepared target right in the gut.
If everything goes well you will do serious internal damage to the victim and they will die within days, ala Harry Houdini. Enjoy gloating to the rest of the prisoners that you killed a man with a punch.

>> No.10486202

Sounds like you would need a lot or shaped muscles to concentrate energy like that. I just wish my body could gain some muscle.

>> No.10486286
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Oh man, the complete unawareness that the scientific have about the reality around them is tragic. I'll go back to compassionately leaving you guys be.

>> No.10486314

>developing your mental discipline, then inward mental balance, then outward mental balance
How does one do these first steps? I'm sure meditation plays a role, but what is the difference in practice?

>> No.10486366


All bullshit. It's perfectly explainable chi, Prana, whatever all come from very picturesque languages. "lower your chi" for example is just the technical term for "take a stable stance, relax, be aware of your center of mass, control your body's structural integrity,..." and so on.

What happens is that these guys have enormous control over their body structure and can align their bodies in such a way that almost no muscle force is necessary to remain stable even when facing an attacker.

Extend this concept to dynamic movements and you're there.

>> No.10486382

Maybe I should habe watched the videos first.

They're not fake, but also not real. What happens here is that pupils assume a devotional role towards their mentor and automatically align themselves in such a way that the effect is seriously overexaggerated, to reassure themselves what they waste their time on is worth it.

Sorry op, it's basically hypnosis.

>> No.10486419
File: 147 KB, 339x554, TheIncal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple meditation or Jnana Yoga are good for direct work, but one must maintain a mental structure which reinforces these understandings in every day existence.

You start by internalizing the polarity of your dimension. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Find the antithesis of every thought. To discipline you must identify both that which you approve of and disapprove of within yourself, balancing each positive and negative charge with it's equal. The mind contains all things and must be brought to completion.

Inward balance involves the acceptance of this completeness. It's not for beings of physical consciousness to pick and choose among the attributes of Brahman(Self), which is everything..

Outward balance repeats the first exercise but among all that which affects you. When you see sadness you are consciously responsible for mirroring it's understanding as sadness/happiness. The mind's configuration can have many facets, both self polarities and other-self polarities must be understood.

>> No.10486438

>"I'm a member of MENSA"

>paying fees for a "LOOK AT ME I AM SMART MAN" card
>being smart

choose one

>> No.10486504
File: 75 KB, 364x345, 1546655975958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might at least take this all the way to prana. Then we mirror the second to find acceptance of the completeness of other-self understanding..

The last step of mental discipline is observing the geographical and geometrical relationships and ratios of the mind, the other mind, and through those the mass mind, and the infinite mind. Mostly just a lot of meditation experience.

The first phase of identifying the bodily complexes. Examine how feelings, biases, and emotions affect various portions of the body complex. One must both understand and accept the bodily polarities. This requires repeated work, but one should find themselves fully capable of manipulating their prana and using apana in no time. I'll ethically leave it at this.

>> No.10486587

>OP asks for scientific explanation
>Thread devolves into /x/ tier shit

Thread should either end or be moved to /x/

>> No.10486593

i concur. please add my vote to the "move this shit to >>>/x/" option

>> No.10487593
File: 41 KB, 586x412, narutoisntfakeguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP in pic related

>> No.10487709

So this sounds very similar to this style of martial arts I found:
Is this a more realistic/less metaphysical version of this tai chi stuff?

>> No.10488090

Because you are autistic.

>> No.10489151

>Having to do all this spiritual mumbo-jumbo to manipulate reality
>Steps and criteria are vague enough you can justify any failures in experiments as failure of acquiring the pre-conditions
No thanks, would rather learn how to make a gun and just shoot god instead.

>> No.10489203

>Square Enix wants to know your location

>> No.10489208

Fuck off furry, s

>> No.10489752
File: 104 KB, 500x397, 88FAE44D-A606-430A-B465-16B36AA8FC74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What law of physics is violated

>> No.10490679

But they don't, rupturing a liver doesn't need some punch magic bullshit, you just need to be strong and hit a perfect blow.

>> No.10490681

It's called kinetic energy.

>> No.10491863

just hit them

>> No.10491889

Feel free to demonstrate your magical powers in the form of a video

>> No.10491894

I think it's called Chakra

>> No.10491905

Or I could refine pigeon poop and fire up some smelters and the ol' forge and shoot you.

>> No.10491919
File: 57 KB, 567x561, 12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just use the , and . to see the frames in the video. Red shirt is unaffected by the punch, when he sees/hears the response from the others he then reacts.

It's probably very nice not having moral qualms, scamming fools must be profitable.