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10484638 No.10484638 [Reply] [Original]

Why do retards keep using the neuroplasticity meme?

>> No.10484900

But isn't it true?

As you get older, learning new things becomes harder.

Children who learn to play a new instrument and many languages before 10 are at a huge advantage

If you learn a new language after that age, you will never be able to master it at a native level

All these are facts, sorry OP.

>> No.10484904

How exactly does "neuroplasticity" play into any of that?

>> No.10484916

The brain of a kid has lots and lots of neurons and connections between neurons, but as you mature the synapses per neuron decay.

If you don't take advantage of that potential when the brain is at its prime, you won't be able to do it once you are older. You will still learn, with less potential to create new connection between neurons.

>> No.10484924

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that a child would have more "available" neurons and possible connections, and as you live your life these connections get more and more ingrained and less able to form different connections?

>> No.10484927

And if that is the case, then neuroplasticity is just a meme and isn't real.

>> No.10484969

>If you learn a new language after that age, you will never be able to master it at a native level

Literal BS. Stop spreading pop-sci. The latest studies suggest roughly 18 on the basis of social, not strictly biological, factors.

>> No.10485119
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>> No.10485232

I could ask my grandmother who learned French with me, but unfortunately she passed away a few years ago.

>> No.10485268

Both incorrect. What happens is that we specialize more and more. Synapses are cut when they are not as useful as the surrounding ones. We produce a shit ton during our infancy and then we start cutting the ones that we do not need, but we conserve the ability to create more at any moment in our lives.

So, yeah, we are more "plastic" in our first years of life, but we can rearrange our neural connections at any moment, even at 90+ years. Same things for neurons and glial cells as well actually (those are the support cells in our nervous system, the ones that feed the neurons and provide electrical isolation to boost the speed of electrical signals), we conserve the ability to produce more but we are unlikely to do so, because our organism prefers to spend the least amount of energy it can whenever it can.

>> No.10485276

neuroplasticity is a proven fact about reality you obvious pol scum

>> No.10485283

today i went out twice and bumped into a neighbor each time for fucks sake. and since takes so long (minutes) for me now to formulate the response to simple rote small talk phrase, both times i actually did the thing from a comedy show were you mutter something that just has the timbre of small talk but doesn't actually have any words.
>Ar yeah, not too, hehe e, better a goodone ar. eeya
have i got neuro.. plasticity(?)

>> No.10485287

>brainlets who don't know what neuroplasticity is
At least google it you fucking living cumstains. I swear you retards just string together words and hope you made sense.

>> No.10485293

Please enlighten me on my mistakes.

>> No.10485295

Its not ameem u retard

>> No.10485300

I learned english from 0 when i was 22 and norwegian from knowing german(theyre kinda similar) at 24. Can speak both fluently