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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 334x202, logic-gates-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10482338 No.10482338 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good sources of basic information on logic gates?

>> No.10482339

Seriously, it's all going over my head.

>> No.10482354

Put two binary digits in (0 or 1), get on result out, with exception of the last two. Use the tables to understand what combinations produce which results.

>> No.10482355

one of the reasons electrical engineering and computer engineering are for retards.

t. physics/math double major

>> No.10482365

>Use the tables

>> No.10482411

The circle means not.

OR is true if either or both is 1.

NOR is true if both are 0. (NOT OR)

XOR is true if either is 1, but not both. (EXCLUSIVE OR)

XNOR is true if both are equal.

AND is true if both are 1.

NAND is true if both aren't one.

What don't you get?

>> No.10482419

electrical and computer engineers are RETARDS

>> No.10482420

Use the truth tables >>10482365
and https://www.falstad.com/circuit/ to play around with some logic circuits, you can use prebuilt circuits or you can draw in your own and verify truth tables, the stimulator will show you the 1 or 0 and you can follow the voltage path, tracing the inputs and outputs and following with the tables will help make sense of what they're doing

>> No.10482431


Serious universities don't take more than one lecture to explain logic gates.

I learned about the basic gates, Karnaugh tables, etc. when I was in high school.

>> No.10482432

~ (A|B)/ ~ (A&B)/ ~ (A+B)/~A
covers op's prompt

>> No.10482435

If anything I'd recommend Petzold's book CODE until they can grasp the basics.

>> No.10482438
File: 28 KB, 1200x601, logic_venn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10482441
File: 5 KB, 296x301, logic_venn_implication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10482457

You should probably explain to him what this means.

Each square is one input (A and B). Inside the square, the input is 1. Outside the square, the input is 0. Blue means the output is 1, white means the output is zero.

So, for example, in the XOR gate the output is 1 only when either A or B is 1 (but not when they're both 1). That's why the outside is white (none of them is 1) and the intersection is white (both are 1).

>> No.10482458

huuuuurrrrr duuuurrrrr im an electrical engineer. look at me. i can do logic huuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrr

>> No.10482599

Do you want everything from the beginning?
look at this set of videos,best stuff is at the bottom.

>> No.10482623
File: 548 KB, 473x625, MangaMicroprocessors_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10482626

>t. cs major who thinks using jargon like conjunction makes it more rigorous

>> No.10482640

Honestly it depends on what kind of learner you are. For me personally I look at everything within historical context and learn it the way the original inventors did.

I'm assuming you're studying Electrical Engineering. If so you should start by understanding the fundamentals of the electron and conductivity of materials.

Slowly graduate to vacuum tube and how it's used to regulate the current and can be used to quickly switch on and off making binary possible. Then go to discrete transistors which these logic gates are. Understand their principles and why they allow current to run in one direction and not the other "like a valve".

After that learn the fundaments of Integrated Circuits and only after that try to understand microprocessors and microcontrollers.

University will stress you out because it throws a lot of shit at you and you can't categorize it properly in your head. If you have a timeline of these inventions and understand why and how they are made then you can very easily "build on top" of that knowledge up to the next invention.

This is what you have to do eventually anyway since you'll need to read current research papers eventually and know where it all builds upon. This is in my experience the far more efficient way of learning instead of trying to understand every single "puzzle piece" of the entire knowledge picture one at a time.

Knowledge is like a house of cards. If you don't have a good fundament to build upon you can't really master it. Learn the basics of the electron, conductivity, vacuum tubes, transistors first before being concerned about logic gates, in that order.

>> No.10482924

Use Minecraft

>> No.10482960

Look at a table. 1 is signal (any signal of high enough voltage, if electricity) on. 0 is off or no input. The gate produces the single output with two inputs and doesn't vary. Please understand that 0 really means 'off', it doesn't mean "magic alt electrical signal indicating a 0".

And is only true when both switches are on. A & B. Even A (on) & Not B (B is off) will still produce a 0 on the ouput.

The rest is pure logic once you know the setup. Put them together and figure it out. Im not sure how else to explain it. You can try putting them together with wires if you want, that helped me with things like storing bits and making adders.

>> No.10483178

Get "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software" and read it cover to cover. Best tech book I've ever read

>> No.10484060

This. Read CODE by Petzold