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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10481347 No.10481347 [Reply] [Original]

how is time real?
I thought it was just a convenient concept, like numbers or letters
Like theres no giant floating 6 in space that says "this means six"

>> No.10481351

We need to ban non-Platonists from this board already

>> No.10481363

6 is not a number, 6 is a sign.

>> No.10481368

we need to ban platonists from this board already

>> No.10481375

Platonists are right, so it makes no sense to ban them

>> No.10481401

what does plato have to do with time

>> No.10481412

He doesn't, I was responding to
>I thought it was just a convenient concept, like numbers or letters
>Like theres no giant floating 6 in space that says "this means six"
numbers arent just concepts, they objectively exist externally to human beings, our thoughts, or our existence. If all humans were to die, numbers and math would still exist in exactly the same way. Only non-Platonist brainlets deny this.

>> No.10481474
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>numbers arent just concepts, they objectively exist externally to human beings, our thoughts, or our existence

>> No.10481495


Yes, that's true. It is exactly as you say.

>> No.10481543

how the hell does time perception work? do all of our neurons just agree like, yep this is the frame we're gonna work in.

>> No.10481580
File: 7 KB, 185x185, E1B571C5-DE28-429E-ACA0-73A3118D03B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers arent just concepts, they objectively exist externally to human beings

>> No.10481616

Exactly what's so trippy about it. Why don't we experience time as a fast forward on video? Or rewind? Why don't we experience everything at once?
Kinda reminds me of Mr. Nobody

>> No.10481627

at one point, the sun sets so you know its 6pm.
when the moon rises its somewhere around evening.
when the sun goes up its somewhere around 6am.

when people used to set meetings in the past they would 'meet at sunset'

>> No.10481628

I obviously dont know this for sure but I imagine the present as a 3D slice of our 4D existance (timeline of all our lives, and the universe) and we move forward this 4D timeline one 3D frame at a time at the speed of light.

>> No.10481664

But time experience is relative.
2 minutes sitting down feels a lot quicker than 2 minutes of wrestling someone.
Maybe we've evolved to perceive time as slower when in danger.
I'm not referring to time as shown on a stopwatch but as an experienced progression.

>> No.10481712

Objective time for us is defined by the amount of vibrations in an atom per second but subjective time is probably due to the imperfectness of our brain's ability to keep time. I'm sure evolution factors into it too as you say.

>> No.10481725

time is different for different observers
its a consequence of Einsteins relativity, not biology

>> No.10481731

time is just perceived change

>> No.10481850

why now? why can't we speed it up, slow it down, or go backwards?

>> No.10481914

There is no core self bound by time. Just an awareness passing through it.

>> No.10482855

If humans were to never exist, or if all humans and all other intelligent life in the universe died, math would still behave in the same exact way.
Thinking otherwise is literally retarded

>> No.10483322

>Why don't we experience time as a fast forward on video? Or rewind? Why don't we experience everything at once?

Because a chronon is never late, nor early, but arrives precisely when it means to.

>> No.10484209

>the math that no one would have invented would be the same
but good argument tho

>> No.10484890


>> No.10486030

Math isn't invented so the math that humans have discovered would be the same, just remaining undiscovered.

>> No.10486416

Math is the discovery of the potential existence of objects. Mathematical entities have no real existence because they do not inhabit any plane of existence until physical occurrences cause them to exist. Suppose geometric objects such as spheres: if all spherical objects ceased to exist would the mathematical object that is a sphere still exist? No, it would only have a potential existence, given that something would cause its coming into existence. So yes, math is invented. It is simply using a language to discover potential objects in physical reality, which is not the same as actual existence, which is to say physical existence.

>> No.10486921

>when the moon rises its somewhere around evening.
I see you have never really observed the moon.

>> No.10486954 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 720x405, 1408051026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-9 are signs we use to represent the processes of an ordered set of eternal objects which are located within the Godhead.

They're even https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Real

>> No.10486959
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1-9 are signs we use to represent the processes of an ordered set of eternal objects which are located within the Godhead.

These eternal objects are even https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Real

>> No.10486992

>potential existance

Niggs things either exist or don’t. How can something have the potential to exist. 6 rocks are going to be there either if there’sa human to count them up or a nigger to throw 4 and keep 2 as a result.

>> No.10487016

Existence requires experience. Math was not invented, but it did not exist until it was experienced and identified.

>I should like to put in a reminder here that the essential feature in the concept of transitional objects and phenomena (according to my presentation of the subject) is the paradox, and the acceptance of the paradox: the baby creates the object, but the object was there waiting to be created and to become a cathected object. -Winnicott

>> No.10487024

>existence requires experience

Off yourself you waste of space.

>> No.10487271

>numbers arent just concepts
How are other concepts any different? All concepts can be reduced to numbers anyway, just code a complete description of the brain-state of a person who understands the concept plus a description of the concept detailed enough for them to know which concept you mean, and code it as an integer.

>> No.10487286

>Everything's just numbers, just code everything with a number and wow look it's all numbers wow

>> No.10487309

All concepts are can be coded as numbers in an eternal and non-contingent way, therefore all concepts are eternal and non-contingent. Of course there are contingent things that aren't numbers, but that's only because which concepts are physically instantiated is contingent, not which concepts exist abstractly.

>> No.10487323

>All concepts can be reduced to numbers anyway