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10479358 No.10479358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's a little cringe-worthy hearing people on this board boasting about studying a STEM major at a mediocre state university. It's not difficult at all to get a STEM degree from most state schools. Furthermore, your chances of getting into a good grad school for research are severely diminished.

In all honesty, an art degree from Harvard is more impressive than a STEM degree from ASU.

Pic sort of related: lol at all the retarded parents thinking the reason their dumbfuck son/daughter didn't get into a top school was because of the exaggerated cheating scandal

>> No.10479382

>tfw biochemistry major at University of Arizona

Guess I'll never get into a good grad school.

>> No.10479399

lmao that's a really shitty school

>> No.10479401

It's not the degree you have, it's what you do with it. Art major who developed an accounting software using machine learning algorithms for sorting receipts automatically? You'll be hired.

>> No.10479405

>TL;DR: Harvard>ASU

Like someone's gonna argue muh community college degree is just as good as MIT

>> No.10479415


UConn, UMass Amherst, URI, UNH, the SUNY schools, etc.

All of those are shitty unis and there's nothing impressive about getting a STEM degree from there

>> No.10479422

Similarly it's cringe worthy when undergraduates are boasting about departmental rankings.

An MIT art degree, is better than any degree at schools like UIUC, UofToronto, Georgia Tech, etc.
The point of good undergraduate schools is to filter out general brainlets through selectivity.

>> No.10479431

>implying anyone gets impressed by degrees in the real world
No one gives a shit, as long as you can do your job, which is all that everyone cares about.

source: work with a bunch of Stanford and Berkeley graduates

>> No.10479436

ask me how I know you're a high-schooler or a disgruntled freshman at a shit uni

>> No.10479439

And those Stanford and Berkeley grads will forever hold their titles over you. No matter how good you are at your job or how much you make, it will never erase the inescapable fact that they of an elite stock.

>> No.10479443


>> No.10479444

A 2.7 at an Ivy League or MIT is worth more than a 3.5 at State U when it comes to applying to grad school.

>> No.10479448

>rankings circlejerking and sobbing
this board's userbase is so fucking young

>> No.10479452

I hold more patents than any of them and work at a senior position even though I started after most of them. If they tried holding their titles over me I could put them in their place very easily

>> No.10479453

>tfw went to a shitty UC and boss around berkeley and stanford grads on a daily basis
feels good to have cruised through uni

>> No.10479470
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Please don't knock my confidence off. I'm just a poor little gay boi who is studying at a broke ass college. T.T

>> No.10479483

>go to literal shit tier uni for undergrad
>double major mechanical engineering, computer science
>graduate in 4.5 years with 3.25 gpa
>get rejected from every grad program i apply to except at my alma mater because i already knew my future advisor
>now in literal shit tier uni for grad school (decent program though)
>win best paper in conference last year
>one of the professors who rejected me is a coauthor because thats what my advisor wants

Where you go to school doesnt really matter. Its who you know and what you do that matters

>> No.10479493
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Only the kids of the hereditary elite caste get to go to Harvard or MIT here in eastern europe.

>> No.10479500

no it's more like
Where you go to school will always matter regardless of the scenario
Who you know and what you do will also matter depending on the scenario

>> No.10479503

just go to École normale supérieure

>> No.10479507

My sister went to a shit college but did all her best to make the most out of every material presented, did internship to a whatever companies every summer.

She's now working in NYC alongside with a NYU; Brown; & Stanford graduate - all same salary. Lol desu

>> No.10479510

Just go to EPFL

>> No.10479518

yeah keep'm short. who tf do they think they are, having some pride in their achievements, right? Only the absolute elite is allowed to walk with their heads up high. All the other peasants should be happy they can be the ground on which the greats walk.

I say you are on the right path anon. This is exactly what's most important in life. Who earns his bragging rights, is no one overstating their succes, are there any heads that need some pushing down etc. Fuck all that science for the science bs. Curiosity? Are you a child? It's about prestige, respect, power.

>> No.10479529

I'm so pretteeey in that pic. Thx for posting that anon.

>> No.10479534

small people look down, big people look up

>> No.10479540

anon i dont think that is how height works it is the other away around

>> No.10479542

>who tf do they think they are, having some pride in their achievements, right?
That's just it anon
These aren't achievements
Those are consolation prizes
Those peasants should realize that their years fucking around in school and being
brainlets led them here and they should clean up their acts if they want to actually achieve something.

>> No.10479543

>unnnghghgghgh, my penis is to tiny, I hope that my degree makes it look bigger
Your mom probably paid for you to get into your school. Richbrains are babybrains.

>> No.10479545

Why would a big person ever want to look at a manlet? And what manlet would have the audacity to look at a tall person?

>> No.10479550

ivy league universities are one of the biggest scams running in the united states. unless you get a full ride you are much better off going to a state school. I have heard this from multiple people from various professions who have gone to upper tier universities and are shit-deep in debt from it

>> No.10479563

>study STEM in the US
>half your curriculum is marxist bullshit
>start a job
>this is anon, our physicist with focus on gender studies
>to stop being oppressive, he chopped off his dick
>wow, so brave
>Blumpfrt is bad!!!!

>> No.10479567

Delusional third worlder

>> No.10479571

Tell us about your sociological expertise, mr. peepee engineer

>> No.10479571,1 [INTERNAL] 

how do you get letters of recommendation with a 2.7 at an ivy?
Waste of trips

>> No.10479714

Yes the cost is one factor, but let's thinking slightly more deep, (((who))) do you think runs ivy leagues?

>> No.10479994

>the SUNY schools
I'm pretty sure Stony Brook and Buffalo are well-known for STEM

>> No.10480005

That's a really fascinating story OP, thanks.

>> No.10480013

Manlets run the planet

>> No.10480086

OP isn't talking about faculty, they're talking about the undergrads
it's about the shitty type of students they take
SUNY takes retards, dropouts, 2nd chancers as undergrads

obv the faculty can be well-known for STEM but these researcher will never waste time teaching the bottom of barrel undergrads

>> No.10480093 [DELETED] 

My gf went to Cornell for post grad and her school was not a very impressive one. Not really sure it matters if you're an above average applicant.

>> No.10480115

What makes degrees "impressive"? Does MIT teach a special version of 2+2 or what?

>> No.10480127

SUNY and CUNY are very good schools that have put out multiple nobel laureates.
You sound like you're angry you spent more money than you needed to on an education that wasn't any better.

>> No.10480140

>tfw there is something worse than a SUNY called a CUNY

>> No.10480144

based Arizona anon

>> No.10480155

lmao spend more money to get a degree that won't help you I guess

>> No.10480191

>go to state school for premed
>have inflated gpa and $0 in debt
>all other things constant, have nearly the same chances as someone who went to a more prestigious undergrad university
I dunno seems pretty good to me

>> No.10480226

>your chances of getting into a good grad school for research are severely diminished.
No, at least not a few years ago. Got into a good grad school from a garbage-tier state school.

>> No.10480238

that said you should still go to a good undergrad uni if you can

>> No.10480254

>people saying the education you get at top universities is not much better
>mfw every recorded course I've seen from MIT, Stanford, Harvard, etc. is 10 times better than any of my courses at a good European university
>mfw Stanford kids have been taught introductory computational photography from the guy who's leading the camera team in Google

>> No.10480342

Define 'state school'

>> No.10480362

Any school that's owned and funded by the state government

>> No.10480363

There is nothing impressive about any undergraduate degree, from anywhere.

>> No.10480375

reminder that even if you go to a mediocre undergrad uni, you almost definitely will still have good research opportunities, and on grad school apps there is NOTHING that looks better than a few good articles in high-impact journals that have your name on them. MIT + no research < TTU + dank research

>> No.10480400

Stony Brook is pretty competitive and University at Buffalo has strict admissions requirements for people who plan on entering science/engineering. They don't take retards at all.

>> No.10480431

>paying ridiculous $50k/semester tuition so you can write a name on your CV
Please don't vote bernie when you have a 600 FICO

>> No.10480434

Warren Siegel is pretty based desu

>> No.10480516

A lot of rich people graduated from state universities.

>> No.10480891

People are missing the point, undergrad is retarded everywhere, the value is in the networks you have access to. Even if you make more connections at State U, if you make equal or even less at an ivy it will be more valuable.

>> No.10480908

yeah mit doesnt even seem that great from ocw

>> No.10480910

also OP logic is retarded as a premed

>> No.10481687

Before early computers, punch cards were used in weaving fabrics. So you could apply your loom experience to computers I guess.

>> No.10481762

Most people are average. Even 99% of people at elite schools are "average".

If you're not at the level of Newtown or Euler and the whole world knows your name then you're average. Stop pretending that just because you got a spot in an elite university you're somehow better.

>> No.10481767

What was your career like?

>> No.10481773


>> No.10481778

Many students from Ivy Leagues go to state universities for grad school. And many students from state universities go to Ivy Leagues for grad school. I don't understand what the big deal is.

>> No.10481783

Stony brook is a pretty shitty place to do your undergrad.

>> No.10481784

Anyone who needs to rely on their degree to impress people is a loser who has nothing better - aka middle management. If you have real accomplishments anyone waving a piece of paper in front of you looks like a fucking cuck trying to prove otherwise.

>> No.10481797

Which UC?

>> No.10481802

Don't all undergrads basically learn the same stuff?

>> No.10481832

>Many students from Ivy Leagues go to state universities for grad school.
uh not mediocre state universities. they go to top schools like UC Berkley.

>> No.10481833

I mean the quality of life. I'm sure the academics are fine but It's a pretty miserable place

>> No.10481837

Tell us about your career

>> No.10481995

Just got my B.S. in physics from Stony Brook last year. This is a pretty accurate assessment.

>> No.10482114

>ivy meme
kek, you mean like Harvard and Yale where more blacks were accepted than non-jewish whites?

>> No.10482182

funny how got zero replies lololol

>> No.10482200

yeah you sure are, you dumb undergrad

>> No.10482213

Wha...What about the public ivies, OP?

>> No.10482217

Biochem major at ASU... This fucking place is the butt of jokes, but all my financial support is here.

>> No.10482248

scurry the planet?

>> No.10482256
File: 108 KB, 950x1000, 981023312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>fail holocaust class
>don't get engineering degree

>> No.10482281

Not all of them do.

>> No.10482376

what are you doing now with your BS in physics?

>> No.10482446

People should learn how to use the word "average" properly. Average within which demographic group? I really hope you're not referring to humanity as a whole. 99% of people at elite universities can't be average when the average person doesn't go to university, and the average university student doesn't get accepted in elite universities.

>> No.10482490

basedboy cuck. the man speaks the truth you onions sucking faggot

>> No.10482497
File: 6 KB, 288x175, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt go to college
>happy with self
>happy with life

Idk what metrics you guys use to measure success, but from my comfy little home it looks like you fail at the basics.

>> No.10482583

>hire Harvard Art grad to HR.
>Destroys your company by hiring tranny's and niggers.
>Should of went with that Jew from Yale.
Great Bait

>> No.10482619

I'm now a CEO of a major company.
I am the boss of Harvard, Yale, Stanford,MIT, Caltech grads.
I got a assistant from Princeton sucking my dick every morning so she can keep her job.
Every month Bill Gates calls me for advice on how to better humanity.
Oh yea did i mention
300M starting?

I don't regret getting a BS in physics from a state school, not at all

>> No.10483504

I like to imagine these threads are made by underemployed Ivy League grads.

>> No.10483519

>An MIT art degree, is better than any degree at schools like UIUC, UofToronto, Georgia Tech, etc.

How so? Prove it!

>> No.10483538

It's the same guy making these posts. I think he actually graduated from Harvard with a degree in art history lol

>> No.10483967

Getting a Math BS at Stony Brook, can confirm, it's fucking miserable

>> No.10483983

amherst has good cs

>> No.10484119


>> No.10484120

How are degrees from George Washington University rated at?

>> No.10484132

Memes aside, do you regret the sacrifice of the"college experience" for academic quality? Would you recommend Stony Brook?

>> No.10484139

GW is a mid-tier school, but i don't think their STEM programs are as highly respected as their law/political science/government type stuff (typical of DC schools). you can look up rankings of course, the ones that 30yo boomers always respected were the US News & World Report rankings

>> No.10484143

He's not the type of person to know. Now if only it wasn't 25k per year for in state students and infamous for not giving scholarships or financial aid.

>> No.10484146

Guess I gotta get a win in grad school then.