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10478045 No.10478045 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to a brainlet what consciousness is, where it's stored in the brain exactly, etc? Seems the best I can find is 'we don't know but it's in the brain somewhere'.

You hear alot of hoodoo voodoo new age shit about quantum fields and 'consciousness is everywhere' and to someone with no background in biology it's hard to know what to believe or where to look.

>> No.10478050


>> No.10478053

>we don't know but it's in the brain somewhere
it's amazing that this is considered to be less of a woo than panpsychism

>> No.10478128

panpsychism is the definition of woo hoo. it makes no sense.

>> No.10478140

consciousness is stored in the balls

>> No.10478229

This kind of makes sense, seeing as most women I've met barely qualify as conscious. Also, I have huge balls and possess a heightened sense of awareness.
Just kidding anons. Be nice to the wahmens.

>> No.10478249

>Another magical consciousness spook thread

You’re retarded.

>> No.10478267

>I don't know what consciousness is but I know it's not THAT!
lol, retards calling other people retards

>> No.10478271

>lol, retards calling other people retards

Hold on let me experience being a rock. Oh wait I can’t. Panpsychism disproven. Kill yourself retard

>> No.10478272

Consciousness is an emergent property of the signals in the brain. Its not 'in the brain somewhere' but rather occurs across the entire brain. I could surgically remove parts of your brain and you'd be less of what we humans consider 'full consciousness'. Your brain creates an illusion of a cohesive, complete experience, but if you do certain drugs or have a near-death experience you'll realize your mind is several parts that are glued together by signals.

>> No.10478274

>Consciousness is an emergent property of the signals in the brain.
Signals in the brain are an emergent property of consciousness

>> No.10478279

>Signals in the brain are an emergent property of consciousness

Nope, because neural activity has a causal effect on consciousness rather than the other way around.

>> No.10478281

>I believe this, therefore it's true
lol ok

>> No.10478287

>Another magical consciousness spook thread
Literally the opposite of that, you retard

>> No.10478289

>lol ok

Nope, because it’s trivial to prove. Hit your head against a wall really hard.

What happens?

>> No.10478294

Nope, it’s a magic ectoplasm spook thread. That’s what every single one of these are. They should be banned.

>> No.10478298

If I were to do that I would have to consciously do it, which would mean I would already have a damaged consciousness that my body is acting on.

>> No.10478300

>OP asking what consciousness is
>you sperg out for no reason whatsoever
No magic spook was implied, you're just retarded

>> No.10478301

Consciousness is a function of complexity. Any complex system is conscious, including the ocean, the forest, the Internet, and the Earth itself.

>> No.10478305

Is there any proof of that?

>> No.10478307

>If I were to do that I would have to consciously do it

After your neurons decided to.

>which would mean I would already have a damaged consciousness

Nope. Nothing implies a “damaged consciousness” about smacking your head into a wall. That’s afterwards

>that my body is acting on.

Thanks for admitting consciousness is the dependent.

>> No.10478312

>Why did you murder your family?
you are in way over your head pal.

>> No.10478319

>>Why did you murder your family?

Where’s the problem here, little one? It’s true.

>you are in way over your head pal.

Troll attempts to look condescending as his ego starts to blister.

>> No.10478320 [DELETED] 

This is a good book on the subject https://www.amazon.co.uk/Consciousness-Ladybird-Expert-Book/dp/0718189116/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1552942455&sr=1-1&keywords=consciousness+ladybird

>> No.10478396

>Consciousness is an emergent property of the signals in the brain.
>emergent property
That's a fancy way to try to be scientific sounding. But what you are really saying is "it's magic".

>> No.10478403

Consciousness is stored in the balls

>> No.10478413

Apparently lines of code making a computer game together is magic

>> No.10478418


>> No.10478423

And a concession of defeat already. GG

>> No.10478475

It's not somewhere in the brain, it is the brain, however you could remove some brain areas and retain consciousness

>> No.10478479
File: 52 KB, 612x1080, 20180927_175454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody will ever be able to accurately model consciousness, imagine a mouse in an experiment where it needs to 100% accurately describe what the nature of the experiment is without being able to view it objectively from the outside.

>> No.10478492

In what way do neurons resemble lines of code? Genuinely curious, I have no stake in this argument.

>> No.10478511

Consciousness Explained fagget

>> No.10478539

>Hold on let me experience being a rock
Like every single night, when you are sleeping but not dreaming?

>> No.10478605

They don’t, but both neurons and mere code have emergent properties possessed by the whole that the components lack.

>> No.10478607

That’s a lack of experience, not an experience

>> No.10478614

>I don't experience sleep because I don't remember
Please tell me you are pretending to be retarded

>> No.10478629

>I don't experience sleep because I don't remember

Please quote me saying that. I’ll wait. :^)

In the mean time, prove dreamless sleep is experienced

>> No.10478633

Engrams don't exist and fear is always the result of any two emotions coming together.

>> No.10478639

>prove dreamless sleep is experienced
I wake up.

You retards really think you are smart because you post on a board called /sci/ but you don't have even a fundamental grasp on reality.

>> No.10478658

>I wake up.

Irrelevant. Prove you were experiencing prior to awakening. Your use of the word “wake” is already a tacit admission you weren’t.

>You retards really think you are smart because you post on a board called /sci/ but you don't have even a fundamental grasp on reality.

That’s lovely. Now prove you experience dreamless sleep.

>> No.10478662

Not him, but what is "remembering events during sleeping with eyes open?"

>> No.10478678

>answer the question unequivocally
>irrelevant, give me an answer I will accept
No point in arguing with the retarded. This is why /sci/ can't have legitimate discussion, you and your ilk already have a belief and you won't back down from it.

>> No.10478690

>Not him, but what is "remembering events during sleeping with eyes open?"

Prove that occurs.

>irrelevant, give me an answer I will accept

Yep. One that isn’t a non sequitor.

>No point in arguing with the retarded. This is why /sci/ can't have legitimate discussion, you and your ilk already have a belief and you won't back down from it.

Aw, you’re seething now that I won’t accept your non sequitor. How exactly does “waking up” prove you experienced dreamless sleep? :^)

>> No.10478718

I have a memory of it occurring dated 13+ years ago. Oops.

>> No.10478741

>I have a memory of it occurring dated 13+ years ago. Oops

Prove you do.

>> No.10478748

Fly out to me and gimme a high five, blind boy.

>> No.10478761

It is impossible for material to give rise to consciousness.
The brain is stored in the mind.

>> No.10478762

Makes sense. I nearly lost consciousness when I was kicked in the balls.

>> No.10479018

I think consciousness is probably a field of existence that our brains have evolved to interact with.

Not really.

>> No.10479029

It would depend on your definition if consciousness. There's no agreed definition.

>> No.10479031 [DELETED] 

stroke victim here. anyone wanna ask me anything I was walking around for over a year with the left half of my brain completely offline.

Was horrified when it did come back online. I could feel pieces of my brain decayed. reminded me of the azn girl from hostel. when she looks in the mirror and notices her eye was missing. I couldn't even walk...like stepping on a rock. the pain would go from foot to brain at speed of light. was literally a piece of human garbage. It's been 8months now and starting to feel bit normal played basketball every day today. Been self med with alcohol. Helps reorganize brain.

Idk if anyone would care.
reminded me of the azn girl from hostel. when she looks in the mirror and notices her eye was missing. I couldn't even walk...like stepping on a rock. the pain would go from foot to brain at speed of light. was literally a piece of human garbage. It's been 8months now and starting to feel bit normal

>> No.10479037

stroke victim here. anyone wanna ask me anything I was walking around for over a year with the left half of my brain completely offline.

Was horrified when it did come back online. I could feel pieces of my brain decayed. reminded me of the azn girl from hostel. when she looks in the mirror and notices her eye was missing. I couldn't even walk...like stepping on a rock. the pain would go from foot to brain at speed of light. was literally a piece of human garbage. It's been 8months now and starting to feel bit normal played basketball every day today. Been self med with alcohol. Helps reorganize brain.

Idk if anyone would care.

>> No.10479048

>self med with alcohol
Wew lad

>> No.10479050

before it came back online I was jogging 6miles daily so much aggression. also my cardiovascular was severely damaged. like every time my brain mended itself it felt like heart attack symptoms. obviously they're connected.

I mean the whole left half of my brain was gone. I think a blood clot traveled to my brain. but ye this past week has been a return to normalcy and sensing significant reductions in gray matter. had fucked up nightmares.

>> No.10479053

other thing I forgot to mention was my soul was like hanging out... like I was inside out. people could see directly into my soul(does that make sense)

>> No.10479055

This is more scientifical than 80% of qualia argument

>> No.10479059

This is a very studied field nowadays.

I remember some study center, private one like Planck Institute, that focus entirely on the discovery of the mind. They are urrently trying to test the hypothesis that, IN THE MOUSE, only 3 neurons from the cortex actually control all the others in a integrative way.

Promisive results thus far but no clear answer.

Honestly i Like it that way, the day we discover consciousness means the day we put an industry of AI machines that mimicates the human behavior perfectly and google eat our brains for breakfast.

>> No.10479072

How's the current reaction in scientifical field on hard problem argument going on

>> No.10479092

It’s a chemical storm in your brain that never stops unless you die.

>> No.10479153

what the hell does that even mean?

>> No.10479295

You've only proved that mice won't accurately model consciousness.

>> No.10479329

Left brain is responsible for talking
You couldnt talk?
Wat caused ur stroke?

>> No.10479732

That consciousness is a fundamental component of our reality rather than fairy dust.

>> No.10479859

Just say it isn't immaterial lmao

>> No.10479920


>> No.10479930
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>> No.10481147

Currently consciousness is defined as the class of psychological processes that contribute to or provide material structure to the two necessary functions: monitoring and control. In other words that set of "things" (be them neuronal circuits or psychological constructs) that govern the ability of the individual to remain vigilant and aware of its surroundings (be them spacial, temporal, emotional, in relation to a predetermined set of actions (planning), etc.), direct attention (which can be defined as the ability to filter a certain set of external and internal stimuli), and plan/execute actions.

>> No.10481178

That study is so often misunderstood it's not even funny. What happens is that different parts of the mind elaborate information aside from consciousness, and some of these mental structures come to a decision before the consciousness because they are able to recruit more resources than it. Then it's usually a matter of "convincing" the consicousness the inconscious decision is right.

It's not really a question of "our thoughts are predetermined responses of a program inscried in our neurons! SPOOKY!" but a matter of how little we actually understand of our unconscious psychological life.

Neuroscience cannot by itself explain everything a person does, at leat not in the foreseeable future. It would be like trying to understand what a computer is processing exclusively by reading the values of the transistors. You simply lack the fundamental knowledge of the history that molded the neuronal paths and therefore the interpretative key of the content. To make another example, you are trying to understand why a car went left and not right by studying how the wheels turn.

>> No.10481289
File: 11 KB, 220x285, 13B260BF-ED81-43CA-8D4D-2FAA8F97CF83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481304

If only you know how wrong you really were

>> No.10481314

This guy gets it

>> No.10482205

Problem is you look at it from a materialist framework. In reality all that there is is consciousness all atoms are a part of the collective consciousness or God. It is just information that God passes to you like a dream. You think atoms exist but really they only exist within your own consciousness as information and your consciousness is within God.

>> No.10482210

everything given

girls should say everything will be fine... for that there.

/discussion for life

>> No.10482222

The only thing that makes lines of code special is how fast they are executed. Otherwise it all follows a very predictable set of rules. Emergent properties are really just abstractions of the base rules. It isn't a magic wand that can explain how subjective experience exists within materialism. That is because materialism is fundamentally wrong since it ignores a part of reality which is the reality of what it means to be a consciousness.

>> No.10482233

in the piturary gland

>> No.10482243

No one can explain what it is. Asking here is pointless.

>> No.10482409

with brain injury or stroke. can the soul change, become damaged etc?

>> No.10482413

I've been far with these. Peirce's cosmology isn't for weaklings so be careful.

>> No.10482533

maybe the one valuable post here. idk I haven't read the rest of posts but I doubt they contain anything more than the usual bullshit.

thanks for linking this, anon

>> No.10482551

the soul isn't over dichotomy so if you damage it it has to revert back to very original, can very done, but there isn't a way to chemically change it back so wedon't call it science. There is a sense that the soul has enough in it, to purport it, that it has a normal allocation method and for people to purport it is not crazy but that doesn't mean that the soul is a pure theory. If it's damaged you are hurting somewhere else. The soul doesn't harry you. It also doesn't allow that the body become desolate. The soul is for purpose and honor. The rest is falseand you should get you some dick or some pussy because it feels good regardless of what you did and how you did it. Because we all know here that you are okay. Just stay off godlike.

>> No.10482552

>seeing as most women I've met barely qualify as conscious

Was this before or after you put roofies in their drinks?

>> No.10482589

>Is there any proof of that?
Take a hearty dose of LSD and touch a tree.

>> No.10483350
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>> No.10483354

Nothing is conscious

>> No.10484275

Panpsychism is the only thing that makes sense.

>> No.10484279

A lizard has a tiny brain but is still 100% conscious. Humans are 100% conscious. An alien might have a 100x better brain and it would also be 100% conscious.

>> No.10484283

Doesn't mean humans couldn't model it in mice