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10477731 No.10477731 [Reply] [Original]

Given that portals break conservation of energy and they can, as demonstrated in the Portal games, impart arbitrary amounts of energy to in order to preserve the relative momentum of objects that pass through,
B would be the more accurate result, correct?

>> No.10477741
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back to >>>/v/

>> No.10477763

>all this pedantry
They're called portals because of the videogame, yes, but to immediately assume they're arbitrary restrictions placed upon and therefore misinterpretations of wormholes is retarded. Portals have nothing to do with wormholes. Their in-universe fake physics explanation isn't important; what's important is the clearly defined rules with which they operate.
The inability to use your critical thinking skills to examine a fictional system when given concrete predefined rules about it's function while using your knowledge of how those rules interact with our physical reality
is called being a brainlet.

Maybe you need a couple more years of remedial education.

>> No.10477773

the problem is that “portals” of the fantasy /v/ variety violate the laws of physics, and these threads become REEEfests of guys looking at inconsistent physics and trying to push on further with inconsistencies. it’s analogous to saying “in mario, space is gallilean but light still travels at a constant c relative to mario regardless of how fast mario runs. which is right in mario land: chase after light and it slows down, or space is secretly minkowskian in mario?” see how dumb that is?

>> No.10477813

That sounds backwards, portals conserve the kinetic energy of the objects moving through them even if it means totally changing their momentum (direction if not magnitude) and potential in some other field (gravity).

>> No.10477821

so video game physics violates conservation of energy AND conservation of momentum. in other words it’s completely self-contradictory and the video game arbitrarily does what it does. /thread

>> No.10477824

>conservation of energy means conservation of energy doesn't hold

>> No.10477827

potential energy is not conserved: portal from valley to top of mountain, energy conservation violated. in fact you could easily design a positive-yield perpetual motion device using this idea in vidya universe

>> No.10477838

Yeah... that's the point of the thought experiment. The portals themselves must be doing the work required to satisfy the potential difference. So, what becomes possible if that one exception is made?

>> No.10477852

okay then, place two portals vertically face-to-face in vacuum in a gravitational field. release a ball so it falls into the bottom one and emerges from the top, and proceeds to fall in again ad infinitum. within a short amount of time the ball gains so much kinetic energy that the energy density in the region exceeds the schwatzsxhild radius. a black hole then forms, engulfing the portals and destroying them as they encounter the tidal forces near the singularity. portals gone, game over. continue?

>> No.10477863

Do you really think stating the obvious when it comes to the problems of perpetual motion adds anything to the conversation? Do you think you're the first person with these insights? Or are you just too incapable of speculating for the sake of shits and giggles that you had to come in, complain, and drop these truth bombs on us?

>> No.10477865

The answer is A. Momentum is conserved through a portal, and the box has no momentum. If you drop a hula hoop over a box, the box doesn’t go flying into the air

>> No.10477868

i just want to point out how retarded it is to have threads where we argue about video game physics that not only contradicts the laws of real physics, but also is internally self-contradictory

>> No.10477888

>contradicts the laws of real physics
Again, that's the entire point of the thought experiment.
>internally self contradictory
How? Kinetic energy is conserved, and the momentum of a point mass traveling through the portal, from the point mass' perspective, is conserved. If you still want to harp on about perpetual motion, then we can just pretend these are nuPortals that collapse once a certain threshold work done is reached, and therefore cost at least this much energy to create. Nobody else needs that stipulation to ignore the obvious perpetual motion problems, but there you go. So, A or B?

>> No.10477903

they’re self contradictory because translational invariance implies conservation of both momentum (spactial translational invariance) and kinetic energy (temporal translational invariance). the only way one could violate either is by having laws of physics that change from place to place or from time to time, and in that case your answer would need to depend on where and when in the universe the thought experiment occurs and would depend on the specific version of fantasy physics you choose

>> No.10477920

Okay, translational invariance doesn't hold because it's not a simply connected space when you add portals. Now what?

>> No.10477935

relative to the hula hoop it does

>> No.10477936

>translational invariance doesn't hold because it's not a simply connected space
no, this does not follow. just because a spacetime has a nontrivial topology doesn't mean the lagrangian density isn't invariant under translational transformations. again, you should read up on GR

>> No.10477974

The portal games don't exactly explain the portals, but this is how I see it.
A portal is like a transportation hole, anything that goes through it keeps the momentum, but the portal does not collide in any way and does not give momentum.
Portals also push objects through eachother and don't replace atoms, atleast how I've seen it. They do not cause any overlap causing immense momentum.
Therefore, as the portal allows the box to transfer to the other portal, it's like placing a plastic bag over the box, the box does not gain any momentum because afterall only the "hole" is moving however the box is not.
The box does not create any overlap because portals seemingly work through just pushing the box out through the other side as if it's just going through a door.
Therefore, the box gains no momentum and just falls to the ground.

>> No.10477978



>> No.10477979

this. /thread

>> No.10477985

portals are a frictionless tube that redirects your velocity. if you're standing still and looking at a moving portal coming toward you, then through the portal you also see the world on the other side of the portal rapidly coming toward you. your velocity relative to the through-portal world doesn't disappear. you shoot forward.

>> No.10478118

>portals conserve momentum

>> No.10478124

Well if you consider the rules set by the game, then the image breaks the rules of the game, because portals can not be placed or remain active on moving surfaces.

>> No.10478131

We are talking about the portal game's portals, considering the image seems to be based on them.
Those portals conserve momentum of objects passing through.

>> No.10478142

it breaks the rules implemented in the game itself but they coded in allowing portals to move


it just results in unpredictable behavior

>> No.10478168

It only conserves relative speed.
There is a small scene in Portal 2 where an exit portal is moving that implies what is "conserved" is the relative motion of the objects interacting with the portal, from the perspective of the portal itself.
Momentum is changed and energy is added (or subtracted) to objects that pass through a portal.

>> No.10478172

They do not conserve momentum. Momentum is a vector and a portal changing the direction of an object's motion EXPLICITLY does not conserve momentum.

>> No.10478178

mods, isn’t it clear that now this thread is a discussion about the video game Portal? can this be moved to >>>/v/ ?

>> No.10478180

I am referring to the portals in the Portal games, considering that's seemingly what the image is based on.
I am aware that a portal of this nature would have strange properties, I'm talking about a game's portals though.

>> No.10478181

The engine is unpredictable, but that is unrelated to the mechanics of portals conceptually.
One single scene in Portal 2 allows a portal to move, so it's not disallowed and the mechanics of moving portals can only really be interpreted based on that.

>> No.10478184

Yes, the rules of the portal in this thought experiment are indeed based on the videogame.
In the videogame portals explicitly violate both conservation of energy and of momentum.

>> No.10478195

And in the game, portals conserve momentum, even if that violates conservation of energy and of momentum, that's how it works in the games, and therefore that's how we're gonna base this discussion.

>> No.10478201

they don't conserve the direction of momentum but they do retain the magnitude

>> No.10478208

>Portals conserve momentum, even if that means not conserving momentum
Portals generate free energy and explicitly violate conservation of momentum, meaning that momentum is not conserved upon passing through a portal.
The magnitude of the object's momentum stays the same, but the direction is altered, so you cannot invoke conservation of momentum as an explanation because it isn't obeyed.

>> No.10478233

i wasn't trying to invoke conservation of momentum, i was just offering a clarification to the other post.

>> No.10478247

The direction actually isn’t altered. Spacetime itsel was warped instead.

>> No.10478256

Portals in Portal do not directly act upon spacetime in that way. They are explained through "quantum tunneling". Even though the in-universe explanation isn't what's being discussed here, for this thought experiment the idea of the portals as some kind of sustained wormhole or similar warping of spacetime is incorrect.

>> No.10478258

ohhh so in other words they’re complete nonsense; okay good to know, thread over

>> No.10478288

This thought experiment follows pretty simply and clearly defined rules, I don't know why you're such a pedant trying to make it about broken wormholes of your own manufacture.

>> No.10478303

yeah well so does “what if i time travel and kill my dad when he’s a baby” or “what if i i travelled faster than lightspeed” or “what if the sun emitted cold”. doesn’t make them good threads. this one is worse, though, because there’s a geeky vidya mythology you start rambling about, a la star trekkers arguing warp speed

>> No.10478321

I'm INTP and I'm still on the A side.

>> No.10478337

If you don't find the premise of the thread interesting why did you open it?
Why come in here and disingenuously respond, pretending to be retarded, instead of doing something else with your time?

Nobody is forcing you to think about this, if you don't want to then why not go do something else while everyone else here entertains themselves by pondering this silly hypothetical situation?

>> No.10478363

because these threads fucking suck and every fucking week there’s another one. it’s annoying and anybody who wants to post about this, much less “think” about this (i use scare quotes because the concepts are nonsense so it’s like “thinking” about timecube) needs to realize that they’re retarded. imagine if star trek dorks posted transporter threads or if star wars neckbeards made physics threads about midichloria—they’d be destroyed for being such brainlets

>> No.10478365

What's your reasoning for A?

>> No.10478374


They break conservation of momentum, because space isn't homogeneous anymore. Hence b) is probably wrong.

Where do they break energy conservation?

>> No.10478380

Conservation of momentum.

The cube is stationary, why would it jettison out of the blue portal? That's just stupid.

>> No.10478389

i would rather than ten more portal threads than even one more iq thread

>> No.10478546

You're acting a bit too pretentious to be taken seriously.
Thinking fiction and thought experiments and speculative exploration aren't worthwhile doesn't make you smarter, it makes you less of a person.

>> No.10478568

ikr i remember seeing this shit 1 year ago like damn the box has no momentum can people fucking understand that

>> No.10478579

Portals don't obey conservation of momentum. They only preserve the idea of "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out", and can add arbitrary amounts of energy to ensure this. If they obeyed conservation of momentum, they could not make objects change direction.
You can define "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out" more rigorously as "the velocity of the object, relative to the entry portal, does not change in magnitude as the portal is traversed".
Therefore the cube, approaching the portal at some relative velocity, exits the other portal while preserving that relative velocity, which is accomplished by the portal altering the momentum of the object and imparting it with energy.

A similar thing happens when you use portals to create an infinite falling loop, and then place the exit portal onto a wall to cause any falling objects to go flying.
Energy is created from nothing to accommodate both the change in potential energy and the change in momentum.

>> No.10478600

i dont think B makes sense the universe isnt moving only the piston is moving

>> No.10478603

>You can define "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out" more rigorously as "the velocity of the object, relative to the entry portal, does not change in magnitude as the portal is traversed".
>Therefore the cube, approaching the portal at some relative velocity, exits the other portal while preserving that relative velocity, which is accomplished by the portal altering the momentum of the object and imparting it with energy.
You know, you can just say, "Speed is conserved." Speed is the scalar, and velocity the vector.
When GLaDOS says:
>Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms: speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.
It's only the first sentence that's incorrect; it's fully correct to say that speed is preserved.

All that said, I totally agree with you.

>> No.10478604

There is no net force exerted on the box so A is the answer.

>> No.10478626
File: 25 KB, 636x714, appearing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out
yes but slapping a window frame down on a cube causes it to appear very fast on the other side
it does not necessarily cause it to suddenly fly upwards?

if the cube was on a pedestal that the portal would it (and the pedestal) get tugged on upwards into the air as if it was falling if the orange portal was dropped on it?

as you say it depends on how you define it.
I personally just think of portals as a windowframe that stitches two points in space relative to say the earth (or earth + moon?) and moving the portalframe around continuously redefines the points that get stitched together.
makes kind of sense if the portal gun is imagined to be a remote interface to a larger machine stationary on earth that does all the calculations.

>> No.10478635

I realize now though that the pedestal could not be resting on anything

>> No.10478638

wait nevermind, it can.
I should go sleep I do not have the right mindset for this right now.

>> No.10478648

>equal and opposite forces
the platforms clap together loudly and the vibration gives the cube a small hop
>object in motion tends to stay in motion
having emerged mostly from the blue portal the cube is subject to gravity and falls towards the ground
>acceleration... inverse... force
not really an issue since portals don't have mass and exert no force on the cube

>inb4 but what if the platforms stop before actually colliding?
gravity on the blue side of the cube would still have more mass to pull, so it would probably tumble off the edge of the portal limply.

>> No.10478700

If you throw something through a window (or let a window pass over an object) then the one thing that will definitely happen is that the object will move away from the window as quickly as it went into it. Anything else leads to a contradiction. This is not due to any forces imparted by the window upon the object, it is merely a logical observation. Therefore, we can say that for something to move through a window, it must always be moving relative to the window. Now, if this is to be true for portals, then the object must be moving relative to both portals, which are both after all just one side of a hole. And furthermore, the relative movement must be the same for both portals. Thus, you can deduce logically that a cube coming out of a stationary portal must at the point of exiting be moving exactly as quickly as it went into the other portal. It also means that, if both portals were to be moving at the same speed (like slapping down a window frame), the motion of the cube away from the portal completely cancels out the motion of the portal away from the cube.

So really, if you think about it, hula hoops are an argument for B. People alternatively try to explain A by saying portals warp spacetime around the cube and the cube doesn't actually move through it. But that's not really consistent with the observed properties of portals, if you ask me.

>> No.10478706
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>if you stand right between them just right, upon the portals' collision, you will be teleported into the void freefalling forever in darkness

>> No.10478717

No. In the left depiction the orange ”””portal””” is being shoved into the cube, not the cube being shoved into the portal. The piston has to keep moving while ‘absorbing’ the cube so the piston would not be transferring its momentum to the cube. The answer is neither, but as to not have to explain more, A. is more representative.

As a side note the event should be depicted using portals that are not orange and blue so /v/ retards don’t apply their misconceived intuition to what’s going on because of some stupid video game.

>> No.10478747

>do you really think stating the obvious adds anything to an asinine conversation

>the point is to have a thread on /sci/ that contradicts the laws of physics
>proceeds to apply certain laws of physics

If it is a thought experiment that follows rules of which are not physics or pure math then it does not belong on the /sci/ board.

>> No.10478751

If they're not the portals from the game then we have nothing to go on.

>> No.10478826

>in the Portal games

ask the game developer because they have nothing to do with real life.

portals that move relative to one another break the laws of physics. if anyone ever does make a portal, it will have to have an entrance and exit that don't move relative to one another.

>> No.10478847

>portals that move relative to one another break the laws of physics
Portals break the laws of physics, Anon. If anyone ever does make a portal the thing that prevents them from moving will have been fixed already.

>> No.10478853

>Portals break the laws of physics, Anon

just think about what how the conservation of energy of the universe gets screwed up by moving portals.

hell, you cant even have portals that have the exit bring you to a position of greater potential energy, ruling out differential gravitational field placements.

they would have to be deep space exclusives, and stationary relative to one another from every observational state. I'm going to just go out on a limb and say they can not exist within the context of the universe as we know it.

>> No.10478861

Right. So if they can, what more is moving them, eh?

>> No.10478867

>Right, they cant exist. So if they can exist

this thread is not /sci related and should be moved to /v

>> No.10479572

I'm pretty sure it's the portal that's moving, so it must be Newton. However in the case the portal is the only thing that's not moving, it would be Einstein

>> No.10479601

>I can't participate in a thought experiment because I'm too autistic
>my suspension of disbelief is an on/off switch and I literally cannot comprehend nuance

>> No.10479604

You don't belong on the /sci/ board, you autistic pedant.

>> No.10479605
File: 29 KB, 1152x648, Crowbar Portal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I am tired of this aweful thread, so here is a better idea: suppose there is an infinitely falling block with a portal on the underside, and a stationary slab upright. And a crowbar through the portal attached to underside of falling block. What is the force on the crowbar? Here is a picture:

>> No.10479610

Whatever force you apply to the crowbar in your attempts to resist the motion of the falling block.
Your pointless diversion has been solved, moving back to the actual topic of the thread now.

>> No.10479612

The cube has apparent speed relative to the portal that should be conserved upon passing through.

>> No.10479613

Okay, but on the stationary portion of the crowbar, what is the force there? It must be zero for otherwise the crowbar would move. Not so obvious now, eh?

>> No.10479615

The force on the whole crowbar is zero until you apply one externally.
The arrangement of the block, the plane, the two portals you have defined there places no force on the crowbar.
Again, enough with your pointless diversion from the topic of this thread.

>> No.10479618

We're not talking about this happening inside the portal games, here. The engine obviously isn't built to handle this.
We're discussing this situation happening in the real physical world, using the given definitions and assumptions regarding the portal elements to examine their theoretical interaction with known physics in the described situation.
Are you daft?

>> No.10479619

Okay, but if the force on the whole of the crowbar is zero then as the crowbar is of acceleration zero on stationary slab and crowbar is attached to really fast downward block then the block will apply force to the crowbar downward. Not so obvious now, eh?

>> No.10480077

No. You're just stupid. Moving on.

>> No.10480255

you dont even need moving portals to break conservation of energy. just stick one portal under the surface of a lake and another just above the surface and stick a water wheel between. infinite energy.

>> No.10480258

>The engine obviously isn't built to handle this.
not necessarily, see >>10478142

it's turned off by default for obvious reasons but the engine can handle it if you want it

>> No.10480289

“unpredictable behavior” means it glitches the game anon. you probably end up inside a wall or something if it doesn’t outright segfault. simulating contradictory physics doesn’t go well

>> No.10480344

It's toggled off by default because the engine wasn't designed for consistent moving portal behavior

>> No.10480345

Its a reference frame so b

>> No.10480374

The labs are on Earth, so Newtonian physics apply. Thus it makes sense to adopt the distant stars as the rest-frame. Identifying both ends of the portal, we see they are in the lab, which is at rest relative to the distant stars. So A is the correct answer in this regime.

If the lab were in space moving near c or near some massive objects then B would be the correct answer, since there wouldn't be a prefered reference frame.

>> No.10480383

>relativity only applies in deep space
the absolute state of /v/tards

>> No.10480387


>> No.10480401


>relativity only applies in deep space

I never said that, nor my post implies it. I illustrated my correct reasoning with an example.

You can think in the block inside a torus. Rotate the torus. It won't make the block jump spontaneously. Now, if the torus is really large or rotating considerably fast, you might make the block move due to gravitational "swimming".

>> No.10480404

no one is forcing you to partake in the discussion

>> No.10480408

right so you will keep posting like the worthless brainlet you are?? everything has been said already faggot

>> No.10480411


>> No.10480426

>everything has been said already faggot
So go home. I will keep posting and making these threads and frankly there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe suicide would solve your problems.

>> No.10480427

The portals still conserve the speed of the object upon said object exiting the portal, if we're talking about the game's logic.

>> No.10480429


>> No.10480432

next time make sure to include something about building muscle in your OP; you two should make fast friends

>> No.10480435

Your sentence is devoid of meaning.

>> No.10480436

it means that you are “can’t build muscle anon”-tier

>> No.10480440

suck this you samefag retard. You should get permaban, and it is not like i even come to sci that often

>> No.10480447

What does the individual ability of building muscle have to do with the discussion in the thread?

>> No.10480450
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>> No.10480457

it pertains to you saying
>I will keep posting and making these threads and frankly there is nothing you can do about it.
you’re insisting on forever spamming this shit topic, which is what can’t-build-muscle-anon does, which is why everyone passionately hates him, and why everyone hates you

>> No.10480458

But they preserve speed relative to entry.
If you're approaching the entry portal at a certain relative speed, you'll leave the exit portal at that same speed.
If you are 5m away from a portal and after one second you reach it and pass through, you should exit the other portal traveling at the same 5m/s.

>> No.10480466

Having a discussion every once in a while isn't the same thing as spamming you idiot.
If people reply to it and participate in the discussion, then it's just a normal thread like all the others. Retards like you sperging out and being pedantic when people have fun talking about stuff you don't like are the only "spammers" here.

>> No.10480478

I feel as if we're talking about portals in different ways here, you think of portals as instantaneous teleportation, yes?
To explain my thoughts on this, I see portals as essentially a location hole. If you jump through the location hole, you come through to the other area in the same way as you entered.
The so-called location hole has no depth and does not collide with anything.

If the location hole approaches you, as you get through the location hole, you come through the other one however due to the fact that you are not preserving any speed, but only the portal, and the fact that the portal doesn't collide, you just come through the corresponding other portal with the same amount of speed as you had before the portal caught you, not the speed of the portal.

I think that portals, when they teleport you, or any object really, they preserve the speed of that object while passing through, however due to the fact that portals do not collide nor provide force, once they touch somethihng that is still, it does not give it any force.
This is because the portal, as I see it, still is just a door, if a doorframe comes flying at you, you won't go flying if you jump through the hole of the frame, you'll just carry the speed you did when you got through the frame.

I am not sure whether we are thinking of portals the same way.

>> No.10480479

So would you say that I am living in your head... rent-free?

>> No.10480487

You can't come out of a doorway if neither of you are moving. If a doorframe comes flying at you, then relative to it, you are flying at it.

>> No.10480488

no, there are shit threads and there are good threads. admit it: what are your feelings on “flies in jar on scale” or “0.999...=1” or “infinity doesn’t real” or “flatearth roolz” or “black IQ” or “magnets, how do they work” threads? for sure among those there is at least one where you wish OP would neck himself

>> No.10480492

Portals are not doorframes or hoola-hoops or simple holes.
Portals change the momentum of objects that pass through them, and they impart arbitrary amounts of energy to objects that pass through them.
Portals apply forces to objects very often. When a portal changes the direction of your momentum, it is applying a force.
You cannot pass through a portal without the portal interacting with you in some way.

>> No.10480528

Honestly you sound like the kind of person who obsesses over his own IQ for some false sense of superiority. This thread isn't too low quality for you, you're too low quality for this board.
You're not even cognizant of the nuance of this discussion of a thought experiment, you're nothing more than an insect.

>> No.10480540

no, read the thread over again; this thread is retard tier comparable with star trek transporter or star wars midichlorian geek nonsense shit

>> No.10480550

Once again, portal physics in the games are not explained thoroughly, atleast from my knowledge.
Therefore, I see it as essentially a location hole.
I do not see portals as applying force once they change the direction of your momentum, simply because portals make absolutely no sense.
Yes, but once again, portal physics, not thoroughly explained.

It seems as if you're interpreting this as me trying to discredit you, not at all. Portals make no sense in the first place, and considering the fact that there's little explanation, just consider the fact that there's pretty much no correct answer here.

>> No.10480553

reminder that once portals are linked (e.g. two are birthed) that it simply creates a hole. that means it ignores whatever surface it's on, and creates a gap in space. whether or not the portal is moving, or if the portal is falling doesn't matter. it's as if you created a hole through space.
the game demonstrates that when an object enters portal A or B, the object is given only enough of a push to go through portal B or A. while the push exists, the rule is that it will always only be enough to get the object through either portal.
the answer is (A) for the above reasons.

>> No.10480573

Well, I think that if portals are to work as they are shown to work in the game, then B is obviously the only logical answer. How the physics would work, I don't know, they probably don't work at all in reality.

>> No.10480577

Portal physics in the game is irrelevant. The in-universe explanation is nonsense anyway, something to do with quantum tunneling. Aperture themselves probably don't know how any of it works.
The only thing important to this discussion is the OBSERVED mechanics of portals, which demonstrate that they are NOT just holes.

The game doesn't demonstrate what you said at all.
The only concrete behaviors demonstrated are that relative speed is preserved, and that portals can create free energy. How they specifically move objects from one portal to the other is obfuscated by these mechanics, but is ultimately unimportant because only those observed mechanics are relevant to this discussion.

>> No.10480581

As stated in the OP, portals necessarily break conservation of energy and momentum. Accepting that quality, you can conclude the answer is B.

>> No.10480582

Yes, that's how I think of it, that the portal games have their own physical capabilities.
I am saying shit depending on the games though, assuming that the games have their own physical capabilities.

If we are to assume that the portals existed in our own world, of course B because the portals also switch the direction of the object, implying that some form of force is added, however with how the game handles portals, if we are to assume that the game's physics are being used for this, then A.

>> No.10480618

Why? The physical laws in the game's universe are presumably the same as our own. How the actual video game engine that Portal runs on handles this situation isn't relevant. It's not built to handle moving portals consistent outside of scripted events, hell even non-moving portals can lead to unpredictable behavior. The engine surely doesn't simulate gas mechanics, does that mean we can imagine Portal takes place in a world with no gas mechanics?

This thread is asking what would happen in the situation describe in the OP, given that observed properties of portals and accepting that they break physical laws.
It is not asking what would happen in the engine that the videogame Portals runs on.

>> No.10480633

Why can't I build muscle? I'll go away when somebody manages to figure out how I can induce hypertrophy on my muscles. Perhaps if people hate me enough it will motivate them to find a solution?

>> No.10480639

Then you've got the wrong guy, I'm talking about how the game handles it, essentially just immediately swapping the direction of the object and pushing it into the new location.

>> No.10480652

until it rips the soul off your flesh

>> No.10480653

The game just uses a function to teleport the object, anyway. At a more basic level it's just machine code flipping binary values.
It's pointless to discuss the mechanics of the engine as opposed to discussing what is being represented by it.

>> No.10480657

so the portals in Portal are basically the green pipes in Mario. let’s discuss what the mario green pipes represent

>> No.10480669

Green pipes

>> No.10480679

do green pipes conserve energy? can they be used to generate infinite electrical power?

>> No.10480689

Yes and no, respectively, I think?

>> No.10480691

I think they're just pipes dude I don't know why you keep trying so desperately to derail this thread

>> No.10480704

can somebody make a version of OP’s pic where the portals are changed to green mario pipes and the block is replaced with mario? that would help to contextualize the thought experiment

>> No.10480717

You sound like a smoothbrain