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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10476704 No.10476704 [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder not to make the same mistakes that our based God, John Carmack, made during his studies.

>> No.10476714 [DELETED] 


wise words. too bad there aren't more people like carmack who get to decide what we do and do not have to take.

>> No.10476764

I really regret not taking in more more of the humanistic and aesthetic parts of the human intellectual projects. I feel quite incomplete with just some working knowledge of math and science that earns me a living. There has to be more filling in life.

>> No.10476766
File: 276 KB, 900x1000, Awoo_Happy_Breeder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There has to be more filling in life.

Brainlett, it is called having a family!

>> No.10476767


>> No.10476773

>There has to be more filling in life.
I didn't say that to look for answers. I stated that to say that such an existence such as mine was deficient and incomplete. Now you say that a family is fulfilling. That might be true for some people. For me, I look at my father who barely had an education and having a family did not seem like a fulfilling state. He has trouble reading and essentially shut off from all the great intellectual and artistic activities of human civilization. He will never read a novel or any sort of book.

>> No.10476784
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Brainlett!, he had YOU to do these things, YOU are the fulfillment of his dreams and life.

>> No.10476815

Based Carmack. I feel exactly the same way (though I’m younger).

>> No.10476837

>he can't teach himself higher mathematics
i knew he was a brainlet all along
he made a fortune by biting bsp trees from real academics

>> No.10476944

This needs more exposure on this board.

>> No.10476988

Math is for fags. Literally every STEMpleb in existence emptied their brain to fill it with shit math and now we have a repeatability crisis and the shittiest, least rigorous science since the Enlightenment.

>> No.10477425

The fact that school in the U.S. makes you take essentially thirteen years of general studies courses is utter bullshit.

>> No.10477431

I honestly do not understand the hate some people have for mathematics. Why?

>> No.10477474
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Dully noted.

>> No.10477545
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It's trash. It's nothing more than a trend to be a math autist. It's not useful and it's caused all of science to get completely and utterly, hopelessly derailed.

>> No.10477575

And yet math has brought us a lot better understanding of the universe and mathematical equations that allow us to calculate things we couldn't before.

>> No.10477829

Has it? Maybe basic geometry. Calculus in very specific contexts. Anything beyond simple maths leads to human insanity, apparently. Again, what's going on in science today is NOT progress. It's regress. And a lot of that is due to the autistic obsession with replacing everything with math and the delusional belief that everything reduces to math. It doesn't.

>> No.10477844

I picked a school that doesn't require 70+ credit units of nonsensical general education requirements / diversity shit.

>> No.10477850

Tesla was a brainlet relativity denier, tough. Taking his quote seriously is a sure sign of idiocy as well.

>> No.10477854

Well that's good because relativity is nonsense.

>> No.10477859

It's cool to say "I never liked maths, I was always bad at it". And if you want to be part of the in-group, you'll hate it, too.

>> No.10477861

> basic geometry
Everything is geometry.

>> No.10477867

That I could almost accept. At least in the world of forms. Claiming everything is algebra is what lead dunces like Einstein to come up his relativity bullshit and scientists to take a catholic priest seriously when he said everything exploded from nothing.

>> No.10477880

You really have no idea what you're talking about you dumbfuck.

>> No.10477890

Not being able to prove something and relate it to the reality of how we live, you're fagger. What are you studying? Some mental juggling that gets you nowhere but a mere conclusion out of feelings? Yuuuck.

>> No.10477904

Now I feel bad.

>> No.10477952

Okay, consider advanced forms of geometry.
Fucking everything is geometry.
Exponential increase? Business stuff.
Pretty much everything can reduce to math aswell, if it doesn't, that's fine, but math is extremely simple. Reducing something to math makes it simple to understand and use.

>> No.10477981
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>Now I feel bad.

Instead of feeling bad, go out and raise several brilliant, motivated children that will change the world for the better.

>> No.10477988

Should I do an advance or not?

:: https://theconversation.com/the-rush-to-calculus-is-bad-for-students-and-their-futures-in-stem-49746

>> No.10478138
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I think it's just the state of the humanities is really bad. I'm a STEM guy but I do think the humanities is important. I feel like people have this idea that "reading" and "writing" are things they can "already do" or "could learn to do on their own" when in reality almost anything can be self-taught with enough dedication, but the fact of the matter is you have to make time for it and your time and energy is limited. When you're dealing with somebody who's been practicing writing for hours on hours every day, they can just absolutely stun you with how articulate they are and how fast they grab stuff, recontextualize it, rephrase it, examine every sides of it, and do so in like, a paragraph. More than that, someone who's practiced writing a lot can switch styles on command, going from really formal to informal and back again. Basically, my point is it is absolutely useful to have someone around who can just destroy you from a language perspective because they can really make your life easier, and hopefully you can make their lives easier if you're collobarating with them. But unfortunately the humanities are quite in a weird nether realm between endless masturbatory artistic self-expression and esoteric academic critiques being volleyed back and forth with no relevance whatsoever to anyone except the academics concerned. I realize of course that the higher humanities need not necessarily concern themselves with low things like "practical writing," but the sheer number of humanities classes that have no interest in actually attempting to teach you how to structure a convincing argument or how to identify, practice, and switch between styles is pretty shocking, and I think has resulted in just lots of people who have absolutely no grounding in how to actually practically articulate ideas or communicate their esoteric thoughts.

But I suppose in general, people learn and grow in spite of their education

>> No.10478193

But John, music IS math.

>> No.10478432

>relativity is nonsense
Relativity is both theoretically and experimentally sound. It’s real, and it’s taken into account for many communications engineering projects.

>> No.10478462
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>brainlet relies on self-justification to continue his waste of existence
>broadcast this to the world for upvotes

>> No.10478465

Graphics, optimization, physics, etc. particles. Lattices are useful everywhere. Lots of ML and all of general relativity has connections to differential geometry
>calculus, analysis, measure, etc.
any physical / continuous phenomena. Bleeds into discrete phenomena as of late, studied a lot at the simons institute in math and TCS circles
>combinatorics and number theory
A million applications in algorithms, cryptography, enumerative structures in microbio, network protocol, pattern analysis, etc.
Error correcting codes, information theory, crytography (I mean cryptography is just fancy number theory tricks using properties of finite fields / rings), boson behavior
Physics, graphics processing, CS topics (from distributed networks to algebraic trees and automata), etc
>probability theory
Do I need to explain this one? All of statistical mechanics, meaning a good chunk of mechE. Finance, statistics, natural science processes, random algorithms, random complexity, etc.

Do I need to keep going on?

>> No.10478480

If everyone in CS / industry had John Carmack’s passion and enginuity alongside a required mathematically rigorous education, CS would be fixed across the board.

>> No.10478516

>muh math glorification
What a disgusting trend.

>> No.10478608

What field are you in, friend? ;)