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10473458 No.10473458 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

Science is supposed to be about the data, regardless of the appeals to emotion and consequence that can be derived from it

>> No.10473466
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, uncle ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>> No.10473470
File: 322 KB, 546x700, Back to pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Minnesota study doesn't say what you think it does.
the only people who care enough to try and study this dumb shit are /pol/acks whose entire sense of self-worth revolves around being Better Than Them Negroes because they've got dick-all to feel proud about otherwise.

take your edgy funposting to a board that cares.

>> No.10473472
File: 396 KB, 599x502, race deniers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Minnesota study doesn't say what you think it does.
Redpill me on what it actually says, then.

>> No.10473484
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10473502
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The same reason the implications of the superimposition between the gender differentiated IQ bell curves are largely disregarded. Even when it explains such phenomena as Fields medallists and Noble laureates are largely men despite the mean of girls outperforming the mean of boys academically.

>> No.10473503

Yes, do please go on

Because even the authors basically ignore it entirely now after "B-but muh Flynn effect"

>> No.10473512

>knowing 0% of statistics but still larping as a scientist

>> No.10473519

So....what is Flynn effect?

>> No.10473521

>Science is supposed to be about the data, not an attempt to sell your white nationalist viewpoint.

>> No.10473526

Something which doesn't exist, and has been in reverse since the 1990s.

>> No.10473783

Nice cherry pick lol. Ugly people exist on all ethnicities

>> No.10474015
File: 108 KB, 950x1000, 981023312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another IQ thread

>> No.10474051

Flynn effect merely proves that environment ALSO affects intelligence. And nobody denies that. Flynn effect does not disprove a genetic influence among racial lines. Indeed, while IQ has increased over the last century, racial gaps remain or even got wider. This is something to be expected if both genetics AND environment contribute.

>> No.10474067

I can tell only from the style of this ugly excel chart, that the data is full of shit

>> No.10474152

People don't care what you know, they want to know why you care. And the fact-of-the-matter is; there is no good reason for caring about these statistics unless you are a virulent racist. And people are against them because they actually care about their fellow man, even if they might be wrong "scientifically speaking". Never let scientism replace humanism.

>> No.10474162

People care about social order
They have strong ethical positions qand are unwilling to consider facts they don’t like
Also the gap in IQ is possibly due to environmental causes and doesn’t show race is the major factor as much as it is wealth and education

>> No.10474167

didn't read this nonsense but the fact that chart 6 shows a 15 iq difference between africans and us blacks probably contradicts it

>> No.10474191

What do you plan on doing with this data
Research isn't just funded all willy-nilly OP, you need to give a real world application

>> No.10474192

The data shows east Asians have on average a higher IQ than whites.

>> No.10474202

Racism is the belief that differences between racial groups are much greater than the differences within groups, with minimal overlap between groups. Meanwhile, the actual data which you decry as "racist" shows the exact opposite, with differences within groups outweighing differences between groups, and considerable group overlap. The groups having different means does not imply racism.

>> No.10474274

Does this study control for the wealth and circumstances of the families, or just their race?

What might be explained by a difference in wealth and resources (whites are on average ~60% wealthier than black families - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income)) you're attempting to attribute to racial educational values

Other possible contributing variables:
>Age of children when adopted
>Private/public schools

>> No.10474531

Because of social """scientists"""

>> No.10474576

>Watson helped discover the structure of DNA, he therefore has complete and total knowledge of heredity
Anon please

>> No.10474583

Because the only science backed reason for this is social economic factors. Until we get a better scientific explanation for it, it's just a discrepancy.

>> No.10474589

I like this "another IQ thread"-poster

>> No.10474600

Because idiot racists will use it to feel good about themselves. Fact of the matter is, the people who cares so much about 'racial intelligence' are on the lower end of the charts themselves. A college educated nigger will always be more intelligent than some redneck inbred white trash.

>> No.10474607

Yeah you're right i'm sorry my bad, i rather believe some blue haired sjw with a shitty degree that has never even touched a fucking calculator instead of a nobel laureate with 68+ years of experience to answer a highly debated question of whether race and iq are related. Guess i must be a fucking retard for thinking such a thing

>> No.10474809

>never conducted a study about race and IQ
>highly qualified
pick one and only one

>> No.10474827

Also what the hell do you mean by "blue haired sjw with a shitty degree"
The people running the Cold Spring Harbor Lab have basically the same credentials as Watson, so by your retarded logic Watson is a blue haired sjw with a shitty degree

>> No.10475093

>Man "says some dumb shit" t. you
>Oh better fucking revoke all his previous titles because of it
You can say you don't agree with something without having to go on an all out war to bury it desu

>> No.10475182

The reason why he lost his credentials were butthurt sjw cunts who were offended by his comments,
The fact that we cant say "niggers are dumb" without some rando getting mad is deeply troubling, specially in science. The iq gap, the difference in grades, in wealth, in civilization between races is indisputable however hurtful it might be, denying this fact is autistic.

>> No.10475206

>The fact that we cant say "niggers are dumb" without some rando getting mad is deeply troubling, specially in science
Are you a sockpuppet or is this really the absolute state of /pol/ right now

>> No.10475223

Is there such a thing as a denialist arguing in good faith, or are you just one of: black, stupid, or willingly delusional?

How can you look at Earth, see:

>A strong gap in IQ and standardized testing in black populations everywhere
>Sub-Saharan Africa itself being the singularly shittiest and least developed region of the planet
> Every black majority area anywhere else, even in rich countries, being the poorest, shittiest, and dumbest

And still willingly stick your head in the dirt and pretend it's impossible that slight cognitive differences in divergent human evolution means SOME race has to be, by definition, worse than the others.

>> No.10475228

I think what he's trying to say is that randos that are loosely related to the scientific community hold too much sway on large institutions to the point that peer review is shelved in favor of public outcry and shame tactics. I can totally agree with this formulation of the same shit, I still think that the majority of niggers are dumb, I just don't want people that use race relations as a sledgehammer and consider blacks in america and africans in europe to be sacred cows having any amount of control over ANY institutions, scientific or else.

>> No.10475235

Stop affirmative action, end common core, end diversity hiring practices, change immigration policy, stop foreign aid, discourage racemixing etc.

>> No.10475244

You are right.

>> No.10475250


As long as they vote 95% Democrat (which is an absurdly skewed proportion compared to every other race) they will continue to get the blanket of Democrat/Statist protection.

>> No.10475289

It would encourage racemixing though since data shows that the IQ of mulattos are the same as white people https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232463589_Farbige_Kinder_in_Deutschland_Colored_children_in_Germany
Also what's wrong with Common Core and Affirmative Action?
Also what does foreign aid have to do with this, a larger consumer base is better for the economy under capitalism irregardless of IQ of the consumer
Also what do you mean by "change immigration policy?" Basically every country on Earth requires that you display a set of skills to that would make you a good citizen for the country unless you're seeking asylum.

Actually I'm a bit surprised at how ineffective these policies would be, a better policy would be only allowing Ashkenazims and Han Chinese people to run for office in every country don't you think :^)

>> No.10475386

>It would encourage racemixing though since data shows that the IQ of mulattos are the same as white people
The IQ gap tend to appear when you measure the average IQ of adults, not children under the same enviroment.
>Also what's wrong with Common Core and Affirmative Action?
If the causes of the achievement gap are genetic to a significant extent, AA and CC is gonna be a deterrent to everyone without solving anything.
>Also what does foreign aid have to do with this
Giving money to low IQ countries is just gonna increase the number of people living in misery.
>Also what do you mean by "change immigration policy?" Basically every country on Earth requires that you display a set of skills to that would make you a good citizen for the country unless you're seeking asylum.
No, in the US for example, you have chain migration.

>Actually I'm a bit surprised at how ineffective these policies would be, a better policy would be only allowing Ashkenazims and Han Chinese people to run for office in every country don't you think :^)
Why would you want to give foreigners a leg up in your country?

>> No.10475388

Forgot one thing
Did you type this as a joke?
the punch line was lost in me.

>> No.10475457

>an obvious fact is taboo bs reasons
One day I hope to live in a world where everyone talks about this. Would be a dream come true.

>> No.10475530

>/pol/ acting all proud that their white "master race" can barely break 100iq
Lmao you fucking retarded brainlets. Why don't you show the chart where every Ashkenazi Jew and east Asian has min 140 iq?

>> No.10475549


>> No.10476022

Discussing biological differences has nothing to do with racism.

>> No.10476037

affirmative action and college admissions fixers would be unemployed. these are people who would do even more harm in every other part of workforce
acknowledging the class divide is grounded in IQ and thus is hard capped in heredity permutes society too much,

>> No.10476047

it's dangerous for the current order of things. all genetic determinism is. it undermines the idea of our society being a meritocracy.

>> No.10476296

You are truly delusional.

>> No.10476307

>it undermines the idea of our society being a meritocracy.

not really... in fact, it strongly supports that idea

>> No.10476308


It's more like genetic probabilism. Being black doesn't make you dumber deterministically, it makes it more likely that you are dumber than a randomly selected white person. But there are still black geniuses out there.

>> No.10476317

it makes the natural aristocracy and well-born feel bad- so they have to lie to their lessers about muh bootstraps or muh oppression to take the real discussion off the table.
It's cruel like telling manlets they can be in the NBA if they worked their best and got all gibs.

>> No.10476319


if you say so...

>> No.10476329

these are my words, but my perspective is sourced right from the Bell Curve's subtitle: Intelligence and class structure.

>> No.10476330

To what end? Say someone did come up with irrefutable evidence of some genetic intelligence gap, then what? That eugenics program you /pol/ fags have been jacking yourself off to? Yeah, nah that’s not happening. There aren’t going to be any camps, no sterilizations, no stripping other human beings of their agency. So what then? There’s no money to be made with this kind of research so other than some peurile need for data, what’s he point?

>> No.10476338


It would overhaul a lot of the fundamental bases of modern progressive government policy. Currently, any form of inequity between racial demographics is chalked up to environmental circumstances rather than genetic and the response is as such.

>> No.10476340


making light of genetic fitness while quietly improving your own seems like a good evolutionary strategy for tptb.

they certainly aren't hiding it from us to spare our feelings, lol.

>> No.10476362

how is it a meritocracy when super high iq brainiacs and high tier athletes are they way simply because of a throw of the genetic dice, any nothing else?

nobody really earned anything. people just won different hands at the genetic lottery.

this is the problem with genetic determinism. the truth of it all is unbearable. you can forget about the racial gap entirely, it would drive people nuts and be socially destructive even in 100% racially homogeneous societies.

normies simply can't deal with the black pill.

>> No.10476367


Naturalism was the norm for a long time prior to this recent ideological shift toward nurturism in the 1960's. Much of the world still thinks in terms of genetic destiny and they get along. There's always someone "shittier" than you to comfort yourself over.

>> No.10476374

Bill gates actually sounded off about Genetic edting in this context. What petty celebrities did with their wealth for their spawn is nothing compared to what is upcoming. breakaway civilization is actually how you describe such parallel institutions.
the most continuous civilizations (india and China) accept this finely. Granted, neither are worlds worthwhile to live in.

>> No.10476379

>how is it a meritocracy when super high iq brainiacs and high tier athletes are they way simply because of a throw of the genetic dice, any nothing else?

none of it is magic. traits like good work ethic and high motivation are also influenced by genetics.

>> No.10476383

>how is it a meritocracy when super high iq brainiacs and high tier athletes are they way simply because of a throw of the genetic dice, any nothing else?

is there no merit in high intelligence?

>> No.10476399

it's an attempt to sabotage the genetic fitness of the general populous. have them all mix with complete disregard for real genetic fitness while propping up the genetically invalid with social welfare, and making fun of traits associated with intelligence (nerd stereotype). welcome to america, where evolution runs in reverse.

>> No.10476401

the black pill is truly only for the strongest

>> No.10476409

there is a noble lie about social mobility, which converts the strivers into being beneficial for the uppers instead of rightfully losing their shit.
And the uppers are letting the mask slip, past oligarchs were eagle scouts, they mixed with normies and were noblesse oblige presenting.
Not web 2.0 robber baron didn't come emerge from their parallel pipelines or engage with the proles.

>> No.10476423

The answer is white batshit insane empathy. Blacks would start throwing parties if it was discovered that whites have IQs of 46 on average where as whites freak out if blacks are proven to be stupid fucks as a majority.

>> No.10476452

>Because idiot racists will use it to feel good about themselves.
Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.10476465

Dont jews use their IQ statistics to ego trip over other races? Why is this allowed but whites isnt?

>> No.10476468


Because Jews are the ones who primarily propagated the white guilt/cultural marxism meme

>> No.10476519

because we're based and you're going to be erased, soon.

>> No.10476537

>nerd stereotype

Most of the smart people in my school weren't "nerds". Also you think too highly of them

>> No.10476545

not an argument
stop being in denial, some races are naturally ugly
graphic design minimum wage cuck detected
they chimp out regardless of what is happening
100% this
as long as people think they're retarded because of shit from decades and centuries ago, there will be no motivation to improve

>> No.10476604

>reliable standard measure of intelligence
>any study would be exposed to bias, unless performed entirely by a non-human entity
>does not factor in environmental dispositions
>does not factor in the long term macro effects of cultural discrimination

Science answer: Could be bullshit, even if we did such studies.

Sociological answer: Go read Barack Obama's inauguration speech.

>> No.10476610


You guys know that there are humans on Earth, that were never influenced by the renaissance period, right?

The Sentinelese for example, that uncontacted tribe that shoots people with bows and arrows.
I don't think they would perform so well on your definition of an intelligence test, but that doesn't mean their cognition is inhibited.

>> No.10476616

>I don't think they would perform so well on your definition of an intelligence test

well what test do you propose? you've picked up the goal posts, so carry them wherever you're going to carry them.

>> No.10476692

>Most of the smart people in my school weren't "nerds"

no shit, that's why i called it a stereotype.

>> No.10476760

Back to Rebbit, queerbait.

>> No.10476821

>any study would be exposed to bias, unless performed entirely by a non-human entity

Soon enough, that should be possible. I try not to make my goal posts out of bigotry, only the desire to be fair.

>> No.10476825


>> No.10476829
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>> No.10476838

Why are you posting this same thread over and over again?

>> No.10476906

>asshurt nog

>> No.10476916
File: 39 KB, 437x510, Victims_Of__Racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

Removing them is taboo! Without the implied intellectual gap there would be no reason to continue affirmative racial preferences.

>> No.10477229

>implying it wasn't a white dude posting that
The funniest thing about 4chan is anons hurl insults involving the opponent being different, when the reality is that it's far more likely that they are extremely similar to them on every way except ideological.
I like to call it the "Blacked Paradox". People for some reason assume that it's blacks spamming interracial shit, when it's really just white guys trolling white guys or white male interracial fetishists.

>> No.10477234

racism is just cyber bullying, you can just walk away xD

>> No.10477237

its not taboo
Its pseudoscience based on an arbitrary metric

If you want to be racist about thinking, we'd need neuroscience to develop enough to discover a "gap"

>> No.10478545
File: 137 KB, 710x485, Isaac Asimov on Mensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teddie is who Asimov was talking about when he wrote about his time in mensa

>> No.10478557

Ypu dont need to "research" or discuss Nazism to know its wrong. Do we also need to make scientific test to determine that mowing down a maternity ward with a machine gun is wrong? No. Same goes for racist views. What ypur claiming doesnt even make sense. Its not possible for their to be differences in intelligence or ability between races, since we're all the same species. Now head over to your containment board.

>> No.10478578

even if you accept that racial group differences are real and not some artifact of the testing process, linking those differences to some genetic factor is a hypothesis with no good evidence either way supporting or rejecting it.

the null hypothesis in this case is that the racial IQ gap has no genetic basis and we have no evidence yet to reject that null. if you reject the null without evidence, your scientific reasoning is garbage and you should be dismissed out of hand.

making all these threads just shows your own racist bias and we've had quite enough of that around here, so fuck off.

>> No.10478660

Can you even into basic English? Op didnt say X race has higher IQ than Y race, they asked why even discussing or researching the matter is taboo. You response just reinforces their claim that discussion of such topic is ruled out ex hypothesis.

In reality, the admittedly limited evidence available suggests some racial correlation although most of the difference probably is environmental.

>> No.10478667

>they asked why even discussing or researching the matter is taboo
which if you'd been here longer than five minutes, you'd know that's just a paper thin veil trying to bait people into the debate

>> No.10479007

Actually we do have plenty of data that takes environmental factors into concern and still finds a significant IQ gap.

>> No.10479026

Nothing about it is really taboo.

The data has shown the main tenets of racism are not correct. This has been established for decades. A few NEETs on /pol/ or Stormfront are not intelligence enough to interpret scientific data, but they can often rearrange it into infographs that make it appear like science supports racism.

>> No.10479038


it's all so tiresome....

>> No.10479040

>The data has shown the main tenets of racism are not correct. This has been established for decades

Wonderful source you have there.