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10469222 No.10469222 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be a manlet or a brainlet

>> No.10469235

28 year old MSc level Biologist her. Brainlet. Being 5’4” is hell. Earn $80k a year as a senior biomedical scientist for GSK but am still a virgin who hasn’t been on a date for over a decade. Will end it all if I’m in the same situation at 30.

>> No.10469238

Worst part is, this isn't some genetic inevitability. The bias is literally a product of the degeneration that is Western culture.

>> No.10469244


>> No.10469248


>> No.10469258

I'm 6 feet, and unemployed.
Would gladly trade a few inches for a nice big salary.

>> No.10469262

Would you trade 8 inches and be a 28 year old virgin who is filled with sorrow so deep it’s nearly crushing every time you walk past a couple? Or see a happy couple in a movie?

>> No.10469264

I'm 5'2 and it really doesn't bother me. I'm much more insecure about only being 138 IQ. Intelligence is still the bottleneck of what I can achieve.

I never had much problem with women. I doubt it's your height, honestly. Yes a lot of women care, but I estimate I would meet an interesting and interested woman about once a month, when I was dating.
That's 12 a year for a decade. That's plenty enough to find you a wife.

>> No.10469273
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 4562C8F2-27DE-4D6E-9F02-D8E80CE8C213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different woman every month
Asking a woman to get things from a high shelf whilst grocery shopping isn’t dating, you realise.

>> No.10469282

If you socialize you can easily meet more than 100 new people per month, especially when still at uni.
Rough estimate based ONLY on height is that at least 2 out of 100 would like me (based on probability that she is my height or shorter), but as it turns out that was a very pessimistic estimate. In reality it was more like 1/15.
I'm married now.

>> No.10469293

I refuse to believe a 5’2” manlet can date a different college age woman each month unless they’re a millionaire. Even ugly girls hate manlets. Unless you provide contact details and photographic evidence you are a liar and your post is just manlet C O P E designed to make the other manlet in this thread feel better.

>> No.10469299

It depends on how short you are.
I'm 5'7" and I have a high IQ, and women don't care about my height. I've been with shorter and taller girls. I honestly don't think I've ever been rejected for my height, but I'm also handsome so maybe if I had an ugly face it would be different. But at that point, you're just ugly so height doesn't really matter anyway.

>> No.10469300

You mean, you refuse to believe that somebody that you see as inferior to you, has actually been your superior all along.
OK, lol, sorry that I TRIGGERED your feelings.

>> No.10469302

Unironically at least 10-15% of girls don't care at all about height (again it's not some powerful genetic marker)

>> No.10469305

You know there is data on this. about 50% of women are fine with and don't care at all about dating a man who's shorter than them. The male taller norm is completely socially constructed and is going away very fast. In the 80's 1/720 couples had a taller girl and now it's like 1/15. It should be, I think, 1/12 based on random pairings.
The manlet meme is a meme.
It's more than that.

>> No.10469311


>> No.10469313

Sex is overrated and doesn't interest me in the slightest, so I wouldn't really care.

>> No.10469316

dating that much at 5'2" would be extremely unlikely, even if you were incredibly attractive. he is probably attributing normal conversation at worst and daily texting at best with dating.

>> No.10469322



>> No.10469324


height theory destroyed

>> No.10469326

>social recluse thinks that 1 date AVERAGE per month is highly unlikely

>> No.10469330

I'm neither
I purchased height and brains at the expense of all stamina, looks and social skills.

>> No.10469335

No, the male taller norm is still a thing in the West. Height is still a very important marker of attraction for males. We do not have random distribution here, whereas there are cultures with no male taller norm where not 50% but pretty much 100% of women do not care about height.
Once that happens, height theory is "destroyed". Right now height is very important in the west. I only posted to show that it is a social construction.

>> No.10469344

50% is a large number

>> No.10469374


COPE both ways, height matters ( i'f you're under 5'7 you won't slay shit ) but not as much as you think.

face>height> body.

>> No.10469388


>> No.10469393
File: 36 KB, 500x647, 31FAB2D7-9415-4DD4-A25F-46B74E6B2196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% of women would be fine with dating a 5’2” hobbit

>> No.10469399

50% would be fine dating a guy shorter than them. although it doesn't specify exactly what that means. Where I live it is not that uncommon to see guys in the 5'6-5'8" range with girls who are in the 5'10"-6' range. As I said I'm 5'7" and I have been with girls taller and shorter, but more shorter.
I would imagine then that about 50% of girls at the 5'4" range or so would be fine with 5'2" guys, assuming personality compatibility etc.

>> No.10469443

>5'2" guy thinks having lunch and shaking hands goodbye with a girl is a "date"
moving girl to girl every month is chad-tier and very unlikely for a 5'2" guy. many normal girls can go for a month or 2 without a partner, which is why attractive ones keep orbiters when they can. a lot of girls don't mind shorter guys, but we're talking 5'6" to 5'8" range. Maybe 5'5" at the lowest for somewhat normal dating. 5'2" is not only ridiculously short to almost all women, it's comically short.
getting a girls number and chatting a bit is not dating. girls agreeing to meet with you once or twice then ghosting is not dating. even a casual hookup is not a real date to a women. they are very conscious about this distinction, so much so that they will very easily downgrade what even they believe could be a potential date as soon as they decide it won't end with some form of intimacy for whatever reason. if you have actually casually dated as regularly as you say you do, you would know this. you are either full of shit for claiming to slay a girl once a month, or have literally no self-respect or standards. though at 5'2", I can't say I'd blame you.

>> No.10469457

I'd rather be 5'4" than not being able to build muscle. Can you build muscle? I hate myself

>> No.10469471

Is this the same guy or has it become a meme now?

>> No.10469476

Im a smart manlet in a shitty country. I dont know what is it about 30 but im also thinking about ending it all if i dont get out by age 30

>> No.10469478

Same guy. It seems like I'm the only one who truly can't build muscle

>> No.10469495

You are insanely insecure, aren't you? It wasn't my intention to make you feel that way.

>> No.10469542

>giraffe problems

>> No.10469571

I'd rather kys myself than be either

>> No.10469604

You must be one of those, otherwise you don't belong on this board.

>> No.10469608

But I firmly believe to be 200+ IQ, besides, 5'8 is above average
So I do belong

>> No.10469677

>5'8 is above average

already know you're 100 iq tops

>> No.10469705

>t. coping manlet
Suck my 5.5 inch cock

>> No.10469787

>there are people shorter than 6'2" who think theyre not manlets
fucking lmao, youre boys

>> No.10470155


6'3 with an IQ of 155. Cannot find a job anywhere near creatively complex (or even keeps me slightly engaged) and challenging that pays hefty money.

>> No.10470167

Will manlets ever learn?

>> No.10470182

you write like a woman

>> No.10470305

>implying CEO's/successful people "find jobs"

>> No.10470342

can anyone find a source on the actual claim? the whole statistic seems to be made up

>> No.10470354


>> No.10470368

If you already know you can't build muscle then why do you keep posting about it?

>> No.10470381

manlets btfo

>> No.10470400

I want to find a solution that will enable me to build muscle. I want to build muscle and nothing else

>> No.10470409

Why do 90%+ of marriages involve a man shorter than wife, big boy?

Why the fuck can't you retards just stop lying to yourself?

>> No.10470412

what the fuck is this bullshit statistic
kill yourself shorty

>> No.10470422

Read anything.

It is a moral good to start murdering people like you who can't such obvious truths in favour of your own delusion. Your idiocy is a threat.

>> No.10470426

>all NBA players are over 6’
>therefore NBA players are smarter than any average height scientist
Checkmate manlets

>> No.10470428

lol ok little one
have a good night, and dont forget to let your mommy tuck you in since your little arms cant do it properly

>> No.10470496

>culture is the reason women find men the size of children unattractive
Ok commie

>> No.10470498

what are you talking about?
it literally is culturally though that's what the evidence shows

>> No.10470499

culturally constructed*

>> No.10470785

>all them chad CEOS
guess the memes are true.

but gone to my head I would rather be a manlet

>> No.10471037

Average height is 6' which is pretty close to average height for rich white men