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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10464927 No.10464927 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10464931

A measure of relative motion.

>> No.10464933

00:17 where I live

>> No.10464934

Past: What happened
Present: What's happening
Future: What might happen

>> No.10465106

the direction of increasing entropy

>> No.10465146

3 Dimensions of space (inb4 what's space) - you can traverse any direction in space.
1 Dimension of TIME - only goes in one direction (towards increasing entropy).

Putting this all together = spacetime. How long it takes you to travel from point A to point B. The fastest possible speed is the speed of light (a.k.a. speed of causality).

Inside a blackhole, space and time become reversed so that when you move closer to the center you see old photons and if you move closer to the edge you see new photons that were swallowed by the blackhole. Space becomes "timelike".

And because the blackhole will eventually suck you towards the center, no matter what you do, all of your future timelines converge in on "moving towards the center"... Time becomes "spacelike".

>> No.10465159

The Trump election broke 4chan and now all we have is retarded shit and low quality bait sage

>> No.10465359

a concept of measurement of changes in fixed periodicity. time is relativistic which means it depends on the frame of reference of the observer. the universe's reference point for time is light itself.

>> No.10465363

This. The post-2015 flood of fags, unrelenting in its vapidity.

>> No.10465412

No. You move both forward and back,side to side and up and down in the 3 directions of space.
You can only move forward in time. So far as we know.

>> No.10465478

A referencable junction of moments that is not the moment nor the moments themselves.

>> No.10465531

Time is clocks. Some places it moves faster and some places it moves slower. But it only goes forward. So you should base all your decisions on how much time you have left to experience.

>> No.10466021


Fake and gay. The map is not the territory.

>> No.10466024
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Time is the spacetime interval traversed by an observer at rest.

>> No.10466032

Isnt time an emergent property from quantum mechanics though?

>> No.10466104

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.10466116

An illusion, like all of our experiences.

>> No.10466126

Time is the relative flow of things

>> No.10466138

The condition of all empirical observations.

>> No.10466157


an emergent property depending from the existance and observation of cyclical systems.

>> No.10466816


what was /sci/ like before then?

>> No.10466884

If you weren't so new you would be able to determine the answer yourself.

>> No.10466946

>Hey Dad, who was president when you were 12?
>Fuck off, if you were alive back then, you would know

>> No.10466951

Motion is defined with respect to time, try again.

>> No.10466952

A dimension of the manifold in which events lie.

>> No.10467032


>> No.10467056

/sci/ has always been a relative shithole

>> No.10467077

Underage b&

>> No.10467172

The speed of chemical reactions

>> No.10467193

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10467252

I thought entropy is the measurement of how inefficient a system is.

>> No.10467304

No, entropy is [math]\Delta S=\int\frac{\text{d}Q}{T}[/math]

>> No.10467316

That's the equation of entropy anon

>> No.10467321

No, entropy is the number of possible microstates

>> No.10467338

How would you apply that?

>> No.10467346

Statistical mechanics

>> No.10467348

Time is karma

>> No.10467354

To be more specific how would knowing the amount of different arrangements of molecules help me.

>> No.10467357

Retard not using S = k log W
>using a special case definition for thermodynamic closed systems
>probably never memorized partial derivative identities of state variables
>Boltzmann died for this.

>> No.10467362

Help you with what? The number of total microstates in the universe only increases. That's what is called " the arrow of time." I don't know stat mech, btw, you are talking to a mech e.

>> No.10467364

In this case the entropy change measures how much we don't know about the microscopic state of a system.
You're a retard for confusing OP. Just use S = k log W for fuck sakes

>> No.10467365

I'm a meteorologist. How would that definition help me.

>> No.10467376

>Boltsman killed himself over this

>> No.10467406

Listen to me here... Entropy is an abstract concept of how "distributed" energy is in a system. Energy in a closed system tends to spread out spontaneously ergo entropy increases with time.

and that's the 2nd law of thermodynamics

>> No.10467410

Since you're a meteorologist this will be easier to understand. They are very closely related concepts:


>> No.10467417

So what's wrong with saying entropy is a measure of how inefficient a system is

>> No.10467447

I think what you're talking about is isentropic (same-entropy) efficiency mostly used for turbines and compressors. This assumes an idealized state where no work is lost as heat/friction i.e. there is no entropy change.

This is describing the entropy CHANGE of a system

>> No.10467451


>> No.10467480

desu it was way worse
tripfags all over the place
iq threads
race threads
the 300k meme
no gf threads


even lees discussion than nowadays

>> No.10467515

Firat define what in the fuck you want help with

>> No.10467695
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deep bro

>> No.10468135

This interpretation only holds in cases where each microstate is associated with a specified amount of energy. In general, entropy is just the number of microstates that correspond to some pre-defined macrostate of a system. Thinking of it in terms energy dispersal is a good start when first encountering the concept in an intro physics class, but it's better to keep in mind that the idea is not fundamentally tied to energy, but rather the number of possible configurations which you have agreed to accept as equivalent in some context.

>> No.10468635
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Been reading this book recently.
Julian Barbour claims that we live in a static universe and that time is an illusion. Still reading it so I'm not too educated on how he bases these claims. Still pretty interesting.

>> No.10468650

Funny how you can't express future properly in English.

>> No.10468673


Also you desu

>> No.10468803

Order in a void

>> No.10468803,1 [INTERNAL] 

Interesting, but it makes me wonder how a brain could 'invent' time out of a timeless state. It seems like some kind of time is needed to create an experience of the present as distinct from the past and future.

>> No.10469504

4th dimension bro

>> No.10469627

The think you're out of, now enjoy last pieces to have some life.

>> No.10470601
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Time is the spacetime interval traversed by an observer at rest.

>> No.10470840

>TIME - only goes in one direction
in what? ... time? 1 second per second?

>> No.10470845

It increases. That doesn't mean it has some kind of absolute "rate"

>> No.10470853

If we really knew the answer to that we'd probably have the answer to Quantum Gravity.

>> No.10470860

It shouldn't be though. There's no universal "time" to compare against.

If you're looking at a watch ticking, then "seconds" should be inferred to be "ticks of this specific watch" so if you run a race, you can say you ran 100m in "12 ticks of this specific watch" or "12 seconds" with reference to that watch implied.

>> No.10470915
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the motion of matter. it's at the fundamental scale and at the astrological scale. if the universe was at absolute zero matter wouldn't be in motion and time wouldn't exist.

>> No.10470932

A magazine.

>> No.10470953

that's not true, entropy just allows one to distinguish between times but it isn't the definition of time

>> No.10470968

not just it's radiance but the motion of its matter. the activity of its quarks and electrons or its nuclear chain reaction. think about it.

>> No.10470969
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>> No.10471002

Just think about the absurdity of a particle of time, how would it move, would it have mass, where would it be

>> No.10471076

>at rest
with respect to what?

>> No.10471080

why would that matter at all? what are you saying?

>> No.10471084

The most general and fundamental definition of entropy comes from information theory: expected information content or suprisal.

>> No.10471098

Im a retarded bachelor student but I believe time is really change. Humor me this you intellectuals. If nothing changes over time, how can you be sure time passes at all? What would be the difference between a 1000 years and 10000000 years if each one has exactly the same state? Sometimes you solve equations with time involved and you arrive at some solution which does not depend on time. Like an equilibrium or steady state limit or whatever. Then you are only left with space, which also represents change, because you can solve for something that you think depends on space only to find that it is constant everywhere. existence of time requires a change in space, space requires change.

>> No.10471417
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A particle

>> No.10471423
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>> No.10471430

a concept of a monotonically increasing variable, closely linked to the concept of entropy in thermodynamics. it is a movement in spacetime, in that one can be moving in certain combinations of space and time, with the restrictions described by some formulae

>> No.10471433
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Alright entropyfags, riddle me this:
I've just closed the door of my freezer, so the compressor is going to fire up and cool the inside. Does time go backwards at that moment?
You know that locally a system can go from a state of higher entropy to a state of lower entropy?

>> No.10471522

t. someone who doesn't understand basic thermodynamics or is pretending to to prove a rhetorical point

>> No.10471553

>Implying he's wrong
Entropy can go both ways in an open system, and it doesn't affect the flow of time. Also time goes faster (locally) the more mass there is, while entropy is not affected by it. People who say time=entropy are just wrong

>> No.10471643
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>where would it be
not "where"..."when"

>> No.10471704

This very much reminds me of these retarded portal threads, the problem with your concept is that we cannot achieve absolute zero (atleast it is deemed as impossible for now)
It is true, when looking at time as a result of entropy, absolute zero would mean nothing is moving. That does not prove that time is in a standstill.
Time would still be moving, but these particles wouldn't, they wouldn't react or radiate.
But think about it, our whole universe at absolute zero? It's hard to imagine that.
What if there was some kind of meta-time which would still go on, just the time inside our universe would appear to be frozen? Makes as much sense as the idea of a cryochamber universe
I have my problems with defining time as entropy alone lol

>> No.10471710

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but there is no universal motion either. Just relative. Right?

>> No.10471910

>the direction of increasing entropy in an isolated system

>> No.10471914

But the sum of the entropy inside and outside the freezer is still greater than before you turned on the compressor. What's your point?

>> No.10471921

Yea, that's why I'm saying locally
The entropy inside the freezer went down. It has no effect on passage of time within that freezer though

>> No.10471926

we have no fucking idea. But it is really reliable and constant

>> No.10471927


>> No.10471931

> no one knows what time is
> get butt blasted when you ask

>> No.10471933

Time is wave disturbances in the temporal field which all have equal magnitude and direction strictly along the 4d w-axis

>> No.10471941

You're right, seems like time is only associated with the entropy of isolated systems

>> No.10471945
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Hey guys! Guys!
Let's all collectively laugh at this brainlet

>> No.10471949
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*Slaps ur ass*

>> No.10471950
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>> No.10471954

How do you explain time dilation using entropy then?

>> No.10471966
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Terrence McKenna told me time was nothing but a cube

>> No.10471972

That I don't know. I'm not a physicist. I think the direction of time is tied to the entropy of isolated systems, but not the "rate". Everywhere, time is a scalar that increases monotonically, regardless of dilation effects.

>> No.10471976

A social convention

>> No.10471977

Defining motion with respect to local time is still defining motion with respect to time. Change is used to measure time, but that doesn't mean change is fundamental.

>> No.10471980



>> No.10471988

Is this some secret shizo meeting?

>> No.10471994

Damn Terrence McKenna musta been dumb as hell

>> No.10472012

linear progression of complexity.

>> No.10472034

chaos theory.

>> No.10472046

What clocks measure.

>> No.10472476

The thing you are wasting right now lol