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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 124 KB, 728x546, math-degree-careers-2-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10464652 No.10464652 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to work on wall street with a math B.A.?

>> No.10464657

It is if you also have a PhD.
You could also try networking.

>> No.10464716

do you know anything about machine learning and stats?

>> No.10464743

Yes I took 4 400 level stats classes

Probability theory
Math Statistics 1
Math Statistics 2
Multivariate Statistical methods

>> No.10464784

>Is it even possible to work on wall street with a math B.A.?
Have you looked at job postings?

You can also go get a masters in Mathematical Finance / Financial Engineering

>> No.10464785
File: 33 KB, 600x612, 696969696969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do math majors make the best christmas decorations?
Because they hang themselves.

>> No.10464795
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, guilty_crown-17-arisa-scared-trauma-blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ anon, stop, I'm already dead...

>> No.10464814

If u r knowledgeable w/ a bit of deep cs shit & stats... U'll do okay

>> No.10464850
File: 136 KB, 600x610, Brutalchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das breddy fuggin brudal

>> No.10464863

not good enough. Self study and come back when you understand Black-Scholes and Ito calculus. Also ensemble learning seems to be the current meme rn.
based and CSpilled

>> No.10464883
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, red_data_girl-01-izumiko-red_glasses-headset-helicopter-worried-scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't ready.

>> No.10465922

Yeah. Lots of people work on wall street that do shit like double major in math and comp sci. Lots of people make fucking massive fourntes doing it. You should also know that more people never get to that point and fail more often than not. For every one person who makes it big in finance, there are 20 who are poor as shit and will never amount to anything.

If you decide to go for it, know that you absolutely need to work on your soft skills and networking. On top of that you need to have good gpa and notable things to put on your cv.

Most importantly you need to live and breath your work. If you don't have a workaholic ethic then the odds are against you.

>> No.10466319

Realistically what's a probable job for a math degree then?

>> No.10466548


>> No.10466583

>notable things to put on your cv
Can't think of one.

>> No.10466603

Majoring in math was such a mistake. Could have majored in English and been drunk all week and still have the same job opportunities.

>> No.10466623

>Could have majored in English and been drunk all week and still have the same job opportunities.

>> No.10466628

A barista is a barista is a barista

>> No.10466814

That's a good start, better would be to try to take some courses in regards to practical applications / projects. Not sure if you're doing a Bsc or are already doing your Msc, but a Msc provides a good deal of courses to help you advance in such knowledge. Also you can do a thesis on a machine learning related project when doing a Msc, or try to solve an economical problem if that's more the direction you would like to go.
Well networking yes, but I think it's more important to develop yourself and to keep learning and adjusting in an evolving society where tools that are being used also change every two years. I don't really think ''notable'' things on CV is that important when you just graduated it's very hard to get experience in a practical setting when you're also studying 30+ hours a week. I think a masters degree does get you a lot further initially than a bachelors does though especially if its in something relevant to the function you want to perform. At the start don't expect a good or top paying job, you build a CV doing more lower functions in a company and can eventually progress to higher if you perform adequately.

Something to combine it with. Look into computer science / data science / artificial intelligence applications. Or just econometrics, or actuarial science (basically also applied math). A lot of economical problems are math problems which is where a math degree can help a lot to understand problem context faster and better.

>> No.10466885

So depressing.