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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10461563 No.10461563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Engineers are to scientists as nurses are to doctors

Computer scientists are to mathematicians as coders are to programmers

>> No.10461594

Electrician : Electrical Engineer
Mechanic : Mechanical Engineer
Plumber : Chemical Engineer
Financier : Economist
Potter : Material Scientist
Computer Scientist : Computer Engineer

>> No.10461602

engineers are more like surgeons than nurses
they do all the real important applications built off of doctors work

>> No.10461605

Doctors are more like engineers. Your post is retarded.

>> No.10461611

80% of engineers are just chad fratbros that were to dumb to get into law or med school

>> No.10461627

This comparison makes less than zero sense

>> No.10461640

This, but without the Chad. I mean, you just need to pass the god damn degree to get a job. If you're a scientist, you're committed to at least 8 years of schooling. How anyone could say engineering is hard is beyond me.

>> No.10461660

>coders are to programmers
Isn't that the same thing?

>> No.10461662


>> No.10461665

being a code monkey is hardly the same thing as being a software developer

>> No.10461669

As your that guy engineer I have this to say, because of imminent invasion on our peoples here in the US, and I mean a serious and real one. With like jews and the holocaust. Yes, reallly. A king is mad he didn't get invited. And I don't mean moon. Anyway:

did you know that in korea they let you eat babies if you get sick, you just gotta go out and fish a korean family out of one of their bogs or one of their cities

>> No.10461671

It’s kind of hard. I dropped it to do Economics.

>> No.10461680

Tell me, what exactly are they doing differently?

>> No.10461681

this is why /sci/ should have 101 integral captchas

>> No.10461691

Technicians are to engineers as nurses are to doctors.
Engineers are to scientists as doctors are to scientists.

>> No.10461728

fuck you, i don't know calc. don't ask me how i made it so far without it cause even i don't know

>> No.10461745

S&M’rs SEETHING they will never get payed to solve how many angels can dance on the head of a pin

>> No.10461762

"engineers" who are extremely important with regards to the foundation of modern technology

>Thomas Edison
>Nikola Tesla
>Sundar Pichai

>> No.10461770

so they're all equally important in a functioning society! wholesome post

>> No.10461775

Medical surgeons are good with the stabby tools and the cutty tools, but require multiple doctors and nurses in the room with them to guide them before they are actually allowed to touch a human body.

>> No.10461891

I don't code as I prefer to be more mechanical based, what the fuck is the difference between a coder and a programmer?

>> No.10461900

If you think med school is more cognitively challenging than say an aeronautical engineering degree, just lol.

The point is, neither are researchers. They take discovered, well tested knowledge and apply it.

>> No.10461922

it is tho

>> No.10461942
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>If you think med school is more cognitively challenging than say an aeronautical engineering degree, just lol.
becoming a family doc? maybe not
but becoming a super-specialist like a medical oncologist is more cognitively challenging

>> No.10461993


>> No.10462004

>The point is, neither are researchers.
This is quite incorrect. Many medical specialists do research. Taking the medical oncologist example above as an example: many do research. Some do not but many do. They'll generally end up concentrating on either patient care or research, but some will do both concurrently, or do research at one point in their career and patient care at another point.
Many super-specialists do this, not only medical oncologists.

>> No.10462020
File: 54 KB, 848x480, emma2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of telling me I remade the thread on /g/?

>> No.10462051

I don’t understand, this must be some kind of joke for poorfags

>> No.10462053

Must suck to major in math or physics. Seems like you spend half your time being salty about better payed professions on an anime image board.

>> No.10462339

Plumping is just mechanical engineering but involving shit pipes. Toilets don't use chemicals you absolute brainlet

>> No.10462379

Computer science is far, far more challenging than computer engineering

>> No.10462407

>he thinks programmer == software developer

>> No.10462457

why do people make pointless threads like these

>> No.10462492

Compsci is the easy way, so how can it be more challenging?

>> No.10462501

Your premise is wrong retard

>> No.10462504


They are all freshmen or dropouts and are waiting o /sci/ for their buildings to upgrade in scam mobile games.

>> No.10462513
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Since when do nurses make more than doctors

>> No.10462523

Not him but software developers/engineers usually create the actual architecture behind a piece of software while "code monkeys" just turn said architecture into code.
Many international corporations are outsourcing the actual coding to, for example, India for that exact reason.

>> No.10462531

Lmao nigga thinks his 4 year coding boot camp with an extra math class is hard

>> No.10462543

Here are my classes
>Discrete mathematics

A friend of mine who is majoring in math had to take a CS class and failed it miserably. My CS classes have the highest fail rate, far higher than statistics, discrete mathematics, etc. which we often have to take together with people majoring in other stem fields.

>> No.10462558

Not an argument

>> No.10462562

Since doctors take out 400k in high interest grad plus loans

>> No.10462573

that is waterfall, agile developers also code the design

>> No.10462580
File: 89 KB, 900x900, drano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toilets don't use chemicals you absolute brainlet
>what is Drano

>> No.10462582

>Engineers are to scientists as nurses are to doctors
>Computer scientists are to mathematicians as coders are to programmers

>> No.10462597

pretty sure water is a chemical unless chemistry FUCKED my shit that bad but even then it has other chemicals in it like chlorine and I'm sure it's cleaned with chemicals and built with chemicals

>> No.10462598

>Sundar Pichai

>> No.10462601

no one cares

>> No.10462619

programmer : software engineer

>> No.10462625

how specific are the careers of super-specialists?

>> No.10462628

they're called INCREMENTAL games and they're [math]ART[/math]

>> No.10462631

>A friend of mine who is majoring in math had to take a CS class and failed it miserably.
what year is he in? His ability to understand things like real analysis and abstract algebra seems limited.

>> No.10462643

>Engineers are to scientists as nurses are to doctors
What does it even mean?

>> No.10462649

It was in his third semester. As you can see from the classes I have to take as someone majoring in CS, actual coding is not a big part of it and most is just math. And in CS class we rarely code, we mostly look at specific algorithms, algorithmic complexity, recursive mathematical patterns, etc.

>> No.10462659

post yfw you realize that thread has a better level of discourse than this one.

>> No.10462673

Yeah most CS programs have only one or two core courses about the practice of programming. The question is, what good do things like automata theory and complexity theory do to your earning potential? Why not do a philosophy or math major and a CS minor? At least then you will spend your time exercising your brain muscles and building a diverse array of transferable mental models.

>> No.10462702

Well people who major in CS do very well financially; quite a lot better than people who major in math. Furthermore I find CS to be far more challenging than any other class I have to take.
The good thing about majoring in CS is that one has a wide variety of options to do a master in. I could do mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, robotics, neuroscience, etc.

>> No.10462707

>Well people who major in CS do very well financially; quite a lot better than people who major in math.
This isn't objectively true

>> No.10462722

It is. I haven't seen any ranking yet where people who major in math do more than the ones who major in CS. They're not far behind, but still quite a bit.

>> No.10462857

That's because most math majors become math teachers or get a comfy (and slightly underpaid) position as an NSA analyst. Math+CS is better than just CS.

>> No.10462887

It might be. I might do my minor in math, physics or biochemistry.

>> No.10462966

Take your meds

>> No.10462971

Huh. The model my company is using is most newbies starts out as a programmer and seniors then ends up as architects. Though both are called software developers.

>> No.10463234

>Engineers are to scientists as doctors are to biologists.

>> No.10463236


>> No.10463240


>> No.10463341

A coder and a programmer is the same thing you idiot

And all those jobs are productive and important and should be shown respect

>> No.10463762

Hah, point and laugh at the retard.

>> No.10464629

Thank you for recognizing finance and econ as different things

>> No.10464636

Muscles :: Chad
Where's muscle guy?

>> No.10464659

a code monkey is not a programmer

>> No.10464703

what's the difference?

>> No.10464764

Finance is about the nature of financial products, banking, currency markets, derivatives, contracts, etc.

Economics is more about modeling markets for all goods and services, not just currency markets like what you would cover in finance. Economics also includes non-market based methods of resource distribution (Leontief matrices, etc.). They overlap in sub-fields like financial economics, but the scope of economics is way larger.

>> No.10464783

finance is about money
econ is about markets

>> No.10464788

Poop is a chemicals

>> No.10464791


>> No.10465296

This. I considered going to pharmacy school but I did the math. I'd have less money long term despite the higher pay because of time spent in school and loans. The only stereotypical rich doctors are the specialists that rake in like 200-300k.

>> No.10465300

CompSci != programming

>> No.10465350

much better