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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 426 KB, 1840x1878, sidney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10460916 No.10460916 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post obscure but based physicists and mathematicians. other scientists maybe allowed, too.

i'll start with pic related

>> No.10460945

There was a calc teacher at the technical high school I attended named Saul Derner. He was eccentric and said to be quite clever. The part about being clever cake second, or even third and fourth, hand though- he never went out of his way to display it himself. He was fond of saying “My dream is to go down in history as the worst mathematician of all time.” But he kept winning prizes from little mathematical societies and getting his papers published to acclaim after friends submitted them behind his back. My senior year he was arrested for smoking crack at a local college party. I don’t know what happened to him since.

>> No.10460970

Based teacher

How obscure are we talking? Because I didn't know about Emmy Noether until recently, but maybe it's because I'm a bit of a newb

>> No.10461005

rofl hilarious. i'm gonna look that guy up

eh, noether is well-known at least to me, but then again i'm pretty old and work on physics all day and we talk about Noether's Theorem and Noether currents pretty often. but i'd accept it, obscure enough

>> No.10461049
File: 87 KB, 354x518, Ali_Mosharrafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10461223

the physicist's physicist

>> No.10461237
File: 46 KB, 508x599, avshalom elitzur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avshalom Elitzur

>> No.10461608
File: 24 KB, 475x263, andrei-linde-big-bang-inflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha stanford and our fortress of multiverseness! HAHHAAHAHAHHAH

KKLT shall be the model. Everyone believes it. checkmate

>> No.10461901

One time in 4th grade I got an award for most trips to the nurse's office. The thing was that my teacher would release her pussy for everyone to smell, we had to like it but it smelled like jew and italian, so we ended up just making each other sneeze and shit as best we could or make jokes and ask our cousins for better jokes. There was a student that when the teacher started that again, a girl said, teacher what is sex. Teacher said where dreams come from. That student said, I've had sex. The other student said In your wet dreams and we all laughed as I sent a coochie spider up his dress and she got cold cocked by her boyfriend who had her harassed by cops for like 7 years after that! hahahahahahahaha

Mark Keppel Elementary

Griffith Borden and some Surfer