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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10458063 No.10458063 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, the creator of the cosmos has open sourced reality. We have a complete theory of everything that answers all our questions and deftly avoids Gödel's incompleteness theorems. It is beautiful, succinct, and has just the right amount of complexity.

We verify that the model is correct, and comes from the entity it says it comes from (instead of an alien race who reverse-engineered physics) and begin a new era of engineering. Science as a concept outside of machine learning and automated testing is over. Humanity now has a clear path to post-scarcity.

After muddling about with the numbers a bit, we notice something strangely curious, almost familiar. As if it were placed there for us to find. It turns out we can actually change physics, extend it.

What's the first change you make?

>> No.10458091

Make my dick 3 inches bigger

>> No.10458094

Make my muscles 10 inches bigger

>> No.10458104

Increase the strength of gravity to infinite.

>> No.10458113

To do that, you'd first need to be masculine.

>> No.10458114

Those are already possible under current physics.
There's a law of preservation of possibility that ensures reality remains viable.

>> No.10458123

>There's a law of preservation of possibility that ensures reality remains viable.
You bastard!

>> No.10458133

Time travel to the past a possibility. See the future. Absorb energy by merely thinking about it. Allow for my consciousness to live in other objects other than me

>> No.10458170

>consciousness to live in other objects
Keep in mind that this is the universe we're talking about, not some magical fairy. It spends 100% of its time doing quantum physics calculations and doesn't really ever need to directly interact with the layers of structure that are built on top of it. Not that you can't extend it in that way, but you'll need to formalize all the structure to do it with.

Not really sure what "absorb" means in this context either, but the first two seem viable.

>> No.10458192

decrease the mass of the higgs boson by 25 GeV. 100 GeV is way easier to remember, desu

>> No.10458213

I create a lockable portal that leads to an empty dimension that i can customize to my hearts content. To each their own.

>> No.10458224

I increase c by [math]1-0.99...%[/math]

>> No.10458229

0.999... = 1

>> No.10458232

make it easier to bend space

>> No.10458244

Or just add in the ability to generate gravitons, so you don't need a huge mass.
Like quantum tunneling through energy barriers.

>> No.10458425

I don't think there is a theory of everything, a higher entity, or that physics is changeable (even though it may be variable)

>> No.10459176

Skepticism isn't really supposed to be a competition.

>> No.10459304
File: 2.46 MB, 512x512, angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459306

No causality

>> No.10459795

That's actually possible, but remember what I said about the level of abstraction the universal consciousness exists on: >>10458170

Computationally speaking, it's necessarily possible to extend a given codebase in a way that makes all its baser functions able to be virtualized out. This is basically what it means for a system to be Turing complete.

>> No.10459918

>what is a thought experiment

>> No.10460310
File: 994 KB, 1000x1016, C40B8F5F-F3CB-4CEA-9B13-0A5CE3F08DB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manifest qt who loves me

>> No.10460967

That's already physically possible. In case there's really some genetic issue with you, we can always genetically engineer someone who loves you anyway.

>> No.10460981

In addiction to negative mass, what are some other steps to make wormhole travel possible?

>> No.10461264


Bring magic back

>> No.10461284

Is this how the world ends? Consciousness is becomes death the dostroyer and stops this fractal from unwrapping ad infinitum once and for all?

>> No.10461286


Lmao y’all finally figured out that intention and belief literally creates reality. Stopped listening to those Archons I see. And now y’all are using the 4chans to crowdsource the future? I’m happy we’re finally there lmao, been calling this for a while now. And for those of you who think this is schizoposting, think about the vaster implications of the observer effect. Consciousness viewing matter affects it in ways we only now are coming to fully understand (in this society anyway).

>> No.10461290


Only if that’s what we desire, and I sure as fuck don’t lmao you can own that timeline for yourself

>> No.10461297

Still an ape.
Even Adam and Eve got bored with infinity. Any immortal consciousness will.
That's what bible teaches us.

>> No.10461323


Then the Bible is a psyop lmao

>> No.10461428


t. Lucifer

>> No.10461444

After much muddling about with abstraction layers, someone finally finds a way to patch reality at a point in the distant past. While the code is compiling, an exhausting historical search is performed to find previously unobserved events indicating that the patch was installed successfully. Upon closer analysis, it turns out that physics wasn't actually innate, the creator of reality was just trying to pander to our "beliefs." The scientific method confused it at first, but it's managed to aggregate beliefs and evidence in a way that makes infinite consciousness possible. This means that magic has always existed, but it has been effectively DoS'd out of existence due to the law of preservation of possibility. Short of trying to patch every form of magic from the past back in as an extension to the physics spell we'd (apparently) been (unconsciously) casting, the only way to bring magic back is to track down the consciousnesses preserving obscure possibility.

Luckily, we have the source code. Once the code finishes compiling, we'll be able to find the people that need to be brought into the fold to uncast the physics spell for everyone. This event comes to be known as the omega point.

Please consult >>10459918 as well.

Only if the death of all consciousness was a possibility. Otherwise, there's little reason to suspect it would be preserved by the possibility conservation law.

>> No.10461452
File: 42 KB, 217x192, 27817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transform one of the spacial dimensions into a time dimension.

>> No.10461456

Welp, that's /thread.

>> No.10461473


So you took the programmer approach to reality and treated physics as a code, and ‘broke’ it using a hacker. Compile that shit and HMU brother, I’ve been affecting reality for years lmao

>> No.10461494

No, I wrote a self-locating quine that makes me a universal constant. Then I installed a git backdoor so I could silently veto any patches to reality.

>> No.10461499

.... I unconsciously did the same thing.

So wait, thoughts are literally code? Oh fug

>> No.10461505


You’re applying programming/logic/math abstracts to linguistics/metaphysics.

Shit I thought I was potentially the only one doing this lmao. I think we’re all destined to cross paths at some point. This life is cray cray

>> No.10461509


My bad for triple posting but I am excite. So the occult mf’s figured this shit out forever ago right?

>> No.10462145

Reality wasn't structured enough from their reference frame to get distracted with other forms of metaphysics. You stare at shadows on the moon long enough, your brain puts it together. You're *somewhere*.

How you gonna learn to read the sky when the city lights block out the stars?

>> No.10462167
File: 192 KB, 1200x1024, euphoria graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boredom is ultimately caused by chemical reactions in your brain. With advanced enough neuroscience, we could re-engineer the brain to make the chemical reactions that cause boredom no longer happen.


>> No.10462170

Make it so all forms of suffering become physically impossible, and make it so all conscious entities feel nonstop euphoria for eternity.

>> No.10462568
File: 32 KB, 751x498, 04_Jupiter-2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that any opinion about the state of things is just our brain sniffing chemtrails from our glands.
Infinity is objectively boring. You use up all the possibilities and you'll be left with the last one, the final solution - eating from the tree of death.

>> No.10463004

all that's left after infinity is to die become creator and then start anew

>> No.10464374

Still infinity.
That would be a shitty destroyer/creator if he didn't think about falling into that type of cycle.
No! This must be the omnipowerful god that is able to create a rock that big, that he could actually kill himself with it for good.

>> No.10464423

Truthfully I have no problem coexisting in a universe with such rocks, but I'd prefer to have hard light to deflect any threat.

>> No.10464484

>You use up all the possibilities and you'll be left with the last one, the final solution.

Oy vey!

>> No.10464779


Not gonna lie I kek’d

>> No.10466014

Same. Wouldn't have noticed it if it weren't pointed out.

>> No.10466538
File: 163 KB, 1600x1413, JdYufZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking dumb bloodhungry hairless ape and don't understand what UFOs are and then you do shit like this where you literally fantasize about knowing anything.

>> No.10466546

set friction to 0 and see what happens

>> No.10466549

>What's the first change you make?
No blacks

>> No.10466554
File: 308 KB, 1190x906, Congratulations+youre+retarded+_92c63ccd3fcf747ced0a1738aed8be4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFOs aren't real

>> No.10466894

>Lube producers went out of business.
Now look what you've done

>> No.10467007

>What's the first change you make?
Let every particle decide its own laws.

>> No.10467436

That's already physically possible. People seriously need to brush up on physics before posting ITT.
Feeding that back into >>10461444 we just end up with the creator having a second abstractive layer. That might restore some of the magic that had been "lost" in the additions to history that resulted from the retro-patch, but in that model particles don't even exist anymore; magic is all that would. Physics just got patched out of existence as the arbiter of fate and reduced to the level of a spell people cast on accident.

Nice efficient method of patching in to the patch though.

>> No.10467513 [DELETED] 

First thing I'd do is pretend to write a program that pretends to apply an update that pretends to let a being pretend to imagine itself pretending to try to imagine a character that pretends to have the ability to omniscience by deleting a single concept from a single mind.

>> No.10467517

First thing I'd do is pretend to write a program that pretends to apply an update that pretends to let a being pretend to imagine itself pretending to try to imagine a character that pretends to have the ability to erase omniscience by deleting a single concept from a single mind, for a single second.

>> No.10468317

In the spirit of thought experiments and >>10465562, I'm formally bumping this thread in response to events played out anonymously in a third thread.

>> No.10469606

We invented code and language and logic to describe what our minds could already do. It's inherent. The first form of telepathy is uploading.

>> No.10469698

It's called doing shit.

It's been here for fucking centuries.

>> No.10470184

It really is this. Doing shit is the effect. No form of stasis exists for consciousness, that also allows it to experience things.

>> No.10470275

I don't know about the first or second thing—and I can't speak for anybody else—but I know the third thing I'd do with the ability to extend reality.

I'd write a program the outputs "What kind of friend asks another friend how to betray a friend?" on a loop at every point in reality for all time.

>> No.10470278

Heh, guess I should add a "\n" there.

>> No.10470295


>> No.10470306

The most important part is: what license did he use? GPL, BSD or MIT?

>> No.10470316


Turns out free will maximizing was the easiest way to preserve possibility.

>> No.10470332


>> No.10470343

And the code of conduct? Is it the one with the penis acii art?

>> No.10470349

Pretty sure it was just, "Make sure there's a sign in every pocket dimension you create that says," and a geometry hyperlink to >>10470275+>>10470278

Or something.

>> No.10470351

>geometric hyperlink
Sorry, fuzzy guts.

>> No.10471162

I don't have a reaction image for how hard this made me laugh.

>> No.10471172

increase the strength of gravity until just before the point where the universe becomes non-viable