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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10453281 No.10453281 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I stop browsing /sci/, /lit/, /fit/ and start groundbreaking scientific research?

>> No.10453282

By being smart

>> No.10453473

They key is being motivated and interested in your work. That will make you WANT to tackle it, and feel good when you get results. You can still shitpost while you work, but you should take it as a warning sign if you don't feel motivated to actually do the research you're slated to do.

>> No.10453483

remind yourself that the faggots spending 6 hours a day posting IQ threads aren't actually achieving anything with their lives

>> No.10453512

Ive been grappling with this all day.
Just do it.

>> No.10453515

Audit your intentions

>> No.10453854

>How the fuck do I stop browsing /sci/, /lit/, /fit/ and start groundbreaking scientific research?
What have you tried?

>> No.10454203

It's too late. You're already in the trap

One of us
One of us
One of us

>> No.10455623


1. Pick a hot area of research, like global warming or transsexual theory.

2. Go right along with the promoted paradigms.

3. Bathe in those sweet, sweet, research grants.

4. Falsify data if necessary, because no one ever tries to replicate results, and if their results contradict the established paradigms, then they won't be published anyway.

5. Profit.

>> No.10455651

Realize that actual quality discussion is almost nonexistent on this website. But then again...

Shitposting is pretty fun. I dunno!

>> No.10455655

Finished my classes, still trying to get dissertation topic approved. Have recently allowed into my conscious awareness that all of academia has become religion. As soon as I realized this I realized my whole life was a lie, all the politics I took for granted as "just obviously right" are all lies! Academia is the most more close minded than religion. I look around me and realize everyone has been brainwashed or else any meritocracy has been so destroyed that only retards can get into grad school anymore. Holy shit I feel alone.
I feel like my thesis advisor is on to me and if I don't present to him a research topic involving racism causing global warming he's not going to approve it, deactivate my access card and report me to the thought police.

>> No.10455681
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>> No.10455695

In all seriousness, have you ever imagined that you might be wrong? I mean everyone agrees with your sentiment, retards, the uneducated, big business, billionaires on both sides of the political spectrum. You most know that it was once taken for granted by the masses that the sun revolves around the earth, that Jesus is god and that witches exist, etc., etc.

>> No.10455717
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>> No.10455720
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>> No.10455721

How about a version that doesn't involve soul theft?

>> No.10455722
File: 101 KB, 1057x601, berkeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick a hot area of research
This part makes sense.
Suppose you came up with some super efficient matrix convolution technique that blows away everything before it.
Suppose you publish it in a computational mathematics journal. Only really good researchers who follow journals outside of their direct field will ever find and apply it, which could take decades, and you won't benefit much from it in the short term.
Now suppose you instead present your technique in the context of a hot research topic (e.g. signal processing, machine learning, etc.); because your implementation blows away everything before it, your contribution would quickly become known to millions, giving you prestige, lucrative job offers, grant offers, professorships, etc.

>implying transsexual theory isn't a fringe research topic
In all seriousness, have you ever considered that your dogged obsession with redpilling Internet forums on the looming threat of the globalist transsexual global warming white genocide boogeyman is a complete waste of your time?
InfoWars, Breitbart, etc. profit from your continued patronage while you continue to produce nothing of value.

>> No.10455738

Sex isn't on a spectrum. It's clearly defined to maximize reproductive possibilities.

Now fetishes, THOSE are a spectrum.

>> No.10455743

Buy a bunch of colchicine, The Savage Garden by Peter D'Amato, a reverse osmosis unit, and attempt to create true-breeding hybrids.

>> No.10455746

You realize that you will never make groundbreaking science research if you take this board seriously and you probably know nothing about science or math and will fail.Maybe start by learning calculus and you'll be .0000001% closer.

>> No.10455757
File: 52 KB, 924x571, whatamidoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a useful idiot
Watch the video in that screenshot from 7:45-8:05
Does the subtitle in your image match what Bill Nye actually said in the video?

This is an important moment in your pleb life. Will you decide to stop reading """"""news"""""" and actually fucking do something for once? Or will you continue to get fucking played?

>> No.10455957

you don't

>> No.10457121

thats the whole point of rolling to leave in /b/, just do that

>> No.10457193

Wrong. Sometimes you don't like your field but a man's gotta make a living and shitposting ain't bring no shekels.
>is a complete waste of your time?
>learning about things is a waste of time if you aren't making money with it
Yes. Set up a 5, 10 or 20 minute timer to browse 4chan. When it runs out close all the tabs.

>> No.10458001

>learning about things is a waste of time if you aren't making money with it

>implying I said anything like that
It's a waste of your time because it has no value, period, except to the guys serving you ads I suppose.

>> No.10459052

if you have to ask, you can't do it

>> No.10459056

the left just cannot meme at all
the best your kind can manage is stealing what others have made, and poorly at that

>> No.10459087

Note that I'm assuming OP's discussing academic research. If OP's discussing industrial research, then what you said is true. You've got to do what you've got to do, and the company's the one paying your salary, so they're going to be telling you what to do. Given, however, the likelihood of publishing industrial research (minimal if it's a trade secret), and the reduced chances that it's going to be 'ground-breaking' (as opposed to iterative), I think it's a safe assumption OP meant academic research.

To wit, given how a PhD and academic career is something you most certainly elect to do, why would you ever pick and stay with a field for which you have no passion? You should know within the first year of grad school research whether or not you picked the right field (for you).

>> No.10459100

>cant get off of /sci/ /tv/ /sp/ and /an/

You really are here forever

>> No.10459103

"smart" is a buzzword.

>> No.10459129
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>> No.10459130

This is a fancy one. But I'm meaning on the level that you are as well by reading after this.

I'm wanting to do something I can hand to someone that will hand me back some paper.. Not white.

>> No.10459142
File: 30 KB, 524x408, You What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm wanting to do something I can hand to someone that will hand me back some paper.. Not white.

>> No.10459193

he's right tho...

>> No.10459371

If all you want to is get a paper, roll a joint.

>> No.10459378


>groundbreaking scientific research

1. Get $10 mln initial grant monies
2. Get a team of brilliant third-world PhDs and first-world grad students wanting to be your slaves and bleed for you as you spank them hard oh hard yes daddy yes
3. ???