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10447726 No.10447726 [Reply] [Original]

Humans will never reach the stars.
>smart people already avoid having kids.
>even n*ggers and m*slims won't want to have kids in near future
>human population will decline even further when AI takes over because fewer jobs
>with so little population there is no economic incentive or reason to leave the earth
>because earth can support them no problem
>people will just live inside virtual world and feed on concentrated nutrients
>these concentrates are made so efficiently that it doesn't take much resource
>with no lack of resource the policy makers won't want to waste money on space colonies

>> No.10447734

If we find biomarkers on exoplanets, we'll send probes. If the probes find bros, we'll travel. If not, we'll chill here

>> No.10447776

>smart people avoid having kids
>more dumb people have kids
>dumb people outbreaks smart ones
>in 2050 all other races are extinct and it's just americans and whites
>and they're mostly retards
>nobody's smart enough to want to fund the few smart people remaining
>humanity overcrowds the planet and goes extinct because no resources lol

>> No.10447833

ahaha yeah humans were designed to reach the stars you goof. im the first and more are behind me . i carried the torch fucking nihilistic

>> No.10447892
File: 427 KB, 4800x4584, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart people already avoid having kids.
>even n*ggers and m*slims won't want to have kids in near future
EVERYONE ALREADY stopped having kids. It has nothing to do with being smart, poor/rich, or planning to have fewer children. Instead it's because of the internet. People are rarely bored nowadays and sex was mostly how bored humans passed the time. Everyone in the world even the poorest of African farmers has a smartphone with 4G access now.

Kintay in Namibia will rather spend his time watching movies, playing games and watching porn on the internet rather than fuck his tribal Roonda wife.

India and the middle east have a lower fertility rate than the USA for example.

>The rest of the post.
Humanity going into a virtual reality doesn't mean they will stay on Earth. What's far more likely is that the AI are slowly taking over all productive tasks and will deconstruct the Earth to instead build dyson swarms around every star to harness their energy and matter for humanity and its simulation ambitions which require more and more processing power to achieve the desires of the humans (and human created AI) in them.

It's not a great filter because it doesn't pose a risk for humanities extinction. The AI could just send out Von Neumann probes and within a couple million years harness the total power of the milky way and within a 100 million years harness the entire energy content output of our local group.

No need to be sad. If anything we're heading towards a golden age.

>> No.10447910

Are you retarded the global population is plummeting right now.

>> No.10447917
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>people are just bored with sex
Fuck no that's not it, women now are more sexually promiscuous than ever. It all has to do with mainly the rights of women. The more equal women are to men the less they will have kids. The female workforce percentage is almost directly proportional to the fertility rate. Even outlawing birth control would only give a minor bump in fertility at this point. The only way to get a higher fertility at this point would be to get rid of welfare. That way the woman will be more likely to spread her legs for a husband rather than a government

>> No.10447920

Oh look, another off topic feels thread starring reddit frog

>> No.10447923

>The more equal women are to men the less they will have kids.
Dude have you even read what I said? India and the fucking middle east have lower fertility rates than the USA.

Or are you going to say that the FUCKING MIDDLE EAST has higher equality between men and women and therefor their fertility is lower than that of the United States?

The most unequal places are the Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. All of these places have a lower fertility rate than the US.

What you said is straight up not true.

>> No.10447926

Do you actually believe people would rather play with a smartphone than having sex? LMAO

It's all about feminism

>> No.10447932

There was not much economic incentive to leave europe, Columbus had to BEG for the resources to explore. Only after they discovered the bountiful lands of the Americas did it become "worth it" and even then, colonial empires lost a lot more than they gained in these expansions. Economic incentive is not the only reason to do things.

>> No.10447936

but computers will be more efficient and may not need the power of the entire sun to run fairly convincing virtual reality. idk it's just a wild guess but do we really want to simulate every single atom in the universe? that's what the sun's power output is for, right? maybe instead future humans may choose to make artificial suns on earth instead of going full on dyson sphere. plus, there won't be as many people on earth due to people not breeding anymore so the server could save more energy.

>> No.10447941

It's not about feminism because the least feminist places in the world have a lower fertility rate than the United States. as explained >>10447923

The reality is that sex is pretty boring and I say this as a married person. Normal couple sex can't compete with the porn industry that has insane highs. Again most people on the globe will have to look at their ugly village troglodyte while they see high quality women in porn doing bizarre and insane things that they could never pull off in real life.

All the other forms of entertainment just simply pushed procreation away as a real form of entertainment, can't compete with 21st century stuff like having the best porn with exactly your preferences on you 24/7 due to smartphones and 4G, and other entertainment of all kind.

>> No.10447945

The reason why I think it's different this time is because of automation. If there are valuable resources out in the space, we would just send robots to collect them not people. Robots could reach the stars sure but probably not humans.

>> No.10447947

>It's not about feminism because the least feminist places in the world have a lower fertility rate than the United States

Feminism is a global phenomena, even traditional patriarchal societies are affected by it because of globalism

>> No.10447953

Communities that literally buy their wives like Pakistan or Saudi-Arabia have a lower fertility rate than the United States. Literally guys that bought their wives have fewer children than normal American couples.

>> No.10447960

That does not mean these countries are not influenced, those practices are not universal

>> No.10447965

You don't need humans to ever leave. Just send self-replicating AI based probes that slowly encapsulate all stars and send their virtual reality calculation data back the Earth. Synchronize them or even move the stars closer together over millions of years and the humans wouldn't even have noticed except for the fact that the simulation got more and more advanced over time as more energy got gathered.

>> No.10447966

Not true, maybe most humans won't go to space, but if it's easy for robots to actually go and mine resources then bring them back, then you have to technology to send people out too. We probably won't go to another star, but we will have a busy solar system if we make it another 3000 years.

>> No.10447970

Forgot to add that humans do extreme irrational shit all the time for fun, like climb mount Everest. Surely some crazy humans will try to build space habitats and go bungee jumping on titan

>> No.10447987

>We probably won't go to another star, but we will have a busy solar system if we make it another 3000 years.
Yes I agree with this

>> No.10448039

>The most unequal places are the Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. All of these places have a lower fertility rate than the US.

You are an idiot and a moron. As of 2018, USA fertility rate is 1.87 children per couple (and White/Asian Americans is even lower).

Pakistan is 2.55
Bangladesh is 2.1
India is 2.3


Not the first time you are posting this nonsense either, ya dumb fuck. Learn to google.

>> No.10448045

Reason why there won't be private spaceships EVER is because a single truck sized spaceship going at 90% of the speed of light is as powerful at 1000 tsar bomba nukes (Strongest nukes ever detonated).

A single truck sized spaceship rammed into the Earth at 90% the light speed would destroy the entire surface of the planet.

This is why in the far future no human is allowed to have private spaceships and instead they will all be state property and/or be AI controlled.

>> No.10448050
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idiocracy is coming

>> No.10448051

>implying we wouldn't have lasers powerful enough to atomize any projectiles long before they reach earth with radiation being directed away from the planet

>> No.10448056
File: 479 KB, 2048x1448, Screenshot_20190308-092406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the source you provided Afghanistan still has a high fertility despite the advent of 4g, this is because Afghanistan has a female labor participantion of around 15-20%

>> No.10448064

No spaceship will go that fast, only few % of the speed of light is feasible even with advanced nuclear or fusion propulsion. Plenty enough to travel within solar system.

Going interstellar will require immortal transhuman mind uploads, not ridiculous speeds.

>> No.10448066

Female labor participation in Saudi-arabia is 0% and has a lower fertility rate.

>> No.10448069

Fusion power can reach up to 30% the speed of light. Laser based "solar sails" designs can go up to 99.9% the speed of light. Matter+Anti-Matter annihilation can reach 80% of the speed of light.

Fission based spaceships like Project Orion designed in the 1950s could go at 11% the speed of light.


Project Daedalus even had a design that could go at 12% the speed of light using old fission technology in the 1970s


>> No.10448078

Afghanistan is one of the only countries in the world without smartphone penetration and 4g internet. You're confirming what I already said. Saudi Arabia has less "feminism and female labor participation rates" and yet has a lower fertility rate because people fuck less due to having access to far better entertainment instead.

>> No.10448080

the need to fuck will most likely decrease as we evolve as a race due to the rising IQ of the species, with our brains focusing on thought and rationality instead of emotions drilled into our minds to make our species bigger and bigger.

>> No.10448200
File: 133 KB, 720x747, AC298BB4-6DCC-4954-94EE-5C199A9E16E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creating a narrative for the entire world instead of just conceding that women just don’t give you attention for other reasons, homies cmon lmao

That’s pretty pendantic, especially considering that the gap is reduced every year as their fertility rates continue to plummet despite of inequality, while USA’s has somewhat stabilised. But if that’s really what it takes to convince you, you can just look at Iran, one of the most inequal countries in the world with its fifth lowest percentage of women in the workforce but whose fertility rate is nonetheless 1.66

>> No.10448209

If you are too stupid to realize that feminism is a global phenomena then only being born again will fix you.

>> No.10448215
File: 24 KB, 451x432, 1fa28f7fdc940baeba3404f4f0dfa1f9eec4b797ecd6f6210ed5deb88e6f9052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homies cmon lmao

>> No.10448217

Humans right now wont reach the stars but in 1000 years we will.

>> No.10448256

I was going to say lmao @ your penis size originally but I thought it came off pretty aggro and I didn’t want to bully you away before you read my insightful stats at the bottom

>> No.10448274
File: 86 KB, 1280x1001, model-breeders-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a retard who doesn't understand demographics. In the long term, natural selection will reverse the current trend of low fertility, as the people with low fertility preference will be weeded out of the gene pool.


>> No.10448317

>smart people already avoid having kids.


>even n*ggers and m*slims won't want to have kids in near future

/pol/tard racism, and prove it.

>human population will decline even further when AI takes over because fewer jobs

It’s increasing, not declining, and AI replacing workers would result in a population boom as human time is freed up.

>with so little population there is no economic incentive or reason to leave the earth

Again, only increasing.

>because earth can support them no problem


>people will just live inside virtual world and feed on concentrated nutrients

Admitting the possibility of this technology is admitimg the population would skyrocket. Humans can and will fuck like rabbits when there’s no economic force holding them down.

>these concentrates are made so efficiently that it doesn't take much resource

Even more reason the population would skyrocket

>with no lack of resource the policy makers won't want to waste money on space colonies

>post labor and post scarcity


Pick one

>> No.10448332

>ayooo shieeet muh dick niggah lmao homie

>> No.10448343

Maybe we are not meant to explore the stars.
If there were ever (or there currently exists) advanced civilizations that are colonizing planets/galaxies etc then they've managed to overcome whatever insignificant quarrels they've had along the way.
If we can't do that we don't deserve to reach the stars.

>> No.10448351

If I were black, that'd put the upper bound of my IQ at around 100. That you were decisively mentally wrestled into submission by me despite of this doesn't bode well for you. Your were dominated by the force of a black man's oratory, your will wrangled by the kara boga

>> No.10448352

Your IQ is so low even a negro would laugh at your stupidity

>> No.10448411

That's not how it works. But I sure hope you're right. We have way too few people right now. The economy needs about 27 billion people yet we haven't even reached 8 billion yet and we will stagnate at 9-10 billion before dropping again.

We need to force people at gunpoint to have 10 children a piece if we want to make rapid progress in the future. Even fucking africans stopped breeding which was the only thing they were useful for. Fucking hell we made a big mistake along the way.

How do we convince people to fuck like rabbits again?

>> No.10448412

Blacks exist with IQs well over 100. Millions do.

>> No.10448416

You know that there are more high IQ Muslims, Niggers and Indians in the world than high IQ white people right?

Because even if the rate of high IQ individuals is lower in those communities they are so massive that the total amount of them outnumber high IQ white people by a large margin.

That said IQ is largely decided by environmental factors and the genetic predisposition is largely irrelevant as is shown time and time again with the Flynn Effect.

>> No.10448432

And that is a relatively good thing, do you think it's a good idea to keep multiplying exponentially on a planet with finite resources? It's better to prevent a crisis than to solve it

>> No.10448434

Fuck space I want UBI.

My weed habit and college education killed my finances and you can't even find a decent job in this shit economy.

>> No.10448444

Nice idea Anon, but the lobyst in your country won't want that to happen until the last lemon is dried out.

>> No.10448470

>Humans can and will fuck like rabbits when there’s no economic force holding them down.

literally the opposite is true, poor people fuck like rabbits, wealthy people have barely 1-2 kids

>> No.10448520

You might get your wish anon. UBI is seeked after and started to get lobbied for by big corporations because it would increase their profitability. Give people free money and they will immediately use it to consume more goods and services basically redistributing tax money to corporate profits indirectly through consumers.

It's a win-win-win for everyone involved. Governments can tax this new consumption as well as get corporate kickbacks due to lobbying. Corporations get a higher revenue to show to shareholders on quarterly reports and consumers get to consume more goods and services.

However it's just a short-term bandaid as capitalism is not very profitable anymore in our current economy. Just like mercantilism was replaced by capitalism due to mercantilism not being profitable enough anymore we need to replace capitalism with a more profitable economic system UBI is a transition towards this more profitable system but not a total transition. We don't know what this new profitable system is and if you'd know you'd get a nobel price for economics.

False fertility rate is dropping among every demographic. In fact the fertility rate among the wealthy has stabilized while it's still dropping among the poor. There are theories about internet and smartphone penetration correlated to low birthrate. Rich people had access to the internet in the 1990s and showed a lower fertility back then. Middle class adopted it in the 2000s and showed it then (this was when movies like ideocracy were made because back then only rich and upper middle class showed a reduction in fertility) However now in 2019 even the poorest of poor show a rapid decline in fertility now that they also have access to the internet. It has become the leading theory for the UN which now considers it a genuine fertility crisis. You'll probably hear more and more about "underpopulation" in a couple of years as that will be the next fear as we slowly fix global warming.

>> No.10448529

>Muh Flynn effect

See >>10448050

>> No.10448567

How couldn’t you tell that it was just a joke that played on that anon’s invoking blacks’ IQ in the first place :( yes I realise high IQ is just a rare combination of alleles and that statistically there are as many high black and yellow IQs as us and yeah with better nutrition they will enjoy the flynn effect too while we have stalled

>> No.10448569

[citation needed]

>> No.10448586
File: 2.51 MB, 4745x4583, 91FB3E02-6E2A-45E7-9B98-1979320B7444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon it was literally the fifth post in this thread. it has gone from 4.8 in 1970 to 2.49 today - barely above the replacement level of 2.1

>> No.10448598
File: 144 KB, 682x600, 1543065499040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want UBI
>My weed habit

>> No.10448809

That picture is completely fake and doesn't say anything. Especially as the difference in IQ is absolutely minuscule but made to look huge. It's basically undetectable and also fake since fertility rates are dropping the fastest in Africa out of all places on the planet. Ashkenazi Jews have an average of 115 IQ compared to white Aryan white people's 102 IQ. The difference makes absolutely no difference because only the outliers actually contribute to science.

>> No.10448812

>fuck scientific progress I want gimmies from uncle sam
we know anon we know

>> No.10448822

Given that stupid people have more children, does that mean we've engineered an environment that favors stupidity?

>> No.10448835

They are dropping faster in Africa but even if they drop from 7 to 3 that's still well above replacement compared to the west which has been below replacement for years.
Also for scientific progress to occur the high iq out liers need a stable society. So even if Africans had an equal amount of outliers their average low iq prevent any progress

>> No.10448916

>literally the opposite is true, poor people fuck like rabbits

Not really.

>wealthy people have barely 1-2 kids

How’d they get wealthy? Doctors make hundreds of thousands of dollars but have zero free time.

>> No.10448932

>Ashkenazi Jews have an average of 115 IQ compared to white Aryan white people's 102 IQ. The difference makes absolutely no difference because only the outliers actually contribute to science.

At least learn something before opening your mouth you moron. Average IQ is what determines how many outliers are there at genius level, and in fact small increase in average IQ means there will be many times more geniuses per capita. And that is why Ashkenazis dominate science even when they are a tiny minority globally.

>> No.10448947

>hurr durr fertility rate is dropping

Fertility rate of Africans dropping from 6 to 3 still means a rapid population explosion and dysgenic trends. This will only change when their fertility rate drops BELOW white levels. And that is not happening anytime soon.

>> No.10449086

>And that is not happening anytime soon.
2050 to be exact.

>> No.10450694

Aren't Orion, Federatsiya, and the Muskship being built specifically for more long range space travel?
And there's a bunch of talk about going to the moon and Mars.