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10446386 No.10446386 [Reply] [Original]

Do /sci/entists drink? Are you worried about the effects of alcohol on your above-average cognitive abilities?

Being a frat degenerate, I blackout 1x a week and drink lightly another night week. I ONLY drink during these two nights to maximize the fun I'll have if I'm going to destroy my brain; I wouldn't want to sip wine alone and kill brain cells for no reason. It's well establish that binge drinking still fucks your brain.

I'm fairly certain not as sharp as I was coming into college 4 years ago. Could be age. Could be an unknown mental issue like lyme or radiation from cell phones, who knows. I've tested my IQ, and it still seems roughly the same (130) but my short term memory is and ability to focus is shot. I can't destroy philosophy papers anymore.

>> No.10446404

Alcohol is a garbage-tier drug. I smoke a shitload of pot though

>> No.10446408
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>> No.10446412

I used to drink until I got to the point of 4-6 standard drinks every day for a couple of years, so now I've decided to try to quit. Haven't had a drink for 3 weeks so far, my life has already improved, and I already don't miss it anymore because I still smoke weed and that's good enough

>> No.10446413

>dumber after going to college
you only have yourself to blame, OP.

>> No.10446417

>I'm a drug addict

>> No.10446422

Yes that's what I said, thanks for summarizing for me anon

>> No.10446441

How much of your spendings were just on alcohol?

>> No.10446442

Pot is definitely not garbage-tier. Compared to alcohol, it's a better high with fewer and less drastic side effects that has fewer societal impacts and it requires less energy to produce. For every day recreation there is one clear winner

>> No.10446455

Not that much, I only bought cheap stuff and I'm not poor. I only quit because I finally took the alcohol-directly-causes-depression pill

>> No.10446456
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>comparing shit with shit
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10446457

also i find it relaxing for studying sometimes, what would not be possible with alcohol

>> No.10446462

>not understanding the difference between fluid and crystallized iq

>> No.10446466

That's a dumb comic. Whoever made the edit doesn't know that PCP and weed are psychedelics

>> No.10446470

Only socially. It's too expensive.

>> No.10446472

To clarify, I don't mean the brainlet tier confusion that's on every website between "depressant" and "causing depression". I mean that I've become convinced that even fairly modest amounts of alcohol make you feel noticeably more negative emotion throughout your day, and it got to the point of outright clinical depression for me. It got noticeably better within 1 week of stopping drinking.

>> No.10446506

Weed is psychedelic for only a few people.

>> No.10446532

Me (binge king OP) went 6 months sober. Zero effect on cognition and just as depressed.

I'm convinced any damage alcohol does it cumulative and permanent. Unlike weed, there is no "foggy for the couple days after" effect (aside from hangover obviously)

>> No.10446540

yeah ikr, $30 a bottle.

>> No.10446547

Nah bro you're just depressed for some other reason. The evidence strongly suggests that alcohol's effects on the brain do heal over time, even if not completely. I've had to sort a lot of shit out in my life to start getting less depressed, but quitting alcohol has been a noticeable step change.

>> No.10446575

Also, depression is known to cause cognitive impairment, so you may be able to get some improvement on that if you handle the depression.

>> No.10446579

>believing in memes
double retard

>> No.10446593


>> No.10446598


>> No.10446601

That doesn't change it's classification as a psychedelic

>> No.10446610

I'm starting to think that nobody on this board knows what a psychedelic is

>> No.10446632

Good. Maybe one day you will realize this board is inhabited by retards only.

>> No.10446637

KFC is a psychedelic

>> No.10446641

I've been fighting that realization since I got here. At least /sci/ has more shame then /b/

>> No.10446681

I drink regularly, but I'm starting to get worried about alcohol fucking my cognitive abilities up. I already noticed some effects on my mood, but I don't really care. What scares me is the possibility of becoming a retard by my 30s and being unable to do my work properly

>> No.10446790

wait what????? Explain.
I legitimately hear voices sometimes and "see color" in music. Do other people not have this?

>> No.10446796

What? No. I've smoked weed for years and it just makes me dumb, goofy, tired, and zoned out. And sometimes existentially anxious

>> No.10446805

Not the anon I replied to but weed may be seriously not for you. It's psychedelic as fuck for me, that's literally the only thing that makes it worthwhile

>> No.10446807

I avoid psychedelics because I hate those effects

>> No.10446808

*you replied to

>> No.10446811

I am for open drugs for everyone because it's trims my competition

>> No.10446830
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I smoke and drink cause its fun

>> No.10446840

>existentially anxious
i know that feel all too well bro

>> No.10446850

>Degenerate tier:
>Garbage tier:
>Mediocore tier:
>Good tier
>Great tier
>Based tier
>Based and redpilled tier

>> No.10446853

I used to get music-responsive geometric visuals if I closed my eyes while listening to marijuana. Haven't gotten that in a long time unfortunately, even though I sparingly smoke or use edibles (think a handful times a year, if that). Now it's just a weird headspace.

One of my friends dealt weed for several years and to this date I am the only person he's known to have gotten that response. I think I just need a high THC strain and not be in a depressive state. But it might have just been a lucky beginner's high that won't come back. Oh well, it was fun when it lasted.

>> No.10446858

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.10446902

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.10446921


>> No.10446922

>taking the time to familiarize yourself with the difference

>> No.10446939

>not taking the time to clarify the nature of your superiority over others

>> No.10446968

Psychedelics are 5-ht2a receptor agonists retard.
Hallucinogenic is not a synonym for psychedelic.

>> No.10446976
File: 117 KB, 1600x862, Beaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this implies that a thimble full of shandy will do you more harm than a beaker full of LSD.

>> No.10447017

You are thinking of serotonergic psychedelics. See this wiki page and get off your dick


>> No.10447021

You leave poor Beaker alone

>> No.10447078
File: 48 KB, 132x140, 1509138034009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is top notch as long as you can control yourself not to cross the nausea line. Gypsy swing, a portable radiator, comfy chair, nice lighting, and Zubrowka with black tea makes you feel at calm and peace like nothing else. Drink some Gatorade before sleep and zero hangover.

>> No.10447158

Unironically me

>> No.10447178

This is yet another area where psilocybin mushrooms should be studied for their potential to treat depression and mood.

>> No.10447186

Most intellectuals are druggies or alcoholics. This is the only way to enjoy a life you've realized is ultimately short and meaningless.

The effects on your cognitive abilities are overstated. It will make you less sharp but it isn't going to fuck with your memory and reasoning, which matter more.

>> No.10447208


>> No.10447232
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alcohol may kill you slowly but after seeing and experiencing enough fucked up shit it will be the only thing keeping you alive. personally tho id rather smoke weed then drink and that's coming from someone whos was on a bender for 3 years.

>> No.10447315
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Most real geniuses have a positive attitude to life and are always looking for new and interesting things to learn

>> No.10447379

>above average cognitive abilities

choose one

>> No.10447381

Have you visited the other boards by any chance?

>> No.10447884

I mostly abstained but then someone introduced me to scotch and I love it. Fortunately it's too expensive for me or I'd drink it every day probably

>> No.10448321
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Weed turns you into a nigger how is that a psychedelic?

>> No.10448517

I've seen a lot of physics students drink including myself but there's a lot more brainlets in EU universities as well.

>> No.10448522

Read, darkie

>> No.10449547

Interesting. I have experienced like you "music-responsive geometric visuals" while blacked out on XTC and alcohol.

>> No.10449593

>Me went 6 months sober.
Jesus, it really does rot your brain.

>> No.10449614
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Have fun being the only dude walking to class at 3 mph.

>> No.10449673

Essentially the odd binge prior to 25 is fine, your body recovers very well. After that, due to a down regulation in neurogenesis your brain doesn't recover as well.
That said, habitual abuse as depicted in the OP (blackout 1x a week) causes longer-lasting deficits, and is certainly something you want to avoid after 25.

>> No.10449695

>I'm convinced any damage alcohol does it cumulative and permanent
Duh, dead brain cells are dead and they never regenerate.

>> No.10451262

>Do /sci/entists drink?
We're people. Some drink, some don't. I drink for the flavor and will enjoy a light buzz when opportune.

>For every day recreation
That would be a strong indicator of a problem.

Weed... meh. The stuff nowadays is too strong and persistent. I need a whole day to recover.

Shrooms - yeah. Nature's teacher. For very special occasions, like camping under the stars.

>> No.10451271

>I can't destroy philosophy papers anymore.