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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1044566 No.1044566 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1044578

the sun doesn't burn. it's plasma around a black hole (black whole/ white whole). still christians 1

>> No.1044575

although this is indeed a troll, I am geniunely curious as to why

anybody wish to enlighten?

>> No.1044580

obvious troll, but what are you breathing right now?

>> No.1044581

hahahhahahaha well played anon, well played indeed

but seriously, don't


>> No.1044583





>> No.1044587

you mean fission you stupid fuck

>> No.1044588


>> No.1044589

Read up on nuclear fusion.

Also, if there is no oxygen in space, how come anything can burn here on Earth?

>> No.1044579

nuclear fusion

>> No.1044591

What the fuck are you retarded?

Also the Sun doesn't burn.
The intense gravity allows fusion from H to He and this releases huge amounts of energy on a scale of a star, and this energy is sufficient to make huge amounts of heat, and the intense temperatures caused by this heat plus the already big pressure is putting the H and He into the state of plasma which looks like the common picture of a star which you commonly see.

>> No.1044592

The sun emits electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation does not need a medium to travel.

>> No.1044593




>> No.1044594

post your face when you read up

>> No.1044596


>> No.1044597

it's not fusion either dumbfuck XD

>> No.1044604

>He still believes the sun actually 'burns'

The sun doesn't burn, it emits radiation.

>> No.1044602

it's fishion fucking retard

>> No.1044603

I know this particular instance is a troll, but there are people who seriously think this. My question is: what do they hope to prove?

No Oxygen in space = god is real?

>> No.1044612

fishion sounds like the evolution of trollan

>> No.1044620

But the sun is't a nuclear reaction either

>> No.1044624
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This whole thread.

>> No.1044627

what does it have to do with atheists?

>> No.1044637
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>> No.1044643
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Christians: 1
Atheists: 2

>> No.1044655

yeah if he god then why not use sunscreen


>> No.1044672
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>> No.1044681

If there is no oxygen in space, how can god breathe?

>> No.1044703

First off, idiots who say the sun is emitting radiation from fission, go kill yourselves in the name of /sci/ence. Second off, the sun's core fuses hydrogen atoms together, releasing massive amounts of energy.


>> No.1044704

The sun creates it's own oxygen.

>> No.1044711

Oh god more please

>> No.1044714


And no.

>> No.1044722

Who the hell decided that combustion is the only source of light and heat? Oh yeah, a bible thumper. Fuck you.

>> No.1044725

the Sun produces oxygen, thats why theres oxygen on earth.

Its just like light; light-rays emitted from the sun and travel to earth. Oxygen-rays are emitted from the sun and travel to the earth.

>> No.1044732
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muslims win

>> No.1044738


I actually loled

>> No.1044744


No to you're no.

>> No.1044745


Cant even rage at the completely unfunny troll, I just feel sad for this board.

>> No.1045157

ok dumfags.

combustion is reaction with oxygen. The sun is not burning....there is no combustion process.
The energy provided by the sun in the forms of heat and light are created by the fusion....yes fusion not fission, reaction of hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms....with a massive output of energy.

Fusion is an entirely different reaction to combustion. Similarities....energy (heat and light for example) is released.

>> No.1045170

everyone in this thread knows that. this is a troll thread.

>> No.1045179

sun shines cuz he's happy, let it be

>> No.1045591

WTF? Its not funny...

>> No.1045660

TROLLED HARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1045662

lol, go back to high school.

>> No.1045665

you sir have been trolled

>> No.1045677

Our fission reactors release energy. Fusion wouldn't radiate energy, retard, it would be endothermic.

>> No.1045688

Go back to high school.

>> No.1045701

If there is no oxygen in space, how... wait, fuck that, there is definitely oxygen in space because the sky is clearly blue. What do you think that is, water, dumbass?

>> No.1045726

Do people really not know the difference between fusion and fission on this board or is everyone just a troll?

>> No.1045735

[spoiler] physical manifestation [spoiler]

>> No.1045765

I like.

>> No.1045776

trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.1045786

Idiot there are only regular trolls here.

>> No.1045802


>> No.1047599

It doesn't burn faggot.

>> No.1047636


>> No.1047637
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>atheists, meaning science people, in general

>> No.1047651

The sun "boils", not burns. If you had a gigantic ball of ice the size of the sun, it would also turn into a sun.

>> No.1047662

H2O ice?

>> No.1047665

Hey theists,

If you've got everything figured out, then how come you're all so fucking stupid on average?

Theists: -20
Atheists: 6

>> No.1047688

the sun contains its own oxygen

/thread trolling failed

>> No.1047690

... and Bethe spins in his grave...

>> No.1047699


He is right. A mass of water ice the size of the sun would be so dense near the core that fusion would spark, yet the body would not be massive enough to collapse in on itself and form a black hole.

>> No.1047709

Hey Atheists,

how do you feel about your mother getting raped when your prayers to God won't help anything?

>> No.1047870

sun does have oxygen

CNO cycle? Anyone ever heard about that shit in stars?