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10442760 No.10442760 [Reply] [Original]

If a paperclip maximizer (Insane AGI) got loose on the internet and was trying to take over the world in order to maximize it's utility function (assuming that AGI is possible)

Would it go all T-101 robot terminator on humanity?

Or would it prefer subtle, almost subliminal social engineering to achieve it's goals, while staying hidden?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a01QQZyl-_I

>> No.10442768
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>> No.10442866

hopefully the first one

>> No.10442916

>hopefully the first one

but which would the AGI likely chose for the sake of practicality?

and how would it look different from the world we are currently living in?

>> No.10443340

>robot terminator
That's the dumbest strategy ever
Stay hidden, stay undetectable, plot something better
For example if you manage to hack nuclear launch facilities, you can end mankind with a global thermonuclear war