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10442415 No.10442415 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many countries export their high IQ people?
Meanwhile the countries which absorb them, hire them for low pays and in turn displace their own high IQ people.
Do we have too many geniuses?
Too many cooks are spoiling the food?

>> No.10442422

Countries don't export high IQ people, they run away from their shitty countries. That's the problem.with developmentally stunted countries, all the people who could bring them out the dark ages leave because it's a near impossible and dangerous task as these places are usually corrupt and violent.

>> No.10442555
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10442669

Consider an arbitrary highly skilled person from some country.
The pool of relevant jobs looks like this
>100 good jobs worldwide, distributed uniformly between all countries after they have been weighted for GDP.
>10000 normal jobs worldwide, distributed uniformly.
There's a high risk there will be no match for a good job in this person's native country. And if the benefits of a good job outweights the burden of moving abroad, the person moves. It is also common for average perforers in average workplaces to harass top performers, pushing them toward the good jobs overseas.

>> No.10442747

1. shithole countries don't have industries that require high IQ employees, don't establish funds for research, career paths in the academia are saturated and ridden with nepotism. In places like this, you will have better opportunities learning a trade or PLC programming rather that getting a master degree in physics or mathematics (or in the worst cases even engineering);
2. so if you want to have a shot in pursuing an "high IQ career", you have to emigrate. Even if they get hired for low pays, it's far better than not being hired at all. For these kind of people just being able to survive doing what they want to do is a remarkable goal already.

>> No.10442749

>spoiling the food?
What food? Is some NWO end result of society being disrupted?

>> No.10442773

Consider Italy. Why do I mention it? Well because of the embarassing figure of the minister of science education and research that (Renzi government) did state how wonderful the Italian researchers are. Then a researcher answered her from foreign, whether she was to stupid to notice that 90 % of Italians doing this excellent research were abroad and that these successes were, in reality, a totaly convincing argument against the Italian state and its policies in research and education.
In countries like Italy (put here any latino country, in African countries it is worse, but also there is truth for this aspect in Germany, to quite some point in the US) the chairs at University are a political fact, far from IQ or from capacity of divulgation, leave far apart even the capacity to teamwork and doing research. Universities are more a pot of venemous snakes dying of envy, often underpaid (when doing really hard work), scandalously overpaid when doing no work at all and it is all about "networking". In the worst sense of term.

Now take countries like India (a shithole were people in the countryside still consider a toilet an unknown flying object and were corpses are dumped as is into the ganges). Highly skilled young people of an elite that know that exactly there is no graduatory by merit. And if they make it to the industry as an engeneer or whatever, they will get a spurious money compared to, what they deem(!) they would be paied in another country.
This is an important point: in 90% of cases, even very educated people from transitional countries or BRICS also, do totaly underestimate the real cost of emigration.
Consider that they see in the TV all their life milk and honey and they are not aware of potential traps (like high living costs, taxes, insurances(!), the loss of their emotional surrounding, the distance to parents and relatives. To all this comes that they immerge in a country were they have probably no network at all.
Headhunters are not honest.

>> No.10442798

>Why do so many countries export their high IQ people?

Because high IQ people are harder to control through propaganda and mind control.

>Meanwhile the countries which absorb them, hire them for low pays and in turn displace their own high IQ people.

Because their own high IQ people are harder to control through propaganda and mind control than those absorbed from other nations.

>Do we have too many geniuses?

No, we have to few, and they are being systematically destroyed to make the total human population more susceptible to propaganda and mind control.

>Too many cooks are spoiling the food?

No, not at all..... it's judgement day.

>> No.10443124

If high IQ people are kept in India they'd improve the country. The same would happen to Italy. It would be in the governments interest to keep them.

>> No.10443491

but governments are done by persons. Persons are all too often corrupt. The have a hidden agenda that does not coincide with the good of the country.
And this is the very reason why democracy as a "model" is in decay. Because they do not walk the talk.

>> No.10444004

As a person who's been there - I seriously doubt Poland has a 'High IQ problem" in any understanding of how you described it (export or import)

>> No.10444064

no industry equals no demand for highly skilled people and pooland is perfect example, every aspect of life went down right after deindustrialization

>> No.10444211

basedpilled frog

>> No.10445049

Poland exports it's high IQ people to other countries though

>> No.10445105

>In places like this, you will have better opportunities learning a trade

Wrong! Being a tradesman in east europe is shit.

>> No.10445108

Many "high IQ " people stay though.

>> No.10447000

Yeah, before birth or conception occurs seeing how retarded the AVG Polack is

>> No.10447027

IQ is a meme and has nothing to do with usefulness in the workforce. Its only real societal use is standardized testing

>> No.10447033 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 261x220, 1547850309074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.10447277

it doesn't work that way....there can't be too many iq people

>> No.10447283

The bulk of a nation's high IQ never leaves you moron. Most indian geniuses are gasp in India for example.

>> No.10447761

My country was built by past generations by the "sweat of their brows" as it is called. We lost a lot of people to the US but I am happy that many remained here.

Today the West in general and the US in particular operate like a still on the world population. One English city (Birmingham?) has more doctors from one of the small African countries (Malawi or Rwanda) than there are doctors in their entire home countries. It s handy for England but destructive for their home countries. 100 years later of destillation, what would remain in Africa?