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10431999 No.10431999 [Reply] [Original]

How does current generate a magnetic field ? What's the reason on an atomic or subatomic level, what is creating that field ?

>> No.10432010

if you find out let the rest of humanity know

>> No.10432016

to answer your question in reverse, special relativity

>> No.10432022

>special relativity
what's so special about it ?

>> No.10432040

its special because it makes electricity

>> No.10432051

>How does current generate a magnetic field ?
They’re aspects of the same phenomenon, electromagnetism, which is itself caused by the property of charge present in subatomic particles. Why are particles charged? They just are.

>> No.10432066

Yeah along with radioactive decay in electro-weak force, but I've never watched my wire decay radiatively from running a current through it

>> No.10432096

Because a moving electron generates photons, and photons move at the speed of light.

>> No.10432100

what’s your point

>> No.10432456

something along the lines of fermions interacting with the quantum foam and such.

>> No.10432464

well you see you get a bunch of atoms here, there and everywhere and they're all slightly spaced apart so you get different shapes you can trace between them and then ya

>> No.10432469

That your answer doesn't provide any explanation other than here's a word and I'm saying it's the same thing

>> No.10432480

I feel like it must be slightly more complicated than that.
If magnetic monopoles existed couldn't you just do the exact same thing in reverse and explain electricity as an effect of special relativity on magnetism?

>> No.10432487

Good question.

>> No.10432501

Maybe, but magnetic monopoles don't exist precisely because magnetism is a made up force from back when people didn't understand that the forced induced from one particle to another propagate at a limited speed.
Magnetism effectively is just an artifice to explain electrodynamic phenomena without special relativity, it adds no predictive power at all to physics once you take the speed of light into account.

>> No.10432506
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>> No.10432516

Forcing current through a conductor causes the atoms in the metal to align their charges, making a (strong enough to be felt) magnetic field

>> No.10432569

Sorry to burst your bubble but there is no deeper explanation beyond that though. Charged particles create electromagnetic fields. It’s a fact of nature.

>> No.10432610

I believe it's the photons causing that force, but the photons that are generated by moving electrons exist in the past only.

>> No.10432643

so a coil creates a magnetic field but not a straight wire because you are forcing the electrons to change direction through the coil and therefore accelerate by defintion and accelerating electrons create photons? is this all correct?

>> No.10432791

a straight wire still creates a magnetic field

>> No.10432837
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Whether or not there is a magnetic field is determined by reference frame. Einstein Himself admitted that relativity was just a rip off of Lorentz local time.

>> No.10432846

I just watched that 3blue1brown visualizing quaternions video again and for whatever reason I think it might be relevant. You are Linus the linelander

>> No.10432876

I like to think about it like this.
A moving charged particle creates a wake like a boat moving through water.

>> No.10434491
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>> No.10434556
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it's essentially the "relativistic part of the electric field". to demonstrate this theoretically, consider two charge-neutral parallel infinite wires carrying current in 1) the same direction and 2) opposite directions, and analyze charge densities in the wires from a frame of reference moving with the currents. Taking special relativity length contraction into account, you'll find that the charge-neutral wires actually appear charged in the moving (w.r.t the wires, ie atomic nuclei) reference frame, and thus you predict an attractive electric force,

>> No.10435007
File: 65 KB, 580x580, Dielectricity-fig1b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the reason on an atomic or subatomic level, what is creating that field ?

maxwell described electrical behavior mathematecaly but in this case is better to go with the father of electrical engineering charles steinmetz, from his book "Elementary Lectures on Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses, and Other Transients":

"a condutor subject to an electric potential will produce two simultaneous and complementary fields, one magnetic concentric to the conductor and the other electrostatic (or better called dielectric) radial to the conductor"

on a atomic level the electric potential applied to the conductor basically puts all the atoms and their respective electro-magnetic fields in phase with each other creating a coherent field all through the conductor.

this is why any conductor in a high speed circuit (in other words, working at high frequencies) becomes automatically an antenna (its inherent) and this is why you have to take special precautions for high speed circuits and their design.

page 10 "the electric field":


>> No.10436284

IMO it's because when you run a current through a wire you are essentially "overclocking" its stable energy state by pumping it with extra electrons - more than it's used to. The wire wants so badly to transfer some of this load to achieve entropy that it actually drags other objects from the surrounding space in towards it with a field of a certain "tuning". Metals and ferromagnetic objects just happen to be "tuned" easily to this magnetism and get dragged in easier. This ability metals and ferromagnetics have to resonate and tune to external vibrations is also somewhat related to why metals are widely used as components of instruments.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.10436324


>what is creating that field?

Moving charges (current). And (electro)magnetic fields create more moving charges. You can think of it as a domino or tidal effect. Moving charges cause other charges to move. The (electro)magnetic field is just an abstract mathematical expression we have created to represent that phenomenon.

I may have said something silly because it's been a while since I studied Maxwell's equations, and it's not like I ever fully understood them.

>> No.10437024

You have to be patient with it.

>> No.10437168

>Charged particles create electromagnetic fields
isnt it that they are perturbations in the electromagnetic field, not that they create the field?

>> No.10437212

This. The magnetic and electric fields get interchanged when changing the frame of reference.

>> No.10437228

>Pumping it with extra electrons
Incorrect. The only difference between a wire in which current is flowing and one where it is not is that charge carriers are moving in one and not the other.

>achieve entropy
This has no meaning. Entropy is a physical quantity not a state.

>field of a certain "tuning"
This makes no sense. How can a field have an associated "tuning"? A field isn't really a tangible thing, a field cannot resonate, it is a medium through which waves propagate.

what is
>nylon strings
Literally all physical things have an associated resonant frequency. Metals are not special.
The reason some things don't resonate well is because they have high damping, which reduces the amplitude of their vibrations and broadens the peak resonant frequency.

>> No.10437790
File: 189 KB, 1600x1231, depositphotos_212979420-stock-illustration-quantum-field-theory-vector-illustration[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's the case it would require a pre-existing electromagnetic substrate... ahem..."ether"....ahem

apparently quantum field theory is still pretty new...we gonna have to wait a little for it to be fully understood but the resemblance to the ether theory is there, for some reason "ether" is such a taboo word in the scientific community...I don't get why, it was just an idea, an educated deduction to explain the behaviour of electromagnetism...then it was deamed the most absurd theory ever and now once again we found ourself with a new "substrate theory" with a new and improved fancy word (quantum field theory)...

>> No.10438013

it's terrible, nobody intuitively understands electromagnetism

Maxwell man, why didn't you write something better?

>> No.10438516

You actually need a changing current, if you have it any type of conductive material can generate an magnetic field.
I.E AC current through a coil

>> No.10438609
File: 20 KB, 794x524, relay1on[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nop, a straight wire with a potential (voltage) apply to it generates a electromagnetic field as per this >>10435007 it doesn't matter if it is AC or DC, for example all the relays used in cars work with DC current, if you would apply a AC current the relay will open and close continously at the beat of the AC frequency, with DC the magnetic field is maintain in a steady state until the voltage is stoped.

the reason that a relay uses a coil and not jus a single wire, basically, is to "concentrate" the biggest amount of electromagnetic field in a particular space.

btw there are AC relays too and they depend on particular designs to avoid the interruption of the field with AC voltage.

>> No.10438695
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uh, did you never make an electromagnet in 2nd grade, bro? charge in motion is enough to produce a magnetic field

>> No.10438711

>charge in motion
As in not fixed, i.e. changing

>> No.10438719
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a charge in motion is a current, possibly a constant current