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File: 20 KB, 1266x982, GDP AND HAPPINESS USA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10424344 No.10424344 [Reply] [Original]

do you anons take benzos for presentations? or other drugs?

>> No.10424348

it looks to me like you have an anxiety problem about presentations. presentations are easy dude.

>> No.10424356

Wow, almost as if greedy people can never have enough money and that means poor people should keep being happy with less

>> No.10424366

Adjust for inflation you fucking retard.

>> No.10424369
File: 377 KB, 640x550, benze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10424371

>happiness today is worth less than happiness for previous generations
ironically true

>> No.10424398
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>> No.10424485
File: 290 KB, 600x450, benze-benzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10424514

How is this picture related to anything

>> No.10424866

higher productivity does not mean working harder

>> No.10424887

wagecucking in a nutshell

>> No.10424901

phenibut nigga

>> No.10424904

No, but my PI openly admitted that he couldn't do presentations sober until the second year into grad school. He was awesome and carried a shaker full of gin and tonic in case we ever needed it at conferences

>> No.10425118

is it superior to xanax?

who is a PI?


>> No.10425128

>is it superior to xanax?
probably not. But its cheap, legal, easy to get.

>> No.10425453
File: 101 KB, 311x350, 15495473186070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mix phenibut with some 2-FMA
You can't take amphetamines daily
The toxicity will fry your dopamine receptors and your brain will stop producing dopamine meanwhile the tolerance to it will grow.
But you could supplement it with magnesium, ALCAR and some some kind of glutamate to lower the toxic profile, there have been papers about this.

Fuck I misread the OP post, but still good info to share so whatever...
I've a feeling that mass prescription of adderall made the Americans think that amphetaminea are harmless

>> No.10426801

can i take mph (18mg, ER) daily?

>> No.10426869

Get a prescription for propranolol. 40 mg is an average dose. Prevents heart rate spikes and sweaty/shaky hands. The physical calmness that you feel will also result in mental calmness that results in the appearance of extremely confident relaxation. Combine this with well structured and rehearsed presentation, nicely designed slides and active eye contact with your audience and you will give a god tier presentation that will have professors approaching YOU to compliment your performance. I speak from experience.

>> No.10426870

mph does fuck all in my experience. Even adderall is overpriced, it's like a good coffee but for 20x the price.

>> No.10426871

Just don't try to do any intense exercise while on the propranolol.

>> No.10426904
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Ehhh i wouldn't take it daily, but I know that it has a wayyy lower toxicity profile than amphetamine.
You should be fine though.
I sometimes take 4F-MPH which is like 3 times as potent and releases more serotonin compared to regular MPH

>> No.10427071

Most stimulants feel very similar at a threshold dose probably even d-METH.
Take 20mg IR and you will have a better picture of the effects.

>> No.10427074

>needing drugs for presentations
What's it like to be a low T bitch?

>> No.10427725


40mg at once taken 1h before presentation?

>> No.10430249

i took fucking solian for daily life not to think too much, u need a drink pal

>> No.10430262

now you are mega retarded
doing a unstudied methamphetamine in the exact same family as amphetamine is legit retarded considering there is no binding profile and there is no metabolite analysis (could include meth or amphetamine btw). not to mention you have to deal with the benzo withdrawals from your phenibut if you ever want to stop
>supplement with glutamate
>lower toxic profile
you know nmda antagonist neurotoxicity is explicitly and solely from glutamate right?
and on top of all this you think amphetamines aren't harmless. what the fuck

>> No.10430264

How do you read increasing average (most likely median) income as people having to work with less?

>> No.10430268


>> No.10430270

The relationship between testosterone and confidence is well documented. Maybe you should find another board, since this one is about science.

>> No.10430294

It's a longer lasting almost noneuphoric amphetamine I've ever tried.
Its speculated that the ring fluorinated amphetamines don't fit the enzymes that produce the toxic metabolites.
There have been one guy who fucked up his heart by doing 2-FMA, but he did 50mg daily and that could have happened with normal dextromphetamine.
Also i use it only like twice a month in the 10-25mg range.
>benzo withdrawal
If you don't go beyond 500mg and don't use it more than 3 times a week the withdrawal isn't noticible

>> No.10430704

i have high test because i fap every day

>> No.10430728

That's actually the opposite of how it works

>> No.10431107

high test -> muh sexual needs

>> No.10431112

Wtf is this graph trying to tell me

>> No.10431126

that higher happiness does not came with higher income

>> No.10432195

i take 1.5mg kpin and it deracinates my anxiety.

>> No.10432204

I take a small dose of a beta blocker for anything anxiety inducing.

>> No.10432212

the problem with benzos is that they eliminate the actual anxiety instead of the side effects of it. anxiety is good, you learn from those emotions. theres catharsis in overcoming it. benzos essentially induce amnesia and stop new pathways.

thats why beta blockers are better.

>> No.10432450

m8, don't. Really, if you by any chance have some heart-related condition it could mean nighty nighty for you.

>> No.10432517

Principal Investigator

>> No.10432532

>do you anons take benzos for presentations?

when i couldn't use a benzo, i used alcohol sometimes.. which also works, but you need the right amount. a couple times i way overdid it, and it was pretty bad.

>> No.10432537

beer and wine and sometimes hard booze, weed, and coffee. taking a break from drinking due to being on a bender.

>> No.10433803

what benzo do you take and how many mg? and how many hours before presentation?

>> No.10433844

wrong, the more sex you have -> the more testosterone you produce

Your sexual appetite might be reduced but that is not related to testosterone levels. You do not experience any behavioural differences as long as the testosterone level is within physiological boundaries (assuming the only variable at play is testosterone - whatever caused your testosterone to fluctuate could have also caused a change in behaviour).

>> No.10433900

The sexual rise in testosterone after sex is not due ejaculation but the intercourse per se i.e. psychologically knowing you put your semen into a woman.
Fapping lowers your test

>> No.10433917

Careful with those beta blockers if you have asthma, you could get an attack. Especially if it’s a high stress environment that causes you to hyperventilate.

>> No.10433935

This I cannot contradict. For the time being I have no choice but to agree, since it does seem plausible.

>> No.10434891

why not alprazolam?

>> No.10434993

bro presentations are easy
just go up there and talk, nobody actually gives a shit
remember you only have to get through each day once, and you'll most likely have a hot meal, warm shower, and comfy bed to return to at night

>> No.10435013

The graph is already supposedly inflation-adjusted, as it says in the left-hand corner.

>> No.10435301

im not a teaching assistant or assisstant professor

>> No.10436782

I took propranolol for presentations in high school English, I averaged a mark of 50%. For all other English assessments my average was 80%. So I don't believe it was content of my presentation that brought down my mark but rather the skill of my presentation. P.S. the political bais of the stuff may have of contributed to the low mark as all proposed topics where generally issues important to the political left. I recall one perticular piece of feedback where the assessor asked why I quoted the US deceleration of independence on the topic of freedom of religion in a secular society. P.P.S I am an Australian recent highschool graduate.

>> No.10437067
File: 91 KB, 910x661, 4dd6c939e5af3b0f7a05d42521f2f4c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but think about it. If wages stagnated while productivity increased, where did the additional wealth produced go ? Into profits which benefited a small portion of the population.
This portion, that actually saw its real income increase, is stable, as indicated by pic related : it's the top 20%.

So from that the OP's picture cannot be used to disprove that wealth brings happiness : because despite the average income increase, the proportion of wealthy people didn't increase, and it is thus not surprising that the proportion of happy people didn't increase either.

>> No.10437077


Hasn't what you're saying been shown to be at least partly fallacious? There are many reasons why median household income has stagnated, most of which are unrelated to only the small top portion of people getting richer.


>> No.10437080

>average income has gone up from 1955-2005
this statistic is meaningless

accounting for inflation and spending power, minimum wage is roughly half of what it was since the 70s

>> No.10437157

I don't want to be dogmatic and maybe income of the 80% has increased more than shown.
But your article's objections are debatable.
>inflation is overstated, we should use this index instead of that one
That part I can't debate myself for lack of knowledge but it sounds like it could be.
>single-income households increased, lowering the average household income without lowering the average individual income
Ok but that leads to other issues : costs of living per capita for such households is higher, and income increases have been compensated (I don't know in which proportions) by expenses increases not counted in inflation indexes
>compensations increased more than income because of benefits increases
Ok but then the question becomes why has the rich's compensation gone into monetary income while it has gone into benefits for the rest ? And if you count paid insurances in income, did you adjust inflation to account for the rise of insurance prices ? I can't look it up right now, have to go somewhere.

Besides all that, for this thread's object, the wealth to happiness ratio, it's expected that only disposable income would have an effect, so more money going insurances won't make more people happy.

>> No.10437180

are you sure there was a minimum wage in the 70s?

>> No.10437206
File: 50 KB, 825x656, bgproductivityandcompensationchart1825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accounting for hourly compensation without including cost of benefits or the price deflation cause but such rise in productivity
nice fake news

>> No.10437208

*caused by

>> No.10437221

I just get high on adrenaline from anxiety.
When I finish I often forget everything that has happened during the talk.
It's like I was on complete autopilot.

>> No.10437233

Now show the rising cost in housing, healthcare, and education asshole.

>everything is fine because televisions are cheaper!

Can't live in a TV fucktard

>> No.10437292

inflation accounts for all of those things. It's called basket of goods and services, rent, college tuition, food, health insurance, it's all in there.

>> No.10437628


>> No.10437666
File: 17 KB, 238x217, tw4g54w4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation accounts for all those things because i said so

>> No.10437800

Read "mindfulness in plain english." It has increased my situational awareness and decreased my anxiety.

>> No.10437822

That's a blood pressure medication. If you have normal blood pressure, you do NOT want to becone hypotensive. Better to learn calming breathing techniques or read "mindfulness in plain english" like I suggested in my other comment. Also I remember Hamilton Morris said something about the drug making you racist on JRE.

>> No.10437829

Dude. When you're talking about chemicals don't make up your own abvreviations or else nobody will know which chemical you're talking about.

>> No.10437860

ativan 1mg 45 minutes before presentation

>> No.10438238

do you get it legally? was it your idea to get this particualr benzo? is it hard to get prescription for nootropics or benzos or other drugs from psychician? i assume you are from the burgerland