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10422850 No.10422850 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10422914

We can... in future.

>> No.10422919

Why not radio waves? Both move in light speed.

>> No.10422928

And eletromagnetism is way more strong than gravity. Literally no reason to use gravity waves.

>> No.10423254

isn't it instantaneous? or it takes time to bend space?

>> No.10423259


spacetime bends at the speed of light

>> No.10423265

or does light travel at the speed spacetime bends? i mean light can be slowed down, right? is it because spacetime bends slower?
maybe i'm just retarded but in my head it makes sense.

>> No.10423267


Gravitational wave generation is military patented already

>> No.10423932

light slows down in materials because the light bounces around, taking a longer path than it would in vacuum

>> No.10423942

What use would galactic television do? I can't build muscle

>> No.10423962

Asking the real questions here

>> No.10423970

baka. You get gravitational waves because changes in gravity don't propagate instantaneously. There is a clear trend in communication though, we went from spark gap radio at KHz, to broadcast radio at MHz, to microwave relays operating at GHz, to eventually fiber optic cables and space laser communication operating at visible light frequencies. This trend is driven by the need for every increasing amounts of bandwidth which you can only obtain by moving to higher frequencies. The end game here is that eventually frequency modulated gamma rays will be used for communication with massive amounts of bandwidth. NASA is actually set to do an experiment using X-rays for communication:

>> No.10424059

Physical data transportation and wireless data transportation are two different things. Fiber optics are already almost as efficient can be. You can get 60ms ping from one side of the US to the other, the speed of light is about 140ms to travel the globe. We've nearly hit the limit of data transportation latencies in cables, faster bandwidth at this point are just larger cable complexes.
Wireless could get somewhat faster i guess, but the limiting factor there is identifying the signal from all the others. Radio waves already travel at the speed of light (I think), X-rays would just travel further without becoming unreadable.

>> No.10424062

>Radio waves already travel at the speed of light (I think)
Immediately disregarded everything you have ever said and had all the educational institutions you attended rescind your certifications.

>> No.10424068

X-Rays suffer the same sphere falloff that radio waves do, except that you can put more information into an X-Ray
it's a bigger cable

>> No.10425046

we can tone with alien television shows

>> No.10425060

You'll either need a lot of mass, or a way to generate gravitons.

>> No.10425063


>> No.10425071

we can. they are using high frequency gravity waves as we speak. they go right through the earth at the speed of light.