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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10422224 No.10422224 [Reply] [Original]

Is /sci/ a material board?
What good reasons are there to believe in materialism?
Is materialism falsifiable?

>> No.10422227

Materialism is fucking retarded, and interactionist dualism is the only metaphysical philosophy that makes any sense.


>> No.10422229

t. angry material being

>> No.10422231
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t. philosophical zombie

>> No.10422241

Take your bullshit -isms somewhere else.

>> No.10422252

>everyone look at me I'm so smart for not picking side lol

>> No.10422253


>> No.10422265

You are arguing quasi-religious belief systems on a science board. Once again, take your bullshit somewhere else.

>> No.10422279

>look mommy I'm using complex words

>> No.10422285
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The absolute state of philositards.

>> No.10422299

>Materialism is fucking retarded
>interactionist dualism
But interaction problem?
>12 hour video

>> No.10422303


>> No.10422307

>when I don't understand things I call them religious and tell them to go away
>this makes me feel secure

>> No.10422857


Diagnosis: Severe brainletism

>> No.10422860

>unironically thinking mind and soul (consciousness) are separate things
This is how idealistic, religious people cope.
Go praise Christ/Mohammed/Hindu shit and leave this board