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10421958 No.10421958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do YOU think you're worth more than five other random people?

>> No.10421961
File: 82 KB, 500x606, teleport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the entire dilemma that you have to make a choice? In this instance you are free to just walk off the tracks. You have plenty of time, and even if you get clipped you'll likely survive.

>> No.10421964

Just throw a rock into the teleporter so it hits the lever

>> No.10421967
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ofcourse i wouldn't even feel bad.

>> No.10421969

>inb4 no rocks just throw a shoe

>> No.10421972

Teleporter kills you though

>> No.10421984
File: 37 KB, 751x389, 9F482D98-9D5F-427F-806D-B5F5DFE4FC8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do both

>> No.10422070

Post loli

>> No.10422123
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>> No.10422189

Objectively no, subjectively yes

>> No.10422304

The bottom track still approaches infinity faster, it's entirely possible that the top track approaches infinity so slowly that it never actually reaches infinity

>> No.10422308

Rules of nature

>> No.10422809

I'm not, and even if at the moment I wouldn't consider myself to be doing something evil given enough time I would have to live with the fact I murdered others to preserve myself.
Just because you know something is good doesn't make it easier to do.

>> No.10422811

I'm on /sci/ so I obviously do

>> No.10422822

Neither of them ever reaches infinity because it is not a number

>> No.10423001
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>> No.10423021
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Trolley problem memes are the best

>> No.10423091

Hell yeah. Then I can start my own YouTube channel: "How does anonfly eats".

>> No.10424193
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There you go, my property.

>> No.10424202

Realistically the train would slow down faster on the bottom track and eventually stop where as the top track might result in a higher death count long term

>> No.10424210

>Do YOU think you're worth more than five other random people?
Do they have a switch to kill everyone else? Huh, no? Well if I'm not more valuable why are thy tied up to die in exchange for my life?

>> No.10424212
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Flick the switch back and forth as fast as possible and let God decide.

>> No.10424222

If i had some idea of how I was going to fix everything, then I would have to preserve myself. If I knew I could fix everything the others and I had done, I might be worth more than five other people. As it stands now, I am no more valueable than one other person, and am in fact, less valueable and more destructive than many others, and so, it would be okay to make the sacrifice. If you are truly good though, you should choose to save yourself because the world needs you, and there is a much greater than 1 in 5 chance that 5 random people are destructive these days. Thats nit to say they are really bad, its just that there are so many people, and almost all of them depend on a system that is consuming much more destructively than productively.

>> No.10424354

1+1+1+... = -1/2
it's less than -1/12 so you should switch tracks.

>> No.10424364

>Multi-track drifting

>> No.10424370

Only way to get full points is to derail since there's probably someone in the train

>> No.10424383

if this is happening in croatia the train will be so late that all the people will die of old age

>> No.10424897

put the entirety of humanity on the other side and the answer is still yes

>> No.10424912

If my IQ is above average than yes.

>> No.10424990

i'd switch it so that people have time to contemplate their deaths perfectly on their own

>> No.10424991


>> No.10425165

The trolley problem reminds me of when OCD gets out of hand and you gotta save the whole world in your imaginary situations

>> No.10425170

Just walk away

>> No.10425186

Nah I only imagine that I commit horrible things and then I feel bad after for some reason.

>> No.10426388

Moar plz trolley problem dump request
Also yes I would. World is overpopulated. 5 less people is good.

>> No.10426397

I would attempt to save everyone and myself. If I succeeded against the rules of the game, then certainly yes I'd be worth more than them, but they'd be alive still as well.

>> No.10426398

They're restrained, how does being granted an opportunity they're explicitly denied inherently make you superior?

>> No.10426401

there should be an option to derail the train instead, saving you and the people tied up. In this way, if there's only one guy driving the train, you save the most people possible while also saving yourself.
This is the correct and ethical answer, but it's never presented as an option.
Killing the five people is unethical no matter what. It may be ethical to save yourself and the five people instead of the one guy on the train.

>> No.10426402

It would mean that the universe literally favored me, making me inherently superior.

>> No.10426404

Or make sure the train is headed towards you then walk away since you're not tied up??

>> No.10426405

ofc. i would calculate the exact timing to switch such that the train would not continue on either tracks and instead travel the perfect angle between me and the group

>> No.10426408

portals don’t conserve momentum, the rock just goes “plop” after exiting

>> No.10426502

Life isn't precious.

>> No.10426507

I'd take that deal only to save one other person. To be able to an hero, but actually be an hero? Yes please.

>> No.10426547

>Do YOU think you're worth more than five other random people?

>> No.10426566

Thats not how it works. The average iq of 5 people will be 100 but chances are there are people well above and below the average. Meaning there would only have to be 1 high performer tied up to make them more valuable which would almost always be the case.

>> No.10426578

If I had to choose between myself, or Einstein and an ape, i'd pick Einstein and the ape.

>> No.10426580

Even though neither would pick to save you?

>> No.10426613
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>> No.10426614
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>> No.10426616
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I direct it to the revealed door

>> No.10426622

I do nothing since I do not owe them anything.

>> No.10426787


>> No.10426789

I'm worth a million people. I don't care who disagrees.

>> No.10426818
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>> No.10426820

Why wouldn't they? The Momentum has to go somewhere

>> No.10426835

>will be immortalised as hero
>a bunch of other people get to enjoy life

>> No.10426842

>pull the lever
>jump off the rails
>everyone lives

>> No.10426844

such a low IQ post
you were on the straight part of the track, you just killed 5 people - and jumped for no reason

>> No.10426867

You wouldn’t be immortalized, you’d be dead, aka not enjoying life and not immortal. People would also forget about you pretty much immediately. Even the people you saved, they’d go on and live their lives rarely thinking about you

>> No.10426876
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Ok guys, got one for you

>> No.10426895

> sacrificing self to save a jew

>> No.10426906

No they wouldn't. Stop being cynical.

>> No.10426913

statistically yes, i have a 1 in 200 personality, and 97th percentile iq plus good muscle building genetics

>> No.10426914

You think they’d make a shrine for you? Lmao. People move on with their lives and don’t dwell on singular events too long

>> No.10426920

post arm + timestamp
also 1 in 200 could mean very bad

>> No.10426983
