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10421488 No.10421488 [Reply] [Original]

Can we brainstorm ideas for cool biohacks? How does one start enhancing the human body?

>> No.10421512

>better medium to transport oxygen through your blood than hemoglobin
>larger brains obviously, but also higher neuron density
>flip color cones and by extension remove the big retarded blindspot
>improve respiratory system to be more efficient, like that of birds.

>> No.10421514

installing a compatible quantum processor into the brain

>> No.10421518

Wtf do you want more neurons for.

>> No.10421522

I think we should be able to breath from our skin in or out of water, thatd be useful af

>> No.10421523

Is that like b8 or something

>> No.10421524

>nuff said

>> No.10421529

>better medium to transport oxygen through your blood than hemoglobin

hemoglobin is probably better optimized than anything recombinant we could put in humans

you could make a protein with a lower Km for oxygen binding, but if it doesn't release O2 readily under the physiologic conditions of your capillaries (or respond to changes in pH, CO2, and partial pressure, like hemoglobin does) then it's just a competitive inhibitor and kills you via suffocation.

>improve respiratory system to be more efficient, like that of birds.

you mean like the animal you stick in coal mines to die if gas fumes start accumulating? the type that dies from teflon-poisoning if you cook too hot with a non-stick pan anywhere in your house?

>> No.10421535

Have you ever seen the size of canari lungs?

>> No.10421537

not a toxicologist, but I don't think bodyweight is the causative variable here - cave mice and bats aren't used as canaries in coal mines I don't think.

>> No.10421540

>hemoglobin is probably better optimized than anything recombinant we could put in humans
any existing one. And yeah I am not new to the idea that something that binds t oxygen really well but does not release it is pretty fucking useless.
>you mean like the animal you stick in coal mines to die if gas fumes start accumulating? the type that dies from teflon-poisoning if you cook too hot with a non-stick pan anywhere in your house?
Are those problems inherent to having better air flow?

>> No.10421542

>Are those problems inherent to having better air flow?

no clue - but I sure as hell wouldn't volunteer for a canary lung implant if it means that I die when I try to sear a steak for dinner

>> No.10421547

>but I sure as hell wouldn't volunteer for a canary lung implant
Was I suggesting that?

>> No.10421553

just what I figured, I guess. 'improve' is pretty damn vague don't you think?

improving the efficiency of your respiratory system is something that already exists though - it's called cardio

>> No.10421561

>'improve' is pretty damn vague don't you think?
> if it means that I die when I try to sear a steak for dinner
WOAH, so this.... is the power.... of sophistry

>> No.10421562
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Mammals actually have better hemoglobin, before they are born. If you had it your whole life mothers could not have children because the children could not steal oxygen from the mothers blood.

If you were to change this you would have to come up with some way to do it selectively for only non pregnant people.

>> No.10421563


>> No.10421564

welp sorry for ruining your not-at-all-plausible bioengineering ideas :(

>> No.10421565

Giant 30inch dicks we cam use as weapons if caught offguard and naked

>> No.10421569

If you sear a stake on a Teflon pan you deserve death.

>> No.10421570

article should have covered glial scarring too - anything probe-like we stick in the brain gets covered in astrocytes and microglia that ruin conductivity over time with actual nerve tissue, not to mention killing the tissue surrounding the implant

it's ostensibly solvable by finding the right biomaterials, but I haven't seen any cause for optimism yet

>> No.10421576

you're not wrong - but sometimes you gotta eat steak in a degenerate household with no cast iron cookware

>> No.10421577
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Obviously we need anime cat girls. Which by definition are not furries because reasons.

>> No.10421580

Preaching to the choir.

>> No.10421591

I don't know how they can be implemented, but here are some improvements I would like to see:
>Eliminating the need for sleep
>Eliminating the need for food and water
>Ability to regulate certain thoughts and emotions
>Ability to "download" skills and knowledge to your brain
>Ability to escape your decaying or damaged body

>> No.10421592

you dont need more neurons you need to "improve comunication between them" for example having good oxygenation and good calorie supply.

>> No.10421599

>good calorie supply.

what does this mean?

>> No.10421602

Imagine no refractory period between action potential

>> No.10421608

refractory period in action potentials is built-in to stop things like seizures and arrythmias though - it's a feature, not a glitch

>> No.10421609

Biohacking is a total and complete meme.
Ok great, so how the fuck are you going to keep your quantum processor, which we don't even have, at close to fucking absolute zero in the warm brain?
so how the fuck do you do that?
There is reason to be somewhat optimistic, there was a neural interface demonstrated with no noticeable degradation at least in tissue culture:
But again, anything that involves biology is fucking hard. Almost 90% of all drug trials fail, the same thing could happen here as we investigate it further.

>> No.10421613

>so how the fuck do you do that?
Am I rich nigger? Am I? No.

>> No.10421614

based anon - out of all the /r/futurology-esque bullshit people post here, I'm glad there's at least some people who understand how crazy hard and slow this process is

I'll add that article to my journal club spreadsheet - if they've got some success in tissue culture they ought to try it in mice and non-human primates.

>> No.10421615
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Move the blood tubeicals in the eye to under the rods and cones instead of on top of them. God did not design that bit so intelligently. There is actually quite a bit of improvements we could do to the eyes.

End hangnails.

Prehensile penises and vaginas like dolphins.

Better resilience to cancer cardiovascular disease old timers disease etc.

Higher smartishness.

More gooder feet that dont hurt.

Less want sugar fats.

Less want fight kill.

am ned rebot brightB

>> No.10421641

Why is it crazy to think everyone can be genetically engineered to be more attractive, intelligent, and in good physical/mental health. Also why cant pokemon be real? Nature has aleady made the tools.

>> No.10421666

ok so how the fuck can you do that?
>>Why is it crazy to think everyone can be genetically engineered to be more
Because as of right now it's very difficult to predict phenotype from genotype. We can't even figure out what genes are responsible for different beak sizes in Darwin's finches. I mean it's not outright impossible, it's just so ridiculously hard that it could be far off.
>>Also why cant pokemon be real?
so IIRC there are pokemon that are fucking ghosts and can shoot fire, electricity, and other shit.

>> No.10421675

>yelling at me over the internet

hey back off dude

>> No.10421677
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The extent of the genetic similarity came as a real surprise to us. Dolphins are marine mammals that swim in the ocean and it was astonishing to learn that we had more in common with the dolphin than with land mammals.

Dolphins have 44 chromosomes, and humans have 46. Dr. David Busbee and his team applied human “paints,” fluorescently labeled pieces of human chromosomes, to dolphin chromosomes on microscope slides. Scientists broke open dolphin cells, releasing chromosomes onto slides. The dolphin chromosomes were then treated with labled human chromosome pieces, providing the opportunity for complementary DNA strands to match up.

When scientists examined the photos taken with a fluorescence microscope, they found dolphin chromosomes fluorescently tagged with the labeled, or “painted,” pieces of human chromosomes and concluded that dolphins hold many of the same chromosomes as humans. “We started looking at these and it became very obvious to us that every human chromosome had a corollary chromosome in the dolphin,” Busbee said. “We’ve found that the dolphin genome and the human genome basically are the same. It’s just that there’s a few chromosomal rearrangements that have changed the way the genetic material is put together.”

So obviously we splice in the Y analog components till we get dolphin dicks.

>> No.10421745
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biohackers want cat-girls!

>> No.10421747

Im studying it in school. The cost is a worst obstacle

>> No.10421752

I fucking hate you

>> No.10421764

desu, the first and most important one has to be to stop the aging process and cancer
once that's done one has lotsa time for growing dicknippes and whatever other nonsense you guys might like
not getting obese and staying fit without much effort would be sweet
also, not needing to sleep

>> No.10421814

>>we splice in the Y analog components till we get dolphin dicks.
There is nothing in your post that supports that we can do that. It seems that what this is essentially saying is that there may be a few very subtle changes in the genome that result result in huge changes of phenotype. This makes it unlikely that there is a discrete dolfin dick gene that we can simply splice in to humans. Again, we cannot even determine the genes responsible for making birds have slightly different beak shapes.
of course, but the cost might be so incredibly high that we may never be able to afford it within our lifetimes.
ok so how the fuck do you do that? Personally I think the SENS foundation's proposed work is a load of trash and that we'd be better served by doing basic biology research. I mean look at Taq polymerase. We have an entire industry dedicated to producing this one enzyme because someone decided to do ecology research on algal scum living in hotsprings at yellowstone. Even CRISPR was the result of a bunch of very basic biology research. We would have never found these things if we tried blindly rushing to the goal.

>> No.10421882


You idiot, you can't get rid of blind spots, its a near atomically efficient bundling of information that pushes out of your eye then goes to your brain. Thats where the "bundle of wires" is. It even can be corrected marginally but automatically by your brain since it doesn't overlap with the other eyes blind spot - you're actually not blind when you use both eyes because of this. It's a near perfect utility you can't improve.

>> No.10421909

Who would win biohackers or an agi?
Bio hackers get 100 years or a thousand to get a headstart if they can't win with no previous time

>> No.10421921
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Those digits, for starters.

>> No.10422642
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>> No.10422784

Ok great, but can you actually get enough power to shoot electricity? And how do you prevent your hypothetical electricity shooter from destroying its own tissue with powerful electrical discharges? I was going to say we can hand wave the problem of the nervous system getting absolutely fried by supposing that we make fiberoptic nerves. Wherein we use bioluminescent cells to transmit information through either modified eye tissue or the silica fibers glass sponges use to photoreceptor cells. However, photoreceptors are based around moving ions too, so they'd still get fugged. At the current time, doing any sort of bioengineering like this is utterly ridiculous. So again, we've yet to even identify the genes responsible for making different bird beaks. Of course, it's also rather impractical to direct electrical discharges in the first place.

>> No.10423003

>>flip color cones and by extension remove the big retarded blindspot
do you mean that thing where the retina is actually inverted? I think cell physicists discovered that the tissue between the receptors and the source of the image have fiber optic properties and transport light extremely effectively, so it's not actually a problem.

>> No.10423033

here again, it seems that it's even more complicated

biology is such a gloriously, disgustingly complicated subject matter, I love it

>> No.10423118

What they need to hack is their self-image. They they would come to the conclusion that there is no need to change anything.

>> No.10423132
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Reverse the dimorphism of the human species

>> No.10423153

>>improve respiratory system to be more efficient, like that of birds.
>lol just add like 4 extra air sacs, completely rework air passage, and throw in some sturdier ribs

>> No.10423156

>Are those problems inherent to having better air flow?
Yes? You are a retard and don't know anything about bird lungs. They can fly at plane cruising altitudes, do you know how efficient their lungs have to be for that? Are you going to give use sky high blood pressure too? Fucking idiot

>> No.10423169

It's on the way already anon, women can build muscle but not me

>> No.10423181

fix vitamin c biosynthesis

>> No.10423230

Yea but that size difference though is super hot as well as better for the species going forward

>> No.10423333


>> No.10423338

I do 5 days a week bitch. I want to be smarter and healthier

>> No.10423357


>> No.10423411

Why not just have it only be expressed in men?
Research shows that your microbiome in the intestines can and will metabolize chemicals from the bloodstream. One can use this info to figure out ways to replace their intestinal microbiome with bacteria that metabolizes things like ethanol/aldehyde or cyanide to make themselves resistant/immune to toxins.


Alternatively modify the microbiome to produce testosterone so the muscle autist that lurks here will stfu

>> No.10423495

>look at this cool Cracked.com article I found!
>biohackers are like so cool xXD

>> No.10423555
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Dude immortality by 2050

>> No.10423678

Two rows of sharp teeth that continuously grow from your jaw like a shark is all I need.

>> No.10424198

Newtonian-fluid particles tattooed under skin to minimize abrasive trauma.
Nano-machine that assist in cellular repair.

Basically I want to be really hard to kill by conventional methods.

>> No.10424353
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>Become hypochondriac
>Create placebo pills with desired effects
>Get people to believe that the pills work
>The larger the number of people that believe that they work the stronger the effect

>> No.10425803


>> No.10425809


>> No.10425835

>When you don't realize these wouldn't just be internal changes, but would also make you look disgusting to other humans as this change wouldn't have been "programmed" into the instinctual preferences and you via would probably be lynched for being an aberration.
You faggots need to stop forgetting about instincts and the genetic portion of human personality. We aren't just Descartian automata.

>> No.10425837

I don't think you understand what a quantum computer is, or entails.

>> No.10426221

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10426228

>old timers disease
LMFAO did you mean Alzheimer's

>> No.10426409

Not even true though. Adult hemoglobin is significantly weaker than fetal hemoglobin. Also explain sherpa’s genetic modifications that allow them to intake more oxegen at higher altitudes.

>> No.10426410

Then explain mr einstein

>> No.10426423
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One could start exploring biofields
Human Biofield or biofields may refer to:The Biofield Anatomy. “Biofield” is the word chosen by a team of National Institute of Health scientists in 1994 to describe the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and hypothetical subtle energy, or chi. Its an energy field pertaining to all living beings Humans have an overall electromagnetic human field that extends outside the body, and determines an auric/energetic border, bigger than the physical one Biofields are also displayed by Kirlian photography. --

And see where it goes from there

>> No.10426564

>Testosterone through the liver
This is /pol/tard tier posting. Are you a /pol/tard?

>> No.10426570


>> No.10426583

Are mammalian tails homeobox regulated?

>> No.10426602

Remove the throat

>> No.10427693

I can guarantee that the primary uses for genetic modification will be curing congenital diseases and modifying breast/penis size. And the only reason I'm including congenital diseases is because it's already being experimented with.

>> No.10428271

How exactly are you going to cool the superconductor? Pump liquid nitrogen around your brain?
How do you get quantum code to interface with machine code and then interface that meaningfully with the human brain that operates like neither a digital or quantum system?
How're you going to manipulate the qbits? A laser? Where's that going to fit? How're you going to power it?
Etc cetera.
You're an idiot.

>> No.10428660

first you must map out a organism's genome code which basically is the alinement of the atoms of the cellular patterns of the bodies various organs blood and antibodies,skeletal system and such. it's a repeating pattern. then from there you can begin editing the biomechanical systems that are in place via chemistry and crispr cas9. you build the new cells that you want in place by using nutrient that's in the bloodstream.

>> No.10428886

The downside could be, that you'd "breath in" anything that you happen to be close to. You can't just hold your breath when someone blows somke in your face or some toxic fumes happen to be in the air or whatever

>> No.10429218

cat ears

>> No.10429944

Could we chimerize with Ice Fish?