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10417390 No.10417390 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not stupid enough to ever do drugs so just explain as clearly as you can what a drug experience is like because I'm not going to do that dumb shit.

>> No.10417400

Drug abuse is positively correlated with high IQ.

>> No.10417410

but you are of course a drinker, aren't you

>> No.10417412

salty milk and coins

>> No.10417416

its similar to drinking alcohol

>> No.10417418

its like being stuck in a nu c*ptcha

>> No.10417419

Why do you think it's dumb?

>> No.10417420

Depends on the drug. Psychedelics are nothing like booze.

>> No.10417428

I got all 4 of my impacted my wisdom teeth out like 4-5 years ago and was given prescription pain pills, like a hydrocodone or something. I got really nauseous for a little while and then fell asleep. I don't why some people like that shit.

>> No.10417429

i disagree. even psychedelics are similar to booze.

>> No.10417444

I don't drink either.

What did you see on your psychadellic visit?

>> No.10417446

I took some tylenol today and my back feels less sore

>> No.10417447

I saw that the entirety of existence is an infinite loop that has repeated and will repeat forever.

>> No.10417450


>> No.10417463

FTR I've only used psilocybin. You get visuals and you get thoughts and you get feelings. Visuals aren't really all that much on a low dose, but if you eat more (like ~3+ grams) they can get wicked. You might hallucinate, think you see something. I've seen people have a meltdown in the first ~45 minutes after consumption, but that guy was fuckin autistic. You get thoughts, you might think very intently and """deeply""" on a specific topic or object for an excessive time. There are also feelings. The experience of doing something like mushrooms or acid is highly contingent of what your life is like at the time. Go in cool, with your shit together, you can have a lot of fun. Go in with a bad attitude, and that's no good.

>> No.10417465

Why don't you drink. Some kinda mormon~?

>> No.10417467

Drugs are fun. Do them.

>> No.10417492


>> No.10417496

Don't listen to him. He just wants you to validate his retardation by making you partake of it. Once you start doing drugs, doing drugs becomes your identity. Don't be that fool.

>> No.10417537

Mechanical Engineering druggie here here's what I've tried so far

You should know this

Very short period of total relaxation, like a stupidly short amount of time and the effect doesn't even happen once you do it enough you just stave off withdrawals. Don't do it.

Music and food is enhanced, become incredibly lazy for a few hours, unable to think clearly about a single topic and you drift off into a stream of tangentially related thoughts. Makes laziness enjoyable. Higher doses makes me dizzy and mild hallucinations such as big depth perception shifts or hearing noises that don't exist. May induce paranoia for some people. Try it if you want to waste a day during the weekend.

>prescription opiates
Codiene knocked me on my ass, incredible feeling of relaxation and a sort of time-skipping effect. Tramadol is just a painkiller, like a fraction as powerful as codiene in terms of psychoactive effects (mixed with weed though it's VERY nice). Morphine gives you a feeling of warmth all over your body, like a comfy blanket being over you while it lasts along with the relaxation of other opiates. Word of caution though, DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THIS SHIT IF YOU CAN AVOID IT. YOU WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE IF YOU GET HOOKED. All my experience was through prescriptions that I got when I actually medically needed this shit and I stopped it all as soon as I felt better.

>> No.10417609

None of drugs is like alcohol. Alcohol is maybe a way shittier version of weed

>> No.10417684
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>MDMA: you love everything and everything loves you, holy shit dancing to shitty music feels great

>LSD: no explanation does justice to the experience, you really need to do this yourself. It's different for everyone, some people just see bright colours and some teleport into outer space to play a game of 4d chess with God

>> No.10417697

Memories, images, sounds, smells, shapes, color, touch sensations, and taste coalesce into a beautiful dream of morphs and branching thoughts that infinitely fold back into themselves and then burst forth like the creation of the universe.

You also get really giggly.

>> No.10417706

The first time I did heroin, I thought, "Damn, this must be that Nirvana Buddha was talking about".
That's why junkies would sell their own mothers to get high.

Pure power. It feels awesome, but you can't stop doing it and will quickly turn into a schizo.
Also highly aphrodisiac. Most drugs are aphrodisiac but meth takes the cake.

>> No.10417708

they really are when it comes right down to it. they make you feel good. and they make you feel fucked up.

>> No.10417713


S/Godtier: Psychedelics, once or twice a year


A: Weed, Preferably weekends to monthly
B:Alcohol, weekends
C: Caffeine, once a week in the morning


Z: Everything else

>> No.10417720
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>> No.10417728
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Haha holy shit mfw somebody saved my machine elf meme

>> No.10417733

these two together are pure awesomeness
but words could never describe a trip, it's impossible to explain

>> No.10417735

i can't believe this is a real creature. it looks like a pancake with (maybe) eyes

>> No.10417746

Thank the machine elves for this biological absurdity and cosmic comedy.

>> No.10417749

snapping turtle

>> No.10417753

I'm a muslim So I don't know what it's like to be drunk or take drugs or have sex. What's it like?

>> No.10417761

i bet you drink coffee, watch porn, consume products with refined carbohydrates or sugars, and yet still have the audacity to claim "I'm straight edge dude".

>> No.10417766

it's a temporary pleasure that makes the suffering of tomorrow appear sustainable

>> No.10417768
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My machine elves were giants made of hue shifting rainbow light in 70’s Disco pant suits on roller blades. They would dance over to me, touch my face or chest to make sure I was okay. They lived in a rapidly rotating tesseract, also made of rainbow light, but weren’t bound by the walls within. It all felt very loving.

>> No.10417770

Good, but so good that you can't live your live without them occasionally afterrwards, you'll always need to come back. Frankly though, as someone who was "straight edge" for a long time, the drugs, and drawbacks of them, far outweigh the drawbacks of being straight edge, and are pretty much a net gain if used responsibly. People who are straight edge their whole lives tend to have a stick up their ass 24/7.Just be careful, the later in life you start, you might run into as much trouble as someone who starts too early, as you both won't have a good grasp on self control in those areas.

>> No.10417776

Based and greenpilled.

>> No.10417779

I want to try psychedelics. Does that classify me as low iq? I can't build muscle

>> No.10417788

We're all dopamine junkies you faggot.

>> No.10417789

We can explain to you all you want, but it would be futile.

I can tell you what a rose smells like, but if you've never smelled a rose, you will have no idea what it is really like to smell one.

>> No.10417797

it's the other way around, more intelligent people seek out drugs for mind expanding experiences

>> No.10417809

Then why are all the people I know who take molly and drop acid at the same time fucking retarded morons?

>> No.10417824

Because they are doing it recreationally at parties and festivals, which is fine every once ina while, but if you want to get the most out of psys, you have to do them with respect towards the substance and with some sort of intention to learn/experience something new, something that may change your life. Set and setting as they say.

>> No.10417829

intelligence and having good judgement are not the same thing
doing anything too much is bad

>> No.10417836

>Implying high IQ people would be dumb enough to risk their intelligence and mental health just to enjoy something that chemically alter their brain for a limited time

>> No.10417846

I should have known that drugs were important to use. Do you use meth?

>> No.10417849

But they ARE doing it too much!!

>> No.10417870

No, stick to psychedelics.

Well then they are probably disrespecting the substance and the good it can bring. Try and get them to be more mindful about their psy usage.

>> No.10417872

Drugs lower your IQ by messing with the longevity of your synapses. Remember, neurons don't divide. Every nerve cell you have is irreplaceable. Flooding those synapses with chemicals that permanently mess up the receptor ratio. It doesn't end too well.

>> No.10417880

>disrespecting the substance
If you can't make anything of yourself without the aid of any substance then you are essentially subhuman.

>> No.10417888

>No, stick to psychedelics.
I already have an imagination. I don't need a trip to see colours and shit

>> No.10417893
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>> No.10417908

lmao, imagine being this /pol/tarded, bless you idiot

You don't just "see colors". Read trip reports on erowid, maybe you'll understand then.

>> No.10417913

I'm not even a /pol/tard. What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm the most liberal person I know.

>> No.10417917

I think the drugs fried his brain... that's possible if you lack self control and do way too much

>> No.10417922

Lol faggot

>> No.10417924

You used the word subhuman. It was a reflex

>> No.10417929

alcohol can do that too. many boomers have given themselves "wet brain". its extra fun for their children.

>> No.10417953

>fucking subhuman
>"What? Why would you think I'm /pol/?"
Either /pol/ or seriously bad at maintaining your power level

>> No.10417959

Asking what a drug experience like is like a person unable to taste asking what food tastes like. First, 'food' is incredibly broad and there is no taste of 'food', only the tastes of individual foods. Second, The person unable to taste will have any clue what tasting is like no matter how much someone describes the experience to them. I can't convey the experience unless the person I'm conveying to has experienced it before. If you want to know what some drugs are like, just do some mild drugs just to try them. You aren't going to get permanent deficits from getting drunk once or smoking weed once (side note, weed is stupid) or one of the legal mild herbal highs like kava kava.

>> No.10417961

I reserve the term subhuman only for people who require foreign substances just to subsist.

>> No.10417967

Yeah, no

>> No.10418052

Damn I guess everyone who indulges in a meal (because it tastes good) is subhuman

>> No.10418388

You're a dipshit.

>> No.10418394

Define the optimal amount of self control for us smart guy, and prove it's not different for everyone while you're at it.

>> No.10418484

Long ago I made a deal with my dear Mistress Morphine. I would finally be free from depression, anxiety, and self doubt so long as I took on a third daily need. But, if I ever tried to leave her she would violently punish me, and I was cursed to always crawl back to her for as long as I breathe.

Remember, nothing is ever free. I’ve held to this deal for a decade now, and learned to live with a third need. I don’t regret it in the slightest.

>> No.10418493

Have you tried seeking medical help?

Obviously you have serious relationship issues.

>> No.10418519


Plenty. It all ends the same way, I get prescribed some shitty psych med that feels like poison. I’ve been through the ringer and it’s ruined the medical profession for me. Violate the Hippocratic oath because you fear the DEA seems to be par for the course.

I’ve ended up deciding to be on methadone while I save around 110,000k so that I can do a quick few month Somniferum grow and get enough opium for about 10 years. Rinse and repeat every decade or so.

>> No.10418526
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One (1) LSD trip:
>Permanent ~30 point increase in IQ
>Permanent massive increase in motivation
>Permanent elimination of all social anxiety
>Permanent elimination of depressive symptoms
>Permanent capacity for telepathic "communication" (very primitive compared to language) with wildlife
>Permanently cured my seemingly incurable heartbreak
>Unprecedented enthusiasm for life and experience

Ever since, "I" (doesn't really exist) have been getting straight As with minimal effort. Anyone who claims that drugs make you stupid or lazy is a retarded piece of shit.

>> No.10418527

t. retarded

>> No.10418528
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So sad! People are doing opium instead of traps. Very real, I've seen it often!

>> No.10418531

>If you can't make anything of yourself without the aid of any substance then you are essentially subhuman.
Then why don't you stop eating or drinking faggot?

>> No.10418536
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how do you get straight As but not realize how stupid you sound

>> No.10418542

I don't drink or use other drugs because I've never really felt any need or urge to. I'm happy with who I am and what I'm able to accomplish. Are you not happy enough without "enhancements" to delude yourself?

>> No.10418553

I am an Elliot Rodger tier autist.
Should I try LSD or not?

>> No.10418554

Enjoy living out the rest of your life as a sleepwalking slave, incapable of self-realization.

>> No.10418556

This, it's low IQ scaredy cats that get enough stimulus from mundane day to day experiences the ones that actively avoid drugs like the faggots they are, as in OP

>> No.10418559

I don't really take drugs. I am just wondering why you're so curious about something but still unwilling to try it. For a lot of people, the reason they stay away from drugs is essentially that their schoolteachers told them to. And to me, that's not a particularly good reason. So I was wondering if you had a better one in mind.

>> No.10418562 [DELETED] 

Yes, start out slow with 100ug. You can allegedly get a safer/legal version called 1P-LSD from Canada

>> No.10418569

Yes, literally no reason not to unless you are predisposed to psychosis

>> No.10418583

He's not wrong. Drinking is the best way to describe being high.

>> No.10418594

It's moreso an ideal of maximizing the enjoyability of my time

>> No.10418603

As an actual druggy, reasons to stay away from drugs imo are:

1. It may expose an addictive side to your personality that you may rationalize into being a normal thing and can get out of control.
2. You can end up around some really shit people, the dregs of society use drugs as well, and with it being illegal there is a good chance you might interact with them.
3. You'll be satisfied with mediocrity.
4. Hard drugs will literally damage your body and brain.
5. It's generally another time and money sink that you don't really need in your life (unless you're some richfag)

>> No.10418608
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I'm not the one talking to plants.

>> No.10418610

No, it's not pharmaceutically regulated. Just do some mushrooms, that way you won't eat weird harmful things. You'll get the same end-goal out of it. 4-aco-dmt is for sale online from canada vendors

>> No.10418617

I pity you because your life will always be sad, meaningless, and full of faillure. You will probably end up killing yourself.

>> No.10418623

I think smart people are beyond puritan hangups and are willing to risk alterations to the mind for the sake of experiencing firsthand what it's like to have your perception warped by drugs systematically and meticulously designed to do so over the millenia humans have been getting high. Basically what I'm saying is learn to live a little or at the very least appreciate the mentality of those who do. Drugs are a kaleidescope for your conciousness, a prism of the mind, whether or not you advocate for their use it's important that you understand this

>> No.10418625

Pathetic low IQ browsing. Cameron Diaz's feet, really? KYS

>> No.10418628

He is kind of right you speak like a twat

>> No.10418629

I saw a fair bit of interesting geometry when on psychedelics.

I saw the standard normal distribution everywhere, it was cool.

>> No.10418630

I used to smoke weed 4 times a day for a year or so, I had a period where I was doing coke and MDMA, I used to drink a lot too, I've tried opiates and xanax, I've done acid, what made me quit everything was mushrooms, and I'm glad it did. But you know what's fucked my brain up more than anything? Porn. I shit you not.

>> No.10418634

You're wasting your life, dude. What the fuck are you doing? If you took psychs, you would realize how disgusting it is to waste your limited time on this planet doing meaningless bullshit. You're too low IQ and too much of a coward to try, though, even though it's the only thing that will cure your debilitating autism.

>> No.10418729

Yes it's actually intelligent to see reality from as many points of veiw as possible. In the end you die anyway, even if you do absolutely nothing your whole life, you still die. Personally I'd rather experience more life stuff than not to increase knowledge.

>> No.10418738

More like drinking beer feels good and the health consequences are minimal, so why not? Is this difficult to grasp? Why are you so repressed, anon?

>> No.10418759

You are acting like a spoiled child who didn't get his way. Snitches get stitches

>> No.10418775

I'm fine with it, even if I get raided by the DEA the only thing I have on me is weed which is legal in Cali

>> No.10418791

To me these are really the end of the road for any type of drug use except psychedelics I guess. Being high on meth and heroin everyday pretty much beats everything for a while and is the reason people decide homelessness isn't so bad I think.

>> No.10418795

completely different feeling from normal brain activity
take alcohol for instance, in terms of effects and feelings it's a pretty garbage drug but it makes people extroverted among other things so people enjoy it

>> No.10418825

gotta enjoy the people shilling psychedelics in this thread
good way to keep them illegal right guys
shame lsd and other psychedelics didn't give you the ability to actually think

>> No.10418862

Correlation≠ causation

>> No.10419033
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Cool, tell that to the guy taking immuniosuppresants or the suicidal person who finds anti depressants or enjoys a simple trip and has a new outlook on life.
I shit you not the first time I ate about 3g of shrooms I thought about how shit my college life was going, so while the fucking walls melted I thought about my childhood while finally putting my schedule together, cleaning my room, working out, and finally showed. Since then I've just had a better out look on life.

I still don't need it to survive, nor do I plan on getting more in a while. Hell even if I wanted to the drug doesn't even work like that as tolerance is built quickly and persists for a while,essentially making another trip just not worth the money.

You can rag on meth and heroin all you want, but you'd be a fool to put down research chemicals and drugs that literally just make you more effective.

>> No.10419181
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None of you recognize the time honored chan tradition of shitposting by way of mocked-up screenshots

>> No.10420004

its like intelligent people can weigh risks and benefits. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.10420009

exactly why they would never do drugs, but smart people can do dumb things sometimes

>> No.10420090
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calling me low IQ to boot, what a bunch of projecting retards. At least you get it.

>> No.10420096

You realize a lot of people don't eat psychs and live very meaningful lives, right? Statistically most people don't kill themselves.

That's a subjective opinion, maybe someone likes wikifeet and it's worthwhile to them.

Y'all should both grow the fuck up.