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10416090 No.10416090 [Reply] [Original]

what's the evolutionary advantage of psychopathy ?

isnt it funny that the 1 in 200 psychopath in our society ruins everything?

>> No.10416289


There likely is no evolutionary advantage to psychopathy.

>> No.10416296

The psychopath is thrown around so much nowadays that it's lost a huge part of it's meaning anyway, allowing huge interpretation if you don't follow any hard lines for it's definition, so no there is no evolutionary advantage whatsoever.

>> No.10416298

makes that we have the communication skills necessary to band together and take the sickos out

>> No.10416319

>how come nerve cells take up so little percentage of our body?

>> No.10416325

Evolution's zero requiem?

>> No.10416332

The psychopath is the modern superhuman. They seem almost purpose-bred for climbing the corporate ladder of today, and thriving in our atomised social structures. In an age of loneliness and lack of meaning, the psychopath is solely content.

>> No.10416344


t. psychopath

>> No.10416374

While psychopaths are overrepresented among executives, most psychopaths are complete troglodytes that self destruct.

>> No.10416393

>isnt it funny that the 1 in 200 psychopath in our society ruins everything?
They don't. That statistic only applies to those in America and that's then ONLY in corporations.

>> No.10416427

Is this also the solution to the j*w problem.

>> No.10416431

Malignant narcissists are worse

>> No.10417950

Psychopaths make up about 1 percent of the general population and as much as 25 percent of male offenders in federal correctional settings, according to the researchers.

>> No.10417968

i feel like psychopaths are actually people with inflated egos and just need to have an ego death experience and they will become normal good humans. I used to think lacking empathy and being manipulative was the smart thing to do, but I've noticed that behaving like that only surrounds you with other people who behave like that, and they are almost always shitty people, they might appear to be "on top" of some social ladder but in reality they are dead inside and bring no real value to anyone's life. The harder thing to do is be actually good to people with good intent in your heart. It's pretty easy to be manipulative and uncaring, people who do that are actually low IQ I'd wager.

>> No.10417984

They would not be able to deal with ego death. They'd go haywire full psycho mode. That's what I'd imagine. I've experienced ego death myself.

>> No.10418002

Could you describe your ego death experience? I feel like I've experienced it twice but I'm unsure. The first time was when I was in a deep, deep, depression and the second time was from a high dose of psilocybin. Both times I felt like I didn't care if I lived or died and decided based on that everything is ultimately meaningless, and from that it lead me to believe that only making things better for myself and others will bring a semblance of meaning to my life.

>> No.10418007

When we lived in isolated tribes, at the mercy of other enemy tribes and wild animals, having psychopaths in our family was an advantage, they could kill without fear or remorse.

>> No.10418017

>its another cancerous shitpost with reddit frog episode
Please end your suffering you boring unfunny cunt.

>> No.10418026

I would kill for my family without fear or remorse and I'm sure others would too, that doesn't make us all psychopaths. A psychopath would probably enjoy killing because it inflates their sense of power and they would be more driven to be better at killing people, but I don't believe majority of special forces soldiers are psychopaths and those guys are IMO the most adept at warfare and the art of killing enemies.

>> No.10418078

>i feel like psychopaths are actually people with inflated egos and just need to have an ego death experience and they will become normal good humans.

You feel wrong. True psychopaths don't have neurotypical brains, what you claim to feel is akin to wishing a blind person to suddenly have a subjective experience and regain his sight, despite having physical impossibilities.

Psychopaths are not physically wired to experience empathy, they can't just develop it no more than you could develop the sense of infrared sight by means of an ego death experience.

>> No.10418095

interesting, what constitutes as empathy to you? Also how do you believe a totally non empathetic person would act in a room with a gun and a toddler?

>> No.10418101

also pretend that the police are observing this and he will be hanged if he harms the child.

>> No.10418102

being a psychopath is the default for primitive, solitary creatures - like sharks or crocodiles. empathy is something that more evolved, socialized creatures possess.

>> No.10418110

Not him, but I don’t think a total lack of empathy immediately implies malice. Just because the psychopath is unable to assign value to other life doesn’t mean he’d want to destroy it.

At least I hope so.

>> No.10418111
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With enough arguing, you can make literally anything to appear to have an evolutionary advantage. Prove me wrong, pro-tip, you can't.

>> No.10418116


Pro: retard strength
Con: retardation

Call it a draw I guess

>> No.10418126

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. If the psychopath doesn't destroy why does he do it? Out of self preservation right? In this situation the law will hang him if he commits this murder, so clearly he can understand how others feel about the action he could commit.

>> No.10418140
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Is psychopathy even a real thing?
It seems like such a vague and nebulous diagnostic that is more designed to serve interests other than the one diagnosed.

>> No.10418146

There is no evolutionary advantage any more. It's like an appendix, or a tail - useful for our species millions of years ago but disappearing more and more with each subsequent generation.

Or at least it should be... if psycopathy is infact resurging as a more common trait then that is likely a very bad sign for the long term prospects of our species.

>> No.10418166 [DELETED] 

Psychopathy isn't a real disease.
It doesn't exist.

>> No.10418227

Are you stupid? there's a huge advantage to psychopathy and the pure pursuit of self interest at the cost of others. There's a reason why more than 20% of multi-millionaire CEOs are psychopaths.

>> No.10418235
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They're right and those people are narcissists
When those happen those are narcissistic breakdowns/injuries. In extreme cases they can be very virulent

>> No.10418238

A species that forms complex social societies is seriously hindered by the presence of even a few real psychopaths.

>> No.10418242

Not the guy you're responding to but,

>are you stupid
>20% of ceos are psychopaths
>80% of ceos are not psychopaths
>based on these statistics clearly
psychopathy is the superior trait!

>> No.10418253

you've confused personal advantage with species advantage and showed how you don't understand the concept of evolution

>> No.10418279
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Yes.See every fucked up murder; rape etc. Like David Ray Parker. And his tape he played before he brutalized his victims


>> No.10418393


>> No.10418406

Evolution isn't real and psychopathy is caused by demon possession just like homosexuality.

>> No.10418411

Show me on an fMRI where the empathy zone is located thanks :)

>> No.10418416

As horrible as those crimes are "I want to feel important and powerful so I hurt people because I was an unwanted child" makes you pathetic not a psychopath.

>> No.10418663

They understand they just. Don’t care there is a difference

And ps according to the DSM 5 there is no such thing as psychopathy only

Antisocial personality disorder

>> No.10418670

According to the APA and their DSM 5

There is no way to clinically diagnose a psychopath because sociopathy and psychopathy are now called Antisocial personality disorder

It is described as “pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since the age of 15” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 659).

>> No.10418678

Depends on what environmental situation you find yourself in

Say for example it is much more likely that a psychopath could thrive in a war zone than a person without “psychopathy” which is no longer a personality disorder since it was merged with sociopathy and falls under the (B) category of personality disorders in the DSM 5 into antisocial personality disorder

>> No.10418694

You’re committing a straw man fallacy, there is no single location of the brain that control a person’s empathy

However the current literature suggests that criminal have on average lower frontal lobe activity, specifically the prefrontal cortex but also have lower brain volume on their amygdala and have structural difference on their cavum septum pellucidum

This is modern research that has only recently sparked interest on the subject and it is controversial among academics because they call researchers “eugenicists”

They also have different gene variants like MAOA & 5HTTLPR

And lower resting heart rates

Do some research you absolute idiot

>> No.10418736

I like your response about the psychopaths brains being wired differently

You made the most sense out of all of the people on this thread except the part where you think psychopathy is still actually a thing

It’s antisocial personality disorder now

>> No.10419079

psychopathy doesn't exist. gg

>> No.10419101

What are they?

>> No.10419604
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>> No.10419607
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>> No.10419609
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>> No.10419611
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>> No.10419614
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>> No.10419621
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>> No.10419649

You confuse "psychopath" with "malignant narcissist". Malignant narcissism is viewed by some as a personality disorder because they believe it can be treated (I highly doubt that). These same people don't think, that any form of psychopathy is treatable, however.

>> No.10419727

this character wda been good on a tv series

>> No.10420133

Cluster B personality disorders

Antisocial personality disorder is the new classification since 2013, I suggest you keep up to date with the current literature

>> No.10420161

Overrepresented in executive positions, law, and medicine. The most prestigious, powerful, and high paying jobs in society. Really makes me think.

>> No.10420202

Not true at all. They make up roughly 2 to 3 percent of those. Their influence would suggest otherwise because of capture. Wholesome people who work in an environment that's been captured by a psychopath begin to display similar behavior.

>> No.10420711

>pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since the age of 15”
That is a completely retarded definition.

>> No.10420721

None of those are psychopaths as horrible as their crimes may be.
I'll admit the Junko Furuta killers and the Zodiac Killer may possibly be.

>> No.10420728
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>> No.10420794

The fact that people with William's syndrome are far more friendly and kind or people with autism are more consistent and logical with their ethics strongly suggests that at least some amount of immorality is evolutionarily beneficial.
In fact we know that homo sapiens is strongly neotenous compared to other apes.
Such neoteny may have evolved from a mutation sort of like William's syndrome.
The increased friendliness just so happened to benefit us a lot.
It may be the case that psychopathy is the natural state of apes.
Humans are just the retarded William's syndrome autism babies of ape kind.

>> No.10420825

just like the other guy you're confusing personal benefit with societal benefit. you could easily argue that war itself is related more to the former, and is of no benefit whatsoever to the species as a whole. but whatever, perhaps im expecting far too much from someone in the field of psychology.

>> No.10421264

spot on anon. back when I was a skater kid I had a non skater friend matt that hung with us.

he pissed some group off and they literally pulled out of nowhere one day at our skate spot. They had this mutant looking dude charge him and attack. was like watching a gorilla attack. could tell he was fucked up by the shape of his skull. luckily matt survived. I remember that day vividly cause matt's glasses got knocked off and I took them aside.

but ye i think there's eons of brutality inside all of us. we're so fond of clinging to anything that reminds us of the good in us

I remember someone saying. humans don't need to be taught evil. they need to be taught good. that's prove that god exists.

kinda tripped me out when i read it

>> No.10421283

>is of no benefit whatsoever to the species as a whole.
fuck that. you haven't been around the block . thinning the herd is necessary.

>immorality is evolutionarily beneficial.
morality is fiction created by herds of inferiors. of course rape/theft/murder are evil. you can observe that in the animal kingdom.

the reason they're so quick to shove their phony morals down your throat is because those crimes exist in them.

>> No.10421392

>disregard for and violation of the rights of others
So it depends on what the culture considers rights.
Adept psychopaths will just figure out how to get as close to the line as possible and be assholes "within the rules".
>occurring since the age of 15
All children are amoral psychopaths until they are "properly" programmed.

It is natural for a person to put their own needs before the needs of another.
The definition seems to depend on an arbitrary list of instances where trading the needs of one for the needs of another is deemed an "unfair" trade.
The means by which the trade is made also matters.
Forcibly taking somebody's money is wrong but acquiring it through a deceptive, yet consensual, predatory loan is ok.
It also seems like the competency of the person being screwed matters. (Pick on somebody your own size)

Is psychology just a privatized legal system that is attempting to codify social norms into its diagnostic criteria?

>> No.10421480
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>> No.10421530

Makes sense

>> No.10421536
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holy fuck

>> No.10421578

how is he a psychopath?

>> No.10422240


nice theory but you didn't bring in speech at all

>> No.10422330

tell that to charles manson

>> No.10422611

The Zodiac was really interesting. How do you think he sated his urge to suddenly stop killing and just disappear?

also mfw the police walked right past him but didnt stop him because he was reported to be a "black male"

>> No.10422614

He got accepted in the political circles. Zodiac is still alive as a prominent US politician. Find out, who got politically active when Zodiac stopped killing.

>> No.10422995

Ted Cruz?

>> No.10422999

Whats the evolutionary advantage of down syndrome, OP?

>> No.10423024

There is far more information you imbecile, read the DSM 5 on the page stated

I don’t agree with everything the American Psychological Association claims but if you have a better definition or a more reliable source my ears are wide open anon

But maybe you’re just one of those ignorant fools that believes no definition is accurate enough because they are just a fence sitter that doesn’t contribute to the improvement of psychology and just criticizes it without any suggestions of their own

>> No.10423045

I didn’t write the definitions take it up with the APA

And by the way you’re explaining things you can tell that you have a serious lack of education on the subject

You cannot clinically diagnose someone under the age of 15 because prior to the age of 15 it is referred to as conduct disorder, read the DSM 5 idiot

I think in Europe it’s referred to as callous unemotional behavior (ICD 10) but both are essentially the same thing and are used almost interchangeably in academic journals

>> No.10423731

Hey. (You)! Suck my dick! XD

>> No.10423747

Selection bias maybe? The psychopaths that aren't found out and are mentally stable and useful for society would never be discovered anyways.

>> No.10423750

who knows

>> No.10423752

It is notable that psychopaths can't feel empathy but they can understand laws and order and its necessity for a functioning society. I'd imagine many of them understand that if they murder indiscriminately and pointlessly, that sets a precedent that they could be murdered indiscriminately and pointlessly by someone similar.

>> No.10423759

Keeps people on their toes, even in peacetime.

>> No.10423762

Yes, you see it in Children who've not had an opportunity to develop empathy as well.
"Why shouldn't you take Sally's Cookies?"
"Because I would get in trouble."
"Because it would make Sally feel bad."
Both children understand a consequence for theft, but the second one looks at it from an empathetic perspective.

>> No.10424194

pick one redditard

>> No.10424350
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>> No.10425279
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they're more motivated and don't give a fuck if they screw over someone in the process of getting something

>> No.10425561

stop frogposting on /sci/

>> No.10426391

Honestly, as an evolutionary psychologist (I know, hurr durr >psychology) it's the first time in a long time I've heard someone question why it's evolutionarily beneficial TO BE psychopathic. One of the big questions we've been answering the last 50 years is why humans aren't more naturally selfish and antisocial. Because altruism by definition is costly to the individual, so individuals with a psychopathic gene benefit greatly from abusing others.

>> No.10426413

What's the difference between "antisocial" and "asocial"?

>> No.10426524

I mean it comes down to etymology. Being anti-something represents being against or opposed to something, but a- represents simply being without.
For instance, asocial creatures simply avoid social interaction when possible (obvious exception for every asocial creature being mating). Whilst such thing as an antisocial creature does not exist (since conflict is as generally unfavourable as cooperation), to be antisocial means to do acts that hurt or disadvantage other people or society as a whole.

>> No.10426556

whenever i think about psychopathy and altruism re society and its benefits/detriments, i think of the prisoners dilemma

i think that probably answers why people aren't more psychopathic

iirc also, tribes used to kill certain men in the tribes very often. for example, if they found out that one guy in particular was fucking everybody's wife, they would all agree to kill him. im absolutely sure that in the past, when men were less restrained in some ways, they did not hesitate to quickly eliminate malignants

maybe psychopathy is an urban ailment, those afflicted can only thrive in cities, i think if you were a psychopath in a small village or tribe, people would just fucking kill you

>> No.10426569

You're basically correct, although I'd argue that it's perhaps a simplistic overview of the evolution of social behaviours.

>> No.10426587

What I have learned through live experience is that being nice to people and helping people will bring you better results in the long run.

I used to make decisions based on a rational bases with disregard for any ethics. However I noticed that being nice, caring and taking the fall for people at specific moments actually yielded better results.

So now I am actually a good person that helps people because it allows me to maximize personal gains far more efficient than acting purely rational.

This made me realize that the most efficient people wouldn't be psychopaths because psychopaths would have a harder time chosing the short-term self-sacrificial choice that would result in them benefiting more in the long term.

Ergo psychopaths and sociopaths will never be on the top of society because they will choose inherently inferior social engineering methods putting a focus on short-term or medium-term benefits over long term ones. This is why brilliant social engineers such as Angela Merkel, Machiavelli and Julius Caesar were not psychopaths. The ability to be self-sacrificial in the short term is what gives you that extra push from being in a good position to being a legendary social engineer.

Psychopaths will be small time cult leaders, board members. While empathic social engineers that maximize their situation using a mixture of rationality and empathy are the ones that end up ruling and shaping the world.

Therefor psychopathy is a biological detriment. Because it prohibits the individual to use certain valid social strategies because they are blind to the potential benefits of them.

>> No.10426933

Ted Cruz was born in 1970, while the first confirmed Zodiac killing was in 1968. Bernie Sanders, is a far more likely candidate - he graduated college in 1964, and his location/actions between that and him getting into politics in the early 1970's are very poorly documented. And look at that picture

>> No.10426961

this. it has never been easier for the psychopath to thrive.

piss off everyone you know because you're a self-serving asshole? take a job somewhere else.

politics? putting up a front and pretending they care comes naturally to these people. the general public really only expects lip service anyway.

pop-culture and media trends? same as above.

dating? tinder. you can get your rocks off whenever you like without any social consequences or commitment.

an atomized society with a fake culture and relatively little social cohesion is fertile ground for the psychopath.

>> No.10426970


in fact, i'd say that people with a high degree of empathy are very much selected against.

you don't need to integrate or feel a real connection with the people around you. you just have to pretend that you do. this is the definition of psychopathy.

>> No.10426995


and by the definition of psychopathy, nearly everyone on 4chan, not including myself, are in fact psychopaths.

most people would not be comfortable doing what shills do. subversion does not come naturally because most people are hard-wired to cooperate with their peers.

for most people, a feeling of empathy follows from similarity. you can more easily empathize with someone who is like yourself than someone who is not. this is just how empathy works, this is how it has to work.

but in you people, this tendency is blunted. it's not even the same as being a tobacco lobbyist or a crooked cop, because the targets of your aggression are other members your natural peer groups.

>> No.10427019


a psychopath isn't necessarily a sadistic killer. i'm certain there are hundreds of thousands of psychopaths who don't even consider themselves such. but a psychopath is someone who feels no innate connection with others. this makes psychopaths attractive candidates for jobs involving subversion, and also allows them to see these group social structures in a more objective light than others.

>> No.10427022

I agree most people on 4chan suffer from some kind of psychopathy or sociopathy.

This is also why everyone on 4chan is an unsuccessful mess only obsessed with short term and vain goals while reaching none of those.

Psychopath adoration needs to absolutely stop because the opposite is true. The majority of psychopaths and sociopaths are dysfunctional members of society rotting somewhere in the prison system.

Meanwhile well meaning hardworking people are usually what end up high on the social ladder. Because over time you will be seen as more dependable and thus a higher valued member in whatever social organization you find yourself in. Psychopaths and sociopaths only reach short term goals. Never intermediate or long term ones.

>> No.10427030

>piss off everyone you know because you're a self-serving asshole? take a job somewhere else.

just to expand on this point, a modern cosmopolitan psychopath suffers none of the consequences that selected against psychopathy in the past.

in the past, people depended on their small, proximal groups for survival. acting against the group for your own short-term gain could eventually kill you off. this is not so in modern society, where food and shelter are not so scarce and where it's typical to be separated from the peer groups you grew up with and those that you work with. lifelong bonds are hard to come by.

>> No.10427431

This reads like a bunch of made up nonsense. Psychopaths can be extremely goal oriented.
>a feeling of empathy follows from similarity. you can more easily empathize with someone who is like yourself than someone who is not.
More nonsense.

>> No.10427435

Let me quote that correctly:

>> No.10427673

>More nonsense.

it's not nonsense. it requires much less imagination to put yourself in the shoes of someone similar than someone or something very different from yourself.

>> No.10427687
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unity against darkness.

>> No.10427793

I think you an I have different ideas of what "empathy" is.
You believe, as I understand it, that empathy is some form of mental understanding. " I know myself to a degree, so I am able to understand others with similar traits to mine"... That is not what I believe empathy is. For me empathy is a raw emotion you induce from someone else. It is experiencing what others feel. Not merely understanding.

>> No.10427838

>For me empathy is a raw emotion you induce from someone else.

and in most people, the amount of empathy you feel correlates with how similar they or their circumstances are to yours. you feel slightly more empathy for a lobster than you do for a bug. you feel more empathy for a mammal than you do for a lobster. you feel more empathy for your neighbor than you do some person living on the other side of the earth. you feel more empathy for your family than you do your neighbor.

this is natural. most species do not exhibit any form of altruism toward different species of animals, and those that do have considerably more "empathy" for animals of the same species than for others.

whatever mental circuitry underpins these feelings of empathy must rely at least partly on perceived similarity. empathy is weighted by similarity. this is probably true for any social animal.

>> No.10427851

>you feel slightly more empathy for a lobster than you do for a bug.
This is nonsense.
>and in most people, the amount of empathy you feel correlates with how similar they or their circumstances are to yours.
>you feel more empathy for a mammal than you do for a lobster. you feel more empathy for your neighbor than you do some person living on the other side of the earth.
You're missing the point entirely. Something tells me you are unable to experience empathy if this is what you believe.

>> No.10427868

One could argue that in order to climb the corporate ladder you have to be able to hold down a job a reasonable amount of time. Ofcourse you can always 'reset' so to say losing a lot of invested time and effort in the process. Can you actually tell me how being a psychopath yields an advantage in a corporate setting?

>> No.10427875

thats conditional, not unconditional. uncondtional is greater. why artificial scarcity? there's enough for everyone and every thing.
put simply empathy is perspective taking and compassion

>> No.10427879


i'm not talking about climbing the corporate ladder. that has nothing to do with survival. yes, your career might suffer, but you are in no danger of dying.

>> No.10427904


you don't think empathy is at all correlated with similarity?

there's some sub-network in your brain that does a quick comparison between you and other living beings to determine the degree of empathy you share with them. yours is probably fucked up from too much mind-rotting propaganda, but for most people, this comparison is based on similarity.

>> No.10427912

>you don't think empathy is at all correlated with similarity?
It might be. I'm not as clear minded as you and thinking about these things gives me a headache. You speak with authority which to me tells me you're an expert, and that "feeling" doesn't interfere with your reasoning. People who excel at this type of thing are usually incapable of emoting at all. Psychopaths. I've not heard you say anything human so far. It's all been text book stuff. You don't convince me you really understand empathy.

>> No.10427916

>You speak with authority which to me tells me you're an expert

don't be a smartass.

>> No.10427927

from an actual psycopath who gets off by catching other psycopaths or people who i just hate in general, the only real thing to tell who is a psycopath is how good they are at eliminating distraction while doing some job. The better they are the more likely they are a psycopath, all the other things that people think define a psycopath are not always correlated. This is the best gage.

>> No.10427937

>there's some sub-network in your brain that does a quick comparison between you and other living beings to determine the degree of empathy you share with them. yours is probably fucked up from too much mind-rotting propaganda, but for most people, this comparison is based on similarity.

for example, i'd bet good money that seeing hours of anthropomorphic animals chatting as if they were human really messes with this subconscious process. look at jimmy kimmel crying on basic cable about a lion. too much disney.

>> No.10427944

>look at jimmy kimmel crying on basic cable about a lion. too much disney.

this isn't the result of social "progess", this is the result of psychological conditioning.

>> No.10427958

so while no, i'm not an expert or a psychologist, these are all things that you can figure out with a little introspection and common sense.

>> No.10428338

It's more like 3% with antisocials and narcissists. Altogether they form a parasitical social hierarchy.

>> No.10428343

I'm not a psychopath and I've become pretty adept at reducing distractions.

>> No.10428894

>ego death
>baby’s first existential crisis

>> No.10430369

The first advantage of evolving humans was increased cognition married to finer physical coordination, allowing ability to create and plan the use of weapons. The next stage was the ability to coordinate with other protohumans using vocal language and social intelligence to take down bigger and more difficult challenges and threats cooperatively and 'fairly' share the rewards. The third stage is to make others think you're at the second stage and use them as tools and take a disproportionate amount of the rewards. Psychopaths are metahumans