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10414612 No.10414612 [Reply] [Original]

>"I’m very proud of not having a Ph.D. I think the Ph.D. system is an abomination. It was invented as a system for educating German professors in the 19th century, and it works well under those conditions. It’s good for a very small number of people who are going to spend their lives being professors. But it has become now a kind of union card that you have to have in order to have a job, whether it’s being a professor or other things, and it’s quite inappropriate for that. It forces people to waste years and years of their lives sort of pretending to do research for which they’re not at all well-suited. In the end, they have this piece of paper which says they’re qualified, but it really doesn’t mean anything."
Was Dyson onto something here, lads?

>> No.10414620

>Was Dyson onto something here, lads?
he doesn't believe in climate change tho

>> No.10414627
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It's common sense and it's why I didn't accept my PhD offers. I don't want to make $24,000 per year working 80 hours per week for 4-7 years on something I may not like nearly that much, my future controlled by some bitter supervisors.
It is a monster of what it originally was. It completely ruins and sterilizes people with potential.

>> No.10414630

Well yeah, but it's not just PhD, it's the entire school system. I've seen PhD's literally being handed out. I've seen a commie sham professor from my former yugo country give lectures at MIT and have all sorts of distinctions. You don't need any degree for anything.

However, it sure is easier to find a job if at least you have a degree, and it sure is easier to get a job in research if you have a PhD. If you ask me, if I had another choice at 20 years of age, I would probably drop out of college and go do something usefull instead of going on to get a PhD and publish papers and shit. But, you know, when you're at some point in your life, you may make decisions that rest on what other people think aswell, meaning my parents would probably charge me rent if I decided not to do college, so IDK how that would g.

>> No.10414636

That a load of shit though. It's just a question of "are you going to follow the narrative of the authority?" If we move past the whole morphing of "global warming" into "climate change" (gee, wonder why that happened), you are considered an absolute nazy who should be whitegenocided if you simply state that the climate basically changes all the fucking time.

>> No.10414643

In his defence, Dyson's not nearly as tinfoil as people make him out to be on global warming. He's publicly said that burning fossil fuels are a main contributor to rising temperatures, he just thinks the models used twenty years ago were wrong (which time has shown they were).

>> No.10414737

>I’m very proud of not having a Ph.D
Nah, he salty

>> No.10414770
File: 19 KB, 720x540, hounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the pioneers of QED and nuclear engineering
>professor emeritus at one of the best universities in the world
Yeah bet he really regrets not finishing his PhD

>> No.10414850

okay then everything he said is dubious. But I don't he's wrong about PhDs. Climate change deniers are rich but sneaky

>> No.10414879

The climate changes all the time but that's not a statement of any value. The point of science is to understand why it changes, and climate scientists have enumerated many of the factors and have concluded that anthropogenic climate change(man made) is the main driver of global warming.

You mistake scepticism for intelligence. It's only the first step, when you ask a question follow it through to an answer and you'll be on your way.

>> No.10414912


>> No.10415179
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>> No.10415251

He accomplished so much that they didn't even need the standard credentials for him to go down his career path. Why wouldn't he be proud of not having a Ph.D?

>> No.10415263

Turns our straight up copy and pasting a system that was originally formed for tradesmen in guilds in a radically different environment and profession isn't such a good idea.

>> No.10415314

>Why wouldn't he be proud of not having a Ph.D?
There's a difference between not caring about not having something, and being proud of not having something.
On the matter of the PhD system being inefficient, he is certainly right, but offers no alternative.

There's a word for people with opinions, no solutions, and no skin in the game: CUNTS

>> No.10415333

phds are meant for professorships which 0.5% of phds will get, a similar amount will get top industry jobs and the rest will sell their ass on the street.

>> No.10415365

shut the fuck up you retarded parrot

>> No.10415370

Did I hurt your feewings, sweetie?

>> No.10415381


>> No.10415484


He was onto something.

>> No.10415548


As a Ph.D. student in STEM, he was absolutely right, but perhaps not in the way he thinks.

Back in the day, a Ph.D. was useful because it was a rare and pretty specific credential—it was a marker that correlated very very highly with being knowledgeable of a specific field or of being well-"cultured" or well-educated. It was never the source of success, though, that always came from who you worked for and what you worked on; it just so happened that most people who got a Ph.D. worked on something good for a good person. There was room, and you felt you were part of a community of great people even if you yourself weren't.

These days, dumbfucks pushing the "democratization" of a Ph.D. means that your mongoloid neighbor Jerry can spend 4 years 3-D printing bullshit off of other people's CAD designs and get a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. Because of this, the Ph.D. itself is not only not enough (since you also have to work for the right person on the right thing), it has become so broad in its definition as to become pointless; if I get a Ph.D. and don't succeed, I'm not in the company of a tight community of excellent people, I'm with a bunch of ambiguous Jerries.

In short, Dyson was right. Postgraduate education will all be immigrants paying out of pocket for 2-year masters in the next decade anyways, since that's all of worth it has left; social capital.

>> No.10415652

Have you ever met a Ph.D who was genuinely interested in the topic the were studying?

I haven't. I've met people who joined whatever project was available. I've met people who were pushed into their topic by a supervisor. I've met people who were working a job then realized what they were doing correlated highly with an open research topic. I've met people who studied computer science all their life them just went and got a Ph.D in philosophy so that could get a lecturing position teaching undergraduates programming.

>> No.10415742

This is what broke my desire to get one, I always though you got a PhD in something you were madly interested in, but everyone I know who is doing/did one just did some random ass topic that has almost nothing to do with what they are doing now or want go do.

>> No.10415886

Im doing my PhD in a topic I actually like and my advisor gives me a bunch of freedom to branch off into the chemistry I want. Also, I get 30k stipend for 4 yrs thanks to a scholarship my advisor nominated me for.

Sure beats working a full-time and part-time job like I used to back in my home state just to make the same amount of money given the ridiculous cost of living

Guess I got lucky and I'm very thankful for everything

You have to take every opportunity you can, work hard and make the best of every situation. Don't expect to get a position studying something you want and making tons of money. It happened to me but I'm fully aware it doesn't happen to everyone

Reflect on what you have, and realize someone always has less than you. Be thankful and work towards advancing your career so that you can help yourself and others

I hope everyone here finds happiness in studying a stem subject

>> No.10415900

Yes, many of them, but I also noticed that a lot of people do a phd in a subfield they don't care about, I always wondered why they do it.

>> No.10415912
File: 17 KB, 247x385, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys what's going on in this thread
honk honk

>> No.10415914

No you're just a faggot parrot. Like a cockatoo.

>> No.10416170

the alternative is a masters degree and 3 years of experience instead of the time wasted in a PhD

>> No.10416209


>> No.10417309
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>> No.10417642

>you are considered an absolute nazy who should be whitegenocided if you simply state that the climate basically changes all the fucking time
No you aren't, you're considered retarded. That's it. You want all that political shit to be true because it lets you amalgamate climate change defenders and social justice warriors, allowing you to dismiss the former as the latter.