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10413008 No.10413008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's stop trying to prove God and instead prove the existence of an afterlife using logic. This is science related because finding the afterlife and God is ultimately the goal of science and perhaps life itself. This has occurred since time immemorial. Arguably, finding the afterlife is more important than finding out God exists. What even is reality? The stuff that we are made of? Created by God? Moreover, why am "I" alive? My conscious certainly had no say in the matter of living.

If hell exists, where is it? Once you examine hell it stops to make any scientific sense. Hell is not what us humans think it is because if you are able to observe the world around you then it becomes the reality we reside currently. The human eye can only perceive in 3 dimensions however the brain can perceive in more dimensions. When you are looking at a 4 dimensional figure it is in fact your brain contorting all that you "see". Thus! If the reality in which you currently reside is Christian "hell" is not the reality that-you-once-knew, then you are alive. If you are alive then you are an empiricist and obey the laws of the reality in which we currently reside. If you obey the laws of physics then the reality of hell is the true reality (not to be confused with the reality-you-once-knew). Therefore the reality-in-which-we-currently-reside is an illusion.

As we observe the universe more and more we can come to the conclusion that we as a species are becoming more attuned to logic and we are finding ourselves more and more disillusioned with reality. What is the end goal of reality? What is reality really?

>> No.10413043

When you die you're gone forever, you won't get to live another life even if by our understanding statistically it is supposed to happen

Enjoy your existence whilst you can, we all end up in the same oblivion as Hitlers Mom and your mom

>> No.10413128
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>> No.10413136

There must be a self that goes to an afterlife. Since self is an illusion, nothing known as "you" will go to an afterlife. At best the Awareness with no identity will continue in the universe.

>> No.10413168

You aren't a consciousness hitching a ride on a body, you are your body. Change the body and you change the person. The level of involvement of different body parts in personhood varies (from zero to extremely small, like in hair, to medium, like in intestinal glands, to critical, like in ganglia). It's a question of communication rate; a person is the mostly self-contained communicating system of their body, and the reason our consciousness appears limited is because we have no means to sufficiently exchange information with external bodies and objects. A person is therefore also not a fixed entity in itself; it's a continuous process of a physical system.

Thus: When the body dies, so does the person. It's gone for good. And ideas like "resurrection" or "consciousness transfer", including "afterlives" etc. are nonsensical because every person is intrinsically tied to their physical configuration in reality. A copied body would result in a new consciousness process, but it's also nonsensical to speak of it as a "copied" or "resurrected" consciousness, because it's a process, not a thing in itself.

At least I have never heard or read an argument, or seen any evidence to cast doubt on these views.